The Black Hole of Redaction

I would rather write a nation’s history than its laws [paraphrased].1


A false conclusion arrived at and widely accepted, is not easily dislodged, and the less it is understood, the more tenaciously it is held.”2

Georg Ferdinand Ludwig Philip Cantor: The Law of Conservation of Ignorance

Heirs to a false and hollow history, we become unwitting participants perpetuating and entrenching many many lies as we take our places in a secretly subverted pageant—and never know it.”3

Diane West

Maybe you haven’t met, but they don’t like you. They even hate you. Among many liberals, support for the 2nd Amendment constitutes a monstrous act of inhumanity worthy of scorn, derision, and social banishment. This harsh lesson was brought home to me during my 25 year tenure in public education at the hands of liberals preaching diversity and tolerance. One day two female students came by my classroom visibly upset over what their debate teacher had just said. Discovering they were on the high school’s trap team, she said in front of the entire class; “Girls like you who learn to shoot, especially on the Trap Team, grow up to become mass murderers and killers.” She was serious. Asked what to do, I suggested they share this with their coach.4 In May of that year, (2001), Paul G., a student in one of my government classes, revealed his biology teacher told the class anyone who disagreed with her was “one of those crazy conservatives” and the “dumb Republicans are owned by the NRA.” She added; “You know what would be funny? If somebody shot Charlton Heston.”5 My point; you can’t make compromises and concessions with the Left in an attempt to save any aspect of a right. To do so is like bargaining with assassins over whether they should kill you on Monday or Friday.

While researching my Masters’ thesis at the Truman Library, I worked with thousands of declassified documents many redacted in whole or part. I was investigating what Truman knew about the VENONA Spy program and whether or not he covered up the fact American spies, agents of influence, and fellow travelers had penetrated the Roosevelt administration committing treasonous acts of espionage for the Soviet Union. The short answer is, yes. Senator Joseph McCarthy, contrary to what is taught by liberal teachers (but I repeat myself), was destroyed, with help from Republicans, for daring to ask Truman whatever happened to those the FBI identified as spies. My interest in espionage may have stemmed from being the target of intense spying by liberal colleagues. Some I suspected, due to their expertise with kitchen cutlery, had previously worked in restaurants. Redactions on classified documents was done by two methods; heavy black Magic Marker and parts or entire pages covered by black dots. Because researchers are allowed to work only with copies, not originals, techniques to ascertain content from the backside were ineffective. Redactions typically hide names of allied countries and their intelligence agencies, informants, defectors, sources, and Americans under investigation by the FBI suspected of spying for the USSR. By cross-referencing documents with recent historical exposes, defector memoirs, and other sources, I was able to deduce the identities of some redacted names, British Secret Service (MI6) and Red Spy Queen Elizabeth Bentley, for example. Redaction frustrates historians because it stymies a full, truthful, and accurate accounting for an historical period. Truman was no communist and, unlike FDR, had no affection for Josef Stalin. But he recognized if the magnitude of the spy scandals got out, Republicans, who had been out of power in Congress and the White House since 1932, would spring on it to hammer Democrats possibly retaking control of Congress in 1946 and the presidency in 1948. Led by Robert Taft, Republicans were determined to dismantle FDR’s socialist New Deal and withdraw the U.S. from the U.N. Truman was even more determined to prevent this at any cost. Truman’s cover-up should rank as one of the greatest political scandals of the 20th century but good luck finding mention of it in a pop-history books or taught in Universities let alone high schools. How much worse would be the truth had I been able to completely bypass the Truman Legacy Gatekeepers, Praetorian Guard of Liberal Historians, and those in government with a vested interest in protecting the cover-up?

When working behind the SocialIST Studies Curtain, I considered biased liberal historical interpretation extant in history textbooks (liberal propaganda tracts) the worst challenge. I was wrong. Instead it’s what liberals censor, ignore, and redact from standardized curriculum and textbooks that is most problematic.6 Not taught? They don’t even know other perspectives even exist. How can students learn to analyze, assess, evaluate, and interpret history, this “critical thinking” thing I kept hearing about but seldom witnessed, if denied access to other perspectives (conservative) even those accepted as valid for generations? Why do surveys indicate high school graduates today are typically ignorant of the meaning and purpose of the 2nd Amendment, Declaration of Independence, Constitution, Bill of Rights, and America’s founding Judeo-Christian principles? Because this history and the truth has been surgically excised, redacted, from curriculum and textbooks, a problem that is systemic and institutionalized. Teaching must be in lockstep with approved curriculum and curriculum is written by liberals. Standardized testing, to which state and “federal” (sic) funding is in part tied to, requires students learn only that liberal infused curriculum. What role, therefore, could there be for conservative teachers?7 Rare if they can be hired in the first place, should liberals uncover one in their midst, he probably won’t be around for long. If found, at least you’ll know where Jimmy Hoffa is. Likewise, hand holding with gun confiscationist organizations, the liberal media redacted mention of President Obama’s PROMISE Program and Bucket of Chum, the Parkland, Florida mass murderer.

