Category Archives: self defense

Bringing a Car and a Knife

Recently there was a stabbing attack at the Ohio State University.

One RFV (I’m not giving his name, it should rot in hell with him) and his family presumably fled the violence of Somalia to Pakistan, or as barry says it Pah kee stohn in 2007. From Pakistan, the family came to America in 2014 where they were granted permanent legal status. Since then RFV has attended Columbus State and until a couple days ago, Ohio State University. I just find that interesting. I don’t think college tuition is cheap.

The refugee from violence (RFV) was so upset when he first arrived at OSU because he was a member of the religion of pieces and said there was no place for him to pray. Well, actually, there were three prayer rooms for people of the religion of pieces to pray, but hey he was new. I haven’t found mention in any of the reports how many rooms were set aside for Jewish and Christian students to go pray.

One of the statements he made was he felt uncertain how he would be received as a muslim and felt unsafe.

This is my first day. This place is huge, and I don’t even know where to pray. I wanted to pray in the open, but I was kind of scared with everything going on in the media. I’m a Muslim, it’s not what the media portrays me to be.

It’s been a interesting week for me on Twitter. Someone sent me a homemade video of a young boy, probably late teens holding a Bic pen. One of the ballpoint ones that you take the cap off. And he holds it in various positions, wearing different clothing, standing different places all the while saying “This is a knife”. He goes below camera angle so you only see his arm holding the pen and says “This is a knife”. He give statistics on how low terrorist attacks were in the US. Sadly he gave statistics ending around 2007. I inquired if he had any more recent statistics, say, oh from 2008-present. I have not yet heard back. But he ends his video with saying we see him as a threat because the media has portrayed him I such. I have yet to see any of the terrorists victims attacked with a Bic pen. But I didn’t say that, I thought obama’s term isn’t over, and that might be tempting fate. I would maintain that the media does everything it can to cover for the religion of pieces, including a cnn propaganda news reader suggesting women wear headscarves in solidarity with muslims a few hours before RFV commenced his non violent political protest by mowing down his fellow students with a borrowed car.

That raises a whole set of questions for me. Did the person that loaned the car do a background check on the RFV? Wasn’t there some kind of cooling off period before the RFV could borrow the potential weapon of mass murder? Will the person who loaned the car face criminal charges? Will the manufacture of the potential weapon of mass murder? I haven’t heard the answer to these troubling questions.

So the 18, 19 or 20 year old student, depending on which site you’re reading wounded 11 people, one of them critically as they evacuated one of the buildings in response to the fire alarm going off.

The same night I learned on twitter that the reason people are fearful of seeing muslims with Bic ballpoints is that we are fearful of being stabbed, I also learned I am an anti-Semite. I am an anti-Semite because I am a pro-Israel Zionist. I also learned that the Jews in Israel have nothing to do with the ancient Hebrews that lived there centuries ago. I gotta tell you, I have some friends that are going to be down right shocked to hear this. I am an anti-Semite? I think I just stepped into an alternative universe. Sort of like Orwell’s 1984. The reason the muslims are attacking U.S. is because

We’re now bombing seven Arab counties for the Greater Israel project. It hasn’t made them more America friendly though.

“Greater Israel”, hmmm, does that, like = evil Zionist?

I said sorry, I was busy grieving for the victims of the attack at OSU. He informed me no one died. Huh? 11 people rammed with a car then attacked with a butcher knife, but HEY, no one died. Well, guess it’s all okay then. But one is in critical condition, so is THAT maybe close enough to mattering?

So I have learned Jews in Israel aren’t related to Hebrews. I already knew I was a Zionist. Damn skippy. Oh, and I learned is where white supremacists and evil Zionists go. Huh, who knew? All that came about because one of my favorite people Shim was suspended at twitter. Shim has always just rebutted crap with humor and facts. Shlomi was suspended because he said something about the children being brainwashed to kill and that apparently violated Twitter’s delicate community standards sensibilities. Canary Mission was suspended. Milo was suspended. I asked Aussie Dave about Canary Mission’s suspension, I guess some liberal didn’t like having what he/she said repeated and quoted in a public forum. Liberals, hating facts since they were first used.

There is just something so familiar about this. It’s like I’ve seen this movie before. I just can’t seem to put my finger on what’s familiar about it.

Ram with a car, chop with a cleaver or a knife. Apparently this is the isis playbook. Which should give one a good clue who’s behind the pieceful Falestinian attacks.

But there is a big difference in the second one. It was stopped very quickly. An armed citizen intervened. The one on campus was stopped very quickly as well, but only because the hero police officer was in the area due to a reported gas leak. My view is G-d was merciful. In the gun-free zone, GFZ, called OSU one of the few people allowed with a gun, a police officer, happened to be near-by that day. Had there not been a gas leak, I’m not sure what the response time would have been for the students being butchered alive.

The call was reported as a “shooting” and a “shooter” initially. So students did as they’ve been trained to do, run, hide and if all options are gone, fight. Not sure with what, maybe their Bic ballpoint. So students hid in bathrooms and wherever, thinking it was a shooting going on. I wonder, what would have happened had their been a second assailant with a knife roaming the halls. Would students have felt it was safe to be out in the halls since they heard no gun shots?

Predictably, the anti-self-defense crowd came swarming out from under their rocks calling for more gun control.

Former VP candidate Sen. Tim Kaine tweeted his angst (dodged a bullet on that one, having Kaine as a VP)

Demoncratic VP candidate Kaine
Demoncratic VP candidate Kaine


As did shannonrtwatts.

The ever confused Shannon
The ever confused Shannon

And some unknown odd person.

Some strange people chimed in.
Some strange people chimed in.

So the only gun used was the one that stopped the car and knife attack and you want more gun control?

Perhaps like Britain, where soldier Lee Rigby was beheaded in public by the religion of pieces and they had to wait for “special” police officers who are allowed to be armed to get there. The usual officer on the street being disarmed. Unarmed police arrived 9 minutes after the call for help was placed, it was another 5 minute wait for armed police to respond.

Kind of interesting looking at the history of Columbus lately

Recent terrorism in Columbus OH
Recent terrorism in Columbus OH

But it’s not all bad news! No, the State Dept. defends refugee vetting after Ohio State attack. So, I guess don’t worry be happy?

Even though DHS admits refugee fraud ‘easy to commit’

But at least we went out of our way to make them feel at home. DHS gives Somali Muslims special airport security tours because they felt harassed and profiled

Welcome to my alternative universe.



