Law and Order: War on Western Society Part III

On my 91st day of employment with Lockheed Missiles and Space, Sunnyvale, California, I became a member of Local 508, Machinist and Aerospace Workers’ Union, an AFL-CIO affiliate. How odd considering I hadn’t joined and, I’m not even a Democrat. When asked about this, my manager said union membership was a condition of employment. What? Who hired me, Lockheed or the Union? He answered; “Lockheed,” but “the contract negotiated between the company and union stipulates all non-managerial employees automatically become union members after 90 days. Dues are also deducted automatically from your paycheck.” But, I’m the one who found, pursued, and won this job with no help from anyone else, thank you, I protested. “If you quit the union, you’ll be fired” was his response. Well, if there’s no choice in the matter, why not attend the meetings? What an eye opener.

It could have been a B-grade movie; Clash of the Hillbillie Pig Roast Meets Angry Biker Bar. Venomous “Us versus them” class-warfare invective laced with hatred of management, the college educated, and rich people, were hurled back and forth like darts, each adding his own poison to the tips. So asinine and uneducated were the inflamed assertions and chanted slogans, they placed validity for each member’s high school diploma in jeopardy. It was eerily reminiscent of the simpleminded claptrap spouted by ignorant, backward, and gullible unionized Appalachian hillbillies, an area where once I had the misfortune to live. Superstitious and highly combustible with conspiratorial rumors,1 they fought to keep wages up with threats of strikes even during President Carter’s wretched economy. They drove one business after another from the region ensuring it remained trapped in a quicksand-like poverty of their own making. At least Local 508 members could read, they had a newsletter.

It was a masterpiece organ of radical rage-filled propaganda; 100% pure liberal Democrat Party politics demonizing free markets and every Republican ever born. It wouldn’t have shocked me to find Vladimir Lenin, raised from the grave, passing out Hammer and Sickle armbands at meetings. My union brothers would’ve made Fascist dictator Benito Mussolini proud. Italy’s flamboyant dictator, fave among American intellectuals, adopted Georges Sorel’s Syndicalism which held revolutionaries could only achieve power through organizing and radicalizing trade-unions. Thereafter, “society could be divided by professional sectors of the economy” organized into guilds or unions.2 On 7 August, 2018, Missourians, walking in the steps of Mussolini’s Fascists, took a giant step back from freedom toward that goal voting no on Prop A.

The very idea one’s neighbors could vote in the first place on conditions of employment, including union membership, using instrumentalities of government to force their will on others, is obnoxious to the very notion of liberty. Forced unionism is unconstitutional and as anti-freedom as it is anti-American. Above market union wages are sustained only by restricting other’s access to employment. It means limiting, not expanding jobs thus crushing the state economy. Clinging to a bankrupt and an anachronistic 1930s socialist economic model ensures Missouri will remain mired in longsuffering stagnant economic growth. It translates into thousands of lost jobs, a flat-line tax base, and few opportunities beyond the agricultural sector as companies, deciding it makes economic sense to avoid forced union states, go elsewhere. Seeking job opportunities, Missouri’s young will have to leave as well. To survive, businesses that remain will replace union workers with robots and illegal aliens. Way to go guys. Is it possible those voting “no” on Prop-A are so self-centered or such dolts they don’t realize union dues provide the major source of funding for the Democrat Party? The same party that elects politicians determined to abolish the 2nd Amendment and outlaw the firearms you possess? I understand autoworker and bulldozer Bolsheviks may be too selfish to consider the rights of fellow Missourians and pesky ideas like freedom, but what happened to the rest of you? If you voted “no” on Prop A, don’t dare tell me you also support the 2nd Amendment because the latter is a Constitutional right. No sir. You’re either ignorant or a hypocrite no different than Gun-Confiscationist liberals supporting only those parts of the Constitution furthering their agenda. How dare you claim support for liberty when you’re so willing to deny it to others. If you voted for forced unionism, don’t ask me to work with you on any cause from this day forward. You’ve disgraced yourselves and you’ve disgraced your state. Well, well, I see minimum wage (socialism) and medical marijuana (first step toward total legalization, like Potorado) are on the November ballot. Gee, I wonder how people will vote. At my age I’ve learned looking the other way with respect to even the smallest injury to liberty and compromising with fools only begets less liberty and more fools. Thank God we can still vote with our feet.

