Category Archives: mindset

Law and Order: Western Society Under Siege Part 1

A teachable moment. There are various ways to define this experience. In the classroom it results from the serendipitous confluence of an opportunity to teach a concept with an extrinsic factor sparking student interest driving a heretofore un-manifested desire to learn that concept.1 In short, a lightbulb comes on. What could cause students, generally apathetic toward learning, to suddenly sit up and take notice? For an English class it might be a guest speaker, author J.K. Rowling explaining the secret of her success (Harry Potter) while others failed. Perhaps a notable personage drops in on a socialIST studies class explaining his rise from humble origins to political prominence or, in Phys-Ed, becoming an Olympic athlete. At that moment teachers enjoy rapt attention from their charges hoping it inspires seemingly average students to reach their full potential. How true must this be for science teachers beholding a once in a lifetime celestial event; a solar eclipse. As totality approached, the happy faces of kids conducting experiments under the beaming guidance of science teachers, appeared on television in the Kansas City metropolitan area. A teachable moment. But not so in Lee’s Summit. Alleging concern for student safety, its fearless administrators, shepherds of your children, Henny Penny like shut down the entire district, added an extra day to the end of the school year and…hid.

The pros and cons of writing this series were carefully weighed. On the one hand, racists might distort and misuse research provided herein to promote noxious agendas. Today it seems people in general consider hatred of others based on race irrational and repugnant. But the reality remains; hatred of those not members of one’s “tribe” stretches back to the dawn of mankind. The wrong events at the wrong time might transform ancient animosities into violent action. No reasonable person wants that. But on the other hand, there are those who, for political and personal reasons, have declared any observation reflecting negatively on ethnic, racial, sexual, or religious groups, regardless of how scientific and true, as beyond the bounds of discussion. To do so constitutes unacceptable “hate-speech” the trade of extremist racial supremacists, never to be countenanced.

Discussing race and crime is to enter a metaphorical no-man’s land laced with tripwires, landmines, and booby-traps. Automatic accusations of racism, hatred, and intolerance, regardless of how baseless, are to be assumed. Even for those making good faith attempts at mutual understanding may, if failing to recognize and validate other points of view, find themselves talking past each other leading to hurt feelings, rancor, and confirmation the other person holds racist attitudes. For example, many if not all whites probably reject the idea they are racists. When apprised of the epidemic of young black males killing each other in cities like Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, Los Angeles, and Philadelphia, some respond with indifference. After all, it’s not happening in their neighborhoods and what can they do anyway? Fair enough but lack of concern can be interpreted as stemming from racism toward those not like them. Still others, perhaps desensitized by media coverage of urban bloodbaths and Hollywood’s glamorization of gang violence, shrug their shoulders saying, “that’s what those people do,” or “there’s nothing we can do, it’s a black thing.” For them the film Escape from New York is probably desirably prophetic. Ignorant and callous, the latter attitude can justifiably be interpreted as racist by the black community. No genetic predisposition toward violence exists among any race. It is a learned behavior (think Vikings and modern Swedish males for example). How could anyone calling himself a Christian embrace such attitudes? Who can claim to love God and hate his brother?2

Indifference and ignorance provide no starting point for dialogue. They consign victims of violent crime to ongoing misery. Americans in general are probably familiar with the Jonbenet Ramsey case. She was a six year old blonde haired blue eyed beauty pageant queen, killed sometime on 25 or 26 December 1996. Her case remains unsolved. How many, even in the Kansas City area, know who Machole “Coco” Stewart was? Aged 10, she was sitting on the couch with her family watching the 2014 World Series when a gunman sprayed their house with bullets. Her murder was also unsolved.3 Regardless of the Ramsey case’s celebrity status being driven by Americans obsessed with living vicariously through others, to some degree blacks believe the lives of little white kids, especially Scandinavian in appearance, matter more than those of black children. Blacks to some degree embrace the notion of “white privilege” believing because of their race, whites automatically have a leg up on everyone else when it comes to employment, professional advancement, and especially social acceptance.4 In my last year as a teacher, a black senior, one of the coolest most intelligent kids I ever had the privilege to teach, told me he, his family, and every black person he knew didn’t consider themselves “Americans” because white society rejected and excluded them. My point is not to argue whether any of this is true or to what degree it might or might not be. Instead, it’s to demonstrate races come to the table with uniquely different experiences and perspectives. If we categorically reject each other’s viewpoint from the start, any hope of dialogue, understanding, and reconciliation is lost. Prejudices on all sides become reinforced. This serves no one’s interest.

When I was a young man at the university, J-M, a friend and brilliant student now a prominent Baltimore attorney, postulated the “Axe-to-Grind” theory of historical interpretation. Before reading books on history and politics, he examined their dust jackets. Autobiographical information can unmask biases affecting an author’s historical interpretation or reveal they wrote simply to “deconstruct” another historian’s work hence, “an axe to grind.” No historian is objective, neutral, or unbiased. The collection, sifting and assemblage of historical evidence and data is naturally designed to validate the author’s interpretation shaping final analysis and conclusions. The same holds true for groups defending the police against accusations of profiling and racism and those making the accusations. M’s Postulate requires full disclosure on my part. I was a policeman but I also grew up partly in Baltimore and Philadelphia’s inner cities, attended predominantly black schools, was poor, and have sported a “natural tan” from birth. I may be in a better position to take an objective as possible look at race and crime than lily-white liberal journalists whose only encounter with minorities is the one cleaning their Five-Star hotel room. This brings me to the central question of this series; as claimed by Black Lives Matter (BLM) and certain Leftist professors, do white police officers represent the tip of the majority race’s spear in waging a war to oppress, suppress, and even murder black people? Are police officers the greatest threat to black men in America? Or, is this pure fiction crafted by the radical left and members of the black community who benefit politically from this claim?

According to Black Lives Matter, (BLM) a loud aggressively confrontational organization, white cops are indeed waging a war of terrorism against the black race.5 Their webpage credo under the section titled “We Affirm That All Black Lives Matter” is, “Black lives matter is an ideological and political intervention in a world where Black lives are systematically and intentionally targeted for demise. It’s an affirmation of Black folk’s contributions to this society, our humanity, and our resilience in the face of deadly oppression.”6 Make no mistake about it, BLM believes cops, assassins for white America, are engaged in a conspiracy to murder innocent black people. Because white America is engaged in genocide, resistance by any means, including preemptive action, is warranted. This begs the question; if BLM believes this genocidal campaign is sanctioned by the U.S. government, how might they ultimately respond?7 Clicking on text-boxes exposes what BLM is really about. Under “Black Villages” it reads; “We are committed to disrupting the Western prescribed nuclear family structure requirement supporting each other as extended families and ‘villages’ that collectively care for one another especially ‘our’ children to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.”8 These Marxist code-words comprise a root and branch assault on Judeo-Christian values and principles including the family unit as ordained by God. BLM wants to destroy this order, including the biological distinctness of the male and female sexes, in favor of fluid Hermaphrodicity. Children are to belong to the “collective” ultimately meaning the state…like North Korea. Rather than recreating a notional semi-communal African village living in harmony and with the rhythms of nature (descriptive for all peoples at one time), they envision a neo-Marxist female dominated pagan fertility cult.

BLM believes America is ruled by the white race solely for its benefit. Traditional “Western” institutions identified with the white race include: Christianity, the family, law, schools, military, police, and government. They constitute hierarchical structures erected to preserve white rule and suppress challenges to this arrangement. Any institution or belief deemed “Western” is by nature de facto racist, oppressive, and must be overthrown. Don’t scoff or sneer at this idiocy for it’s what they are teaching your kids at the university. Arguing the contrary self-identities and condemns a student as guilty of racism. BLM and Leftist professors believe police and the criminal justice system are the agents of enforcement for the white hierarchy. Because racism is considered inherent in all whites, as if genetic, regardless of what they do in support of “black” causes, it won’t matter. Nothing can purge their “guilt.” BLM and like-minded groups believe to compete with whites in the social, economic, and political arena is a waste of time because, until white dominance is eliminated, there can be no level playing field. Leftist white professors have been teaching this view as contemporary social reality for decades. Is it any wonder young whites graduate from college feeling guilt over their middle and upper class backgrounds? They fail to realize it’s not really about race it’s about seizing political power which is done through inculcating a Leftist world view in the minds of America’s young. Race-guilt renders them impotent to challenge Marxist paradigms.9 They have been taught that to criticize or oppose any aspect of any movement dominated by blacks and other minorities, no matter how extreme their behavior and rhetoric, flows from supremacist colonial white attitudes. How many young Millennials breathed a sigh of relief voting for Obama because it proved they weren’t racist?

Since BLM came to the fore, people from all backgrounds have insisted all lives matter regardless of race. But BLM, the “New” Black Panthers, and their allies reject this claim contending people who say this are typically white, live in predominantly white areas, and associate only with other whites. BLM’s counterattack against universal brotherhood, supported by young white Millennials writing for liberal publications desperate to prove they aren’t racists, claims all lives do not matter because there is “demonstrative evidence that black lives matter less than white lives to the criminal justice system (and the American government as a whole).” This assertion is based on comparisons between white and black incarceration rates as well as grandstanding relatively rare police shootings of black men as routine, the norm.10 Comparisons without context can be used to shape and mold desired narratives. For example during an in-service at Lee’s Summit High school, an assistant principal upbraided teachers for a disparity in office referrals for rules infractions, behavior problems, and classroom disruptions between black and white male students. The inference was, blacks were written up more often than whites due to racism. The message was clear, teacher’s whose office referrals demonstrated a statistical disparity between black and white students, might be considered racist. Teachers faced two options: Find ways to write up way more white kids, or, look the other way with respect to the misconduct of black students. I wanted to ask the administrator, “suppose that, for whatever reason, black males are simply committing infractions and engaging in disruptive behavior at a greater proportion than their white counterparts?” A teacher, who said such was the case, nevertheless told me pointing out the truth would be career suicide.11

BLM claims it is concerned with the plight of the black community and especially those being murdered [by white cops] but completely ignores the thousands of blacks killed each year at the hand of other blacks. This is because their agenda is really political and disingenuous. “Hands up don’t shoot,” is an exemplar of this strategy. White liberals, hostage to a racial “Stockholm Syndrome” implanted in their psyches by liberal public education (should be called “indoctrication”), and the university, work off their shame and guilt through arguments justifying black violence [riots and looting] and hatred of whites. It’s cathartic cleansing of their racist-stained souls. BLM, the New Black Panthers and other Marxist groups see these pathetic liberals as Lenin’s proverbial “useful idiots” doing their bidding and discarded later. Paradoxically, caught in the middle are the many if not most blacks, neither Marxists nor haters of anyone who, manipulated by inflammatory rhetoric, will also be discarded this time by white Marxists once achieving their goals. While living in California’s Bay area, I observed white liberals worked up into hysterical lathers over Rhodesia and South Africa’s system of racial separation known as Apartheid. Palo Alto’s city government (for which I worked) as well as many others including states and corporations, removed investments and contracts in these countries pressuring them to end Apartheid and white minority rule. Once successful, Rhodesia became a Marxist hellhole known as Zimbabwe ruled by murderous thug Robert Mugabe. But white liberals no longer cared. It was wrong for the white minority to imprison and murder several hundred blacks but okay for the black majority government to imprison, rape, and murder hundreds of thousands of blacks through forced starvation, hacked up by machetes, and shot by guns acquired from North Korea and other communist regimes?11 Acceptance of oppression and mass murder by blacks against blacks seems to be a recurring theme among Liberals.