The things we learn from our friends at TZP. I sent a screen shot not long ago to my teammates of some of the followers we have picked up. To my great shock they are from….wait for it, no not the DNC, but rather, Iraq. Well color me baffled. As he does from time to time, and it’s always gratefully appreciated, Y.B. helped clear things up for me. He sent me a link to the following documentary. It’s excellent. Not only is it in Hebrew, which is good practice for me, but it has English subtitles, because I’m just not that good. Yet. I’d urge you to watch it. It’s about 45 minutes long and contains a wealth of information, and to me inspiration.

A small bit of background. Peshmerga means “those who stand in front of death.” The head of the Peshmerga is the President of Iraqi Kurdistan. The Kurdistan Region is located in the north of Iraq and constitutes the country’s only autonomous region. Often referred to as Southern Kurdistan, since the Kurds consider it to be one of the four parts of a Greater Kurdistan. Southeastern Turkey is Northern Kurdistan, northern Syria is Rojava (as it is called in the video) or Western Kurdistan, and northwestern Iran is Eastern Kurdistan. The Peshmerga were said to have been instrumental in the capture of Saddam Hussein. I’m guessing the Kurds are still miffed about the 3,200 to 5,000 Kurds killed and 7,000 to 10,000 more injured, most of which were civilians, in the Halabja chemical attack on March 16, 1988 by Saddam. Stuff like that tends to make one hold a grudge. In Syria under Assad, the clothes, language, dances, songs, basically the culture of Kurdistan was forbidden to them. If you can erase a culture, it’s easier to dominate or erase a people.

There are different branches of Kurdish fighters. There is a handy cut out and save guide to the who’s who of the different units at Who are the Kurds? A user’s guide to Kurdish politics. Some are Pro-Western and capitalist, some more communist. What they are all doing though is fighting ISIS. Or as barry calls it, the JV team. And barry has once again demonstrated what happens when people are incapable of seeing evil for what it is. Or seeing the wrong thing as evil, for example, law-abiding gun owners, police, Christmas Trees and Bakeries. But I digress.

Back to Iraq. The “JV” team has decimated several Yazidi villages. Some Yazidis have managed to flee through routes the Kurds who crossed the border from Syria managed to make for them. The Yazidis are told they will convert to Sunni Islam or die. Then they are given a “deadline”. If they do convert, the men are forced to fight with isis and the women are taken. Another small digression here, isis has said they are infiltrating fighters with the “refugees” to America, and if a people needed refuge, it would be the Yazidi or Christians fleeing. Yet, the door to refuge in America is shut to them.

The Kurds have a rough row to hoe. Turkey threatens them if they perform operations near the Turkish border and the PKK is involved because Turkey blames the PKK for the “attempted Coup”. Their weapons are outdated and in short supply and help from the rest of the world has been in quite short supply. The Christian militia in Syria does fight with them though in some places. Despite all this, the Kurdish fighters have been amazingly effective against isis.

In case you didn’t watch the video, here’s a interesting “Cliff Notes” part for you. Some of the units are made up of women. Much like the IDF, these women are fighters, and fight alongside their male brothers-in-arms. Some of the unit leaders are women. In the video one of the male PKK fighters says the women are excellent leaders, better than some of the men, they are good teachers. And some of these leaders have been at it for a long time.

Media-Leader of a PKK group
Media-Leader of a PKK group

Therefore isis has put large bounties on them. Like Media, shown above.

Unlike barry’s JV team isis, the Kurds do not kill the captured isis fighters. They go to prisons. The isis fighters? They enjoy killing the Kurds, or Jew, or Christians as it says in the video. Also Journalists. They enjoy killing them as well. They will tell you. The interviewer asked, he had personally known some of the journalists they killed.

And he's proud.
And he’s proud.

They also asked the captured isis fighters about their recruits that came from other countries. They explained the got in easily across the Turkish border. They just claim to be something they aren’t.

No, we aren’t jihadist. We’re refug, er um, free Army.

But back to the Kurdish women

An all-female Kurdish militia has launched a military campaign against the Islamic State in Iraq with the aim of avenging and liberating the Yazidi women who’ve been raped, assaulted and killed by the terror group in Northern Iraq’s Sinjar region.

And the Yazidi women

An all-female Yazidi militia has vowed to be part of the operation to attack and drive out the Islamic State militant group (ISIS) from northern Iraq. The Sinjar Women’s Units (YJS) announced Saturday that they have “not forgotten those Yazidi women sold in [the slave] markets of Mosul or burned alive.”

If you aren’t aware of the issues I’m talking about this should get you up to speed pretty quick.

‘Yazidi women dragged by their hair, sold into sex slavery by ISIS for $25’

The isis fighters if given a choice, as you saw in the video, will usually choose to run from the Kurdish women. They hear their battle cry and choose to beat feet, and are often instructed to do so. Why? Because if they are killed by a “lowly woman”, it’s no 72 virgins and heaven for them. Is that sweet or what?

So, what brought all this on about the female fighters in Peshmerga? Well, it seems we recently had an election in the US. A woman labeled a “strong woman” a “fighter” by the media and the left was defeated. I, me, personally, believe many have confused “strong” with evil. As a result of these elections it seems countless people have been “triggered”. I’m not sure if they’ve been “triggered” by their winning trophies for “participating” most of their lives, if it’s indoctrination by the preponderance of left wing loons that indoctrinate in schools, their parents outrage that the appointed person didn’t win, or if their left wing coffee shop messed up their coffee. Or, they may have been “triggered” by $1500 a week pay. Non-profit? Interesting, would this fall under the auspices of the clintoon foundation or just another one of soros’s charity organizations? I dunno.

Pretty good pay, eh?
Pretty good pay, eh?

But when you have crowds blocking ambulances from getting through, idiots punching innocent police horses, and you have a pregnant woman trapped in her car as “peaceful protestors” hit the windows with bats, it’s too much. If they want to make a difference, if they want to work for a strong woman, and fight for womens rights? Then I think they need to turn in their diaper pins , say some prayers for the fighters that have been most effective against isis, perhaps speak to their legislative representatives about sending the Kurds some weaponry and supply help, and if they feel the need to be part of a group helping make the world a better place? I’m sure the Peshmerga would be glad to welcome them.

The amazing Media
The amazing Media

Ask for Media. They could use the help and these are strong women, fighting to free other women who have, and are living and dying in the hell of isis captivity. Who knows, maybe when the women of Peshmerga are done liberating the women in this war, they will go to Germany and help the women there.

One of these things is not like the other. That’s one of the female YPG fighters jumping over the fire.