If not already busy with a coalition to Save Our Dime, by removing Constitution-hating FDR’s visage off its face, as well as the Committee to Re-Name Washington, D.C., because, after all, George shouldn’t be saddled with connection to that stinking crime scene on a hill, yet a new cause beckons.

With labor union and Democrat stronghold Baltimore at is epicenter, Maryland is unlikely to ever glow red instead of blue. Ironically, Ronald Reagan won my home state (Go TERPS!) in 1980 and again in 1984 with 52.51 to Mondale’s 47.02 percent of the vote. Although Reagan carried 22 of 23 counties (Prince Georges the lone reprobate), the election was still close.3 This demonstrates a perversion of representative democracy in which populous urban centers inhabiting tiny areas, dictate law and policy to geographically vastly larger surrounding suburban and rural areas possessing significantly different cultural, religious, social, and political values. America’s founding fathers would be appalled. They didn’t fight a long bloody war in order to reestablish a form of tyranny just overthrown. Regrettably the Reagan Revolution was followed by the equivalent of worn brakes; unable to stop and disinclined to slow government’s inexorable massive growth and leftward trajectory, known as the Bushes. Once residual Reaganites were rounded up and banished to the hinterlands, conservative ramparts were scaled and breached crumbling under enormous pressure from hordes of Liberal Northeastern Carpetbaggers swarming to the Old Line State swelling government in Washington, D.C. to corpulent Jabba the Hut size. The effect was that of parasites feeding on a helpless host imparting a fatal infection. We never had a chance. With stocks of conservative anti-biotic exhausted, parasites flung aside their drained and emaciated host oozing across the border into Virginia. Soon it too was stricken with the dread liberal infection brought by Carpetbaggers who understand they have but to outnumber natives by one vote in any district to win elections. Once in power, their policies soon led to a huge influx of illegal aliens who know for which party to vote, wink wink. And so the fever raged destroying a former bastion of liberty home to greats like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Robert E. Lee. Now the Carpetbaggers are on the move again heading further south into North Carolina. Callers to a recent radio program from Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina shared tales of woe wrought by what Liberal Carpetbaggers had done to their once fair and free states. Callers from Illinois and New York chimed in explaining most of their state’s counties were fairly conservative but, due to swollen population centers, Chicago, New York, and the liberal pustules inhabiting them, they live under a boot of tyranny holding in contempt their cultural, social, and religious values. Hence I’ve been asked to support LCBICA, the Liberal Carpet Bagger Immigration Control Act. For what’s left of free America to survive, people must unite, drive liberal Carpetbaggers from their states, and take power back from workshop socialist unions. It’s a matter of life and death. Watch your borders. Be vigilant. Watch your borders.

For the Left, everything is political. Nothing exists outside their ideology. Any cause they support, from abortion to minimum wage, is done to further the Great Project; bringing all aspects of human activity, social, economic, religious, and political under state control. And they are the state. For this to work, American government must be transformed from a federal into a national system. Check that one off the list. They must overturn the Constitution subordinating all local and state political activities to “federal4 control. In order to trick Americans into accepting their vision for a Brave New World, Leftists teach false narratives to America’s youth filling their heads with lies about the nation’s founding principles, and censoring out anything undermining this indoctrination. Good guys become boogeymen and boogeymen become the good guys. The same holds true with the Left’s war on the police. It’s nothing personal, it’s an agenda.

