Category Archives: “News Media”

Politically Correct Genocide

You may or not have seen the video recently of Julius Malema President of the Economic Freedom Fighters, a political party in South Africa with his catchy little ditty. Rita Panahi of SKY News, out of Australia recently did an excellent, and short, report on this. Since her accent is way cooler than mine, listen to this short segment from Rita.

In the clip, an interviewer asks Malema if he can understand why people on Twitter are going nuts about him calling for genocide of white farmers. Malema responds “Cry babies”. Oh.

This is not a new topic, I’ve written about it a couple of times before.

RECYCLING might want to scroll down and watch the 20 minute interview with Lauren Southern of Ian Cameron, a gun rights activist in South Africa. South Africa does indeed have gun control and therefore has become the garden of eden the gun grabbers always assure us a gun free places will become. If only all the citizens are disarmed and defenseless.


There are a couple of good Tucker Carlson clips as he interviews a couple of South Africans talking about what is going on. And the first part is talking about Zimbabwe and what happened to their country after they took all the land from the white farmers. Here’s a hint, economy collapsed and famine. That was such a winning strategy that Julius Malema has decided to repeat it..

So what’s changed that I’m writing again? Well, in a way, not much and in a way a lot. As Rita pointed out the response to the video of Malema and a stadium FULL of people chanting “Kill the Boer, shoot white farmer” from the bat guano crazy left has been to DEFEND the calls for genocide. Now the NY Slimes has a long proud history of downplaying genocide.

How the NYT Missed the Story of the Holocaust While It Was Happening


And yet, at the end of the war and for decades afterward, Americans claimed they did not know about the Holocaust as it was happening. How was it possible for so much information to be available in the mass media and yet simultaneously for the public to be ignorant?

The reason is that the American media in general and the New York Times in particular never treated the Holocaust as an important news story. From the start of the war in Europe to its end nearly six years later, the story of the Holocaust made the Times front page only 26 times out of 24,000 front-page stories, and most of those stories referred to the victims as “refugees” or “persecuted minorities.” In only six of those stories were Jews identified on page one as the primary victims.

Nor did the story lead the paper, appearing in the right-hand column reserved for the day’s most important news – not even when the concentration camps were liberated at the end of the war. In addition, the Times intermittently and timidly editorialized about the extermination of the Jews, and the paper rarely highlighted it in either the Week in Review or the magazine section.


So it should be no great shock the Slimes is again downplaying a genocide. And just as Germany would have said there was no genocide going on, the genocidal government of South Africa denies it as well. Except it is.

Farm murders are happening

In the past did the left have enough soul, morals and ethics they would have condemned genocide? I think perhaps they would have, even if you had to go a ways back to find that time. But not now, now their response is we misunderstood the song. No, no, there’s not much misunderstanding Kill the Boer, Kill the farmer. That’s pretty self explanatory and since that’s exactly what’s happening I’d say both the white farmers and the murderous regime are taking him at his word. Someone recently posted to Twitter/X that this is how a farmer is South Africa has a BBQ. This makes me sooo sad, and I don’t even eat meat. But just a simple pleasure like this is fraught with peril.

Necessary elements of a BBQ for a South African farmer

I recently posted something to an Israeli political party group I belong to expressing sympathy for the white South Africans. I understand very well the love of your land, and many of those farmers are on land that’s been farmed by their family for a few hundred years. How can they sell their land and get out? Who would buy it? I guess a black would be entitled to just take it if it was for sale, and what white in their right mind would buy it, no matter how good the land is? How do they get money to get their families out to start over somewhere better? Its possibly harder than living in Shomron or Judea. I got a very wise response. Since I didn’t ask permission to quote, I’ll give you the gist; It’s like the Jews of Europe in the 1930s. Those who could get out left everything but their lives behind. Those who stayed lost everything including their lives. He said he doubted there are any sympathetic safe harbors for the whites of South Africa. He advised them to learn Spanish and try to make it to Mexico. He was joking about that last bit, I think. Upon further reflection, he might be onto something…

Another thing that is different is we are heading for a famine, remember Michael Yon’s PanFaWar? Famine follows pandemic and is followed by war. This will be exacerbated by the greens trying to ruin agriculture, as in the Netherlands right now they are seizing farm land to turn it into housing for the poor immigrants. Not sure what the immigrants, or the Dutch either for that matter are going to eat. Zimbabwe no longer has food to export. India is limiting rice exports, and in America we are injecting our food animals with experimental substances. So. Seems like a stupid idea to me, but ideologues are seldom the brightest crayon in the box. Not sure where the South Africans think they’re going to get their food, and I truly hope no country will give them aid, but we know that’s not going to happen.

Which brings me to my next point. The Biden crime syndicate, Mayorkas (yeah, I don’t even care if I spelled it right or not) and border czar Harris have imported tons of them. How many? Who knows. But we now have tons of illegal invaders who come from a country where it’s government policy you can kill the white farmer, and steal his land, because it’s no longer stealing.

So, if you want to do a politically correct genocide, this seems to be the ticket in South Africa now, and the world’s media will defend you. That’s why after covid all their credibility should be gone. But it’s not. #FakeNews

And since tonight seems to be Twitter/X night, I’ll close with this poignant warning from a South African. In case the message doesn’t come through with the video clip I’m trying to share….

In 2018 #SouthAfrica confiscated 300,000 guns from White Farmers after Constitutional Court ruled owners to relinquish weapons.

A cross for every White Farmer killed in South Africa between 2018-2022.



Who’s Fault?

Yesterday was Tisha B’Av or the ninth of the month of Av. I’ve written about the 9th of Av or Tisha B’Av a few times.  But a quick refresher from 18 Tisha B’Av Facts Every Jew Should Know Just a bit

  1. Tisha B’Av Is the Saddest Day of the Jewish Calendar

Tisha B’Av, the 9th day of the month of Av (Jul. 26-27, 2023), is the saddest day on the Jewish calendar. Referred to by the prophet as “the fifth [month] fast,”1 it is second in severity only to Yom Kippur, which is mandated in the Torah.

  1. It Commemorates Several Tragic Events

Both Holy Temples in Jerusalem were destroyed on this date. The First Temple was burned by the Babylonians in 423 BCE and the Second Temple fell to the Romans in 70 CE, unleashing a period of suffering from which our nation has never fully recovered.

In fact, the tragedies of the 9th of Av predate the destruction of the Temples: this was the date upon which the spies returned from the Promised Land with frightening reports and the Israelites balked at the prospect of entering the land.

In 133 CE, the Bar Kochba revolt against the Romans ended in defeat. The Jews of Betar were butchered on the 9th of Av and the Temple Mount was plowed on the same date.

Later on in our history, many more catastrophic events happened on this day, including the 1290 expulsion of England’s Jews and the 1492 banishment of all Jews from Spain.

Also events that affected the whole world, as in the start of both world wars.

But this is more about why the temples were destroyed. As Rabbi Tovia says in the following clip, some will say the Babylonians did it (The First Temple) some will say the Romans did it (The Second Temple) but no, actually it was because of the hatred we had for each other.

Baseless hatred. This is probably something that should have a bit of rumination as both Israel and America are bitterly divided right now. There are similarities. The fomenting of hatred and division is coming from the left in both countries now and it’s reaching a fever pitch.

In Israel the division is manufactured by the left and financed by NGOs, the US State Department (tax dollars that haven’t yet been laundered in Ukraine) George Soros and the like. They have admitted that, just not the amounts. The vehicle chosen for this is something called “Judicial Reform” and it is sorely needed.

Moshe Feiglin made the comment recently that “The left would be willing to burn down the country just as long it would be them standing on top of the ashes proclaiming they’re taking over the power.”

The IDF like the American military has been taken over by the left. IDF doctors are also threatening to not show up to work. The IDF including the upper echelon are apparently willing to abandon their country for their devotion to the left, a country with no borders and a religion unto itself. Before American readers feel to smug about this, may I just say Mark Miley, Lloyd Austin and Rachel Levine? Those are strong military leaders? To the left the goal is to demolish the more conservative right, not protect their country.

I listened to a podcast recently and I really wanted to have this column done before the 9th of Av, but that didn’t happen.