Is BLM a civil rights movement comparable to those of the 1960s? For the most part the latter, led by Martin Luther King, preached passive non-violent protest and resistance to denial of Constitutional rights. Their end goal was not revenge, retribution, or racial separation. It was full inclusion of black people among all the races of the earth as equals under the ideals laid out in the Declaration of Independence. They understood America’s history and Judeo-Christian founding principles were on their side not those wearing bedsheets and strange pointy hats. Their leaders claimed the “equality that belongs to them as human beings by natural and political right.” Who could oppose this? Americans of all races understood that, until blacks enjoyed full inclusion, the principles upon which this nation were founded could not come true.12 How did America go from struggling to bring this dream to fruition, including election of America’s first black president, to accusations of a war against blacks?

Black political activist, author, and filmmaker Taleeb Starkes charges that when a black person is killed by a white person, especially a policeman, certain members of the black community dash to the scene and politicize the tragedy in support of their own agenda. “Their mission is to start racial infernos. In other words, they racialize not harmonize.”13 He notes “calls to action” following police shootings of black men are not spontaneous reactions from a local populace. “They’re calculated maneuvers promoted by an ever present Race Grievance Industry [RGI], whose only product is victimhood and it’s manufactured without pause.” Racial healing does not serve their agenda. Instead the RGI works to convince blacks that they are “permanent victims of racism” and nothing they can do will ever change this.14

Absent blacks to buy-in to the notion of eternal victimhood, the RGI would lose power, influence, and fat checks sent in by blacks, white liberals, and Hollywood celebrities. The same holds true for political parties and organizations who derive support from the same clientele. Therefore it is in the best interests of the RGI to promote the boogeyman theorem that a Klansman lurks beneath the surface of every white skin, that whites are not and can never be their friends, and to enforce and discipline political support rendering blacks immune to calls of racial healing and unity. As long as blacks buy into such notions, liberal white politicians are all too eager to fan the flames of racial animosity knowing it can generate support and buy votes with no regard for what it does to the nation as a whole.

11 This is my own definition. There are many others, certainly better than what I came up with.

22 Editors, New American Standard Bible, The Open Bible Edition (Nashville, Tennessee, Thomas Nelson, Publishers, 1977), 1 John 4:20, 1202. Check out Matthew 25: 34-46 on one’s Christian duty toward others.

33 Betsy Webster, “1 Year Later, Machole Stewart’s family still searching for answers as police search for killer,” KCTV5 news at

44 When I was a teacher Black students asked me this on many occasions. I explained that the danger in seeing life through a racial prism was it might short circuit avenues to success by automatically concluding their dreams were unattainable because of their race. However, I didn’t summarily reject the notion either especially in the social spheres of life. In addition, not one white-liberal, who claim to be the champions of civil rights against racist conservatives, in my SocialIST Studies department ever heard of “White Privilege” or “Blonde Privilege” yet I, a conservative have and so did my many of my minority students.

55 David French, “The Numbers Are In: Black Lives Matter Is Wrong About Police,” National Review (December 29, 1015), at

66 Black Lives Matter at

77 IBID.

88 IBID. BLM was started not by men, but three black women: Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors and Opal Tometi whose bio is listed under “Herstory…”

99 Nadra Kareem Nittle, “5 Examples of Institutional Racism In The United States,” About Race Relations, at See also: Vernellia R. Randall, Professor of Law ( “What Is Institutional Racism?” University of Dayton Law. Ohio. At

1010 Jesse Damiani, “Every Time You Say ‘All Lives Matter’ You are Being An Accidental Racist,” The Huffington Post, at Damiani accuses anyone who says “all lives matter” of being an “ignorant racist.” This claim, incarceration rates proves racism, will be dealt with in subsequent installments.

1111 The beauty of this strategy is it self-validating. Anyone claiming differences in behavior problems based on race will be confronted by school administrators waving handfuls of teacher office referral forms for rule infractions and disruptive behavior “proving” (sic) no statistical difference in behavior problems between white and minority students. But can they really be considered valid when teachers, disciplining students, know to write up, or even “fail” black and minority students will lead to increased scrutiny (and pressure if they are an athlete)? A teacher deemed “racist” by students is in for a very unpleasant career. If considered the same by administration, soon they will be gone.

1111 Martin Meredith, The Fate of Africa: A History of Fifty Years of Independence (New York, N.Y., Public Affairs, Perseus Book Group, 2005), 309-344, 617-675.

1212 Allan Bloom, The Closing of the American Mind (New York, N.Y., Simon and Schuster 1987), 33.

1313 Taleeb Starkes, Black Lies Matters: Why Lies Matter to the Race Grievance Industry (Lexington, Kentucky, Starkes, 2016), 1.

1414 IBID. 1



I’ve been thinking about this the past few days. Last week I changed the battery in my pickup, went to a home improvement store and bought some things to make a Sukkah for Sukkot. I brought my supplies home, unloaded and set about building the sukkah with my handy pink drill, and a few other supplies. My greenery was already to go on the roof since I had cut down a evergreen tree and then cut off the branches. As I was doing all this, I was thanking G-d for having blessed me with the Dad he did. Dad never really treated me like “girls don’t do chainsaws, girls don’t work on cars, girls don’t _____” If I wanted to learn, Dad taught me. He also taught me the stuff he thought everyone should know how to do like change a tire. My parents took responsibility for me as a child, they raised me and trained me as best they could. When I became an adult, the responsibility for my behavior and choices fell on me.

When I decided I wanted to keep a gun in the house, Dad and I had a long talk about it. A very long talk about it, the responsibility it entailed and an idea of what would happen to my life if I ever had to kill an intruder. And then he loaned me one until he found what he felt would be a good one for me.

I ran across a couple of stories the other day that made me think about my folks in that capacity. One was about a older sister that had been out with her little brother practicing elk calls. I guess they must have sounded pretty good because on the way home the 16 year old girl saw a cougar about 3 yards from her 6 year old little brother. She told the brother to run to her and she shot the cougar behind the ear with an arrow. The cougar ran off and the kids made it home. The family dog and Dad went out with an AR-15, the ones with no defensive purpose, and killed the cougar. Apparently the parents believe in actually raising children and teaching them useful things, as opposed to say, just having children.

Another was of a 12 year old boy who used a Ruger .44 magnum lever-action rifle to protect his Mom from yet another domestic violence assault. There had been 5 previous calls to the residence for domestic violence none of which had ever resulted in charge. The say the 12 year old will most likely not be charged for defending his Mom. I’m thinking 5 calls? FIVE calls and no charges? Really?

This actually does happen in the real world, children using weapons to defend themselves or their families from nature’s miscreants, both two and four legged.

John Lott has a list of stories of such incidents.

And then of course, we should all remember the case of Jessica Carpenter. When government gun control cost innocent lives.

Fear stalks Merced, California — fear of the government. Because of that fear, two innocent children died needlessly, victims of California’s “safe storage” gun laws. The mass media never told Americans what really happened in Merced. But the tale of the Merced Pitchfork Murders will not die.

See, those parents had taken responsibility for raising their children, those children knew how to handles guns safely. It was the state and a murderer that killed those children because they were unable to get to the one tool that could have saved their lives. California has mandatory safe storage.

The gun is inanimate, a tool its use in the hand. The death of a child is tragic, be it by gun, pitchfork, knife, swimming pool or attack by wild pigs. But it’s up to the parents to educate the children about guns, not toys, safe handling. That requires responsibility on the part of the parent and child.

I don’t know that this is the best web page ever on gun safety for children, but it’s pretty good.

It’s a responsibility thing. And it works best when parents and children know their responsibilities and carry them out.

At the other end of the spectrum of the “I have children” vs “I’m raising my children” are the people that are trying to take on tasks that really aren’t within their purview. Not withing the “scope” of their “practice” shall we say. Yeah, I’m kind of cracking myself up here with my humor.

Fair warning here, the source on this article is cnn #FakeNews, so you can take it for what it’s worth. But since they are obviously sympathetic to the point of view it’s what they want to put across anyway.

Fitting the narrative





Why your doctor wants to talk about guns

Your doctor already talks to you about sex, drugs and alcohol, but should they talk to you about guns, too? A newly-formed coalition of healthcare providers thinks so — and patient intervention is just one part of their plan to reduce what they call an “epidemic” of gun violence.

The organization, Scrubs Addressing the Firearm Epidemic, known as SAFE, is demanding an increase in federal funding for gun violence research, and is calling on lawmakers to implement “evidence-based policy” on guns.

