Category Archives: hoplophobia

Parents, explain something to me, please

While browsing news this morning, I ran across this screed. It’s in response to a woman — with an admitted anxiety disorder requiring treatment — wondering if she should ask about the presence of guns before sending her child away to a play date.

Dear Abby Says Asking About Guns In Homes Is ‘Off-Putting’
It is astonishing that in this day and age, when guns are the third leading cause of death for American children and we hear stories seemingly every other day about children getting access to adult’s guns, that anyone — let alone someone whose job is to give advice — would recommend that a parent be more concerned about not making another parent uncomfortable than about making sure their child is safe.

TL;DR is that Bland is shocked that possibly offending an acquaintance might take precedence over child safety “when guns are the third leading cause of death for American children.” (Which happens to be one of the latest lies being pushed by gun ban bunnies. They have to include gangbangers up to 24 years of age to get there.) But this is where I need some input from parents, since I’ve never been one.

Do you parents normally send your kids — I mean those too young to understand that guns aren’t toys — off to the homes of people you don’t know well enough to have a feel for how safe they are?

Do parents typically not teach their children not to screw around with other people’s property — guns, in this case — without permission?

Do parents encourage their children to hang out with other children who lack respect for people’s property?

As a non-parent, my experience is limited to my own childhood, observing friends and relatives with their children. Bog knows, my parents told me to stay away from certain kids and homes. None of my nieces, nephew, grand-nieces, grand nephew have even tried to get my — secured — firearms.

Or, going to some friends for example: I used to spend a fair bit of time with a couple with two young children, the oldest a boy about three years old at the time. Any time they had guns out for cleaning, they’d let the boy watch. And handle guns and parts under supervision. And all the while telling him about the Four Rules; conversationally rather than as a lecture, in simple language a 3y/o could grasp.

And to make sure he understood that guns can destroy things and people, we took him to the range. We fitted him with hearing and eye protection (which he wanted anyway, since the grown-ups were putting on their own). I set up a milk jug full of water on the target line, and shot it with .45 ACP (I believe I was usually running 185 gr. Federal Hydra-Shoks back then), as our young student watched.

He was impressed. I didn’t know eyes could get that wide.

To the best of my knowledge, he never ever “played” with a gun. Because he knew what they could do.

In another case, I attended a camping event which included a lot of shooting: a pistol competition, pistol and rifle classes, and near-continuous informal target practice. The camping area was on elevated ground, and there was a trail leading down to the valley where the range was set up with the firing line facing the other side of the valley.

Much of the time there was a five year-old boy parked at the trail head. Small .22 rifle slung on his shoulder (Chipmunk, I think, but can’t swear to), and a belt with pouches for his muffs, safety glasses, targets, and ammunition. Any time an adult approached the trail head, the youngster would speak up very politely. “Excuse me, sir. Are you going to the range?”


“Could I go with you? I want to shoot, but my parents say I can only go to the range with an adult.”

So I took him to the range, since I also happened to know his father and knew the drill. That boy was one of the safest shooters I’ve seen; strict adherence to the Rules (not positive, but I think he might have been muttering the Four Rules to himself as we walked to the firing line). Not a bad shot either,

Because his entirely reasonable and responsible parents had taught him firearms safety and shooting. Is the circle of friends, family, and acquaintances I hang out with really that much more safety-aware than most parents?

A more general example: I live in a state where an estimated one in three people own guns (I think that’s pretty low, but we’re not the sort to tell strangers on the phone a lot of details). In my small town rural area, the anecdotal rate is more like 90%; most of the exceptions are military and Yankee transplantees who haven’t bought anything yet (although some have asked me for help on deciding what to buy). It seems to me that if fears of kids grabbing guns were the huge problem Ms. Bland and Mrs. Anxiety-meds believe, this county would have depopulated itself decades ago. It hasn’t, it’s growing, and I can’t recall the last accidental shooting by a minor, nor does a web search turn up anything.

So, real parents; who better represents reality? My responsible friends, or fearful folks being treated for anxiety?