So in case you don’t want to listen to the whole thing, here are my points. Judicial reform; in Israel no one including the left is questioning the results of the election they lost. They don’t use voting machines or have drop boxes. It was an honest election. The left lost as most knew they would. So the left does what the left does, they hold their activist Supreme Court so they know they can still get their way. The Israeli Supreme Court is not elected, the members of the Knesset are, by the people. The Knesset make the kind of laws they said they would when they were campaigning. For example, Israel has illegal invaders as well. The illegal invaders have made South Tel Aviv very dangerous, which is bad because that’s where the Central bus terminal is, but even without that, it’s scary. So, the Knesset passed a law, if you’re an illegal invader you no longer get Israeli tax dollars to support you. Go home. They were trying to remove some of the incentives for the illegal invaders to hang around. Yea!! At one time 80% of the Knesset has talked about judicial reform, including the left. The Israeli Supreme Court said nope you can’t do that. Think of a Supreme Court made up of Sotomayors, Jackson Brown, Kagen and the like. You know, useless stupid people that lie. Their whole court is like that. So really, the average Israeli citizens have no representation. Meanwhile the MSM and the leftwing Non-Governmental Organizations who flood Israel with money and influence have convince far too many citizens that their elected officials, that they voted for, being able to pass and implement laws is a threat to democracy. So they are out in the street disrupting lives and traffic, threatening law makers and generally acting the fool. And as Dr. Mordechai notes, the protests against the law and the attempt to overthrow the elected government was in place before the election even happened. It gets really interesting at 4:24 in. Ok, the whole thing is interesting.

In America, we have a President that has clearly betrayed our country. Every decision, every statement harms average Americans and aids either a country that has given his crime family large amounts of money or the illegal invaders flooding our country, many of them young single men of military age. How long before New York looks like France burning? Where and when will the first acts of terrorism occur that the left will try to use to limit the rights of law abiding citizens occur?

I recently heard or read a statement that a certain percentage of viewers of CNN and MSNBC are unaware of any of the Biden crime family’s activities. Unaware! And having in the past had a conversation with consumers of those type of “information” outlets I can tell you pretty confidently that any attempts to offer information or an alternative viewpoint will be met with a parrot like croak of “Fox news talking point”. That’s all they can say. Unless their quoting a medical paper written in Rolling Stone magazine. I’m not even making that one up.

Wayne Allen Root makes the case that the national divorce is already happening. That productive responsible citizens are fleeing blue states with their high taxes, crime, and corruption for red states. I’m sure they are, if they are fortunate enough to have the means to flee.

But it’s more about the mindset of those that choose to live in the left’s alternative reality where Hunter Biden, who has been selling access to his father for years is just a poor boy with a “problem” and his Dad the president is just standing by his son, “A father’s love” according to the harpies on The View and the left wing propaganda outlets. Nope, a corrupt family hanging together. And no matter how much evidence is presented, they will be unaware of it.

There is a reason for the divisive hatred boiling in both countries. And it’s all stemming from the left, they foment and feed it. And the propaganda arm disseminates it. Yes, neither country really has a functional military or an actual justice system. America is functioning more as a banana republic than a serious country at this point. But I find it incredibly sad that the day after the 9th of Av both countries are so bitterly divided, and in both countries,  it comes from the same direction. Both countries were founded on G-dly principles and the left is trying to destroy that as much as anything I think, as they try to take down both countries. Moshe Feiglin is correct and this bitter division has cost dearly before. Have we learned nothing? I believe, I truly do, we need to pray for Israel to accept their sovereignty and build the Third Temple. I think that would be a good first step in beginning to right the world.


Au revoir

That’s French, for goodbye. There used to be a country in Europe called “France”, from time to time I’ve sarcastically referred to it as “Francistan”. I was right. France has committed suicide on the installment plan. French citizens should have been able to grasp a bit of a clue from the murder of Sarah Halimi. A muslim immigrant who lived in her apartment building broke into another apartment in the same building earlier and the family was able to lock themselves into a room and call the police and beg for help. They could hear him in the next room praying. Since he couldn’t get to them, he broke into Sarah Halimi’s apartment. He had previously threatened the 65 year old Jewish doctor and she was scared of him. Long story short, believe me, I’m leaving out the parts about the police not coming into the building etc, he beat her savagely and threw her out the window, killing her. The killer was not held responsible for his actions. He’d smoked pot the night before…wait till Hunter Biden hears about that defense. What am I thinking? He’s Hunter Biden, he doesn’t need a defense. The DOJ will handle it. The lesson in this was that the French government will protect it’s invaders over it’s own citizens who are required to support, feed, house and die for them. Did the French get slightly queasy over this incident? Apparently, no. They elected Macron.

So fast forward, to now. France is becoming/is an inferno. And just what triggered this inferno? French voting habits for French candidates like Macaroon, and a desire for unfiltered immigration of people that do not begin to try to assimilate info French culture which is why there are no-go zones. Apparently French politicians initially attempted to deny this as phase one of the typical strong French response to an invasion by people that do not have their country’s very best interests at heart.

From 2017 ‘No-go Zone’ New app launched to report crimes in France as terror threat remains critical

The app’s description states: “Whether you are staying in an unknown location, looking for a safe place to live, on your way to a specific location, or for whatever reason, No-Go Zone allows you to reduce any risk of aggression, theft, harassment or incivility.”

Paris boosts police in female ‘no-go zone’, as French feminist decries ‘unquestionable’ regression in status of women

Paris has boosted police numbers in one of its poorest districts, where migrants crowd the streets and which has turned into what some say is a “no-go zone” for women.…

No-Go Zones Now in Heart of Big Cities

In the heart of Paris, Bordeaux, Toulouse, Marseille, Grenoble, Avignon, districts here and there have been “privatized” by a mix of drug traffickers, Salafist zealots and Islamic youth gangs. The main victims are women. They are – Muslim and non-Muslim — sexually harassed; some are sexually assaulted. The politicians, as usual, are fully informed of the situation imposed upon women.

They knew the invaders were an issue, but to French politicians apparently they were only threatening women, so in a strong display of French masculinity, the politicians chose the invaders over the women. Well, and the police, the invaders attacked the police, but hey, they’re the left and they’re only attacking women and police so not really a problem. Those women didn’t need to go to the store. All those articles are from 2017. And yet, they elected Macaroon.

So what set the invaders off this time? 17-year-old “Victim” was Gangbanger with 15-Count Rap Sheet and History of Running Police Stops

At 8 a.m. on Tuesday, June 27, two motorcycle officers saw Nahel M. in a high-powered, bright yellow Mercedes A-Class AMG with Polish license plates, racing through Nanterre, and gave chase. The 17-year old led them on a pursuit over sidewalks, through red lights and down bus lanes until finally forced to stop by traffic at 8:16 am.

The two officers dismounted and confronted the homicidal maniac at gunpoint, demanding he cut the engine. Instead, Nahel M floored it, striking the officer in front of his windshield and possibly triggering the gunshot which hit him fatally in the chest. The speeding sports car then struck an obstacle and flipped on its roof. One passenger fled on foot and one was arrested.

Nahel was 17, too young to have a French driver’s license.


Nonetheless, the hero officer is now being charged with “voluntary homicide”. French President Macron stabbed the officer doing his duty in the back by calling the young hoodlum’s death “inexplicable, inexcusable”, all but guaranteeing the courageous officer will not receive a fair trial.

Of course Macaroon and the media are fanning flames and throwing gasoline on them as fast and as much as they can. The left is the left is the left the world over.

In an attempt to riot in a manner to make George Floyd rioters proud, the burning began.

100 Cities Burning: France’s Sheer Anarchy the Worst Crisis Since Yellow Vests in 2018 – Some Rioters Seen Discharging Automatic Weapons

Considering the gun control laws in Francistan, inquiring minds want to know where they got AUTOMATIC weapons. All the information on this page is pretty stale.

Number of Privately Owned Firearms 2020: 13,584,407

Rate of Civilian Firearm Possession per 100 Population 2017: 18.97

Proportion of Adults Living in a Home With a Gun

In France, the percentage of adults living in a household with a firearm is reported to be 2015: 7%

Number of Licensed Firearm Owners

The number of licensed gun owners in France is reported to be 2021: 5,000,000

The French are proud of this. How France cut its per capita gun ownership in half

In France, there is no preordained right to bear arms, absent rigid registration and surveillance of their use. So most modern attacks, excluding terrorist incidents involving weapons obtained from abroad, are undertaken by trucks, cars and even knives.

In other words, mass shootings are not the norm in France. And the United States would benefit from closely examining French gun laws in order to reduce the risk of another mass shooting within its own borders.

Stuff it cnn. #FakeNews

Gun control in France

Like other European countries, France has tight gun laws. Acquiring a permit to own a weapon is long and tricky and there are restrictions on what types of guns people can buy. Despite France’s tough laws, a large number of illegal weapons are circulating in the country. Could the recent terrorist attacks spark a change in French gun culture?

This is working out well for the citizens/serfs of Francistan. Unyielding Against Unrest: French Local Citizens Arm Themselves with Wooden Sticks to Protect Businesses and Homes

You’ll notice the ranks of the invaders is now being augmented with the skinny, white, mom jeans wearing antifa types.

Social media platforms were inundated with videos depicting urban landscapes set ablaze. Macron requested these platforms to remove the most sensitive footage of rioting and disclose the identities of users inciting violence. Of course, they want it removed because they don’t want the whole world to know what’s happening in France.

Because of Macron’s weak response to the civil unrest, French business owners and residents are taking matters into their own hands.