Babies vs. Brass
Babies vs. Brass

Have at it. #RealFeminists


Larry Correia: A Handy Guide For Liberals Who Are Suddenly Interested In Gun Ownership

When I saw this, I automatically grabbed the link for next Monday’s Alert Newsletter. But… whew. This shouldn’t wait for another week (for those of you not yet familiar with Larry Correia, and his great books).

A Handy Guide For Liberals Who Are Suddenly Interested In Gun Ownership
That title isn’t joking. This post is aimed at my liberal readers. I’m a libertarian leaning Republican and gun expert, who thinks you are wrong about a lot of stuff, but I’m not writing this to gloat about your loss. For the record, I disliked all the presidential candidates.

Judging by your social media over the last few days many liberals have been utterly terrified that your government might turn tyrannical or that evil people will now be emboldened to hurt you. I’m going to let you in on a little thing the other half of the country is familiar with to keep those unlikely, yet catastrophic, events from happening.


Many of you have been sharing every second hand account, rumor, and urban legend about some random doofus in Somnambulant, Wisconsin or Bumfight, Louisiana, shouting an ethnic slur or spray painting a swastika on a wall. Newsflash, in a country with a third of a billion people, some percentage of them are going to be assholes. I hate to break it to you, but the assholes were there before, and they will be there forever. Just right now the news has a self-serving incentive to report about these assholes in particular.


Calling the cops is awesome. If they get there in time they will be happy to save your ass, but that’s assuming they get there in time. Violent encounters usually happen very quickly. Good police response time is measured in minutes. You can be dead in seconds. Plus, your side is the one that doesn’t trust the cops anyway. It isn’t Republicans out there protesting the police. So why is it you expect agents of the state to risk their lives to save you? Gratitude?


So no, you can’t just shoot somebody walking down the street in a Trump hat. That would be Murder. Or considering most liberals don’t understand basic marksmanship, more likely Attempted Murder. However, if somebody dressed entirely in Confederate flags walks up, screams DIE GAY ABORTION VEGAN and tries to stab you with his commemorative Heinrich Himmler SS dagger, it’s game on (don’t blame me, I’m basing this hypothetical scenario on what most of your facebook feeds sound like).


Contrary to what Barack Obama told you, Glocks are not easier to get than books. Hell, I’ll trade an autographed copy of each of my published novels for a Glock if you’ve got any spares lying around.


That’s the real meaning of the 2nd Amendment. So don’t screw around with it. If you do you’re no better than the fat wannabes running around the woods in their surplus camo and airsoft plate carriers… You don’t get that, but all my gun culture readers know exactly who I’m talking about. They are the morons CNN trots out whenever they need to paint all gun owners as irresponsible inbred redneck violent dupes for your benefit.



Seriously; read the whole thing. Forget TL;DR. He’s right, and entertaining. Forward his piece to all your lib friends huddling with crayons and play dough in their safety-pinned safe spaces.


The “Fixer”



Alex “Shaya” Lichtenstein was a “fixer”.  He facilitated obtaining goods and services from within systems rigged against free, peaceful, consensual, trade, by the interference of government.  Like smugglers, prostitution, and so many other industries, the “fixer” provides (often for outrageous fees, and from dubious sources) what would be readily available in a free society.

Mr. Lichtenstein was a leader in the “Shomrim” (private, neighborhood security) in the Borough Park area Brooklyn, New York.  Why, given the size of the NYPD, would there even be a market for such a thing in a decidedly poor, urban, predominantly Orthodox Jewish, Borough Park?

Well, like in so many other neighborhoods in large cities, these folks live right next door to some of the most violent criminals in the U.S.  So bad is it, that even if the NYPD focused their efforts on these neighborhoods, they are overwhelmed.

Additionally, as in most similar cases, the citizens of this neighborhood are left without effective means of self-defense.  Knives, guns, and other modern tools are legally prohibited, or severely restricted.  The common man walking the streets, taking the subway or bus, is a juicy and low-risk target for any predator.  And there are thousands.

Oh, you _can_ get a gun permit in Brooklyn, if you jump through the right hoops, know enough powerful and connected people, pay enough money, and wait long enough.  Maybe.  Meanwhile carry a sock full of nickels and try not to look anyone directly in the eye, an hurry get home before dark.  And try to be in sight of the “Shomrim” patrol, or the odd NYPD cruiser (those are the guys so gleefully ticketing the double-parked cars).

So, just like in any ghetto, there was a ready-made market for folks like “Shaya”, to grease the skids a bit.  He knew everyone at the precinct.  Especially in the gun permit department.  Buddies.  The going rate to “expedite” the system was about Ten Thousand Dollars.  Yes.  FIFTEEN TO TWENTY TIMES the cost of the gun, itself.  And people paid.  Lots of people paid.

Mind you, I’m no fan of Mr. Lichtenstein, or any other fixer.  They are skunks.  Then, again, consider the risks he takes.  No, I reserve my fury, my anger, my disgust, for the system that creates these things.  That is the institution that really has blood on their hands.  The blood of our friends, our families, our countrymen.  They are the truly guilty ones.


Give me Land Lots of Land

I see a lot of stories daily about how carrying a concealed weapon has saved someone’s life, or the life of someone they love. These stories usually take place in a urban setting. It might be a fairly empty parking lot at 2200 or someone’s home, but most of the stories are more urban. I suppose that makes sense, more people.

But when many people think of the rural areas, they tend to think more of the tough, self-reliant type of folks, like Roy Rogers, the Cartwrights or Little House on the Prairie.

What set me down this thought path was a story I saw the other day and it reminded me of when I first moved to my current home, many, many years ago. I considered living places and found the pet deposit for two horses, a flock of chickens, four cats and three dogs was very spendy. I also am temperamentally unsuited to living in a city, so farm it was and I moved from a smaller farm to this one. When I would go to the barn to do chores I took all the dogs with me, family outing as it were. Not long after I had lived here I was coming back to the house from the barn and a man I had never seen was standing near the stock gate. Not a dog had barked, the wind must have been blowing the other direction. Nothing happened, he had heard from someone that I might be someone to talk to about training a horse. But it made me very aware of my vulnerability. No matter what else was going on in my life, this was something I needed to address. I didn’t really know any of my neighbors yet, so most people that stopped by would have been “strangers”. It was long before concealed carry laws or castle doctrine laws were in effect. It’s not that I didn’t have tools, I did. I needed to have them where they could be used. A .357 is dandy, unless it’s in the house, so I started doing things differently. But while laws weren’t in place to protect me, I could get access to the tools that would allow me to protect myself. Some states have laws protecting you only in your home or car, some, anyplace you legally have a right to be including any place on your property, not just your home.