Dueling Twits

I recently read an article about two candidates competing for Governor of Virginia. The two candidates are touting as their best selling points their great records of working for people control and how many citizens that have committed no crime, they can leave defenseless to those that care to do so. Yes indeed, the thug block has two solid candidates running. Of course they are both Demoncrats.

Let’s take a look at a few figures, shall we?

Forcible Aggravated Larceny Vehicle
Year  Population  Index  Violent  Property  Murder  Rape  Robbery  Assault  Burglary  Theft  Theft 
2015 8,382,993 172,869 16,399 156,470 383 1,493 4,441 9,235 21,340 127,019 8,111

From the Virginia State police, I have this:

There were 441,355 Group A Offenses reported by the contributing agencies. (Page 8)

The total number of incidents of crime was 389,019 and the month of July had the greatest number reported. (Page 7)

Of the 17,459 violent crimes reported, 50% occurred in the residence/home. (Page 46)

There were 5,097 victims of the 4,787 forcible sex offenses reported by the contributing agencies; 84.4% of the victims were female. (Pages 14 & 15)

The theft of money accounted for a property loss of $64,061,900. (Page 60)

Firearms represented 24.7% of all known weapons used in aggravated assaults. Of all victims of aggravated assault, 64.3% had some type of injury. (Page 47)

There was a total value loss of $75,278,993 related to 7,955 completed motor vehicle offenses. (Page 61)

There were 126,032 Group A arrests reported by the contributing agencies and 156,390 Group B arrests reported. (Pages 74 & 75)

There were 1,238 assaults on officers reported in Virginia. Just under one-quarter (24.2%) involved some type of injury to the officer. (Page 56)

Of the 155 hate crime offenses reported, 45.8% of these were assault offenses and 31.6% were vandalism/damage of property offenses. (Page 52)

What strikes me, is the number of people willing to assault a law enforcement officer. If they are willing to assault someone they can be pretty darn sure is trained and carrying a gun you think they won’t try Grandma, or anyone else? The number of rapes, 84.4% were female. Since women are typically smaller and a bit weaker than the male of the specie, let’s make it harder to obtain a tool that could level the ground a bit. That sounds like a good plan (for the criminal). Following in the footsteps of their Gov. Terry McAuliff and his high regard for women with his binders full of them. Full of the victims of his political agenda that is.

I keep wondering what is it these two Demoncrats want to do to law-abiding citizens they can not do unless they are disarmed and defenseless.

What could cause a state to want to elect people prone to dictatorial impulses? I remember hearing a lecture a couple of years ago and the speaker was talking about a plan to turn previously conservative states into liberal voting states. Sort of the evil reverse of Molon Labe. It’s something along the lines of this plan. As I recall it’s been implemented in Colorado and Texas was in their sights as well. I can’t remember all the others, but the speaker was Mark Meckler from Citizens for Self-Governance.

I suspect we all know what the end result is of citizens being disarmed by their government, and there is plenty of pain and suffering along the path on the way to the end result. Yet, politicians such as these two knot-heads persist.

At times like these, I try to think to myself “What would Fabio say about this?” You remember Fabio of course. The handsome cover model of probably millions of paperback romance novels? Long flowing golden locks? He’s also a writer and actor, in case you didn’t know.

Nope, I’m not kidding. Fabio. Fabio Lanzoni, who immigrated here from Italy. And he has a few outspoken things to say. Not from talking from the land of Unicorns and fluff, but from experience of what he has seen in Europe and what he is seeing in California now.

Fabio recently bought a gun after his home was robbed. But he is not a recent convert like so many during the Rodney King riots asking fellow actor Charlton Heston to borrow a gun.

As an immigrant from Europe, Fabio is in a unique position to share some advice with American citizens. His first bit of advice is blunt: “Just look at Europe and go the opposite way. It’s as simple as that.” He added, “Europe already jumped off the cliff. They are doomed.”

His second bit of advice is not something one often expects to hear from a celebrity. “Don’t you ever give up your guns,” he said. “If people lose that right, forget about it. Politicians — they will take everything away from you. And then what are you going to do, protest with a rock? Because that’s what they do in Europe.”