Black Lives Matter (BLM) is one of the radical Left’s hammers against Western values. Created by Marxist Lesbians, BLM propagates the false narrative white America, acting through armed surrogates, the police, is waging a war of genocide against black America. They preach, and their stooges in the white liberal media repeat, the preposterous assertion the moment a black man steps from his residence, he must run for his life because he’s hunted by gun-slinging mad-dog white men driving pickup trucks adorned with Trump stickers and Confederate Battle Flags. Spitting tobacco juice and swilling Bud-Lite, these unshaven rednecks in BBQ stained ‘Wife-Beaters’ scour the highways and byways looking for black men to drag through the streets, chained to the back of their trucks or to shoot down as target practice. And dadgummit, if one should slip through their fingers, thank God for America’s racist white cops,5 they’ll get them, by Jiminy. This delusional fantasy is separated from reality as far as possible. For those accusing me of being hyperbolic, have you spent time on websites for groups like BLM, Pantifa, the New Black Panthers, and others? Were you ever a cop? Did you ever live in Baltimore or Philadelphia’s inner cities as I did? If so, you’d know who has to be scared stepping through their front door. Hint; it’s not who BLM says it is. Why is it so important for liberal teachers to fill the minds of young kids with guilt over being white? If they can be made to feel responsible for all that has gone wrong in minority communities, how much more amenable will they be to the radical socialist agenda when of age to vote? The ludicrous claim Trump’s, “Make America Great,” slogan is secret code promising followers a return to slavery6 has already had its intended effect among Millennials.

Liberals promised Barrack Obama’s election would bridge and transcend racial divides thus bringing about racial healing. Would that it were true. Born in Hawaii and growing up there and in Indonesia, Obama as president attempted to appropriate the American “Black experience,” which he was never part of, allowing him to cast critics of his socialist agenda as racists. His administration became “the most anti-law enforcement administration in memory.” From Milwaukee to Baltimore, crime sky-rocketed and “Homicides in the country’s 50 largest cities rose nearly 17 percent in 2015, the greatest surge in fatal violence in a quarter of a century” reversing a “two-decade long decline.”7 In addition, murders of police officers, by ambush and direct assault, spiked dramatically under Obama. “Root-cause liberals” who never shy from blaming everyone but themselves for failed government policies, naturally singled out poverty, unemployment, and racism, especially police oppression, to explain horrifying crime rates in America’s inner cities.8 And how did they explain the fearful spike in murder of police officers? Many on the left claim cops have it coming. When minorities kill cops, its self-defense, justifiable homicide.9 This attitude; cops deserve to be killed because they’re the bad guys who gun-down blacks in cold blood, continued unabated even after the facts about the execution style murder of two New York police officers became widely disseminated in the news and on social media.10 Liberal’s method to address root-cause solutions to crime, throwing billions of other people’s dollars at poverty and unemployment, failed. Inner-city crime remains epidemic.11 They failed because they’re based on false premises refusing to address the fact 94 percent of blacks are killed by other blacks not whites or cops.12

Substantial political dividends accrue to liberals capable of enforcing Party (Democrat) discipline engendered through fear-mongering and lies. For leftists, including college professors and young Marxist revolutionaries, racial division stoked to red-hot hatred and violence is the vanguard of the long hoped for ignition of revolution in America. BLM and their white supporters claim incarceration of blacks represents a plot to put them in concentration camps. Through drug laws, whites are “re-enslaving black Americans.” Liberals especially target “discretionary policing” meaning stopping and checking out “suspicious looking people” (if you’re a cop, you know one when you see one), before they can commit crimes. New York City’s “stop and frisk” program drastically reduced crime under Mayor Rudolph Giuliani. But liberal court challenges and protests against “profiling,” forced cops to back off. Now crime is out of control again and “a blood bath ensued and its victims were virtually all black.” When police back off, its “black people themselves who pay the greatest price.”13 In addition if anyone tells the truth, the liberal media, Hollywood, and Leftist Pop-Culture, spring into action destroying critics with accusations of racism, the kiss of death these days. The media hounding Trump’s every step, never took Obama to task for his words and connection to subsequent racial violence in America.

Today white leftists push blacks to react with aggressive hostility and combativeness, including resisting arrest, when stopped by police. This makes the job much more dangerous for cops and increases the likelihood low-risk encounters explode into major scuffles. The type that lead to use of deadly force. But the left doesn’t care about the blacks it pushes to physically resist cops. They serve as props in the narrative white cops are waging war against blacks with revolution the only solution. Kind of reminds me of the 1960s. Fear and distrust have been promoted so heavily by the Left, it has spawned feelings of anger and resistance in black communities who now see all encounters with police as resulting from racism by whites attempting to control and suppress them. Anger against whites has birthed the “knock-out” game in which a black youth walks up to an unsuspecting white person punching him or her as hard as possible in the head trying to knock them out with one blow. Witnessed by many and broadcast throughout social media, nevertheless the white liberal media refuses to report on it because to do so would undermine the false narrative of a white war on blacks.14