So how did I get to thinking back all those years ago? I saw a story about yet another Jewish farmer in Israel who might be facing charges for shooting an Arab. I will never say farmers in America have it easy. I’ve known better since I was two. But farmers in Israel have a whole different set of dangers. The arabs and bedouins there cut fence, steal livestock, kill livestock, ruin orchards, poison guard dogs, attack the farmers and their families and sometimes kill them. Sadly, sometimes the government forces that are tasked with protecting the farmers seem to favor protecting the arab farmers. Whether it is yet another example of trying not to offend the world, or the police just don’t want to bother with it, I don’t know. Some farmers have been driven off their land, some have had to give up raising livestock, but it is most certain that many farmers in Israel face challenges and dangers that we over here do not face on a daily basis. The case that had been going on was of a farmer that had three arabs show up to steal his truck. He heard a noise and went outside, there they were with a metal bar and three to one odds. He fired in the air and was unaware that he had even hit one. When security forces finally showed up they found the body in a nearby field.

The mayor of the town defended the farmer, saying many such attacks occur during daily, and are repeated with no fear of reprisals. The mayor of the town thinks the U.S. has it right.

“Sunday’s shooting in Beit Elazri was justified,” Naim concludes. “It was an act of self-defense, and prevented innocent people from getting hurt. Every thief must know that he might die. It must be anchored in law, just as in the cradle of democracy, the United States, where every citizen has the right to self-defense of his body and his property, including the shooting of trespassers.”

I don’t know that we shoot trespassers all that much, but his point that we should have the right to defend ourselves, and criminals know we have the right and ability to defend ourselves, and that should slow them down some. Unless you live in a state with a lot of liberals where ever criminal life is sacred, yours not so much. This is made possible by electing liberal politicians because they think rights come from them, not G-d.

Farmers have gone to jail for defending themselves against four to one odds, for example Shai Dromi. While he was acquitted on manslaughter charges he was convicted of having an illegal weapon. It was his father’s. The good thing that came of the mess was it did start to make people aware of what the farmers face on a daily basis.

Now happily the farmer accused this time, has been cleared by the police of any wrong doing, so he won’t be spending time in jail.

Another good thing that came out of this is MKs Amir Ohana and Eitan Broshi submitted a petition that called for a emergency meeting to discuss the issue of self-defense in rural areas. Hopefully more than discussion will come of it. Since MK Ohana is involved, I am kind of thinking something more will.

Another thing I found very interesting was comments by Dr. Jodi Broder, Head of the Clinical Social Law program. I’m the one that put some of this in bold, not Dr. Broder.

Dr. Broder explained why, in his view, proactive self-defense is justified: “We, as citizens, gave the State all the rights over our defense and our property, under the assumption that it would uphold those values, but what happens when the State doesn’t defend its citizens?” he asked. In such a reality, he asserts, the right of a citizen to defend himself and his property returns to him.

Broder qualifies this assertion, however, noting, “not under every circumstance, but within the parameters of self-defense. You are allowed to defend yourself when there is an immediate danger to your life or property. In such a reality, when nobody else is around to defend you and you react in a proportional manner, not in order to punish but only to defend; when the burglar is endangering me or another or our property, I am allowed to defend as long as immediate action is required and the State is not present to supply this defense.”

In response to the question of whether there is an ethical problem with the fact that the same State that does not supply defense for citizens also limits citizens’ ability to defend themselves, Broder replied, “It is impossible to live in a situation in which there are no rules and each man is his own lawmaker. A burglar also has rights which we, as a state, choose to uphold. You may defend, but not punish.

“One of the problems in the State is that the government does not supply adequate defense of property in certain communities, and people feel existential danger and danger to their property; we may see reactions that seem disproportionate at first glance, but when you consider that the Police are probably not coming, and there’s nobody who’s going to help, and it’s my property and my life, the picture changes.”

First, I don’t think we should ever give over our rights to protect ourselves, I’m not suggesting we do so. I also find it interesting that the Israelis are allowed to use force when the criminal is stealing things. In America it’s usually only to defend life. Of course what they are stealing may well affect your livelihood, but I find this variance interesting as well. Second and I think this applies to any of us, the prosecutor in their nice warm, well lit office, reading over the police report as they thoughtfully sip their fresh cup of coffee is going decide someone’s future, or lack of one. They will decide if your response was proportional or not. Consider having someone like Kathleen Kane as the prosecutor. Kane was a Bloomberg backed anti-gun candidate. YESH! But I also see how his comments could apply to gun free zones, they chose to forbid us the ability to defend ourselves, then they have chosen that responsibility. An old discussion, I know. I’m not talking burger joints, I’m thinking more like hospitals, government buildings. Places of worship are targets as well, but I think their response to how they wish to handle these things has more autonomy, but I could be wrong. But back to the prosecutor, you have a person in their nice office, possibly who has never been in a rural area deciding what is going to happen to you based on what has already happened to you, when you were all alone at 0300 in the middle of a field.

And realistically? Whether a field in the middle of the night or supermarket parking lot during the day, it doesn’t matter much. If something bad happens, and you “need” someone else to come help you there is a good chance that may not happen in time.

Just some things to think about as election day looms and you might have a chance to ask your state candidates some questions.

Another thing that popped up as I was poking around to see how this particular farmer came out was that some of the farmers in 2008 began to band together forming modern versions of HaShomer. It was founded by Yoel Zilberman when his father told him he was going bankrupt and going to have to leave the farm. HaShomer HaChadash, The New Guardians, was formed to help protect the farmers and allow them to continue farming in a financially sound manner. It is now a big active program.

Founder Yoel Zilberman, can tell you about it. It’s a very interesting story. Subtitled, luckily.

So thinking back on when I first moved here, and looking at the dangers these farmers in Israel face daily I’ve had some thoughts. Urban or rural, we all face dangers. The dangers these Israeli farmers face are more like the things someone living in the gun free zone utopia of Chicago would face, with just about as much help from the system at times. But then any raw milk or organic farmer may have faced the same dangers in America. Only instead of from Bedouins, from a alphabet soup of state and federal agencies. The big difference is, when it’s the farmer rather than the Chicago resident that faces the danger it can affect a lot of people. The farmers produce food, and when that doesn’t happen it causes problems for a lot of people. The Israeli farmers are getting help now, not from the government so much, as regular people all pitching in to help. It’s sort of like a program we had in America for a while called “Ranch Rescue”. But the foundation of all these programs was the same as the old days of the Cartwrights and Roy Rogers. It was people pitching in to help each other to over come challenges and threats. People that weren’t relying on the system, but each other. As the weather changes and we prepare for storms knowing our neighbors and having plans and ways we could help each other might be a very good idea. We’ve had hurricanes in one part of the country, we will have snow and ice coming for other parts of the country, and then we move into tornado and rain and flood season. Sometimes you know there’s bad weather headed your way, and sometimes, it’s just there.