They are arming themselves with wooden sticks, ready to protect their homes and businesses against threats.

Thankfully due to Francistan’s strong gun control laws, the citizen-serfs don’t have much in the way of effective, self-defense tools! Someone might get hurt!

France Mobilizes 40,000 Officers to Quell Violence as Teen’s Death Sparks Outrage

I’m not sure France’s Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin has a firm grasp on reality.

I want to reiterate that the riots we experienced last night had nothing to do with this story … and that attacking a school, setting fire to a social center, burning down a town hall had nothing to do with these stories from Nanterre,” he said.

Of course, some politicians in Francistan may be viewing it a bit differently now. Migrant Mob Torch Mayor’s Home, Wife and Kids Injured Escaping

The mayor’s wife had to flee their home under attack, lifting their children over the wall to the neighbors’ yard, injuring themselves in the process. The wife and one of the children were hospitalized with fractures. The two children were “very traumatized”, FranceInfo reports.

The rioters were chanting, must have been something like “Justice for George Floyd or Hand’s up don’t shoot” in French.

Race rioters chant ‘Allahu Akbar’ as they torch France, 719 arrested

“Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar,” rioters chanted as they torched vehicles and launched mortar-style fireworks at buildings and police, according to video

But not to worry citizens of Francistan! Emmanuel Macaroon has your back, he’s got things well in hand. In a customary display of French leadership…..he went to see Elton John.

LET THEM EAT CAKE: Elitist Emmanuel Macron Goes to Elton John Concert as France Burns

France is descending into civil war as Arab gangs took to the streets for a fourth day of rioting after a 17-year-old was shot trying to run a traffic stop in Paris suburb Nanterre Tuesday. 45 000 security forces have been deployed and almost 1,300 arrests made.

And while the Macaroon may not be that upset about it, apparently the French police have had enough. French police union declares “civil war” in France: it’s us or the violent minorities…

This is an unreal communiqué by the main French police unions, essentially declaring France is in a civil war and that the police is in the “resistance” against the government.

This is the translation:

Now that’s enough…

Facing these savage hordes, asking for calm is no longer enough, it must be imposed!

Restoring the republican order and putting the apprehended beyond the capacity to harm should be the only political signals to give.

In the face of such exactions, the police family must stand together.

Our colleagues, like the majority of citizens, can no longer bear the tyranny of these violent minorities.

The time is not for union action, but for combat against these “pests”. Surrendering, capitulating, and pleasing them by laying down arms are not the solutions in light of the gravity of the situation.

It Begins: France to Shut Down Internet in “Certain” Neighborhoods to Prevent Use of Social Media to Organize Violence

You know, a suspicious mind would think this was being done to stop the flood of images being posted by terrified citizens/serfs of Francistan to Twitter and the like. In case new and improved Twitter won’t do the censorship for them like they have in the past. Nawww, prolly not.

But some French citizens are displaying that fighting spirit for which they are so renown. And you wonder how Macaroon was elected?

WATCH: Woman BEGS police not to arrest race rioters as France continues to burn

The absolute irony is that looking at the woman’s outfit, had any of the invaders gotten hold of her, she probably wouldn’t have fared well at all.

“Please, I beg you not to fight them,” the woman cried out to police as she kneeled in the streets of Lyon, France.

The woman’s request came as police officers were being attacked by race rioters with mortar-style fireworks while responding to fires set to buildings and vehicles in Lyon, according to the video.

Well, the chances of a citizen/serf doing much of anything useful to stop the rioters from attacking them is pretty slim. According to Jack Posobiec:

A video just came out of France of a Frenchman trying to stand up to the mob and having his hands cut off, lying in the street

Macron has failed his people.

Lest you think I’m gloating over Francistan’s misfortune, self inflicted due to voting for the left. I’m not. Not really. America is now having the same problems begin.

Windy City Mayhem: HUNDREDS OF YOUTHS Invade Chicago Neighborhood, Destroy Property, and Terrorize Homeowners for Several Hours – Gunshots Also Reportedly Heard

This is what happens when cities coddle criminals.

Hundreds of deranged teenagers stormed the streets of a Chicago neighborhood earlier this week and caused massive destruction along the way with no police in sight to protect the helpless residents.

WGN TV reported that around 9 PM Monday night, the teens poured off the Chicago “L” train at the Belmont Red Line stop and completely shut down the roadway for several hours. Residents were left in complete terror.

Teenagers….where the heck are their parents???

Chiraq has some of the most restrictive gun citizen control laws around. The serfs there know that much of the budget is going to the illegal invaders and shunted away from the usual recipients of the largess of the taxpayers, and yet…they voted for a mayor even further left than Beetlejuice. Full on Communist? Well how could the people of Chiraq pass that up? Between being helpless, the defund the police, tons of illegal invaders I do not envy the denizens.

That being said, I think before long we’re going to be seeing a combination of those raised to believe that bad behavior is their heritage, like a birthright and the illegal invaders begin to do the same here. Especially as food shortages set in. Turns out I’m not the only gloom and doom person out there. Actually I think there are a lot of us. Compliments of the Biden crime regime. And like that incredibly stupid woman begging the police not to attack the invaders, demoncrat voters continue to defend them and vote for them. Of course few Republicans have really done anything to fix the vote fraud, so it probably doesn’t matter anyway.

Dire prediction from Cernovich

There’s more than a few reasons we celebrate our Independence day tomorrow, but the advantage we have over the citizen-serfs of Europe is we are armed, those that so choose. May we never have to cower in our homes as illegal invaders drive cars into our homes with bottle of gasoline intending to burn the residents alive, never cower helplessly waiting for the police who will never come.

I still believe the majority of Americans want the country that was founded on G-dly principals and choose to follow a G-dly way of living and want no part of what demoncrats are serving up.

Of course a solution can be found in Tanakh, Divrei Hayamim II, or II Chronicles 7


And Solomon completed the House of the Lord and the king’s palace and whatever entered Solomon’s mind to make in the House of the Lord and in his palace, he succeeded.


And the Lord appeared to Solomon at night, and He said to him, “I have heard your prayer, and I have chosen this place for Myself for a House of sacrifice.


If I shut up the heaven and there be no rain, and if I command locusts to devour the land, or if I send pestilence upon My people.


And My people, upon whom My name is called, humble themselves and pray and seek My presence and repent of their evil ways, I shall hear from heaven and forgive their sin and heal their land.


Now, My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to the prayer of this place.


And now, I have chosen and consecrated this House that My name be there forever, and My eyes and heart will be there at all times.


As for you, if you walk before Me as your father David walked, and do according to all that I commanded you, and you keep My statutes and My ordinances.


I shall set up the throne of your kingdom as I decreed to your father David, saying: You shall never lack a man ruling in Israel.


But if you revert and forsake My statutes and My commandments, which I placed before you, and you go and worship strange gods and prostrate yourselves to them.


I shall uproot them from upon My land, which I gave them, and this House, which I have consecrated for My name I shall cast from before Me, and I shall make it a proverb and a byword among all peoples.

And personally, I keep remembering a talk I heard Rabbi Alon Anava give a few years ago. He said Moshiach was coming very soon, and if Trump was elected the time before his arrival would be gentle, if biden that the time before his coming would be very hard, but either way he was coming. And he is. I believe G-d intended people to live in the freedom that following his laws gives, which probably explains why demoncrats and their deluded followers hate freedom, America, people of faith and G-d. Defy them, celebrate our Independence day, enjoy spending time with family and friends, make some ice cream, eat a burger, sing some songs, watch a patriotic movie. Do whatever your family does to celebrate the miracle of America and do it with joy, gratitude and prayer. Lots and lots of prayer…may G-d bless U.S.


An Invisible “AR-15”?

Did you hear about the guy wearing a helmet shooting up Turnberry Towers in Las Vegas with an “AR-15” last Friday? Unless you do your own specific news searches, you probably didn’t.

ABC, CBS, CNN, Fox, NBC, MSNBC… none of them seems to be covering it for some strange reason. Normally some bad guy blasting away with one of those evil black AR-15s — especially in Vegas — gets wall-to-wall coverage, accompanied by more calls to ban ’em. But not this time. Crickets. Nowhere to be seen, other than a local report.

Here’s a hint.

The resident says it was an employee of the towers who stopped the attack, and thinks they are a hero who deserves recognition for stepping in.

Yep, effective armed self defense by a honest person carrying lawfully. They can’t afford to publicize that, even at the cost of missing a chance to demonize AR-patterns firearms. First rule of mainstream media: never admit armed defense works, especially when it may have stopped a mass shooting.

And speaking of that “AR-15″… the report does refer to the weapon as such, but I’m not so sure. Let’s check the video.

There is a pistol grip, but I see no magazine protruding. The barrel appears thin, with no shroud or gas tube. I’m not enough of a firearm ID expert to say what it is, but it doesn’t look like anything in the AR family.