At more than 30 medical schools across the country last week, students and physicians wore scrubs with SAFE’s bright red logo as they held demonstrations at their hospitals. According to Sarabeth Spitzer, a fourth-year medical student at Stanford who spearheaded the campaign, the group distributed about 2,700 of the special scrubs “to show the overwhelming consensus of health care providers that firearm violence is a public health crisis.”

Well Miss Sarabeth, heavens above please don’t ever let it be Dr. Sarabeth, there is indeed a medical crisis. And you in your little “special” scrubs aren’t doing diddly squat about it. You and your little sullen looking crew are all hat and no cattle. Seriously, look at the picture in the linked article. They all look either constipated or like little #MoneyHogg clones. Another great reason to look at the picture is if one of the little darlings ever walks into your treatment room you will know to request another doctor, a real one. One that is actually concerned about medicine. Because these knuckleheads aren’t.

Gee, here is a medical issue within their scope (stethoscope) of “practice”.

Medical Malpractice Deaths over 500 Times Higher than Accidental Gun Deaths

Medical malpractice deaths in the U.S. are over 500 times higher than accidental gun deaths.

A Johns Hopkins University study covering eight years of data found there are at least 250,000 malpractice deaths in the U.S. annually. CNBC reports the Johns Hopkins University study presents malpractice deaths on the low end, since other studies show malpractice deaths exceeding 400,000 a year.

On the other hand, accidental gun deaths hover around 500 a year.

For example, the Los Angeles Times reports there were 489 accidental gun deaths in 2015, making medical malpractice deaths over 500 times higher than deaths resulting from accidental firearm discharges.

The number of overall gun deaths in 2015—accidental, homicides, and suicides—was approximately 36,000, two-thirds of which were suicides. So 250,000 malpractice deaths is nearly seven times higher than gun deaths, even when counting intentional gun deaths.

Gee Miss Sarabeth and Co. this sort of thing doesn’t even seem to be on your radar!

So let old Auntie Sheila help you out a little bit here. GSW, Gunshot wounds, I don’t care if they are self inflicted, inflicted by the neighborhood gang banger, your spouse, your ex-spouse, your ex-spouse’s boyfriend, your ex-spouse’s girlfriend, your second cousin twice removed, you little sister, your little brother, your teacher, your teacher’s uncle, your teacher’s uncle’s dog, are all pretty much going to involve the same treatment protocols, and appear pretty much the same.

When I was in school I met a guy that had the same last name as mine, only he was in Doctor school. He’s the first one I ever heard use the phrase M. Deity complex, doctors that think they are G-d. He didn’t have it, and we wound up being good buddies.

I rather suspect Miss Sarabeth and friends are severely afflicted with M. Deity complex. I know how my buddy, and many of the other residents clawed their way through their residency phases and school and I’m unsure what it is Miss Sarabeth and Co. think they can afford to leave out to study more about the epidemic of gun violence, or perhaps she would like to extend the residency period? Do that Sarabeth, just do that, extend the residency period by a year or so. Let us know how living in hiding works out for you. And yes, I do want fries with that Southwest Salad.

Because whatever you do, don’t let that malpractice stat cause you to stop trying to shred the Constitution and affect my G-d given rights with your social justice drama. #BadMedicine


March of the Mad Munchkins

The Mad Munchkins

Demonstrating brainwashing works if captured early enough, Trotskyite Munchkin victims of educational malpractice, surrounded by a sea of bitter angry middle-aged women, descended on the nation’s capital like flying malefactors from the Land Oz. Their demand? A federal Congress pound a “national” stake through the heart of an already liberal trampled Bill of Rights. Munchkin March observers reported crowds so tightly packed movement was all but impossible and Porta-Potties an unreachable oasis. Perhaps it wasn’t numbers causing kids to huddle so closely together but rather, fear. Among the March’s backers was Planned [un]Parenthood, you know, those reconstructed Josef Mengele organ harvesters, brain blenders in one hand, suction hoses in the other, ensuring as many unwanted kids as possible not survive the womb. Some of the marchers were young, very young. Considering on average abortionists take more lives weekly (21,069.484)1 than all school shootings combined, will marchers be protesting outside the doors of Planned [un]Parenthood?

An ecstatic liberal media heralded the March of the Mad Munchkins as a student-led protest, organized by Marjory Stoneman-Douglas High School survivors [I thought more than 10 survived]. In “cooperation,” of course, with Everytown For Gun Safety, a radical anti-2nd Amendment Michael Bloomberg front group.2 Was the March really a student-led grassroots movement?

March organizers, and liberal media cheerleaders, claimed attendance swelled to 850,000 including many high school teenagers. But Alex Pappas, writing for FOX News, reported only 10 percent of the marchers were teens, 90 percent were adults, the average age was just under 49, and the real attendance number was only 202,796,3 about the same number of people camping out at Walmart waiting to claw and tear out each other’s hair and eyes come Black Friday. Notions of unemployed high school kids organizing this gala event are preposterous. Instead, Hollywood actors and directors, pro-athletes, a motley crew of extremist leftwing organizations, and the Democrat Party elite organized and bankrolled the March. Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh, using tax-payer dollars from a city sliding into decrepitude,4 bussed students, truant Monday through Friday, to D.C., that Saturday. The Marjory Stoneman-Douglas Duped Ten were merely props in a staged drama.5 Just like my lefty colleagues in public education, some will chortle you can’t trust statistics and reporting from FOX News. Well, let’s see what the Washington Post, daily talking points for liberals, had to say.

University of Maryland Professor of Sociology, Dana R. Fisher, writing for the Washington Post, conducted thorough research as to who, why, and how many attended the March. Relying on camera and satellite imagery, reports from police and other official authorities, and interviews with Marchers, she concluded most (70%) were women, educated, and slightly under 49 years old. Gun control was the driving issue for only 12% of Marchers. Peace causes drew 56%, hatred of trump brought out 42%, and 79% self-identified as “left-leaning” [Marxists]. As can be expected, 89% voted for Hillary Clinton.6 In order to transport, house, and provide nourishing earth-friendly food for the Mad Munchkins and Leftist rabble going to Washington, logistical and financial support was required. They had plenty.

For transportation, the New England [un]Patriots and owner Robert Kraft provided team Boeing 767s. Kraft even wrote a letter of support for the Duped Ten vindicating my rooting for the Philadelphia Eagles in the Super Bowl. Apparently abandoning any connection with the NRA wasn’t enough for Delta Airlines. Flaunting their recent self-castration, Delta also provided free flights to the nation’s capital and back for the Stoneman Ten and their handlers.7 In order to induce people to congregate in close proximity with so many raging feminists, a carrot was needed. It came in the form of celebrity appearances. Model Chrissy Teigen and Tonight Show host Jimmy Fallon8 were joined by comedians Amy Shumer and Jason Sudeikis as well as singers Paul Simon, Willow Smith, Jennifer Hudson, Ariana Grande, Vic Mensa, Disney’s Miley Cyrus (Hannah Montana), Demi Lavato, Paul McCartney formerly of the Beatles (a group I liked before their Hash-and-Hindu days), and a slew of actors, including Reese Witherspoon,9 all calling for an end to your 2nd Amendment rights. But it had to be paid for.

Stepping into the financial breach with cash swollen wallets bigger than most people’s homes were the glitterati. Oprah Winfrey, George Clooney, Steven Spielberg and wife Kate Capshaw, and Jeffrey Katzenberg each ponied up $500,000 dollars with Taylor Swift donating an undisclosed amount toward abolishing the Bill of Rights.10 They were joined by Eli Broad, wealthy businessman who donated $1 million dollars to Bloomberg’s front group, Everytown For Gun Safety. CEO Marc Benioff donated $1 million dollars, Italian fashion house Gucci coughed up $500,000, the Miami Dolphins tossed in $100,000, and Joshua Kushner, brother of presidential adviser and Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner, gave $50,000 dollars. AT&T, Office Depot, Ultimate Software, and Starbucks donated to a student victim’s fund.11 Not to be left out, support poured in from jocks including basketball stars, past and present, LeBron James, Bill Russell, Dwayne Wade (who donated $200,000 dollars), Chris Paul, Caron Butler, Dennis Rodman, and Carmello Anthony who helped bus the Baltimore kids to Washington. Moral support came from Golden State Warriors’ head coach Steve Kerr, L.A. Lakers president Jeanie Buss, baseball player Anthony Rizzo, soccer player Kyle Martino, and football player DeMarcus Ware.12 Actors, singers, and athletes typically have large followings on social media. It seems Americans determine the veracity of what stars say based on how much they like them. If not for huge amounts of money stars derive from those patronizing their careers, they’d have no platform. Stop patronizing them. Boycott.

Students did not plan, organize, or coordinate the March of the Mad Munchkins. Instead it was done by March for Our Lives (sic) an umbrella organization created by Everytown For Gun Safety, itself a Bloomberg front group with assistance from the Joyce Foundation. Everytown collected and disbursed cash and arranged for statements and appearances by stars. Everytown’s webpage answers the question the liberal media failed to ask; what specifically would you do to end “gun-violence?” Their answer; Congress should end the federal government’s ban on gun-violence research at the Center for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta.13 Like mosquitos that won’t go away, Liberals incessantly claim the CDC is banned from studying “gun-violence” (sic) which is a lie. In 1996, following publication of a CDC funded controversial study on so-called gun-violence, in reality political advocacy masquerading as science paid for with tax payer’s dollars, Arkansas Republican Jay Dickey attached an amendment to a CDC funding bill prohibiting studies done to “promote or advocate gun control.” It was signed into law by Democrat President Bill Clinton. The CDC could continue to study “gun-violence” but research couldn’t be tailored to achieve a political outcome. Like other “federal” agencies, CDC research is at times farmed out to universities which, in turn, are dominated by Leftist professors whose careers depend upon receiving federal grants. Grants are dependent on “finding” what benefactors are paying for. In 1996, CDC researchers wanted to declare “gun-violence” a “public health crisis” a designation which, to some degree, empowers the CDC to impose rules, regulations, and direct action to deal with a health crisis.14 Treating biological causes of epidemics and disease outbreaks means neutralizing the bacterial, viral, and other causes. In this case, the viral agent was firearms.15 Bill of Rights Tramplers also demand ending “absurd” restrictions on the BATF to “digitize records for all guns sales.” This would constitute gun-owner registration which is illegal under federal law. Rights are not registered with governments. Registration transforms rights to privileges dispensed by government. In addition, the Tramplers demand universal background checks meaning the .22 rifle parents give to sons or daughters as Christmas gifts would be illegal. It would have to go through government becoming part of an already existing (form 4473) registration list. Gun and gun owner registration has always been THE prerequisite to government confiscation. Ten-round magazine capacity limits are also part of their shopping list. Apparently it’s okay to shoot 10 but not 11 people. The Tramplers damn semiautomatic rifles as “weapons of war” and “assault weapons” (sic) declaring they have no place in any community and must be banned. At first, gun buy backs would be used to convince people to voluntarily hand them over. How can government buy back what it never owned? To maintain legal possession, gun-owners would have to register semiautomatic rifles with the government and transfers to anyone other than authorities prohibited.16 Why would they be allowed to keep “weapons of war” having no place in any community? They wouldn’t. Once registration was deemed complete, they would be banned. Turn them in or go to prison. During the colonial era, Great Britain never possessed the largest of armies but they were sufficient to execute what amounted to door to door searches for weapons in their colonies including Scotland, Ireland, North America, and later Asia and India. It’s necessary to point this out because anti-2nd Amendment organizations and activists deny they want registration and confiscation. History is the first to call them liars. I’m following suit.