And because I like to end with something a little nice, here’s a short little scene from Eish Kodesh. It really is beautiful isn’t it?



It’s The Mindset

I watched the documentary Claire told us about, Defying the nazis: The Sharps’ War. Fascinating show and fascinating couple! At first glance, they would seem to be a rather ordinary couple, but they were far from it. They had smarts, intuition, courage and could think on the move. Those attributes saved their lives and the lives of many others. I would say that they were rare people. Interestingly, to me, they did not think they were rare at all, and that anyone in their position would have done the same things, according to their daughter Martha. They are now listed in Yad Vashem as Righteous Among the Nations.

And Claire also pointed out that the NY Slimes article article is an attempt to get people to see the refusal of Americans to embrace those fleeing the middle East as the same situation as the refusal of many nations to accept Jews fleeing the holocaust.

It is not.

It is not at all. The mindset is the critical factor here. Actually the mindset of different groups.

In this video talking about Zionism and Theodor Herzl, about 11 minutes, 30 seconds in the lecturer talks about how Jews handle attacks against them, first is the fee or flee, they attempt to pay off the officials persecuting the communities. If that is unsuccessful they flee. At this point he talking mainly about the Jews of Russia and the persecution they faced under different Czars. But the part I want to bring out comes at 14:08 in, the difference between immigrants and refugees. The first of the Russian Jews to come were the immigrants. Yes, they were fleeing the pogroms of Russia, but some fleeing went to South America, some to Europe, some to Canada and some to the U.S. Those chose to come here, and they wanted to assimilate to some degree. They wanted to understand and fit into the culture of the U.S. Some of those chose not to speak Yiddish, to not teach it to their children. They said we’re Americans now, we will speak English and we will learn how they live and do things in America. Not to say they gave up their Judaism, but just that they chose to make a place for themselves in American society. The refugees on the other hand, those that came after WWII had a different mindset. They did not so much chose to come here as flee the devastation after WWII. I resent coming to America, it’s a safe haven for me, but I didn’t want to come here. They believed I won’t change for America, America is going to have to change for me. The lecturer said he was painting with a broad brush, but in general, that was the difference in attitudes and mindset. It only goes to about 16 minutes in, so it’s not a long part, but I do think it’s crucial to realize that there is quite possibly a different mindset in the “refugees” coming to America than what you would think.

Another difference is, when the Jews came to America whether as immigrants or refugees, their aim was not to force Americans to accept their religion or pay jizya and live as dhimmis but to live and practice their religion in safety. This is a whole different mindset. I am not saying every muslim that comes into this country has that goal in mind, only the devout ones as that is what the Koran commands.

The European countries are seeing quite an increase in sexual violence towards women and children, they think it can be stopped with wristbands and posters that say “Don’t touch me”. And that is working out about as well as one would expect. I wanted to get a bullet company to engrave “Don’t touch me” on the bottom of a bullet because I thought that would be more effective than the wristband. But I digress, the mindset and the way muslims are raised is that women are property and if they aren’t dressed modestly according to muslim standards they are fair game because they are sluts and asking for it. Daniel Greenfield does an excellent job of explaining how this works in this article. Your mindset and what you’ve been taught all your life doesn’t change because you are now living in Baltimore and not Baghdad. The leftists dangerously misunderstand that mindset.

Denial reigns supreme. After the latest round of bombing on the East Coast headlines from the defunct media read things like “motive a mystery”. To who? Only the American media, not anyone else.

Wellllll, that’s not exactly true.

A letter signed by 43 rabbis in Texas called on the state’s governor to remain in the U.S. refugee resettlement program.

“At this moment, with the number of refugees and displaced persons at its highest in recorded history, it is more important than ever for Texas to protect and welcome refugees,” read the letter sent Wednesday, hours after Gov. Greg Abbot announced that he was withdrawing his state from the program over concerns about the lack of effective security screening of the refugees.

And that is a very dangerous miscalculation of the mindset. Because it is entirely possible, if not likely that the mindset of those “refugees” is very different than what the Rabbis think it is.

But don’t take my word for it. You might lend an ear to what Alejandro Mayorkas, the Deputy Homeland Security Secretary has to say though.

Alejandro Mayorkas, the Deputy Homeland Security Secretary, speaking Wednesday to the Orthodox Union’s annual leadership mission to Washington, said rising extremism in the United States and its threat to the Jewish community keeps him awake at night.

Now while he is talking about people becoming radicalized, he does also talk about incoming threats.

And the incoming may be more than you think. While obama’s goal for this year was 10,000 “refugees” he has already exceeded that, and the year isn’t over.

If you don’t want to look at the security threat posed, you might look at the financial impact for a second. Obama Cuts 2.6 Billion From Veterans While Allocating 4.5 Billion To Syrian Migrants Moving To America.

It also might be worth considering the effect of their mindset on the American voting outcome. The New American program of barry’s has been in effect for a almost a year now. Neither of these articles are long, but both are worth reading.

Mayors in cahoots with Obama on ‘new American’ voters

Judicial Watch Sues Obama Administration for Records about Citizenship Push for Immigrants

I realize the concept is kindness for those in need, to help the less fortunate. But in a April 2016 column by Dr. Tsvi Sadan in Israel Today titled “Love Your Enemy?” he points out the flaw in this.

And yet, nowhere does it suggest that one is supposed to aid an enemy whose intention is to kill you. The reason behind G-d’s order to to kill the Midianites (Numbers Bəmidbar, 25:17) is found in their desire to annihilate Israel. In this case, loving these people, or helping them in any way, would have amounted to collective suicide for Israel.

He then points out that while Syria is a sworn enemy of Israel, Israel provides free medical care to wounded Syrians. This is “loving your enemy”. But it is only possible because Syria no longer proposes a significant threat to Israel. He states

“The same kind of help could not be given if Syria was killing Israelis on a daily basis. In such a case, Israel would be obligated to kill those who were attempting to kill her. This is the basic human right of self-defense. “

There are a lot of different mindsets in play here. Those that just want to help the “poor refugees” may be dangerously naïve thinking that they will be grateful and assimilate into American society. That has not proven to be the case in Europe or Great Britain at all. That’s the “it can’t happen to me” or “it can’t happen here”. Yeah, it can. Then there’s the political mindset, of not caring what it does to the country as long as it helps my party no matter who it hurts. Not in terms of finances, crime, culture, living conditions, or unemployment. Companies get tax breaks I understand, to hire immigrants instead of US workers. Just import them and register them to vote.