For the most part Americans are cognizant many red flags were ignored by school and law enforcement officials with respect to Cruz “including 39 visits to Chum’s home by police but no arrests, six school transfers in three years [behavior problems] but no expulsions, recommendations for forcible [mental] commitment but no follow through,” and all the result of a “deliberate policy.”8 Obama’s PROMISE [Preventing Recidivism through Opportunities, Mentoring, Interventions, Supports, and Education] Program was predicated on the notion minority students, especially blacks, are written up and disciplined at significantly greater rates than white students, as a result of racism on the part of teachers and administrators. Consequently, minorities are far likelier to have contact with the police and enter the criminal justice system, the school “pipeline to prison,” than white students. “Restorative Justice” was Obama’s remedial slogan. But did/does it work?

When minority students are involved in serious cases of “theft, vandalism, trespassing, drug or alcohol possession, or disorderly conduct,” [fighting, beating up other students] instead of calling the cops, “troubled-youth” [punks, bullies, drug-dealers, hoodlums, thugs, etc.] are diverted from the discipline process to counseling and “behavioral services.” The “benefit” is, troubled youth avoid the proverbial pipeline to prison. The drawback is, these hoods acquire no criminal record thus allowing continuance in their wicked ways, even buying guns. In Florida, these programs are administered in collaboration with the “NAACP, Public Defenders’ office, State Department of Criminal Justice, State Attorney’s Office, and the Broward County Sheriff’s Department.” It’s designed to give “troubled-youth” second, and in Chum’s case, dozens of second chances.9 Gang-bangers, violent psychos, rapists, bullies, and drug-dealers remain in the classroom seated next to your sons and daughters.

At this writing there is conflicting information as to whether or not Chum was in the PROMISE Program although the consensus is yes. Deputy Jeff Bell, President of the Broward County Sheriff’s Deputies Association, observes that if Chum, recommended over and over for counseling services, had instead been arrested (trespass and various acts of disorderly conduct), he wouldn’t have legally been able to buy a firearm.10 Obama’s PROMISE Program was “pioneered” by “Obama-connected” Broward County School Superintendent Robert Runcie. He implemented it at Marjory Stoneman-Douglas High (MSDH) in 2013, where Cruz attended. He bragged his program reduced “student misdemeanor arrests by 63 percent, expulsions among general-education students [called regular-education where I taught] by 27 percent, and 54 percent among exceptional education students [Special-Education where I taught] and suspensions by approximately 30 percent.11 You get more of what you subsidize. Not only are kids saved from accountability for their actions through diversion, their crimes and contact with administrators at times goes unreported and undocumented. Abracadabra, with the wave of the liberal’s magic wand, reporting of incidents of crime, including violence, bullying, sexual assault, and suspension drop dramatically because in some cases, they are no longer documented, they don’t exist. You can’t punish what was swept under the rug. Never happened. Kids, especially those in “protected groups,” are spared having to face the consequences of their behavior. Do you think they don’t figure this out? What a great way to prepare them for the real world. This is what Runcie did. Instead of arrest and accountability, they get a hug. For this Runcie was named Florida Superintendent of the Year (2015) and won millions of dollars in state and “federal” (sic) grants.12 For teachers desiring promotion, to teach the “desirable” courses, and even to hold on to their jobs, they’d better keep their mouths shut and be a “team player” or else.

Under Obama’s PROMISE Program, school districts were “encouraged” to dispose of crimes including “assault, sexual violence, and drug possession” (see the pattern forming?) in-house not reporting them to the police enabling bad kids to graduate without criminal records. School administrators have a self-interest lying to the state and parents about what goes on in their schools. To pump up enrollment, academic ranking, and win support for incessant property tax levies and bond measures, administrators must paint schools in the best possible light possibly fudging student attendance, academic achievement, and crime statistics. Funding for schools and massive cafeteria programs, where your dollars go to feed someone else’s kids, are tied, in part, to attendance rates. Truant kids and those suspended or in jail, are detrimental to those rates and funding. Hence some kids get a stay-out-of-jail or “never-go-to-jail” card.13

In Parkland, Florida, Bucket of Chum introduced himself as a “school shooter” long before his rampage. His school psychiatrist (May 3, 2014, the year before Superintendent Runcie won his award) revealed Chum described dreams of “killing people” and seeing them “covered in blood.” School officials developed a safety plan to remove sharp objects and weapons from his home and teachers received emails warning that Chum was dangerous, had made threats, and wasn’t allowed on campus with a backpack because he had been found with ammunition on his person. Peers say Chum talked about shooting up the school on Instagram, information that was given to the Office of the School Resource Officer as well as Broward County Sherriff’s Department. Law enforcement tip lines received numerous calls about Cruz (2008-2017) warning he was violent, mentally unstable, had weapons and planned to shoot up the school. Police interviewed Chum but did nothing. No effort was made to have him adjudicated mentally incompetent and remove his firearms. Apparently selling knives from a lunch box at school wasn’t enough to get Chum arrested either. He often discussed killing parents and others on social media. Ex-girlfriend Ariana Lopez reported to school officials that Chum was dangerous and stalking her but they did nothing.14