Stoneman Ten students Emma Gonzalez and David Hogg, are too egocentric and full of youthful ignorance and hubris to disguise what they really want. Interviewed by Alisyn Camerota, a conservative before moving from FOX to CNN, she began with a question judges would throw out in a trial as “leading” to wit; could anything be done about gun-violence when needy politicians have no choice but to take campaign donations from the NRA? For some reason Camerota failed to put her question in perspective by noting the NRA has donated $3,533,294 dollars to current members of Congress since 1998, equivalent to Democrat comedian Jimmy Kimmel’s salary for three months.17 Labor Unions, including the American Federation of Teachers and the National Education Association, two of the most virulently Leftwing unions in existence, donated $1.7 billion dollars in 2016 alone, and almost all went to liberal Democrat candidates who want to ban and confiscate firearms and abolish the 2nd Amendment.18 Neither did Camerota note the NRA’s source of funds for campaign donations comes in small dollar amounts from members while unions typically confiscate their huge haul from the paychecks of workers voluntarily or not. It’s no surprise liberals lie, statists have done this throughout history. It’s alarming how easily they get away with it.

Seething with anger, Gonzalez replied to Camerota declaring: “The NRA should be disbanded and dismantled. Don’t you make a new organization under a different name. Don’t you dare come back here. We need to fix our country. Gun control is just the first thing. We keep telling them [politicians] that if you accept this blood money [from the NRA], you’re against the children. They are against the people who are dying. You are funding the killers [NRA] or you’re standing with the children.” Wow, if you belong to the NRA, and by extension, any similar civil rights organization like the WMSA, you’re a killer. You’re the ones shooting and killing kids! Gonzalez’s thinking is not merely an immature and grossly ignorant misunderstanding of history and the Constitution (she’s an Advanced Placement student, too), it is deranged, totally divorced from reality. Her partner in historical illiteracy, a constantly glowering angry pinch-faced almost trembling with rage David Hogg, made even more bizarre and irrational claims saying politicians took money from the NRA to “make it easier for these horrifying people to get guns. If you can’t get elected without taking money from these child murderers [the NRA], why are you running?”19 What are they teaching kids in public schools today? Emma Gonzalez, sporting a Cuban flag on her clothing, a communist dictatorship that tramples the rights of Cubans, starves kids, and murders people young and old, and David Hogg, who calls for revolution, damns the NRA as baby killers? The Left, which has schooled these sock-puppets, and once called American boys serving in Vietnam “baby killers,” now hangs this appellation around the necks of NRA members? Mental health officials, take note.

Piling on the NRA, Huggies Pull-Ups wetting Washington Post “journalist” (sic) Adam Weinstein complains the NRA are big mean bullies because they insist those writing about “gun-control” issues know something about the subject including use of proper terminology. Whimpering Weinstein condemns this as “Gun-splaining” adapting the term “man-splaining” invented by radical feminist college professors outraged by any hint of DNA dictated masculinity. Broadcasting from behind enemy lines (Washington, D.C.), radio talk show host Chris Plante wondered if, while other little boys were off playing the games little boys play, Weinstein was in his backyard playing with his Easy Bake Oven.20

Instead of indoctrinating American kids into a Leftist social, political, and economic worldview, instead of confusing them about the purpose of biological genitalia, instead of demonizing masculinity and traits like self-reliance and rugged individualism, principals should ensure kids are being taught every sentence doesn’t begin with “so” and the Constitution and history of our founders. Teaching for decades in a public high school socialIST studies department, I know it ain’t happening.

One cannot lend support or donate to a movement without also embracing its cause and the cause of gun control organizations is banning private possession of semiautomatic rifles. Handguns come next. Once ownership is no longer a right, its turn them in or go to prison. CVS, Dicks Sporting Goods, and Krogers’ are among those aiding and abetting the demonization of gun-owners. The following is a letter I sent to CVS Pharmacies:

Dear Mr. Merlo, CEO, CVS Pharmacies

I’ve been a CVS customer 20+ years. Near the end of December, 2017, I noticed the usual wide variety of firearm related magazines had disappeared from your stores. I thought perhaps magazines were discarded at year’s end. Several weeks later a pharmacy employee told me CVS’s corporate office had decided to remove all such magazines. I confirmed this with Kristen, CVS Customer Relations, at your corporate office.

I am both a retired police officer and public high school teacher with an extensive background in firearms. As a member of the 2nd Amendment and sports shooting communities, I was chagrined by your decision. By removing these magazines, you deem something is wrong with them, that they are socially unacceptable. If true based on content, logic dictates the same be true of those who read them. In deciding to slander and discriminate against millions of law-abiding Americans and CVS customers, you have moved from the commercial to the political realm. In so doing, you have de facto allied yourselves with those whose political agenda is abolition of the 2nd Amendment and the individual right to keep and bear arms. If you were in my shoes, would you remain a customer?

To offer as a defense, striving for social responsibility, begs several questions; are you going to remove the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue featuring scantily clad girls? Women displayed in sexually provocative poses perpetuate notions that our wives, daughters, and sisters are sex objects playing a role in sexual harassment and rape. Considering negligent drivers murder 37,000-40,000 people each year and injure, main, and cripple 2-million more, will you remove car, truck, and ATV magazines? Since beer, wine, and liquor appear to be staples at your pharmacies, (is a statistical recitation of the misery and death caused by their misuse necessary?), will you remove alcoholic beverages from your shelves?”

In addition, I announced unless CVS changed their policy, I was initiating a boycott and transferring my accounts to Walgreens, which I did. Executive Support Coordinator Waldemar Kepa responded thanking me for my letter writing he would share my concerns with the merchandising team responsible for magazine selection. He didn’t answer any of my questions or address the boycott. Unless you fight back, gun owners will become as demonized as political conservatives and Christians holding to traditional morality; deemed socially unacceptable, marginalized, pariahs, and driven from the public square.21 “Ho ho, liberal indoctrination has got to go.”

11 Center for Disease Control, “Abortion/Data and Statistics/Reproductive Health/CDC, at

22 Michael Bloomberg, with an estimated worth of $50.8 billion dollars, the 7th richest man in the U.S. and 10th in the world, was the virulently anti-2nd Amendment of New York City, 2002-2013. A Democrat before he became an liberal Republican, he remains, along with George Soros, the biggest financier of political efforts to abolish the 2nd Amendment. Income statistic from Forbes, January 6, 2018. In 2016, not only did he endorse Hillary Clinton for president, he spoke at the Democrat National Convention. At

44 I know whereof I speak. Compelled to attend Baltimore’s Margaret Brent School 53, the miseducation, and the wounds and injuries I suffered, should be presumptive grounds for a lawsuit. Don’t worry Mayor, Philadelphia was worse.

55 Ibid.

66 Dana R. Fisher, Professor of Sociology, University of Maryland, “Here’s Who Actually Attended the March for Our Lives, (No it wasn’t mostly young people),” Washington Post, at’t-mostly-young-people.

77 Benjamin Zhang, March 26, 2018, “Delta Airlines and the New England Patriots donated free flights to Florida High School Students headed to the March for Our Lives Protest,” Business Insider at Reports that Southwest Airlines had done the same are false helping to keep my boycott list smaller.

88 Ariella Phillips, “Celebrities and Cash Poor Into ‘March for Our Lives’ Protest,” The Chronicle of Philanthropy, March 21, 2018, at

1010 CBS News, “Who pledged donations to ‘March for Our Lives?” Kathryn Watson, March 24, 2018 at

1111 Ariella Phillips.

1212 Daniel Rapaport, Sports Illustrated, March 24, 2018, “Athletes Take to Social Media to Show Support for the March for Our Lives” at Lists may be tedious but are necessary in order for citizens to know who is trying to destroy the Bill of Rights and respond accordingly.

1515 David Harsany, “No Government Isn’t Banned From Studying Gun Violence,” The Federalist 2018 at’t-banned-from-studying-gun-violence/.

1616 March for Our Lives.

1717 Louis Jacobson, October 11 2017, “Counting up how much the NRA spends on campaigns and lobbying, Politicfact at

1919 Alisyn Camerota, “Shooting Survivor Calls NRA ‘Child Murderers,” CNN at

2020 Chris Plante, 710 AM KCMO Talk Radio, Kansas City, Missouri. Broadcast 9 March 2018.

2121 Both letters are in my files/archives.



I Support Liberal Gun Control

I think I need to reconsider my stance on gun control. I had an interesting conversation with Professor Yitzhak Goldstein this evening. We were lamenting the decreasing number of young people that seem to be involved in Second Amendment rights groups. We then began to discuss possible reasons, which got me to thinking about things I’ve read recently. I think I see a pattern here.