When the Sharps brought and sent the Jews from Prague to America they had a system in place. They matched those they smuggled out with people and jobs in the US. They knew the people they were dealing with and the people they were sending here. This in no way can be compared to barry’s massive invasion of people for which there is no effective vetting process. But in the mindset of the liberal NY Slimes reporter, it is the same.

This is one of those things like the handing over of the internet that is irreversible. The toothpaste ain’t going back in the tube, the bell can’t be un-rung. And for the record? My mindset is I am not wearing a burka, hijab or niqab! Isn’t it interesting that at this time the democratic party is increasing their howls for gun control? I wonder what their mindset could be?

The Terrorists are coming, disarm?
The Terrorists are coming, disarm?



The Lesson of Yankel Rosenbaum


Twenty-five years ago, following a tragic automobile accident, there was a pogrom in New York City.  It was arguably led by Al Sharpton, and repeatedly excused at the highest levels of New York political elites. During the three days of full-out rioting, an Australian rabbinic student, Yankel Rosenbaum, was viciously murdered for the unpardonable crime of being a Jew. The perpetrators even pulled a non-Jewish, Italian man from his car and savagely beat him, thinking him a Jew.

So, in answer to the question, “Can _it_ happen, here?” It HAS happened here. And, it almost certainly will happen again.


Fully a quarter-century later, the government of New York City’s Five Boroughs steadfastly refuse to allow their citizens tools for effective self defense.  Permission to have even a mundane, single-shot shotgun in your own home, is expensive, arduous, and complicated, in the extreme.  More effective tools are far harder to legally possess.  A handgun on your person?  Hell, the NYPD & Cyrus Vance will put you in jail and clean out your wallet for carrying a simple lock-blade knife like the one we offer here at Zelman Partisans!

The enemies of human liberty are always angling to keep the rest of us on the plantation, cane knives chopped blunt, dependent upon them, and their permission, for every human need.  To them, you, and your loved ones, are livestock.

Remember the lesson of Yankel Rosenbaum.


Feiglin: Give the Good Guys Guns


Rebellious and inspiring Israeli politician, Moshe Feiglin has penned a brief, but interesting piece on the Zehut website. In it he explores the question, “What would have happened … if Israel was a truly liberty-oriented state and the right to bear arms was a basic right for every upstanding citizen?” A fair question, and one increasingly apropos no matter where you live.

On a much more modest level, we also have this news item.  It is a shame it has to be framed in the context of gender politics and post-service employment opportunity, but, if we must be reduced to fiddling around the edges, at least it is arguably in the right direction.


Gun Free Zone Responsibility

Tennessee recently had a very, very good idea. Until politicians ruined it. Originally they had a great gun free zone responsibility bill. Originally it said if you disarmed a licensed concealed carry holder on your premises, you take responsibility for their safety since your policy prevented them from doing so. As well as the time they are traveling to you “Armed Criminals Welcome” zone. Your firearm is left in your car? They are responsible for your safety till you get back to your car. I love this idea. I’ve been told by businesses that their insurance company demands they post those signs. Ok, fine. Then when I am injured because I was defenseless, your insurance company can pay for my hospital stay and rehab.

Then politicians did what politicians do. They messed it up.


Senate Bill No. 1736*

House Bill No. 2033

1 by deleting all language after the enacting clause and substituting instead the following:


Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 39, Chapter 17, Part 13, is amended by adding the following as a new section:

(a) A person, business, or other entity that owns, controls, or manages property and has the authority to prohibit weapons on that property by posting,pursuant to §39-17-1359, shall be immune from civil liability with respect to any claim based on such person’s, business’s, or other entity’s failure to adopt a policy that prohibits weapons on the property by posting pursuant to §39-17-1359.

(b) Immunity under this subsection (a) does not apply to a person, business, or other entity whose conduct or failure to act is the result of gross negligence or willful or wanton misconduct.

So now if you can post your business and you don’t you are immune from liability. Ok, well, that’s better. Not the goal, but better.

But all these mass shootings have happened in gun free zones, including Wounded Knee which actually was the largest mass shooting in U.S. history, not Orlando.

The time has come for states to begin to pass actual, real, meaningful “Gun Free Zone” responsibility laws. You post a GFZ sign, you need to know what it means. People want to go home at night. Generally I try to stay out of businesses that have such signs, and I’d prefer to work in a place that doesn’t have one. But there are times one must. But the days of cavalierly posting a GFZ sign need to come to an end. You want responsibility for the safety of all these people? You’ve got it.


To Scream or To Weep?

I’m not sure which. I feel like doing both.

Let me tell you about just a couple days of last week.

On July 1st:

there was an attempted stabbing attack in Hevron at the Tomb of the Patriarchs.

An Arab terrorist tried to stab people by the Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hevron before being shot by nearby IDF and Border Police forces.

The terrorist reportedly approached a Border Police post at an entrance to the site and pulled out a knife before she was shot. No one else was harmed.

The pieceful Falestinians rioted at the Qalandia checkpoint.

Three Border Police officers were lightly wounded by Muslim rioters at Qalandia checkpoint near Jerusalem on Friday afternoon.

The officers were struck by rocks hurled by Arab rioters, who were waiting for permission to enter Israeli territory from the Palestinian Authority, on their way to the Temple Mount’s Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem.

Sort of like black lives matter in Columbia MO. Nothing says we are friends, and mean no harm and just want to have a reasonable conversation or go worship at our holy place (filled with rocks and rockets) like stopping a car in a parade or a riot.

The day before on 30th June:

Two people were stabbed at a market in Netanya

Two people have been seriously wounded in a stabbing attack in the coastal Israeli city of Netanya.

Magen David Adom (MDA) paramedics who arrived at the scene in Netanya market said they found a 30-year-old woman in serious condition, and a second victim – a man in his 40s – with moderate injuries.

Both victims were given emergency first-aid treatment before being evacuated to Laniado Hospital.

The terrorist was shot dead at the scene, and was later identified as a resident of the nearby Palestinian Authority city of Tulkarem.