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Well Of Course Women Are

It should come as a shock to no one with a bit of a brain that some women are waking up and realizing Demoncrats hate them. They hate them with their actions and they aren’t shy about showing it. For example, the recent incident on the subway car in NYC. Women have been under attack in the NYC subway for a long time; heads bashed in with hammers, sexual assaults, punched in the face all kinds of severe violence against women. What do demoncrats do? Well, what any good marxist would do, they take advantage of the situation to turn the criminal into the victim and demonize anyone who stands up for themselves or other weaker individuals including, but not limited to, women. While Demoncrats may not have outlawed self defense, they prosecute it as a crime rather than the violent criminal. For example, the recent incident on the NY subway where a homeless mentally ill man was threatening passengers. A 24 year old Marine (I understand there are no former Marines) stepped up and with the help of other passengers, some of whom were black, restrained him. The BLM/Antifa set along with whatever agitators can be rounded up are now trying to turn this into a hot mess. Let’s see how the Guardian, a left wing rag is “reporting” on it (giggle giggle, reporting, I crack myself up sometimes).

Outrage in New York after the killing of Jordan Neely on a subway train

The attack on Monday has been called a semi-sanctioned vigilante response to homelessness and the mental health crisis


This was a horrible lynching – the murder of someone needing help,” said student Shifa Rahman. “He was at a point of desperation and a citizen, acting in racial bias, acted to suppress that.”


King James, 47, said he had been on the F train in a separate subway car when the incident occurred. James said the station, which is warm and spacious, was a gathering place for panhandlers like himself. Apparently concern is for panhandlers, not the people paying to ride a safe subway

It was a long time that he was in the headlock,” he said. “He put him a hold that you can only apply from behind,” James said. “The white guy did it out of aggression to a homeless person, and he [Neely] had no chance of defending himself.


Minister Ray Tarvin said he knew Neely as a man in need. “He was a nice person, not aggressive or violent. Everyone who knew him knows that. He’d accept anything you had – many of the homeless down here are sober. They’re needing food or shelter or clothing, not strung out and shooting up dope.”

Ok, enough, you get the drift. Pretty much everything is praising the man to the highest order, including calling him a talented Michael Jackson impersonator, and maybe he was.

But he also had FORTY-TWO ARRESTS from 2013-2021. Four for violent assault and he still had an active warrant for a violent assault from 2021. So Minister Ray Tarvin, perhaps you aren’t being truthful? Or you don’t know him well? Either way, you’re wrong. He’s proved it time and again, he was violent.

Lawyers for NYC Subway Marine Post Statement on Jordan Neely Death – Protesters Won’t Like What It Says

I can’t help but wonder if the Marine had some instinct that was kicking in. You can sometimes get an energy read of people that tell you when they are getting ready to go off. But with the Demoncrats no bail policy, it’s a sure bet they weren’t going to keep him off the streets. Did he need help? YES!!!! A million times YES, but would Demoncrats do that? Nope.

Authorities Identify Suspect Who Rammed His SUV, Killing 8 and Injuring 18 in Brownsville, Texas

I believe the media initially tried to claim the Hispanic male with a long list of violent crimes was a “white supremacist”

Brownsville Police Chief Felix Sauceda identified the driver of the vehicle as George Alvarez, 34, who has a long criminal history

Also disheartening is the FIB has been brought in to work on the case…great why the FIB? They haven’t even finished writing the Nashville transgender mass murder’s manifesto. Why couldn’t they bring in an organization that solves crimes? Like the Texas Rangers.

Then there is this from a gun free zone, Texas State Law Enforcement Identifies Shooter Responsible for Killing Eight People at Allen Premium Mall in Allen, Texas

It is unknown at this point whether or not Garcia is a legal resident of the United States at this point.

Garcia reportedly lives with his parents.

According to Fox News, FBI agents joined police Sunday morning and were reportedly speaking with family inside the home.

A translator was reportedly requested by the family.

The FIB, Texas Rangers and Allen PD are asking for people with cellphone video or images to upload them to a special web site. Hopefully no one will turn them over to the FIB to be disappeared down the rabbit hole.

I mean that could interfere with Beijing Xiden calling for more gun control, which of course, he has already done. Because they are Demoncrats and that’s what they do. They turn violent criminals loose to attack innocent citizens and then call for the innocent citizens to be disarmed so they will be at the mercy of the criminals. Everyone should understand this is how they operate. Now I realize, there are some, like my best friend’s cousin who thinks Xiden is doing a great job, no worries about illegal aliens or crime. Everything’s fine, and she lives in Texas! Unbelievable.

I won’t even get into the Demoncrats under the Xiden crime regime ruining the hopes and dreams of young female athletes. And why are the feminists so silent on this? Why aren’t they screaming like the Harpies on the View as they would be if there were a Republican in office?

Biden Destroys Women’s Sports

Now it’s not everyone the Xiden crime regime thinks should be disarmed and defenseless, no indeed, the IRS is allowed many guns and much ammo paid for by the taxpayers Xiden and the Demoncrats are trying to disarm. The Ukraine? We’ll send them all we have.

From May 4th, IRS has purchased $10 million worth of guns, ammunition

So Demoncrats have communicated loud and clear, not only can they not explain what a woman is, they don’t care. Nor do they care what happens to them or their families. Other than at election time when they will trot them out and tell them how evil Republicans are (and some are, Murder Turtle and Mittens) and tell the soccer Moms and those embracing their white privilege classification that they must vote for them or Democracy (mob rule) will die. Or worse, the Republicans could restore a the same rule of law for all, restore our energy, close the border and deport the invaders depriving them of American tax payer dollars. Horrible things like that. And they’d have to leave our gas stoves alone.

At least some Republicans are trying to find solutions to the attacks. Texas GOP Rep. Says Americans Should Carry Guns To Stop Active Shooters, Following Mall Shooting

The shooting at the Allen Premium Outlets in Allen, Texas, a suburb of Dallas, left nine people dead, including the shooter, while seven others were taken to area hospitals. A police officer on the scene engaged and stopped the shooter, local law enforcement said.

Sometimes waiting for the good guy with a gun that the mall allowed to carry can be expensive. Will the mall face consequences? I doubt it.

So some women are getting the message, the AOCs of the Demoncrat party along with her merry band of BLM and Antifa have defunded the police, and so there is no one coming to save anyone part of the time. Problem is, which part? Who knows. Your guess is as good as mine. It’s a gamble and some women aren’t willing to take the gamble. It should come as no surprise that many women aren’t as stupid as the left thinks they are.

Report: At Least One in Five Women Now Own GunS oh please please let that be a plural!

The 22 percent was up seven points from a figure of 15 percent in 2016.

Fox News spoke with Jessica McCoy, as she was at a Washington state range shooting a Daniel Defense AR-15.

McCoy made clear she is learning to shoot so she can defend her family and her home when her husband is gone.


Olson described coming face-to-face with one of two burglars in her neighborhood, saying, “What can I do [against] two men? Being a woman and not as strong, we need something a little stronger to help protect us.”


CNN quoted Northeastern University’s Dr. Matt Miller, saying, “Sometime between 2016 and 2019, the new gun owners were more likely to be female and Black than prior to that and, whether it’s in response to feeling as though things are going out of control, the country is really divided, that’s a tempting speculation to make.”

I know, I’m quoting a #FakeNews source, cnn, but maybe, just maybe, they managed to get this one quote right from Dr. Miller. Maybe.

So it’s a horrible choice, the police may not be available to help you, but if you do defend yourself, or someone defends you a Demoncrat prosecutor may well try to ruin your life. Because to Demoncrats and leftists of all parties, the innocent don’t matter. Not really, they are a talking point, not an actual concern.

It’s all going to come down to how you choose to handle the fear. We may not have choices about the situations we find ourselves in. Sometimes we may, sometimes we may have gut hunches. But we should have a choice as to how we handle the fear.

which way will it go?

Hippies Then and Now

I was texting back and forth with a good friend of mine the other day when she mentioned a book she was reading. Hippie War, Battle for the Harrisonville Square, also on Amazon. Huh. As it turns out, one of the officers murdered was her cousin’s husband. Ah. Then she started telling me some of what was in the book, she said the “woke” of today is the “hippies” of yesterday. Really? Tell me more. Now somethings already made sense, like ecology and earth day. The left worships the creation and not the creator. But the more she shared, the more I thought “I want to read this book”. She said it was a fast read, not a real in depth book. It’s not in depth like a history, science or medical book, but the guy did do a lot of research. It also doesn’t hurt that he was a local boy at the time this happened, 1972. See a big city writer did a book on the topic in 1974 a couple of years after it happened. His deep investigation seemed to involved going out and drinking and smoking pot with the Hippies. The towns people meanwhile had more than their fill of the mainstream media. The incident drew attention nation wide and as far away as Paris, as in France. The media including papers from the nearest big city, which was Kansas City, in lockstep portrayed the peaceful little town as backwards, unenlightened, cows roaming the streets, etc. The big city writer was a member of the “New Journalism” trend. That means as long as the story ends up in the same place, you can make up conversations, add or remove people or events all to make the story “better”. So in other words, pretty much like all the media today, though back then few were doing it. But big city writer was one of them that did.