Let’s just briefly touch on a not that long ago incident. A liberal college professor was so unfamiliar with his students and so distrusted them, that when the Kansas legislature began to allow students to have the means to defend themselves as hundreds of other college campuses have, he was so scared he wet his depends and then wrote out his letter of resignation, or it could have been the other way round, who knows. He was soon followed by a female college professor with the same lack of knowledge of her students. So, if you didn’t remember this, there is a backstory.

Around 11th September a group of students at the fine institution of Goldsmith’s University in London decided to showcase their fantastic knowledge of history by replying to a teacher they disagreed with that they would send her to the “gulag”. The teacher I think, understandably took offense. The students then “enlightened” the poor misguided uninformed teacher about gulags.

Gulags, really? Who knew!









The reality?

Historians, however, have concluded that Stalin’s gulags were used to jail everyone from petty criminals to political opponents, including gay men and women.

The report said, “Soviet files show that 1,053,829 people died in the camps between 1934 and 1953, mostly as a result of deliberate starvation.”

The Christian Institute estimated that about 20 million people were incarcerated in the gulags, with “prisoners working up to 14 hours a day in extreme weather. Countless numbers died.”

Hmm, I’m continuing to wonder about the state of higher education. It seems that higher education has become the stronghold of the liberal left. Which makes one part of this article seem strange to me. I agree with most of it though. Who is pushing Jews out of academia in the US?

Dr. Sharona Aharoni-Goldenberg, an expert on the struggle against BDS, says that the Trump administration’s decision, according to which anti-Israel activity on college campuses will be defined as anti-Semitism, is a turning point in the fight against anti-Semitic activity on campuses.

“This is a very important decision. The BDS movement today, which really appears to be activated by an invisible hand – and the feeling is that it is funded by totalitarian elements – works to remove Jews from academia. There is real activity against Israeli lecturers, regardless of their position or opinion, but rather because they are Israelis,” Aharoni-Goldenberg said in an interview with Israel Hayom.

“The activity is not just against Israeli lecturers. If you are a Jewish professor who uploads a post for Israel, you will be fired,” she says. “It’s not a parable, US lecturers who worked against ‘Apartheid Week’ were fired from the institutions at which they taught. The same applies to many Jewish students who simply feel uncomfortable on campus.”

All spot on Dr. Sharona, except this part.

“This anti-Semitism is against Israelis and against Jews, regardless of their position on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The boycott is also against people on the left,” she said. “The BDS position is that we have to bring 5 million Palestinians back into the Green Line and destroy Israel.”

No, no Dr. Sharona, the problem is coming from the left. Think about Jeremy Corbyn, the one in the UK that should he become Prime Minister about 40% of Britain’s Jews are planning to flee. You have to recognize your enemy or you will get blindsided every time.

The tolerant left, which tells us to celebrate diversity (as long as it is approved by them). Student allegedly rips MAGA hat off classmate’s head, slaps teacher

Little Miss Chumette Bucket decided that stealing private property from another student, assaulting them and then assaulting a teacher is an acceptable “political statement”.

In cellphone video, a teacher is seen trying to subdue fired-up 17-year-old senior Chumette Bucket after she became enraged at a classmate for wearing the MAGA hat.

She grabbed the hat off his head.

“That’s a racist and hateful symbol,” Bucket said.


“Maybe just wake people up in some type of way, because it’s not cool, the environment our classroom is in,” Bucket said.

EXCUSE ME????? The environment the classroom is in?? Who assaulted another student and a teacher because of a innocent hat?? Correct, the profanity spewing tolerant leftist which feels violence towards someone she disagrees with is acceptable.

Then there’s the interview with her Dad.

Doesn’t think she maybe should have handled it that way, but maybe it was a conversation that needed to happen.


What conversation took place? What do you think was accomplished? You Mr. Bucket, are a part of this girls problem. And she does have problem, she assaulted a fellow student and a teacher and is standing there grinning like a possum and proud as can be of herself. Either she has no clue how to fit into polite society or she is on some sort of medication, and looking at her eyes, that might be it. Or maybe she is just not right in the head. As her parent? I’d give you an F-

So, I’m saying that educational institutions have a strong leftist bent, very strong, very bent. So bent we have a sociology professor in Las Vegas that carried a concealed pistol that the did not have a permit to carry, concealed into a gun free building on his campus and, shot himself in the arm. But hey, he’s thoughtful. Why?

Inside the bathroom, campus police found a $100 bill taped to a mirror along with a note that said, “For the janitor,” according to Bird’s arrest report. On the floor of the restroom was a black-and-white, .22-caliber pistol and one spent shell casing.

Why? Because he wanted to protest President Trump.

Nope, not making it up. So, I’m going to advise Professor Yitzhak that I think we need to revise our opinion of liberal gun control. I think liberals absolutely need to be thoroughly vetted before they are even allowed in the same room with a gun. And that is why liberals want gun control, they think we are like them, they think we think like they do. They have their isolated ivory tower and are turning out indoctrinated little Chumette Buckets. They teach them how evil the Zionist state is. The one Jewish state in the world, by the way, but don’t dare call them antisemitic. How bad guns are, people can’t be trusted with them, except of course for their paid bodyguards.

But here’s the deal. Ivory towers and schools most often these days, are not reality. Conservatives know this. We know life can be unpredictable, we choose responsibility, we choose preparedness. We know theory quite often, isn’t reality.



I didn’t want to get involved

One of the daily devotional books I read had the topic of “When Good Men Do Nothing”, it’s short.

Often injustice lies in what you aren’t doing, not only in what you are doing.”


History abounds with evidence that humanity is capable of doing evil, not only actively but passively. In some of our most shameful moments—from slavery to the Holocaust to segregation to the murder of Kitty Genovese—guilt wasn’t limited to perpetrators but to ordinary citizens who, for a multitude of reasons, declined to get involved. It’s that old line: all evil needs to prevail is for good men to do nothing.

It’s not enough to just not do evil. You must also be a force for good in the world, as best you can.

The Kitty Genovese murder was horrific. The 28 year old had finished her shift at work as a bar manager and drove home in her red Fiat. She parked her car at the train station across from her Kew Gardens apartment building and started walking home. A 29 year old bucket of chum had followed her home. He was married with kids, had a job and had decided that day that he wanted to kill a woman because he preferred killing women because they were easier and didn’t fight back. He had been driving around about an hour looking for a victim. He began to chase her as she was walking across the street. He initially stabbed her twice but when a couple of people opened their windows in response to her screams and yelled at him he took off. Kitty staggered down the street trying to make it to her apartment. Some of the witnesses said they called the police and said a woman got beat up, but she was up and walking. It doesn’t matter, the police didn’t come. When said bucket of chum had sat in his car about ten minutes and didn’t hear police sirens he got out and went looking for her. He finally found her in the vestibule of her apartment building. He continued to stab her, stole her money and raped her.

Kitty was unable to continue to scream much as his first stab of the second attack was to her throat so she couldn’t scream. But she did make noise. About the only hero in the story is 4’11” Sophie Farrar who heard the commotion, yelled at someone to call the police and flew down the stairs to confront whatever. She held and comforted the dying Kitty. Total time of attacks was about half an hour.

Not much initially happened after the murder until a NY Slimes story came out and claimed 38 people had witnessed the murder and done nothing. And, it being the NY Slimes #FakeNews, the story was later de-bunked. But in typical NY Slimes #FakeNews fashion, they wanted to make news with a point about urban indifference. So, facts? Who needs ‘em. There were actually two men, who most likely saw it happening.

Joseph Fink was an assistant superintendent at the building across the street from Genovese’s. Stationed in the building’s lobby, he had a clear view of the first stabbing, and later told prosecutors that he “thought about going downstairs to get my baseball bat,” but took a nap instead. When asked by the prosecutor why he didn’t help, he shrugged. Another prosecutor later said, “It made me sick to my stomach dealing with this man.”

And the other? Karl Ross, a dog groomer and friend of Kitty’s.

As was his habit, Ross had been drinking the night of the murder. At 3:30 a.m., he heard a noise outside his window that sounded like a woman screaming.

“Skittish by nature, the groggy Ross wasn’t eager to find out what was happening,” Cook writes. “He stayed where he was. He waited, hoping the noises would stop. Soon they died down. He relaxed.”

But a few minutes later, a similar noise arose, this one closer, possibly “a scuffling” or “a muffled cry.”

“Ross stood by his door but didn’t open it,” Cook writes. “He paced behind it, wondering what he should do. At last his curiosity got the best of him. He opened the door a crack.”

What he saw was Genovese, his friend, “lying flat on her back . . . trying to speak” as Moseley continued stabbing her. Suddenly, Moseley stopped — and looked directly at Ross, who retreated into his apartment as quickly as possible.

Instead of calling the police, Ross wasted time calling other neighbors for advice, and they, for reasons unclear, then called others. It was a fatal game of telephone that wasted precious minutes, until Farrar finally yelled at Ross to call the police while she rushed to comfort the victim. Ross called at 3:55, too late to save Genovese’s life.

When the police questioned him about why he didn’t help, Ross inadvertently invented a phrase that would come to symbolize civic apathy, telling them, “I didn’t want to get involved.”


But it did prompt some interesting psychology studies. The Bystander, or Kitty Genovese Effect.

Several psychologists were asked by the the Slimes writer how could someone attempt to kill another person in front of a large group of witnesses like that, and why would none of them get involved or attempt to help? None could answer. Albert Seedman, who was chief of detectives at the time got an answer for that from the psychopath.

‘I knew they wouldn’t do anything, people never do’

Seedman is a pretty interesting guy, at the time, he was the only Jewish officer ever to rise to that rank, and solved some pretty amazing crimes.

But it sounds like the more witnesses, the less likely you are to receive help. Then you add in groups that hate you for what you are. That has been made easy for them by the way they were raised, or their own beliefs. It seems another component is what others around them are doing.