The day before that, on 29th June, under the “you’ve got to be kidding me” category:

Nine Israeli Activists had to be rescued from Ramallah

A group of nine Israeli leftist activists on Wednesday evening had to be rescued from the Palestinian Arab city of Ramallah, after locals attacked one of their vehicles.

The Israelis reportedly entered the city of their own volition to celebrate the nightly breaking of the Ramadan fast with local Arabs. Locals who noticed them hurled rocks and firebombs at one of their cars, which caught fire.

Something to chew on for those who sincerely believe in their “Coexist” bumper stickers. But yeah, this one is funny. No one died.

On July 1st, this is one of the two more horrifying stories I’ve for you:

Father murdered in front of is children

One person was killed and three others wounded in a shooting attack at the Adorayim Junction south of Hevron in Judea.

The fatality has been identified as 40-year-old Michael “Micki” Markrom HY’’D the nearby town of Otniel, who was traveling in his car with his family when it was targeted.

His wife Chavi was seriously wounded in the attack, and was evacuated to Jerusalem’s Hadassah Ein Kerem hospital with multiple gunshot wounds to her upper body.

Two other family members were also wounded in the attack. Paramedics say in addition to the mother of the family, they treated a 13-year-old girl in moderate-to-serious condition suffering from gunshot wounds to her upper body, and a 15-year-old boy who was lightly wounded, presumably from the crash.

In case you don’t remember Otniel is where Dafna Meir HY’’D lived, she was stabbed to death in the doorway of her home, fighting to save her children. And the attack resembled closely to one that occurred last November when Rabbi Yaakov Litman HY’’D and his son Netanel HY’’D were murdered in that attack, as they were traveling with their family.

But for the pieceful Falestinians the activities weren’t over. They attacked the funeral procession.

Even as the funeral procession for Rabbi Michael Mark, terror victim, wound toward Jerusalem, locals would not leave them in peace: Arabs threw a stone from a passing car, striking one of the buses of mourners.

Thirteen year old Hallel-Yaffa Ariel HY’’D was murdered in her bed, in her home. Hallel was an amazing dancer who had preformed just the night before in Jerusalem. Also wounded in the attack was a 31 year old security guard from the town’s security squad. The security squad responded very quickly to the alert that the perimeter had been breached. The terrorist had locked himself in Hallel’s bedroom so he could stab her without being interrupted. He then lay in wait for security squads. Hallel’s father was one of them that came through the door to find his daughter. The terrorist then attacked a 31 year old member of the security squad. The young man is going to lose his eye, but he will live. The terrorist was then killed by the security squad. The young man’s wife works as a volunteer on the MDA ambulance and she ended up being on the ambulance to ride into the hospital with him. This interview is well worth watching. I love this woman’s spirit, and she tells how she happened to be in the ambulance and gives a report on her husband.

I can hear it now, you can’t you just can’t blame a group for the actions of one kid! Very true, I’m not.

Mother of Kiryat Arba terrorist proud of ‘martyr’ son:

“My son is a hero,” she says. “My son died as a martyr defending Jerusalem and the al-Aqsa Mosque. Praise be to God, he is united with the martyrs before him, and he is not better than them. God willing, all of them will follow this path, all the youth of Palestine.”

According to friends and relatives of Dipsh*t (I’m NOT giving his name), he had posted a slew of Facebook statuses in the weeks before the attack expressing his desire to die as a martyr. In some of them, he said he wanted to avenge his cousin, who was killed as he carried out a car-ramming attack near Kiryat Arba. One soldier was lightly injured in that attack, before other troops shot and killed the attacker.

Apparently this sort of thing does NOT violate Facebook community standards. Only pro-Israel, Conservative and some Second Amendment stuff violates the sensitive Facebook community standards.

Army arrests sister of Hallel’s killer

Like her mother, the murderer’s sister also publicly praised her brother’s act, and called for others to follow in his footsteps and kill “the accursed Jews.”

IDF arrests brothers of Hallel’s killer

During the night IDF forces arrested two brothers of 17-year-old Dipsh*t, the terrorist who murdered Hallel-Yaffa Ariel in Kiryat Arba.

Not exactly an aberrancy is old Dipsh*t?

So how do kids, a lot of them, who grow up to be adults and then parents turn out this evil and deluded?

One choice is the appeasement crowd.

An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last. ~~Winston Churchill

I would put the liberals and those who call the parts of Israel known as Judea and Samaria “occupied territory” in this group. Failing to learn from the withdrawal of the Gaza strip they think the peace will come if Israel just gives in.

How this works in real life.

Only muslims are allowed to pray on the Temple Mount. Non muslims are not allowed to pray. Now this little drama plays out in variations every year on Ram-a-damn. The muslims store rockets, Molatov cocktails, firebombs, stones in the holy mosque. Then when anyone other than a muslim attempts to go to the Temple Mount the muslims pitch a hissy and attack them screaming, yelling and assaulting them with whatever potential weapons of murder they have stashed in the holy mosque. Then non-muslims are banned from the Temple Mount. Hissy fit success. So, this year as in the past, Netanyahu ordered the police to give in to the arab hissy fit and barred non-muslims despite the fact the Police had held their own and visitors were still being allowed up. In an immediate spirit of cooperation engendered by this cave in of principles, the pieceful Falestinians moved over and began to throw stones down at those in prayer at the Western Wall, the Kotel, onJune 28th. In real life, the appeasement thing doesn’t work well.

There’s the ever apparent media bias. And

CNN omits Judea and Samaria in report on terror

CNN publishes updated map of places in which terror attacks took place this month, fails to include attacks on Judea and Samaria.

Well, the UN chief Ban Ki Moon has been in Israel, maybe that’s helped?

Falestinian schools hide Judenrein maps during Moon’s visit. Then denies they were ever hidden. The maps showing no state of Israel, only Falestine. Of course UNRWA denies they have anything to do with any maps. Just because there is no longer an Israel on the map, does that really mean so much? UNRWA creating angry, entitlement, hate filled children for ages. Encouraging them to hate Judeo-Christian values and the people. Pretty much like the average university here.

Well, but what about Ban Ki’s visit? Help?

On June 29th–UN chief blasts ‘occupation’, calls Israel to work for peace. Not so much.

June 30th– The UN’s Middle East Quartet: As terror strikes Israel, Quartet set to criticize ‘settlements’

Settlements, that’s Judea and Samaria to humans. The UN doesn’t fit that category very often. The UN doesn’t think Jews should have houses being built in Israel.

Nor does the US State Department. From 6 July.

