Guns on the Internet; or, Yielding Responsibility

In the wake of Some Asshole murdering and wounding more than a hundred people, the Pope is blaming guns*, while Prezzie Barrycade is attributing the tendency to do horrific violence on information on the Internet.

So, you see, it wasn’t the fault of a sick, racist, homophobic, violent person. That “assault rifle” (which wasn’t) was browsing websites, got hypnotized by machines dispensing jihadi domestic rhetoric, loaded itself up, picked up a pistol, grabbed the car keys, and drove to the night club.

All by itself.

By that “logic,” they should have tried the machine guns, gas chambers, and ovens at Nuremberg.

As a nation, we’ve seriously lost our way. We used to understand that there are bad individuals who do bad things by choice. We held the people responsible for their actions. Not the inanimate objects, the tools.

Now, craven “leaders” would rather avoid alienating a potential voting block, and attack “access to guns” instead of a violent ideology. All in direct conflict with reality: The night club was a gun-free zone. The law-abiding patrons were disarmed for the convenience of the mass killer; something we’ve seen all too often.

If the Obamas and Francises of the world have their way, we’ll keep seeing it.

And the useful idiots like Takei, Cher, Rock, and Moore can pretend all they want. But some day, they’ll be forced to look back, and echo the words of an elderly German man, haunted by guilt, who told me:

“We knew. We told ourselves we didn’t know, because we didn’t want to know.

“But we knew.”


* I find Pope Francis’ opposition to access to arms sadly ironic, given his support of liberation theology.


One thought on “Guns on the Internet; or, Yielding Responsibility”

  1. A long as we allow Mosques in this country to advocate hate we will continue to have these types of killings.

    “Orlando killer was brainwashed by local mosque’s Imam, says writer Taslima Nasreen, shares video….

    So what should we do? Just what they did to take down the KKK; infiltrate (by the FBI, but under Obama the FBI even knew about this guy & did nothing) the Mosques whose leaders are preaching hate, this is not about guns as much as it is about hate!

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