I’m giving you teacup versions of some of this, I don’t want to spoil the book, but tell enough for you to see the similarities.

So what did happen? In 1972 the hippie movement was in full swing, and little Harrisonville a mainly agricultural bedroom city of Kansas City had an infestation. I’m not going to cover a lot in case you want to read the book, but to give you and idea the hippies had basically made the square a nightmare to go visit or shop. The square was full of merchants at the time, clothing, drug stores, a sears store, hardware, jewelry, soda fountains, lawyers, pretty much everything. In the center of it is the courthouse built in 1844. It’s beautiful. The hippies would play frisbee in the streets not allowing traffic to flow on the series of one way streets, they would cat call and make lewd comments to women and girls shopping, they hassled the old men that liked to sit in the sun on the park benches and visit, they had sex in the bushes around or near the courthouse. In general, the merchants and everyone else was more than a little tired of them. Any attempts to get them to try to fit into polite society (be respectful of others) was met with things like “it’s my right to be in the street” (blocking traffic so that it backs up and people can’t make their doctors appointment) or something along those lines. This can be seen today in the number of conservative speakers that show up on a college campus to share a different view point than that of the college indoctrination team (professors). They are shouted down, prevented from speaking even if they were paid to be there, as the little vermin cry it’s their first amendment right to bang garbage can lids to prevent some one else from speaking. Basically the hippies regarded anything they wanted to do as their right to do it. They also opposed the Viet Nam war, and were totally on board with the green agenda. They may not have known much of anything, but they proclaimed it very loudly.

Law enforcement, well, since the hippies hated them they tried to make law enforcement officers miserable at every turn. Law enforcement hated them right back. Then you add in pressure from the community for them to do something, it wasn’t safe for decent folks any more. And it wasn’t. Law enforcement started trying to crack down, which the hippies hated. The merchants really hated the hippies at this point.

So what happened? A hippie named Bucket O’Chum “snapped”. He took his M-1 carbine and killed two police officers, one of them being my friend’s cousin-in-law. She said he was one of the nicest guys you’d ever want to meet. The other officer had only been on the job a month and was only working that day because another officer had wanted to switch shifts. After he put several rounds into both officers who had been standing and talking to 3 other men on the square, he headed up the road a short walk to the County jail, just a block or so away. On the way he shot a man getting out of his truck to drop off some dry cleaning. That man later died. The sheriff and his family lived at the front of the jail. They were sitting down to supper. The sheriff heard the shots, and went outside. He was shot in the should and leg for his efforts, he made it back inside his home and got his wife to safety. Bucket O’Chum was seen trying to open the door to the old age home located near the county jail. In a great mercy, I believe it was either that day, or the day before the old age home (as I believe it was called in the book) had decided to keep it’s exterior doors locked because of the trouble the hippies were causing on the square. So after he couldn’t get in there, he went to the jail. After shooting the sheriff and being denied the opportunity to kill innocent elderly citizens he proceed to what I would argue should have been his step #1. He put the gun in his mouth and killed himself. In the doorway of the old age home.

In the aftermath, the media descended. Hard to believe isn’t it? That the media can descend any lower than they already are? /snark font

As I’ve said, the media was horribly unfair. The town clammed up, the hippies didn’t. The media has leaned left for years and this occasion was no different. The law enforcement felt like their hands were tied as they were being blamed for the whole mess. So they treaded lightly. And the hippies were there in full bloom. Continuing to hassle citizens, block roads etc after the 3 day curfew ended. And then, then an amazing thing happened. The people had enough. On a Friday night about 150 farmers, townsmen, merchants and just every day citizens met on the square that night. The patrolled the square and the hippies that decided to proclaim loudly they had a right to be there and act however they wanted were politely invited to leave. With an ax handle if need be. Hippies cruising the square in their cars were told to go away. Responses of “its my right to be here” got the driver a butt kicking. And I’m guessing some of those old farm boys know how to do that just fine. The citizens patrol lasted 3 nights, and then it was over. There was much soul searching which I won’t go into, a wonderful letter was written by a WWII veteran named John Leach about “Who’s Fault”, and it was good. He brought the parents of the hooligans into focus, and the fact these kids didn’t work. Yes, they lived at home off their parents. Some in their 20s.

Here’s an aerial photo of the path Bucket O’Chum took if you want to see how close together things are located.

So lets look at some of the ideology involved. The following are mostly quotes from the book, in italics. My comments aren’t.

I think it was within a week of the murders that the city leaders tried to have a meeting with the hippies. They tried to explain to the hippies why and which of their actions were the problems.

The city representatives spoke about the hippies’ vulgar language, urinating in the bushes, sex in cars, and blocking access to businesses on the square. The aldermen suggested that hippies should congregate somewhere other than the square. The notion that they should leave the square did not sit well with the hippies. Edwin Allen protested, “That’s being discriminatory! If we want to be there, we have a God-Given right.” Allen also claimed that anyone complaining about the hippies being bad for business was being, “discriminatory.” Alderman Hacker told the hippies, “If all of you were working you might have time to relate these experiences that are troublesome and not right. Why don’t you have a job?”

Shortly after the shooting, F. Russell Millin, chairman of the Missouri Law Enforcement Assistance Council, (the LEAC), reached out to Chief Davis and a couple of other aldermen and asked if they wanted his group to come to town and help calm things down with the hippies.

The “help” they sent was a psychologist and a doctor of economics and social studies.

Dr. Jan Roosa (who spoke to the hippies using “far out” or “out of sight”, typical hippie jargon of the time) His partner and good friend Dr. Frank “Gene” Wagner

Wagner, an academic liberal sporting longer hair, had led the first anti-war march in Kansas City nine years before.

Oh goodie, an absolutely neutral pair to carry on the negotiations!

They sure missed something. Their “outsider,” a professor of some reputation from UMKC,quoted Mao Tse Tung as one of the wisest men in history. He used one of Chairman Mao’s sayings as a guideline to achieve the desired goals of the community. After the meeting, Wagner was said to have held court outside the building, preaching to all who would listen regarding the criminality of the Vietnam war, the benefits of communism, and the ridiculousness of Christianity. To say that these views did not go over well with the audience would be an understatement.

By the end of the doctors time, even they were beginning to realize the hippies didn’t want to find solutions, they wanted to pitch a hissy fit and have everything go their way. The more things change…

I’m really beginning to dislike hippies. Generally, the talk centers around their wants, their rights, what’s wrong with the town, and what a bum rap their getting…They are so sure that only they have the right answer (to everything.) In many ways they are much more conservative than many of the adult members of the community.

Still not so much on the neutral I think.

The hippies gave a list of suggestions to the doctors for the community leaders to enact.

Hippie Demands

1.Openness with respect to black—white relations

2.A commitment to the peace movement

3.A knowledge of ecology and the problems of pollution

4.Recognition of the social-economic-political challenges that were taking place in the larger society

5.A reasonable explanation of our reason or “purpose” in being involved in the communities’ affairs.

Seriously? This is what the hippies think will fix things?


Jobs without restrictions regarding hairstyle and mode of dress. The community should come to realize that they stereotype all long-haired youth as revolutionaries, indigent and lazy when such is not the case.

Businesses, particularly those on the square should realize that it is not the presence of the “long hairs” on the square that is effecting [sic] business as much as it is changes in the economic structure of the community.

Training and screening of police. Insistence that the police get to know the “long hairs” and not apply a double standard toward them with respect to enforcement of the law, relative to other members of the community.

Schools should overcome the traditional approach to teaching and adopt courses which are more relevant to the age. One quotation by a member of the group was “how can they say that Columbus discovered America when he was met at the beach by Indians.” They requested the introduction of courses on ecology, law, justice, communication …[unreadable] … and economics into the school curriculum. They were quite interested in the techniques whereby a group negotiates for changes in the community.

They requested that the police not be armed with riot guns and that they refrain from making threatening comments to the “long hairs.” They commented that one of the police sergeants had threatened them with a “shoot-out” on the square.

So basically it doesn’t matter what the employer wants in an employee, the hippies will dress, behave and stink as they choose. And give them jobs anyway. Because that’s how the world works to the left. I notice they beat Lori Lightweight and Alvin Bragg in demanding police be disarmed. They wanted law enforcement’s hands tied down to the ineffective level. Much like you see antifa and blm attack peaceful conservative rally goers these days and the police don’t intervene.

The the doctors met with the community leaders.

Throughout their description of the meeting, the writers of the report continually reference how they intellectually bested the mayor and City Council members by using certain mental techniques, as well as never falling into “traps” that the council members would try to lure them. Traps such as agreeing that if the hippies just followed certain rules the situation would improve.