State Department blasts Israeli ‘systematic land seizures’

The State Department on Tuesday issued a scathing condemnation of Israel’s plans to build new housing units in Maale Adumim and in Jerusalem.

“If it’s true, this report would be the latest step in what seems to be a systematic process of land seizures, settlement expansions, and legalizations of outposts that is fundamentally undermining the prospects for a two-state solution,” said State Department spokesman John Kirby of the plans, which were announced Sunday following last week’s terrorist attacks against Israelis in Judea and Samaria.

July 4th— Israeli Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon: European applause killed Hallel-Yaffa Ariel

Danon drew a clear line between the horrific murder of Hallel-Yaffa Ariel last week and the speech of Mahmoud Abbas to the European Parliament a week earlier.

In that speech, Abbas revived an old blood libel and claimed that some rabbis had called on the government of Israel to poison Palestinian water supplies. Instead of immediate condemnation, the elected European representatives of democratic nations responded with loud applause.

Danon writes, “We were all shocked. How can he say that? Lie to the European Parliament like that? This is a blood libel! But that was not the worst. We well know the constant lies and incitement of Abbas, head of the Palestinian Authority. Every morning we again see Abbas’ praise for terrorists through the Palestinian education system and state-run television.”

“But the main thing on this occasion was not the incitement, but the applause.”

Danon claims that such constant incitement turns teenage Palestinians into murderous monsters. In the twisted mind of a 17-year-old terrorist, the claim that rabbis want to poison the wells is justification enough to kills a young girl in her bed. But that does not necessarily mean that he will carry out such an attack.

“But when a monster like this then hears the applause of the Members of Parliament, his perverted ideology is confirmed by those who should be the most moral in the world. [He thinks that] if they cheer like this, they will also cheer for me.”

And not only that, they get paid. Yes indeed folks, the PA pays it’s terrorists to kills Jews, and whoever else is handy. If the IDF demolishes their house? No biggie the PA pays for a newer, bigger, fancier one to be built. This doesn’t seem to bother Ban Ki or the Meddle East Quartet. Is there any other country on the face of the earth that the UN feels so compelled to try and dictate policy?

So, where does the money come from that the PA uses to pay terrorists? Where does the power and encouragement backing it and Hamass originate?

Youth or Terrorist
Youth or Terrorist

You gave it to them. You and your family and friends. You gave up eating out once a week and paying to have your car washed and did it yourself at home. You gave up that cable sports channel, bigger cellphone data plan so that you could pay Dipsh*t to kill little 13 year old Hallel in her bed.

Do you think I’m making this up?

June 30thDear Diaspora Jews: Your money is killing us

But please do not simply make do with a deluge of angry or sad social media posts. You can act. In fact, you have a moral duty to act and not stand idly by as the blood of your brothers and sisters continues to flow.

Because the bloodthirsty terrorist who murdered young Hallel was, at least in some part, indoctrinated and encouraged courtesy of your own tax dollars – or pounds, or euros.

The Palestinian Authority is funded almost entirely by state donors, its most generous benefactors including none other than the United States of America, and a host of European states, chief among them the United Kingdom.

It is by now the worst-kept secret in the international aid industry (and what a lucrative industry that is) that a large portion of that money goes towards not just incitement and indoctrination – whether in schools and mosques, or official PA youth clubs and sporting events – but directly into the pockets of Palestinian terrorists and their families.

Your tax money is essentially bankrolling the murderers of our children.

And they’re not even shy about it.

Just recently, at an iftar meal to break the Ramadan fast in Ramallah, PA “Prime Minister” Rami Hamdallah vowed to increase spending to support “heroic” terrorists. This support, he boasted, included increasing the monthly wage paid to every terrorist imprisoned for carrying out an attack, as well as upping the cash prize awarded to every Palestinian family which offers up one of its children as a “martyr.”

The family of Hallel’s killer, 17-year-old Dipsh*t of Bani Naim, near Hevron, will also be paid by the PA for his despicable actions. With money from your back pocket. Just know that.

But that is truer still when it comes to the Palestinian Authority. Your governments fund them directly.

So take action, right now. Write to your local member of parliament or congress; to your ministers and prime ministers and presidents, and ask for accountability. Ask them to cut off funding to the Palestinian Authority until it can prove that not a penny will go towards funding and encouraging terrorism.

Write to your communal leaders, and to your local pro-Israel organizations, and demand they take the lead in rallying and lobbying for accountability and an end to your tax money funding Palestinian terrorism.

Spend at least as long as you took to vent on social media to write to your elected representatives and to others who can make a difference.

Please. It’s the least you could do.

Even the NY Post blasted the use of US taxpayer dollars being used to kill Israeli soldiers and children on July 1st.

“Meanwhile, hundreds of millions flow to the PA from the West, including America. Which means US tax dollars are, in effect, going to pay for terrorist acts,” adding “And here you thought we were fighting terror”.

The editorial board called upon congress to rescind funding for the Palestinian Authority, and thus “cut off US funding for Palestinian terror.”

“Congress should do all it can to curb the practice”.

“Sending US tax dollars to the PA, only to see them go to reward terror, is a moral obscenity.”

Look at the dates on these articles. All of this happened within a few days of each other.

A lot of this goes back to somethings many wise people have said. Rights come from G-d, not man. Moshe Feiglin talked about it in his interview and his recent webinar. Many Second Amendment people have pointed this out. We are our own first responders. Moshe said that he wanted Israelis to remember the real, original concept of freedom. I would like many Americans who have been indoctrinated otherwise to learn this truth. No matter how close the security squads, no matter how good, they may not get there in time. True freedom is Israel does what is best for Israel and is not dictated to by the UN, an anti-Israel US president or any Meddle East committee. No matter what Israel does she will not win their approval. They do not want to give their approval. They want her to live by their rules till she is obliterated. The same with US gun owners, peaceful law-abiding citizens just wanting to live their lives. The political parties, the NRA and other such type of Second Amendment organizations are willing to bargain and compromise our rights. You can’t appease these people. It will not work, and we will be in a deeper hole than we were before.

If Jews can not live safely in Israel as Jews, but instead are the target of US, EU & UK sponsored terrorism because they are Jews??? And this is what so many do not understand, or do not care about. This has nothing to do with territories, this has everything to do with the latest attempt at genocide. But no one wants to call it that. No one wants to admit that in this day and age such a thing could happen again. So heads are put under pillows, the media whitewashes, the politicians lie and excuse. And people bleed and die in their beds.

So much pain, sorrow and suffering. And we paid for it, we made it possible.

Do I scream or do I weep? Because my heart is breaking.