What I’m thinking of now is a article I saw earlier about Austrian State May Require Jews to Register to Buy Kosher Meat I know, it’s Haaretz #FakeNews which is about as reliable as the NY Slimes #FakeNews. And it didn’t fly Austria rejects registering Jews for kosher meat the AFP of course said it was a “far right” party that wanted to implement it. AFP seems to be unaware that on the political spectrum “far right” is anarchy. Communists, socialists, nazis, demoncrats, progressives are are just different flavors of the same big government control poison. Anarchy is the opposite. But, it’s the AFP, so. It was claimed there was a need to do this from a animal welfare aspect. Interesting, because in one of Rabbi Tovia’s lectures he talked about having to work in a slaughter house. Yes, it was awful but what he learned was that killing the animal in a Kosher way, was less traumatic and painful for them then the way all the other animals were slaughtered.

But back to witnesses and those raised to hate certain groups of people, Turkish man beats Jews in front of kosher shop in Vienna.

I guess one way or another, there are ways of making people feel unwelcome, the approach they take depends on the direction politically they want to come at it.

It makes me think of all those “helpful” bits of advice we are given like don’t be in a bad neighborhood. Kew Gardens in the 60s was a safe, peaceful neighborhood. Don’t go places alone, Kitty was in a very populated area. She died while her friend watched her being stabbed to death. The police are only moments away. Yeahhh, well. And then there are those that want us to disarm while they hire armed bodyguards. No, just say no. Now there’s a platitude I could get behind.

But “I didn’t want to get involved” or “All it takes for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing”. The choice is always ours, but last saying “Prior and proper planning prevents p*** poor performance”. Yep, I’ll take that one, because I don’t want to be Kitty, and I choose to be a force for good in the world. Today bystanders not only don’t want to get involved, they are as likely to stand there and film it or stream it live. Evil may be succeeding, but the choice is still ours.


Tisha B’Av. From Within

Tisha B’Av is the saddest day of the Jewish year. The Jewish calender, unlike the Gregorian one doesn’t change. The date an event falls on the Jewish calender will be the same every year, the date it falls on the Gregorian will change. Tisha B’Av this year is Saturday the 21st. But since only Yom Kippur will alter the joy of Shabbat, it will be observed on Sunday the 22nd. How Tisha B’Av is observed and how it is observed when it falls on Shabbat.

Why is it the saddest day of the year? Plenty, and I mean plenty of reasons. Chabad has a list of Tisha B’Av history. In addition to what is listed, Rabbi Chaim Richman and Yitzchak Reuven mentioned this week in Temple Talk radio it is also the date the gas chambers started up at Treblinka.

Jews have paid a fearsome price, horrific, down through the ages for their faith and for their race. I realize that last one is citing a AP source, so not necessarily reliable. There has been a price indeed for the people that brought knowledge of G-d into the world. The world resisted from the beginning. From Parshat Balak when the King of Moab hires Balaam to curse the Jews, and he can’t, he only blesses them. He then advises the King of Moab, find something to separate them from their G-d, how you ask?

As the Torah tells it (see Numbers 25; Rashi ibid.; Talmud, Sanhedrin 81b–82b and 106a), the wicked prophet Balaam, having failed to undermine the people of Israel’s special relationship with G‑d by harping on their past sins, had an idea. “Their G‑d abhors promiscuity,” he said to Balak, the Moabite king who had hired him to place a curse on Israel. Corrupt them with the daughters of your realm, and you will provoke His wrath upon them.

And as the Jews assimilated the Midianite women, sure enough, they began to worship Baal Peor. This and more is in the Parshat after Balak, Parshat Pinchas. Pinchas skewered a couple of them, very publicly. And,,,,,,it brought peace and a cessation of the plague.

Pinchas’s deed evokes many associations—courage, decisiveness and religious passion are several that come to mind—but peace hardly seems one of them. Pinchas, after all, killed two people. True, what he did was condoned by Torah law, and his doing so saved many lives; still, one does not usually think of homicide as a peaceful act.

During the teaching that week Rabbi said that while many think that open borders, anyone can live anywhere, we’re all just one big family of human beings is a very liberal compassionate attitude, it is not. Because innocent people will pay the price for this, it is the innocent that are harmed. The opposite is true, that borders and sound policy are the more compassionate.

We’ll come back for Matot-Massei more. But I’ll just touch on this point. The Moabites feared the Jews, they saw the big victories and the Jews were going to settle near them. The Midianites just flat hated them. They weren’t going to settle near the Midianites, they just had a baseless hatred of the Jews. i

There are histories, cases, incidents and evidence that nations and people have wanted to destroy the Jews and separate them from G-d since G-d had a word with Avraham. There is a clear difference in what the message is coming from Torah and the liberal segment of Judaism. Rabbi Tovia Singer talks in one of his lectures about how they train secret service agents to know real from phony currency. He thought they examined tons of the fake stuff so they could spot it. No, his friend who trained the agents told him. They have them examine the real thing, to know how it feels, what it looks like, all it’s special characteristics. Then when you know the real thing, you can much more easily spot a fake. He talks about how the Jews that are easily pulled away from Judaism don’t have a firm foundation, they don’t know their roots. He urges parents and grandparents to make sure that their children and grandchildren have a good Jewish education so they are harder to pull away from the faith. And this is not a new lecture series I’m listening to. From references made in the lecture on the Slander of Israel and it’s trigger for antisemitism he mentions Senator HilLIARy Clintoon, when she called for a disasterous two state solution. She was in office from 2001-2009, so somewhere in there. He also cites the death of Chezi Goldberg, 2004 Nava Applebaum, September 9th 2003 and the butchering alive of two IDF reservists by Arafat’s Police the Wiki article doesn’t tell you what happened to those two young men, Rabbi Tovia in the linked audio, does. Why would I tell you to listen to something so appallingly gruesome? Because when you read this next part I want you to keep it in mind. Here is a list of terror attacks from 1993-1999, just a few years worth and before the intifadas.

Tisha B’Av, from within. The attempt to destroy Jews and Judaism coming from within. Just like the 300 Spartans and King Leonidas, molṑn labé dude were betrayed by a bucket of chum. Aforementioned bucket of chum wanted favors and acclaim. He sought personal recognition above the good of his people, and those he should have given his loyalty towards.

So why am I off on this tear? Well, as Bear wrote in Tikkun Olam, we received a letter citing this column, Liberal Jews are destroying their own religion. Here is the book referenced in the column.

So let’s take a look at that, shall we? Let’s start with Ze’ev Jabotinsky and his timeless words and wisdom.

“The Ethics of The Iron Wall,” a timeless document which simply and rightfully argues that morality comes before everything else – and along with that the simple concept that Zionism is “moral and just.”


“It is incredible what political simpletons Jews are. They shut their eyes to one of the most elementary rules of life, that you must not “meet halfway” those who do not want to meet you.”


Israel is right to have demands for safety and survival above all else. Jabotinsky’s timeless essay continues, “…there is no morality, no ethics that concedes the right of a glutton to gorge, while more tempered people die of starvation.”

He continues, “And the Talmud quotes a very instructive legal action – which has a direct bearing on this matter. Two people walking along the road find a piece of cloth. One of them says: ‘I found it. It is mine:’ But the other says: ‘No: that is not true: I found the cloth, and it is mine:’ The judge to whom they appeal cuts the cloth in two, and each of these obstinate folk gets half. But there is another version of this action. It is only one of the two claimants who is obstinate: the other, on the contrary, has determined to make the world wonder at this magnanimity. So he says: ‘We both found the cloth, and therefore I ask only a half of it, because the second belongs to B But B. insists that he found it, and that he alone is entitled to it. “

“In this case, the Talmud recommends a wise Judgment, that is, how very disappointing to our magnanimous gentleman. The judge says: ‘There is agreement about one half of the cloth. A. admits that it belongs to B. So it is only the second half that is in dispute. We shall, therefore divide this into two halves: And the obstinate claimant gets three-quarters of the cloth, while the ‘gentleman’ has only one quarter, and serve him right. It is a very fine thing to be a gentleman, but it is no reason for being an idiot. Our ancestors knew that. But we have forgotten it. We should bear it in mind. Particularly, since we are very badly situated in this matter of concessions.”

Clearly, there are people not keeping this in mind. First up the Israel (Jewish state) hating Bernie Sanders. I have to admit, I feel humor when I see a brand new expensive car with “Feel the Bern” bumper stickers on it as I drive past in my 1997 model car. Redistribute the cars. Bernie much beloved by the liberal left, doesn’t seem to have moral roots, meaning something anchoring to convictions or positions. For example

“Open borders? No, that’s a Koch brothers proposal,” Bernie Sanders snapped. “You’re doing away with the concept of a nation state, and I don’t think there’s any country in the world that believes in that.”

“What right-wing people in this country would love is an open-border policy,” he continued. “You know what youth unemployment is in the United States of America today? If you’re a white high school graduate, it’s 33 percent, Hispanic 36 percent, African American 51 percent. You think we should open the borders and bring in a lot of low-wage workers, or do you think maybe we should try to get jobs for those kids?”

That was three years ago.

Bernie’s final surrender came after dodging a question on CNN about abolishing ICE. After the backlash, he went even further, issuing a statement urging that we “abolish the cruel, dysfunctional immigration system we have today”. Open borders had gone from a right-wing position to a Bernie position.

Or how about his position on Guns?

Bernie 2.0, the formerly poor politician who has earned over $1 million for two years running, is a very different political animal than the crusty old socialist that Obama’s old lefty allies dug up in Vermont.

The left’s favorite Senator owes his seat to the NRA. He voted against the Brady Bill and was listed as the only non-Republican among the 25 top recipients of money from gun-rights groups. Hillary Clinton quickly zeroed in on gun control as Bernie’s weakness. And his response to her was praised by the NRA. And then, as usual, the flip-following followed the leftist backlash in the media and on social media.

After telling the New York Daily News that firearms manufacturers shouldn’t face lawsuits from victims of crimes committed with firearms, he flipped his answer completely around at the debate. It only took a few weeks for Bernie to go from, “No, I don’t” to “They have a right to sue, and I support them.”

These days Bernie is hanging out with David Hogg and blaming a “three letter word” for gun violence.

“It’s the NRA,” Sanders recently sneered. “And it’s Trump and the Republicans who don’t have the guts to stand up to these people and that’s pretty pathetic.”