Yeah, the doctors are completely neutral…insert face palm here.

Here’s the list of things the community leaders wanted. Anything different from today? Just like today parents and many community leaders in sane cities don’t want CRT or gender grooming taught in schools, in 1972 community leaders had things they thought the hippies should do, or not as the case may be.

Show regard for other members of the community and not harass them regarding their conservative way of life. “You drive a car, and these damn hippies tell you your [sic] polluting the air.”

Not make opportunities for themselves by the use of threats to other members of the community.

Talk to the members of the council or members of the school board not to the young people of the town if the “street people” wished to bring about changes in the town. The mayor stated that he was an easy man to talk to and that the young adults had failed to avail themselves of his office.

The young adults should develop a self-respect, having done this, the responsible citizens would be willing to give them a chance … [unreadable] …not insist upon “starting at the top.” At least one member insisted that under no circumstances would he be willing to offer a job to the “gang on the square.” He viewed such a move as a sell-out. Others however said that they would provide some of the group with jobs.

Meet the norms of the jobs as defined by the employer; quite a few of the council members insisted that while they did not object to long hair, their customers did and as a result, it was impossible to provide them with jobs if they insisted upon dressing like a “bunch of hippies”.

Stop blocking traffic in the square, conduct themselves in an orderly fashion, not molest the young girls, and not block the steps to the courthouse.

There is nothing unreasonable in there.

When discussing the citizen’s vigilance committee:

The committee’s intention was not to seriously injure anyone. They simply wanted to make sure the hippies, particularly the 10 – 20 “hard core” leaders, were removed from the Harrisonville Square. Leach would later admit, “We realize that this wasn’t exactly the American way of doing things. But it was the last resort. We’d tried everything else, and it hadn’t worked.”

Summarizing the actions of the Vigilance Committee later, Sheriff Bill Gough said:

… the people had enough and put an end to it. There was a gathering of citizens – about 150 of them. They broke up the hanging around on the square. They did some harassing of their own. But I saw no violence. It’s been pretty peaceful since the people made their point. When people get enough of anything, they put an end to it. They’ve (the hippies) scattered. Some are still here but they don’t gather at the courthouse anymore.

I bolded a couple of things, not the author. And this is one of my points. When people have had enough, they figure something out. They communicate with each other, they gather information and they find a way. That’s why there is such an effort to shut down free speech. That’s why the covid lock downs were so important to them, to sever normal community relationships or weaken the bonds. Strong communities come together, then they work together.

Soon after the shootings and later in time, many of those involved were asked a version of that same question. Some local authorities seemed to believe that if something had been done more quickly, the situation would not have escalated to the point that it did. Sheriff Gough said, “My personal opinion is that it never would have happened if we hadn’t let it go so far.” G.M. Allen voiced a similar sentiment when asked how the city would handle a comparable situation in the future, answered “We might not let it go so long before trying to put it down. Most people had the idea that if we ignored it, it would go away.”

Both Sheriff Gough and G.M. Allen admitted that authorities should have acted earlier to quell the undesirable actions by the hippies on the square. In any situation of authority, it is always easier to stop behaviors when they first appear as opposed to trying to stop them after the violator has been allowed the freedom to take these actions for a longer period of time.

I heard a snippet of a podcast, listed below the 2:18 section on burn out. Yes, the evil that is in our country has gone on for a very long time. Demoncrats have been interfering in elections for years, the CIA, ATF and FIB are corrupt and anti-American.

Everyone knew before the elections Joe Biden was taking money from China, and Hunter’s laptop really was a thing. The swamp runs deep and wide. Yes, it’s gone on too long. I blame the media for this as there was only a few people telling the truth and Tucker Carlson was one of the most fearless. So FOX in an effort to out-do Inbev (they bought Anheuser-Busch, makers of the beer formerly known as Bud Light) decided to crash their own network and can Tucker. Most popular show on cable news, ever. But regardless of the mainstream media, we still have U.S. We have each other. And we, we can speak the truth. From today’s Daily Dose,


The first thing you must know before anything else applies: Truth demands chutzpah.

If what you are doing is the right thing to do, there will be others who will ridicule, taunt and attempt in every way to intimidate you. That is the way the world works.

If you can’t handle it, if you can’t ignore them as you would ignore flies on a camping trip, don’t imagine you can take a single step forward.

Only once you’ve passed the chutzpah test, only then can you begin to grow.


Yes, it is sad, and also the MSM stinks

I heard about a shooting in Clay County Missouri. Apparently a 16 year old went to pick up his siblings and went to the wrong address, street instead of terrace.

Stories vary, but the things that are the same are the homeowner was a 84 year old man who had gone to bed for the night. He heard someone ring his doorbell, and he got up to answer the door. It after 2200 at night, so he took his firearm.

Now this part differs. The homeowner said he opened the door to see a 6 foot tall black male trying to open his exterior storm door. Ralph Yarl the boy that was shot, says he didn’t try to open the door.

The homeowner fired two shots through the door, hitting once in the head, once in the arm. The boy then ran off and went to three different houses before someone called 9-1-1. Which I believe the homeowner had already called. He told the police it was the last thing he wanted to do but he was scared because of the boy’s size and his age.

Apparently for some reason the Clay County prosecutor has decided that constitutes a racial component. Unless the racial component was the homeowner saying “Don’t come around here”. But Zachary Thompson the “Prosecutor”, has decided that is racial. In another report the prosecutor says no words were exchanged.

Meanwhile neighbors also thought something was off.

A witness said they heard an unknown vehicle pull into the driveway of Lester’s address. The witness “thought it was odd for their elderly neighbor to have a visitor this late at night,” according to the statement.

So, late night visitors are not a normal occurrence at the 84 year old homeowners house.

All this is very sad. The boy seems to be recovering, last I saw, he spent a day or so in the hospital and is now recovering at home. None of the following is to say it’s not tragic. It is. A 16 year old was shot and an 84 year old may spend the rest of his life in prison, if the media doesn’t kill him first.

The media totally sucks. All of them.

#FakeNews narrative

They’ve given out the 85 year old’s name, photograph and address. Yes, in some reports the homeowner is 85. His house has now been vandalized.

Every news story you see about this, the main focus is white man shot black teen for ringing the wrong doorbell. If it had been a 85 year old black man would that make him less shot? If it had been a 6 foot 16 year old white boy, would that make him less shot? But race is the whole thing the media and Hollyweird types are focusing on. Meanwhile Channel 9 news is taking this opportunity to say the Castle Doctrine needs to be re-visited. No, it doesn’t. Although I have no faith in the justice system, I’m hoping in this case it will be better.

Perhaps I shouldn’t be surprised the media is making this all about race. I’m not sure if it was Yuri Besmenov that said the communists couldn’t really get a toe hold in America using class, because (at the time) America had a vibrant middle class of any race. Therefore they went with race to create the divisions in our society that they need.

The media is happily playing along. But then the family has hired Benjamin Crump, the race baiting attorney of other national cases.

Yarl’s family has retained nationally renowned civil rights and personal injury attorneys Ben Crump and Lee Merritt in this case.

Crump is perhaps best known for handling cases in the deaths of Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and more.

His family also started a GoFundMe page. $2,523,790 raised of $2,500,000 goal

The whole thing is sad, for everyone involved. But the media is bound and determined to make this another city burned to the ground. Since every article that showed up in my web search listed the race of the people involved, that’s the story. Not something tragic happened, and it is tragic for both, but a chance to foment another riot. And those news stations in Kansas City that are playing along better think twice, because the riots in other cities didn’t always exempt buildings just because you were on their side.

I was texting with my buddy in Nicaragua earlier today. I had sent him the photos from the “news media” along with some thoughts. I told him I see what is happening, our readers see what is happening, I don’t want to be only a voice of doom and gloom. Tomorrow is Yom HaShoah, I know G-d is in control of everything. But Yom HaShoah reminds me that sometimes really bad things do happen, and they don’t make sense to me. They do him, but not to me. He said why don’t you share the meditation from today? It’s perfect.

Today is the 11th day of the Omer. We choose what we let in through our gates. Maybe not our country’s, but our own.

Day 11 of Counting the Omer

When Rights are Privileges

As you may, or not know, the United Nations has claimed there is no human right to self-defense.

Does a woman have a human right to resist rape or murder? Do people have a human right to resist tyranny? The United Nations Human Rights Council has said no – that international law recognizes no human right of self-defense. To the contrary, the Human Rights Council declares that very severe gun control – more restrictive than even the laws of New York City – is a human right.

Unless of course, one is a member of the U.N.

Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defence if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations, until the Security Council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and security. Measures taken by Members in the exercise of this right of self-defence shall be immediately reported to the Security Council and shall not in any way affect the authority and responsibility of the Security Council under the present Charter to take at any time such action as it deems necessary in order to maintain or restore international peace and security.”

