In League with Evil

Perusing the news, I ran across this:

Urban League Calls For Lawmakers To Reject Gun Crimes Legislation
The Chicago Urban League has urged lawmakers not to pass legislation that would increase sentences for repeat gun offenders, saying it would only lead to more black people in prison and cost taxpayers millions, while not helping reduce violent crime.

They don’t want gun control laws that target the people convicted of crimes. That’s unfair. Lighter sentences for actual criminals are clearly the way to go.

Who does the Urban League see as the crime problem in Chicago? YOU; the victims and honest folks trying to stay alive — and unrobbed — while obeying the laws that make it harder to do so.

Yes, I know it’s old news to anyone who’s been paying the slightest bit of attention for the past few decades. But this juxtaposition of stories illustrates so well how socialist politicians and “urban” support groups are deliberately aligned with violent criminals against their chosen prey: you.

When they whine for more restrictive “common sense gun laws” to end “gun violence” — restrictions that lawfully cannot be imposed on real criminals — remember which brand of violence worries them: their prey fighting back.

To be fair, they don’t all want you dead. Some of these predators are fully aware that you can only shear a dead sheep once.

But the stupid and cannibalistic carnivores want lamb chops.

And victim-disarming pols and Urban League hunting clubs are working to make sure they get them.


One thought on “In League with Evil”

  1. They aren’t stupid – they know what they are doing. The Dems would lose a lot of their voting base if victims were to defend themselves more often.

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