Bernie is the the type of Jew that Rabbi Tovia talks about. They don’t adhere, or follow Judaism and they hate Israel, so the media loves to quote them, or use them as sources for their anti-Israel diatribes. That way they can’t be accused of antisemitism. The open borders thing? Go back up and see what Rabbi said in the teaching of Pinchas. A bit different from Bernie.

And a group of 50 young gullible political pawns, naw, let’s just say what it is, liberal Jews craving attention with no love of Judaism, Torah or Israel, and yes that’s my opinion but not mine alone,

This gathering was less about a genuine empathy for dead Palestinians. It was more an exhibition of Jew hatred for the Jewish state.

decided to daven Kaddish ….for the hamass terrorists trying to kill Jews from Gaza. In Parliament square in Londonistan. That apparently doesn’t run afoul of Londonistan’s mulim mayor Kahn (#FreeTommyRobinsonNow). Hamass has admitted that 50 or so of the 65 killed in the day of question were their people. People who had stated:

Hamas Gaza chief, Yahiya Sinwar, incited his people by telling them, “We will tear down their borders and then tear out their hearts from their bodies.”

Nice, in addition to that, the baby they named was not killed by tear gas (WHO takes a baby to a riot) but by a congenital heart defect. A cousin of the family told the IDF the family was paid two grand by hamass to claim Israel killed the baby. The gullible sops fell for it, naw, they didn’t care for the facts or truth, they cared for the camera and “social justice”. What crap. What is “just” about a people flat out telling you they want to kill you and you side with them?

What sanctimonious hogwash! What they were doing was feeling sad for Palestinian who set out to murder Jews.

As for their “morality,’ Seth Frantzman asked in his Jerusalem Post article, “had these fifty Jews ever held a Kaddish for the dead of the Rwandan genocide or the thousands of Yazidis machine-gunned to death by ISIS, or for the hundreds of Israelis killed during the Second Intifada” or since by Palestinians? Or the Jewish victims of antisemitism? Highly unlikely.

Did they spare any of those prayers for the Israelis murdered by hamass? For the IDF attacked by pieceful Falestinians and hamass? Nope. There was backlash. The chief organizing twit-ette, she being a she, as opposed to the male, twit, was removed from her position as a leader on the Reform youth movement’s Israel Tour this summer. Apparently this was too much for Reform Judaism. So her sister posted an appeal on facebook asking all her Jewish friends to contact leadership and express their disappointment. Reading the comments is priceless, enjoyable and entertaining. All the comments I saw run to the line of thinking you daft bint, do you not understand these people want to kill Jews? Kaddish is a Jewish prayer said for Jews, not hamass. Actions have consequences, this sort:

Perhaps u can point out to us an instance when she has said Kaddish for any of the Jewish men women or children butchered by Hamas terrorists?

Please don’t ignore the truth there was only one reason for her being removed from her post and that was because she was unfit to lead as she proved by her naive and repulsive actions.

These stunts are more than just childish. They provide succour to our enemies. It has been retweeted many times by the likes of Electronic Intifada , Ben White, BDS / PSC etc .These individuals and orgs would not dream to post anything remotely disadvantageous to their cause and so they quote you. I have studied their motivation and strategy. A key component is to seed fund dissent within the Diaspora in order to undermine the global Diaspora support for Israel . It’s one more long term element within the bds armoury to dismantle the Jewish state .

And honestly, Israel doesn’t need another Israel hating twit-ette involved with a tour.

Anti-Israel Birthright Brats Beg For Money After Getting Kicked off Program

Oh, but it’s not what you’re thinking, they walked off the tour. And it’s not the first time that the left wing activists from the Israel hating IfNotNow have accepted free trips to Israel only to use them to push their “liberal” ill-liberal narrative. Even Haaratz #FakeNews was miffed. They wanted to go visit an Arab family facing eviction. And so Birthright kicked them off the tour after they walked off. They did what any good liberal who pitched a hissy fit would do when confronted with consequences, they opened a Go Fund Me and begged money. And, they got it.

An, as in one, arab family facing eviction. Wow. They didn’t ask to visit Amona, or Netiv HaAvot. Nor did the ask to help repair some of the thousands of acres of land burned by their Gazan heroes. Nor did they offer to try to stop them from killing innocent animals in an attempt to destroy even more Israeli land and kill more Israelis and animals. Nope, none of that interested them. Being political pawns for hamass, that’s their jam. I think Birthright should have stuck them in a helmet and sent them to the border so they can get a real idea, a Falcon’s eye view of what it’s like to be an Israeli. Let them go spend some time in one of the villages close to the border, talk to the residents there. Let them go spend a few days in Sderot, and find out how long 15 seconds is. I’m actually kind of shocked Birthright hasn’t offered to hire me.

And then there was the IDF hating leftist Hannah Berg who attempted to deceive the good people of Yitzhar into thinking she was sane and giving her a tour. They gave her Tzvi Sukkot, Otzmah Yehudit, Jewish Power Director as a “tour” guide. It’s a short story, but I like it a lot and you might as well.

But the always brilliant Tsvi Sadan points out, it’s like the Head of the IDF hates them as well. Well, he didn’t put it like that, exactly.

Eizenkot: I don’t think that shooting at children and youth who sometimes fly balloons and kites [that set fires in Israel’s south] is the right thing to do.

Yeahhhh, I think I know how Elor Azariya wound up in jail. Really, go read it.

I think Howard Sachs sums it up very nicely in Leftism and liberalism: Private property

What a tragedy for America. Millions of intelligent but highly unwise Jews are replacing liberal Judaism with illiberal Leftism.

Hundreds of thousands of our young across America, now, almost fully indoctrinated into this terrible ideology, demand all this free stuff like free college, healthcare, maternity leave, daycare, retirement care, eldercare – wretched socialism.

This Leftist value system , this new religion, has taken over our media, universities, the Democratic party, Hollywood, and much of our non-orthodox Jewish and Christian institutions. And with the dogma of this religion, these men and women essentially yearn to return to our oppressive past, to Egypt, to the false comforts, idols, and destructiveness of slavery and tyranny.

The whole article is worth reading, really.

I said we would come back to Parshat Matot-Massei,

But of course, they were wrong. If one is to throw caution to the wind and risk everything, it should be in the opposite direction, to combat evil, as Pinchas graphically demonstrated. Although we should not shun the challenge of engaging the materiality of this world directly, we must be duly aware of its potential to divert us and corrupt our intentions. Hence the pertinence of the laws of vows and oaths: through these laws a person can set up boundaries for himself where he feels they are needed, as we will explain further on.

But like training the secret service agents by teaching them the nuances and subtleties of real currency to be able to tell fraud, these new brave daring Jews, foolishly fooled political pawns and spoiled brats going against the hopelessly outdated old ways of thinking have no idea of real justice, of real kindness or compassion. They want their idea of social justice forced upon you, and they want the government to do it.

But Tisha B’Av, we grieve the loss of the Beit Hamikdash, both of them. The attempt to destroy the heart and soul of Judaism, the place where G-d chose to rest his presence and would meet with the people. The world has been trying to destroy it for millennia, and now there are those who choose to try to destroy it from within. Yet another reason to mourn.

But Tisha B’Av isn’t just about mourning what’s been lost, it is suppose to put us in a frame of mind, in a place to want to rectify, to rebuild. And so I will leave you with a little video playlist, each of the 8 videos is only a couple minutes long.

But this is my favorite. It’s not the most recent one though.

I watch it and the tears run, but they are tears of hope. May your Tisha B’Av be meaningful.

iNotes from the Stone Chumash on Parshat Pinchas and Mattot citing Rashi, Rambam and the Or HaChaim.


Tikkun Olam

The Zelman Partisans recently received an inquiry about liberal Jews and tikkun olam.

Y.B. ben Avraham addressed this back in 2014:

Gradually setting aside their fundamental belief in Torah, and longing for Geula, many Jews focused on secular, social action, to satisfy their ingrained drive for Tikkun Olam. After many, many centuries of exile, poverty, suffering, and death, many thought the Enlightenment (and the Jewish variant; the Haskalah) was the correct path. Perhaps, they thought, ‘this’ was the way to bring about the coming of Moshiach?

For all that I pen many of the columns here, I am not a Jew. Faith comes hard to me; even a belief system that has successfully maintained an identity for thousands of years. Nonetheless, I admire the strength of will that maintains in the face of adversity, and I see things that have happened to Jews as a cautionary tale; what has been done to one group — the Shoah, for instance — can be done to any other group, if they do not stand fast. And I admire the Maccabees for… standing fast.

Nor am I a scholar. But allow me to make a go of it.

Tikkun olam: “repair of the world”

Repairing the world, as best I understand it, meant helping, making wrong things right, fixing. In short, being part of the greater community.

Without abandoning the Jewish community.

It seems to me that tikkun olam has been twisted into forcing the world into Orwellian right-think, including the modern practitioners’ own minds. Not repair, but forcible redesign even of that which works. Which means they are abandoning thousands of years of faith that sustained their ancestors through tribulations difficult to contemplate.

Faith is hard. I think many modern, liberal Jews found it too hard, and gave up faith for form, in favor of conformity. Forced conformity, so they don’t have to work too hard at that either.

What then will sustain them now?

Carl is an unpaid TZP volunteer. If you found this post useful, please consider dropping something in his tip jar. He could use the money, what with truck repairs and recurring bills.


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July 4th, American Independence day when we think about the resolve of American patriots, give thanks for their foresight and courage. We review what they went through and the tools that made victories possible.

Washington & Guns, lots of guns. Good plan.








And both of those things, Washington and guns were lacking in Poland on July 4th 1946. Poland has been in the news a lot as of late. For those that don’t know it, July 4th was the anniversary of the 72nd anniversary of the Kielce pogrom. No, no, the Kielce pogrom occurred after WWII had ended. Kielce

Kielce was occupied on 4 September 1939 by the German army. Approximately 24,000 Jews lived in the town, a third of all its inhabitants.


On 31 March 1941 the Kielce Ghetto was established. Jews from the surrounding villages were forced to move into the ghetto.