I would maintain that this is because the U.N. thinks they are G-d. G-d has a different command.

“If someone rises to kill you, rise up to kill him first.” This one is an under 8 minute video.

Psalms 144:1

1 Praise be to the L-RD my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle.

As well as we are commanded to look out for the weaker or helpless.

Psalms 82:4

4 Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.

So, what has set me off on this? An incident that happened in formerly red state Texas. And maybe Texas is still a red state, Austin however, is not. If Texas had any sense they would expel Austin.

In July 2020, during the summer of riots for a man that overdosed on drugs, had a criminal record including pointing a gun at a pregnant woman’s stomach, a BLM/Antifa rioter decided it would be a great idea to point a loaded rifle at a soldier who was working as a ride share driver. Apparently BLM/Antifa scum thought he would be the only one armed. He guessed wrong. Sgt. Daniel Perry was armed. When his car was surrounded after he had dropped his passenger off, and aforementioned BLM/Antifa rioter pointed his rifle at Sgt. Perry, Sgt. Perry shot him. This seems sensible to me.

This will be the last sensible thing in this saga for some time.

The Travis county jury found Sgt. Perry guilty of murder. Unbelievable. But wait, there’s more.

Detective In Daniel Perry Self-Defense Case Says Soros-Backed Prosecutor Told Him To “Remove Exculpatory Information”

Fugitt said, “It became clear to me that the District Attorney’s office did not want to present evidence to the grand jury that would be exculpatory to Daniel Perry and/or show the witnesses statements obtained by the family of Garrett Foster and/or their attorneys were inconsistent with prior interviews such witnesses gave the police and/or the video of the incident in question.

And now we’re at the point where the adults are going to have to intercede.

Texas AG Paxton Slams Soros-Backed DA After Jury Finds Army Sergeant Guilty of Murder For Fatally Shooting Armed BLM-Antifa Protester in Self-Defense

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton slammed Soros-backed Travis County DA Jose Garza after a jury convicted a Texas soldier of murder for shooting a BLM-Antifa terrorist in self-defense.

A Texas soldier was found guilty of murder on Friday after Soros-backed District Attorney Jose Garza sought murder charges for an act of self defense during the 2020 George Floyd riots.

Texas AG Ken Paxton slammed the Soros prosecutor after Governor Abbott refused appear on Tucker Carlson’s show to speak on the case.

Apparently the State of Texas no longer recognizes the right of self-defense. @GregAbbott_TX is welcome to come on and discuss.

Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) April 8, 2023

Texas Governor Seeks to Pardon Army Sergeant Convicted of Killing Gun-Wielding Protester

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said he is seeking to pardon the U.S. Army sergeant who was convicted of shooting dead a man wielding a gun at him during a Black Lives Matter protest in 2020.

Abbott announced on April 8 that he will pardon Sgt. Daniel Perry, 37, who was working for Uber in Austin at the time, as soon as a request from the state’s parole board “hits my desk.”

I am working as swiftly as Texas law allows regarding the pardon of Sgt. Perry,” Abbott wrote on Twitter.

I would say our criminal justice system is well and truly jacked up. But what should we expect when you have people that actually vote for a communist that says he wants to send unarmed social workers out to crime scenes. Yep, that’s what Chiraq chose to replace Beetlejuice in Chicago, whom they wanted rid of due to the spiraling crime rates. Frying pan, meet fire.

There is a heck of a disconnect between the brain of a leftist and reality. Of course, if they used voting machines for the elections, who knows.

Chicago Mayor-Elect Brandon Johnson (D) told CBS News on Thursday his plan to tackle the city’s crime problem: Send more social workers to crime scenes.

Johnson, a staunch progressive, pointed to instances where police killed black men as evidence to say more police officers are not the solution.

While this is away from the topic of self-defense, it does I think give a clue to the mindset of the politicians on the left.

IT NEVER ENDS: Biden Regime Set to Unleash Scheme to Wipe Out Gasoline-Powered Cars

The Biden regime is determined to force Americans to swallow their radical “climate change” agenda by any means necessary.

FOX News revealed that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will announce the most restrictive standards in American history on gas-powered cars. The regulations will specifically target tailpipe emissions.

Under this plan, all Americans will likely be forced to buy electric vehicles, which is exactly what Biden wants.

Did this go through Congress? Senate? House? Hellloooo, did ya’ll vote for this? You’re our elected representatives, you answer to U.S. Did you sign off on this? Or did a tyrant just hijack your job in another blatant attempt to help China and limit the freedom of movement of American Citizens? The EPA, I don’t remember voting for them.

This is where I’m going with this, yes, there is a Second Amendment. However, if the Soros purchased D.A.s just ignore it (for some, not the protected class of course) and go ahead a prosecute even in a clear case of self-defense, does it matter? No ammo or guns were banned, it’s just if you defend yourself they will try to bankrupt you, or put you in jail for defending your life. If you’re not one of the BLM/Antifa rioters, or a repeat offender criminal, those they do catch and release.

Sometimes I read threads on Quora, there are discussion thread on all kinds of things. You might be reading a thread on a TV show, and the next thread under it is a question posted about “what would happen if I decided to take a gun away from someone I saw carrying” “Is there any reason I and some friends shouldn’t follow someone into a bathroom we know is carrying a gun and take it away from them”. “When will gun owners admit their right to have their weapons of death should not interfere with my right to feel safe”.

It is absolutely appalling to me the number of people that think they have the right to forcibly take private property from someone they don’t know, they aren’t doing anything wrong, and these moonbats think they are well within their rights to attack someone and steal from them. Thank you colleges, universities and MSM aka #FakeNews. If anything ever was a argument for concealed carry, it’s this sort of thing.

There is NO common ground to be found with these people. None.


Two Tears Justice

I know, I know, it should be two tiered justice system, but for my purpose, it’s two tears.

Pesach starts tomorrow night, the holiday when we celebrate G-d taking us from the slavery of Egypt to live in freedom, making a place for G-d in this world, and having a relationship with him. Pretty amazing stuff isn’t it? The creator of the universe wants to have a relationship with us. So after a series of miracles, the Egyptians can’t wait for us to leave. And for us, leaving behind a life of slavery, always working for someone else, for their benefit, never to enjoy the fruits of your own labor no matter how hard you work, no control over your own life, where you live, what you do. Somehow it just doesn’t stack up to living with a loving G-d who will later give the rules for living in such a way as to make him happy, and in so doing make ourselves happy.

One of the things that happened in the desert was Jethro, Moshe’s father-in-law, suggested a judicial system for the people. Wise judges would be appointed to solve disputes and problems, freeing up Moshe who was trying to do it all by himself. There were guidelines for being a judge.

Every judge was required to have the following seven attributes: wisdom, humility, awe of heaven, a loathing for money (even his own), a love for truth, the love of the people at large, and a good reputation.

In addition, to be appointed to the greater or lesser sanhedrin, one had to have achieved distinction in Torah knowledge and possess some knowledge of intellectual disciplines such as medicine, mathematics, calendar, astronomy, astrology and the teachings of idolatry, so that he would know how to judge cases concerning those fields. He could not be too old or childless when appointed, since someone with a family is more likely to be sympathetic and merciful. Members of the sanhedrin could be kohanim, Levites, or Israelites of fine pedigree.

As I watch our country’s judicial system disintegrate before our eyes with the weaponization of our justice system against ordinary Americans one can only look on with stunned horror.

In just the last week or so, Jacob Chansley (The Q anaon shaman in the buffalo horn hat) has been released from prison. Yea! It was in response to the segment Tucker Carlson did showing the video of the capitol police showing him around and opening doors for him. He’s been in prison for over two years. The demoncrat head of the senate Chuckie Cheese fought tooth and nail to keep those tapes from being released. Chuckie wants innocent people in prison. He then told FOX news to shut down Tucker showing the video, and I guess they did. The Bill of Rights has been thrown away with regards to the January 6th attendees. Jan 6th Prisoners – Detained and Forgotten and that article is over a year old. Not much has changed, a corrupt judge is not allowing prisoners access to the film that could help clear them as it did Jacob. The corrupt DOJ has said it’s getting ready to round up more. These people aren’t just political prisoners, they’re hostages. In the middle ages when they took hostages, it was to ensure a certain behavior of the group of people the hostage came from. You act up? We kill your uncle. In this case, they want everyone to see the injustice. They want the whole world to know if people dare assemble to make a political point, or express an opinion the demoncrats will use the corrupt justice system to put you in jail and throw away the key. Literally. The left and the mainstream media (but I repeat myself) claim the political right are violent and to be feared, meanwhile on the left you have an elected demoncrat calling for murder. “Kill Everyone Now!” Wyoming Democrat Lawmaker Posts Video Calling for Politically Motivated Murders – Posts Threatening Photo on Social Media and she’s not the only demoncrat amused by violence towards the right. Biden Laughs at Violence and Transgender Vengeance. The left are the ones that celebrate and encourage wanton violence.