For those arguing; but look at all the whites marching with BLM, keep in mind BLM views white liberals as individuals who have internalized and are blind to their racism. Conservatives, on the other hand, are openly and shamelessly racist. For blacks who believe all problems within their community are the result and fault of the legacy of slavery and Jim Crow, “good and bad” whites are simply opposite sides of the same racist coin. The good ones are to be used and discarded.15 As for crimes committed by blacks, including O.J. Simpson, knock-out games, and violence in Kansas City’s Plaza,16 these are seen as collective acts of self-defense against an oppressive white society holding all the reins of power.17

In response to the Grand Jury’s decision not to indict officer Darren Wilson in the Ferguson, Missouri shooting of Michael Brown, President Obama said he understood the disappointment and anger in the black community. He made no mention of the rule of law or that a grand jury investigation ruled Wilson’s shooting was justifiable self-defense. Riots, looting, and assaults followed.18 Obama essentially declared the facts and forensic evidence didn’t matter. The white man was always guilty, no matter what, a view Obama had come to internalize as a youth.19 For example, Obama blamed Michael Brown’s shooting and riots on “lack of diversity” within the Ferguson Police Department, not the actions of Brown and those burning and looting.20 At the time, Obama’s remarks seemed foolish and naïve. They weren’t. They express the same view as BLM; white people are born inherently racist and are the cause of all problems in all minority communities, thereby exculpating any crime committed by any black person no matter the circumstances. Without accepting that this is the point of view held by many in the debate on race and crime, it’s impossible to understand what is really driving the Left’s agenda.

11 It was a small town which I un-affectionately called “Dogpatch,” when, in 1972, while still in high school, I wrote an editorial in support of President Nixon’s reelection which was carried in a local newspaper. This sparked a meeting of outrage among town leaders as, they were almost all union Democrats. They concluded, no one my age could write such an editorial without help from dad. My parents had no idea I had written and submitted the letter. I concluded their level of astonishment was proportionate to their level of literacy. In 1974, my dad bought an Opel station wagon which was considered scandalous and led to meetings by the town’s movers and shakers. After all, the car was made in Germany. Had he bought a car made in Japan, the Witness Protection Program would have been the only option. Hatred of Asians was and is alive and well in parts of America.

22 Jonah Goldberg, Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, from Mussolini to the Politics of Change (New York, N.Y., Broadway Books, 2009), 36-37 (Paperback version).

44 At this point, Feral” government seems more apropos.

55 In the BLM’s disturbed psyche, it you’re black and a cop, you’re still a white racist cop.

66 Ralph Nader, “What Does Trump Mean By ‘Make America Great Again?” Huffington Post, December 15, 1017, at

77 Heather McDonald, The War On Cops (New York, N.Y., Encounter Books, 2016), 1.

88 IBID. 1.

99 Jessica Chasmar, “Brooklyn Onlookers Cheered N.Y. Cop Killings at Murder Scene: They deserved it.” The Washington Times, Monday, 22 December, 2014, at

1010 Dave Urbanski, December 20, 2014, “NYPD Gets What They Deserve: Here’s How Some Celebrated the Shooting Deaths of Two Ambushed New York City Police Officers,” The Blaze, at,nypd-gets-what-they-deserve-heres-how-some-celebrated-the-shooting-deaths-of-two-ambushed-new-york-city-police-officers/.

1111 McDonald, 1-2.

1212 Taleeb Starkes, Black Lies Matter: Why Lies Matter to the Race Grievance Industry (North Charleston, South Carolina, Createspace Independent Publishing Platform, 2016), 40-41.

1313 McDonald, 3.

1414 Starkes, 41-42.

1515 IBID. 42.

1616 Colin Flaherty, White Girl Bleed A Lot (Washington, D.C., WND Books, 2013), 164-166.

1717 Starkes, 45-46.

1818 McDonald, 3.

1919 Dinesh D’Souza, The Roots of Obama’s Rage (Washington, D.C., Regnery Publishing, Inc., 2010), 57-126.

2020 McDonald, 7-9.


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