The ghetto liquidation took place from 20 – 24 August 1942


In March 1943, during a selection in the Kielce camp, the SS killed all Jewish doctors and their families, and in May 1943 a group of children. After the May selection the Germans established several work camps.

After the war around 150 Jews left their hidings and returned to Kielce. They found a place in their former parish hall, waiting for a possibility to emigrate to Palestine.


In June 1946 they were accused of having committed a ritual murder on a missing Polish boy. On 1 July 1946 a furious crowd gathered round the building and on 4 July 1946 they killed 42 Jews. (At least, most likely more. ~S)

Until today historians discuss who provoked this anti-Jewish riot. Many inhabitants participated in the pogrom and around 100 people were arrested by the communist police; among them people who did not participate in the crime but being known as anti-communists.

Still today some people suspect that the pogrom was provoked by communists for eliminating opponents of the new regime in Poland.

Because Communism is a G-dless “religion” for one thing. Because they were coming back to reclaim their property for another.

If only they had some warning that their “neighbors” were going to “suddenly turn on them” they certainly would have been better prepared to defend themselves after all they had just been through. If only law enforcement had know ahead of time, they could have been prepared to defend the Jews like the brave British Constables (pppffffttt) did in 1929 Hevron massacrei. From the Jewish Virtual Library

The Jews had no adequate means for self-defense since the police had confiscated the few pistols among them just one day previously. In this pogrom, the largest attack on Jews following the Nazi era, 60–70 Jews were murdered, including children and pregnant women, and around 100 were injured

And this is all just in Kielce! I recently read a book called Defy The Darkness by Joe Rosenblum. Joe lived in Poland prior to WWII, he went through several concentration camps and survived as well as saving others. And he will very well tell you what it was like living in Poland before, during and after nazi occupation. He will also tell you what it was like living in more than one concentration camp, and how he managed to survive. He also survived surgery by the infamous Dr. Mengele, who actually did operate on Joe, despite him being a Jew, to save his life. As to the German people not knowing what was going on? Pffftt, he told what it was like being on one of those death camp marches when they were being marched through German towns. It’s also interesting that Mengele didn’t believe any of the bad stuff said about the Jews. He thought they were brilliant people who had done nothing wrong to the Germans.

But why were so many Polish Jews sitting ducks? Well, at one time Poland had the greatest tolerance and acceptance of Jews. History of the Jews in Poland

The history of the Jews in Poland dates back over 1,000 years. For centuries, Poland was home to the largest and most significant Jewish community in the world. Poland was a principal center of Jewish culture, thanks to a long period of statutory religious tolerance and social autonomy. This ended with the Partitions of Poland which began in 1772, in particular, with the discrimination and persecution of Jews in the Russian Empire.

Another reason is some refused to see reality, they refused to accept it, even as they were on their way to the death camps. This is another article well worth reading, it’s not long either.

On one occasion, my grandfather told me, his unit of partisan fighters blew up a railroad bridge and waited in ambush. When the train eventually approached and was forced to stop in order to avoid plummeting into the canyon depths, the partisans charged aboard and killed all of the Nazi troops who were manning the cars. Afterwards, the partisans opened a passenger car from which they had heard the sound of people talking excitedly and crying. Inside was a group of Jews dressed in their finest clothes and grasping suitcases filled with their possessions as if they were on their way to a long vacation. The Jews on board were shocked and apprehensive about the strange-looking people from the woods who had attacked their train and killed all of the Nazi soldiers, initially refusing to believe that their liberators were Jewish themselves.

Yes, no doubt the Polish people had the highest regard for the Jews living among themselves.

House in Kielce, Poland, found to be made of Jewish gravestones. To be quite honest, it wasn’t a house, it was a cowshed. Suspect the nazis did not build many cowsheds while they were there.

An article from the Daniel Pipes web site (article not written by Mr. Pipes, but rather by a contributor) Poland had a terrible long history of anti-Semitism before the World War II and is still. He ends his column by saying

Finally, not all Poles are bad….

No doubt, but in the radio show Phantom Nation the host points out,

Many Poles lost their lives trying to help the Jews. Yad Vashem has honored almost 7 thousand Christians, but out of a country of 35 million in 1939, that’s not that many people . Of the 3 million Polish Jews that lost their lives, 200 thousand were murdered by at least as many Polish Christians, not nazis. The Polish nation has a history of violence against the Jews. Bibi can’t see the serious anti-Jews acts, he thinks with a nice statement they will love us. For Poles, WWII was about the nazi aggression to Poles, they have not room for what the Poles did to the Jews. The host points out Bibi’s exceedingly weak response to Poland’s new laws.

It’s really a good program, you can listen to the whole show.

Other sources also chide Bibi for his very weak response. Which of course if why I truly feel Moshe Feiglin would be a far better leader. Controversy Over Israel-Poland Joint Statement

A couple of items you may or not know, Poland wanted to ship all the Jews to….Madagascar, and the Evian Conference on Jewish refugees preceded and enabled giving validity to the 1942 Wannsee Protocol. France, betraying Jews since looooong before Sarah Halimi was murdered.

Joe Rosenblum also looked very Aryan, that’s how he managed to work on a farm, survive and help support his family.

And today?

Poland’s official anti-Semitism, basically, you’re forbidden to suggest Poland had anything to do with the slaughter of Jews. Do so and you get a fine and jail time.

Not surprisingly, many Israelis and holocaust survivors objected to this. The law was put on a freeze.

And then, there is the decision on how to “commemorate” the Kielce pogrom.

Historian Prof. Jan Grabowski, author of the book Hunt for the Jews, sparked public outcry in Poland when he determined that more than 200,000 Jews in Poland were murdered directly or indirectly by locals and that most citizens of the occupied state stood idly by, even when they understood what was taking place…..

Nowhere in the program is there mention of Polish assistance, complicity, or even acquiescence in the atrocities committed against the Jews in Kielce. Indeed, from the program it is difficult to guess who, if anybody, murdered Jews in Kielce, as it appears the entire Polish population was busy assisting them.

So basically, academia decided rather than look at what really happened, they would just celebrate the minority event of some of the righteous helping Jews and ignore how many Jews were killed by their fellow Poles. As you can tell, academia planned the event. Let’s ignore the tragedy of what happened to the Jews and just talk about the few that may have tried to help.

It would be easier to accept that Poland is no longer this way if they weren’t trying to force people to stop discussing and learning history, because those who ignore it, or cover it up? Are doomed to repeat it.

iThe third speaker was Uri Arnon of Bar-Ilan University who spoke about the British perspective. Arnon displayed many documents from both British and Israeli archives to prove that the British mandatory authorities were complicit in allowing the massacre to happen. One document alluded to British police officers changing their stories to match a pre-concocted alibi as to how they failed to protect the Jewish community. Arnon also detailed the mistreatment of the survivors following the massacre who were forcibly deported to Jerusalem and denied access to return. From Conference & Memorial for 1929 Hebron Massacre This whole article is well worth reading.


Well, harumph, we do have our standards

One of the facebook groups I belong to will have members that from time to time post links to some pretty egregious anti-semitic posts on facebook or twitter. I know this is shocking considering how many people I know that have done nothing more than post a news article to a crime someone from the religion of pieces has committed and have been put in facebook jail. Usually a violent and bloody crime by the way. So this member posted about 20 links to different facebook accounts. Pretty much all of them had the same thing. A graphic with a knife dripping blood, and a prayer, which, could be translated from Arabic. The gist of the prayer is oh Allah, come a kill all the Jews, let the streets run with their blood, yada yada yada. Being a sensitive soul, I took offense. So I did what everyone else was suppose to be doing with this, we reported it. Wish I had taken a screenshot of it for you, but I didn’t intend for it to become part of a column. The post is now gone happily, but sadly for my multimedia portion of the column. Love those graphics. To my utter shock and amazement, yes I am kidding, facebook said “We reviewed your report of XXXXXXXX” it apparently doesn’t violate their community standards and is not hate speech and they suggest I just block him. Fine, how’s about I use a Centurion tank, s’ok?

Now, why did this rather unsurprising incident wind up in a column? Would you like to know what does trigger facebook’s delicate sensibilities and violate their hate speech rule? The Declaration of Independence. America’s Declaration of Independence.

Facebook labels newspaper’s post ‘hate speech’; It was the Declaration of Independence

The Liberty County Vindicator had been posting excerpts of the Declaration of Independence daily leading up to July 4th. The first nine posts were published without a problem. The 10th post, which included paragraphs 27 through 31 of the Declaration of Independence, was deleted by Facebook.

According to Casey Stinnett, The Vindicator’s managing editor, the paper received a notice from Facebook that said the post “goes against our standards on hate speech.”

Hate speech, ok, so praying to Allah to kill all the Jews and blood run through the streets like a gully washer isn’t hate speech. What is?

“While The Vindicator cannot be certain exactly what triggered Facebook’s filtering program, the editor suspects it was most likely the phrase ‘Indian savages,'” Stinnett said in the statement. “Perhaps had Thomas Jefferson written it as ‘Native Americans at a challenging stage of cultural development’ that would have been better.”

He blamed the incident on an “automated action.”

“The removal of the post was an automated action,” Stinnett wrote. “If any human being working at Facebook were to review it, no doubt the post would be allowed.”

Casey, you have far more faith and trust in facebook than I do. Because I think if the monitoring team had realized it was The Declaration of Independence, they would have gone back and taken down posts 1-9 as well. Harumph, they do after all, have their standards.



Only The Professionals

James Comey thinks basic biological functions, like defense in support of the survival instinct, are best left to the professionals.

Riveting: Former FBI Director James Comey Refused To Carry A Gun
He was permitted to carry one himself but chose not to. “I was surrounded by armed people all day long. If I wasn’t safe in the hands of the FBI, then our country was really in trouble.”

The rest of us don’t have the option of a 24/7 federal security detail. And as the line goes, when seconds count, the police are minutes away. And rumor has it that Comey hired a porn star to bang his wife for him, knowing that a paid professional would do a better job than he ever could.

Yes, our country really is in trouble.

Carl is an unpaid TZP volunteer. If you found this post useful, please consider dropping something in his tip jar. He could use the money, what with truck repairs and recurring bills.