Following Chum’s massacre of classmates and teachers, Runcie and other school officials raced to microphones claiming they had had no warnings, phone calls, or threats to indicate Chum was dangerous. None of these denials were true. The failure of Welcome-Back-Coddler and other misguided little or no discipline programs have begot a growing cohort of violent unhinged kids in American society. Liberals, terrified of being called the label they so eagerly lather all over everyone else; “racist,” and because they are so arrogant, considering themselves the anointed saviors of society, can never admit they are wrong. Liberals unleashed a full-fledged war against God, the traditional family, moral values, the legitimacy of notions like right and wrong, good and evil, substitution for “problems” (intrinsic to the individual and therefore his fault) with “issues” (extrinsic, therefore someone else’s fault), and ameliorated by humanistic counseling and Dr. Feel-Good meds, and thus are reaping a most terrible harvest. Liberal social and education policies, J’ accuse, the past forty-fifty years, has birthed these terrible violent sociopathic kids. Because they cannot admit fault, they cannot see the truth. Because they cannot see truth, they cannot accept sensible common sense solutions with respect to violence at school. Because you live in the same world, everyone suffers and more of your children will die.

11 Roger Schultz, “Historians Meet, Map Out Leftist Agenda,” Human Events (May 26, 1990), 13.

33 Diane West, American Betrayal: The Secret Assault On Our Nation’s Character (New York, N.Y., St. Martin’s Press, 2013), 18.

44 Journal 1: Contemporaneous Notes and Documentation Wednesday 10 January 2001, 24. I was acquainted with her and she was very liberal. She was never pleasant with me.

55 IBID. 37. She was an environmentalist and very liberal. Although I never engaged her in conversation, once word got out I was a conservative, she took opportunities to insult me from time to time. Any place I’ve ever lived, my experience has been universally identical. Once liberals discover a person is a conservative, they feel irresistibly compelled to tease, then mock, insult, and finally scorn them. A natural introvert, I worked hard to keep my “secret” but word always gets out. Now, if you’re a pro-2nd Amendment individual, you’d need an algebraic equation to express how fast and deep they go from stage one, teasing, to stage four; scorn.

66 I was assigned to every single textbook adoption committee for American history, examining many texts under consideration, from 1993-2016, and the last two years for World History. Liberal bias was and is, obvious, easy to find, and pervasive.

77 In order to balance the curriculum I added, not substituted, other perspectives to go along with what I had to teach. The result was intense scrutiny by my principal, censorship of even my test questions let alone materials handed out, and him telling me I had to teach the curriculum with 100% “fidelity” one of their pet words, no deviation, or get out. Yeah, that’s public education today.

88 Editor, “Obama’s Diabolical Promise Program,” The Limbaugh Letter (April 2018), 13-15.

99 IBID. 13.

1010 IBID. 13.

1111 IBID. 13. School districts use positive and fancy sounding names to disguise the nature of student tracking and separation programs. Special Education used to be divided into two groups; LD: Learning disabled, kids with below normal IQs but not developmentally disabled (the old “mentally retarded”) and BD: Behavior Disordered, angry, defiant, oppositional, and often violent kids unwilling to control their impulses. Once so classified, the kids are protected by an army of “federal” (sic) lawyers and parents get a check from the government each month. In some cases, kids who “act-out,” assault other kids, expose themselves, grope the breasts of girls, and tell teachers to “F*** off” are given counseling, meds, and sent to the bean-bag and lava lamp room to “recover,” not expelled. I worked closely with Special Ed teachers for years. I heard their stories and have a few of my own.

1212 IBID. 14.

1313 IBID. 14.

1414 IBID. 15.


One thought on “The Black Hole of Redaction”

  1. They were never informed, we know this is pure bull—t, and yet it is not commented on in any meaningful way, by the MSM. How strange that is, no? That they would allow the truth of a story to slip under the radar simply boggles the mind. After all, the news media are the only real truth we can always count on to give us what we need to know, in order to form our opinions, except for when they provide it for us. Now anonymously, it seems, if you are the NY Times. In my lifetime, I have never seen such hatred directed towards any president, no matter who it was, by any one group, not even Gerald Ford, when he pardoned Richard Nixon. People were upset, but they did not have the amount of pure hatred that people do now. And really, for what? Trump hasn’t killed any babies, or raped any women.
    I forgot, he caused the last 3 hurricanes. Nevermind, he does have reasons to be the target of hate. Weather or not anyone believes it. Pun intended.

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