Or the corrupt demoncrat DOJ is just trying to lock up every potential Trump voter one by one. I guess when you can’t win elections because no one wants what you’re selling you resort to anything to hang on to power.

Which is probably why our former President Donald Trump was arrested. Even lawyers on the left have admitted the charges for basically entering an expense in the wrong column, for which the statute of limitations is long expired, and then trying to turn that into a felony. Well, who else has entered things into the wrong column? Oh John Edwards and Hillary Clintoon. Presidential Candidate John Edwards Acquitted On Campaign Finance Charge, Hillary Clinton Only Paid Fine for Violation and they actually did do something wrong.

So “Fat Alvin” Bragg has been turning violent criminals loose right and left, well, only the ones on the left really. Mayor Eric Adams gave a stern speech prior to people attending a rally in NYC in support of President Trump, about no violence or misbehaving….where was that speech two years ago when BLM and Antifa trashed sections of New York? Absent, he just let it happen and “Fat Alvin” did nothing but turn them loose. But there is one other crime “Fat Alvin” considers worthy of prosecution, self-defense. He sent a bodega worker to Riker’s Island for defending himself when an irate shoplifter tried to stab him to death, and now he was going to charge a parking lot attendant who was shot by an aspiring thief with attempted murder after the parking lot attendant managed to get the gun away from the man who just shot him, and use it to shoot his assailant. Alvin Bragg needs to face ethics charges. If nothing else for lack of. But not only is the prosecutor dirty, the judge needs to be recused. He was shopped for. The Judge Overseeing Trump’s Case Might Have a Major Conflict of Interest

I’ve heard this called the most blatant case of election interference ever. Not just by sane Americans either. By the President of El Salvador.

El Salvador President Nayib Bukele says America has lost all arguments when it comes to the concept of democracy in the midst of the Trump indictment and arraignment.

Last week when it was announced that President Trump would be indicted, Bukele put out a statement via social media that stated “Imagine if this happened to a leading opposition presidential candidate here in El Salvador”

He later added: “Sadly, it’ll be very hard for US Foreign Policy to use arguments such as ‘democracy’ and ‘free and fair elections’, or try to condemn ‘political persecution’ in other countries, from now on.”

Many many people no longer trust elections, and it’s more than obvious we can’t trust the justice system any longer. Our country is slipping away, and I shed a tear. We live in a place that takes the fruit of our labor from us and for their own personal financial gain ships it to foreign countries, hobbles our country with red tape and regulations, while allowing the collapse of it’s infrastructure. Many of us see clearly what’s happening, meanwhile the news readers and political commentators, a role that used to be filled by actual humorous comedians, are all gloating it’s demise to an audience that claps like trained seals as they hoot and jeer. They have no clue they are rejoicing the third heart attack of America. They don’t care about citizens or how bad it gets, so long as they “get Trump” They will stand there and applaud as the flames reach ever higher destroying even more. If they can’t control, they will happily burn it all down. That’s the left.

And it’s consistent the world over.

In Israel what is being billed as the “death of democracy”, familiar phrase, eh what, as the left and the mainstream media (but I repeat myself) calls judicial reform. The Israeli election system doesn’t function as ours does. For one they use paper ballots. But for another, you don’t vote for candidates. You vote for political parties. They party tells you their platform, what they stand for, what they will do for/to you and then gives you a list of their candidates in order. The more seats they win they more of their candidates get a seat in the Knesset. Then the Knesset who is responsible to the voters passes laws. If the voters don’t like what the party is doing in the Knesset they won’t get many votes in the next election. Which is why the right won so heavily this last election. People don’t like living with the result of leftist policies. Well, in American cities like Chiraq and NYC they must. Look at what they elect. But back to Israel. So the Knesset passes laws, then the Israeli Supreme Court says “nope, you can’t have that law, we don’t like it.” Huh. The Israeli supreme court isn’t done like our supreme court used to be done. In the old days the President would nominate someone who (hopefully) had a record of accurate adherence to the Constitution, since the job is determining how the case before them fits with the Constitution. Of course now Joe Xiden just nominate a stupid person that is the right color with the right anatomical features. Doesn’t matter if they are dumb as a box of rocks. But I sadly must point out, they got confirmed. But the Israeli Supreme court? No, those justices are nominated by other justices already on the court. And since the court has only left wing moon bats, who do you think they nominate? Yep, more left wing moon bats. So you have a small group of people that decide how things will be done in Israel, and the citizens have no recourse. They can’t vote them out of office. Pretty appalling, huh? Which begs the question why are the streets filled with people protesting taking power away from the supreme court and restoring it to the people and their elected representatives. A few reasons.

The mainstream media, the bat rabid left (often one in the same) have convinced the people that their elected representatives passing laws is a bad thing, and they are being paid. Sound familiar?

The left suffered a major defeat on election day so they decided that if they can’t run the country… there won’t be a country to run

Shmuel was part of Zehut, my fav Israeli political party.

Let’s get back to answering the question. There definitely is a serious problem in Israel, but it’s not what you think. I have spoken to many of the protestors and the overwhelming majority of them have no idea what “judicial reform” is all about. The original ones that started screaming a few months back had genuine objections about proposed changes to Israel’s judicial system but that expanded into something far bigger than the original protest. Today’s protests are organized by sore-losers who cannot accept defeat and realize that they will never win at the ballot boxes… so they took their supporters to the streets instead.


Had this been explained in a clear and simple way, the protest movement would have ended before it began. However, the government dismissed these protests as meaningless. However, the attorney general forbade Netanyahu from speaking on the issue, calling it a conflict of interest. Her conflict of interest was glossed over – after all, the plan reduced the authority of the most powerful figure in Israel’s judiciary except for the Chief Justice.

This was a gamechanger. The right also didn’t realize how well organized and, especially, how well funded the protestors were. People were being paid to attend these rallies – I know this for a fact; 250 shekel to attend the rally plus an additional 100 shekel for transportation expenses.

Sound familiar?

So who’s paying them? We are. The state department and probably some other various hidden sources from within the US government. Netanyahu Proclaims “Israel is a Sovereign Country” After Biden Regime Is Accused of Sponsoring VIOLENT INSURRECTION This Week

A ‘resistance’ coup just defeated Israeli democracy

A false narrative about Netanyahu’s “judicial coup” may achieve its goal of toppling him. But more than that, the consequences for future governments and U.S.-Israel relations are ominous

The left is the left is the left. The world over, they are all about power and control over people. They want them helpless and totally defenseless against them. There was a Heartland Institute and Rasmussen poll that was done in 2022, it was very revealing.

This poll highlighted just how authoritarian the left was becoming during Covid-19…

Among Democrat voters:

– 55% supported fines against the unvaccinated simply for refusing the jab.

– 59% supported permanent house confinement for anyone who refused to get vaccinated.

– 48% supported fines or PRISON for questioning vaccine efficacy on social media.

– 45% supported the government having the ability to put the unnvaccinated in “designed facilities” aka internment camps.

– 47% supported “a government tracking program” to monitor unvaccinated citizens.



Honest to goodness, I keep expecting Vicky Nuland to show up in Israel at a protest or the next Antifa/BLM riot and hand out bread and donuts like she did in Ukraine in 2014. Because both countries are undergoing what looks to be a color revolution.

The irony of citizens in both countries begging to be put back into slavery right before Pesach because they can not see the left for what it is, nor discern their lies saddens me greatly. If the left can’t control, they will burn it down.  I shed a tear for each of them. Two tears.

But Pesach is the time of miracles, a time for joy, and a time to rejoice freedom. I will pray and we will see if the time is right for G-d to send us more miracles. He can do so anytime he wants. May it be soon.


Prohibited Persons And “Ghost Guns”

The Associated Press ran a story about the terrible proliferation of privately manufactured “ghost guns” in the hands of those who can’t legally possess firearms. They probably should have taken a closer look at their own data.

California law enforcement seize 54 ghost guns last year from people who can’t legally own firearms
California law enforcement took away 54 so-called ghost guns last year from people who can’t legally own firearms, a 38% jump in the number of the hard-to-trace weapons seized since 2021 under a unique state program, officials said Monday.

I’ve written about the “unique state program” before. It doesn’t work very well. From 2018 to 2019, their backlog of people to shake down more than doubled, to over 23,000. Following that trend, I suspect the backlog is around 100,000 now. But as for what they are getting…

Oh, dear; a 38% increase. Terrible, eh?

Wait a sec.

The ghost guns, which are privately made firearms without a serial number, were part of nearly 1,500 guns taken statewide last year through an only-in-California program called the Armed and Prohibited Persons System, known as APPS.

54 out of 1,500 is just 3.6% of the total. It turns out PMFs aren’t really too popular with bad guys. Hardly a surprise to anyone who pays attention, what with some five million stolen guns already on the street. And that estimate was from nearly four years ago; the number is probably closer to six million now.


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