He said one major difference between America and Europe is the right of good people to be armed against tyranny and criminals who “are always going to have every single weapon available to them.”

He added, “The day you give up your weapon in the United States, the United States is going to be history.”

The whole interview is VERY interesting!

Apparently the Demoncratic party has not yet realized not everyone that voted for President Trump was not in love with him, but they looked at the alternative who would further obama’s attempts at disarmament and siding with thugs and criminals and said. “Nope”, just nope. This thought hasn’t occurred to them, so they think people control and victimization is a winning plan. YESH!

Yep, “What would Fabio say?”


A Clockwork Future

Recently I saw a column posted a couple of places, one of them was Facebook. The person that posted it happened to be the President of TZP. He commented that the novel A Clockwork Orange was prophetic. Honestly, I had never read the book, not in school and not on my own. So I read the column and then hit the (occasionally) reliable Wikipedia.

As it turns out a Clockwork Orange is a pretty accurate description. The novel is about a gang of boys who love violence and hurting people. They have their own language, called Nadsat a mix of Anglo-Russian. The characters all sounded like we would be much better off if they spent a loooong time in Sheriff Joe Arpio’s custody.

While searching to find out what A Clockwork Orange was about, I ran across a movie review from Roger Ebert. I kind of doubt Ebert is much of a conservative, but I could be wrong. Anyway, the thing that interested me about his review was how he accepted the anti-hero of the movie, Alex. Here’s a couple of excerpts from the review.

I don’t know quite how to explain my disgust at Alex (whom Kubrick likes very much, as his visual style reveals and as we shall see in a moment). Alex is the sort of fearsomely strange person we’ve all run across a few times in our lives — usually when he and we were children, and he was less inclined to conceal his hobbies. He must have been the kind of kid who tore off the wings of flies and ate ants just because that was so disgusting. He was the kid who always seemed to know more about sex than anyone else, too — and especially about how dirty it was.


Now Alex isn’t the kind of sat-upon, working-class anti-hero we got in the angry British movies of the early 1960s. No effort is made to explain his inner workings or take apart his society. Indeed, there’s not much to take apart; both Alex and his society are smart-nose pop-art abstractions. Kubrick hasn’t created a future world in his imagination — he’s created a trendy decor. If we fall for the Kubrick line and say Alex is violent because “society offers him no alternative,” weep, sob, we’re just making excuses.

Interesting. Because how many movies and video games now have a “anti-hero” as the “hero”? To be honest, I don’t really go to movies. There’s not much I want to see, and I loathe to give some left-wing loon money they are going to use to advance a bully pulpit to work against me and the things I believe in. And, lack of time plays a very small part. But here is a review from 1972, and in it the reviewer is condemning the effort to portray a very bad person in a good light, and to make excuses for his behavior. How often do we see that now? Rachel Madcow? Chrissy “Tingly-leg” Matthews and on ad nauseam? What was decried by a liberal in 1972 has become the norm now.

Lt. Col. Dave Grossman has talked about the effect of the games on kids. He has a book out about it, but you can also read about it on his web site. He’s always worth reading or hearing.

So on to the story linked to this. A group of 40-60 teens swarmed a train in Oakland. They took over a car, robbed the passengers and beat a couple of them.

Trost said police arrived at the station in less than 5 minutes, but that the robberies took place in just seconds.

The gang then retreated in the the East Oakland neighborhood before the police arrived. Those security cameras that track us all and are suppose to keep us safer? Yep, they recorded the whole thing. Didn’t stop it of course, but they recorded it. Did BART then release the video so they could catch those responsible? No. In fact, they didn’t even warn passengers or tell them what had happened. Nor did they release the information via Twitter, Facebook or their phone app or…any of the media platforms they have. They did say it was recorded on the police blotter. Oh well, I’m sure everyone checks that before the head to the station. In the past I guess they have released video with the perpetrators faces obscured, since they are juveniles. How that is suppose to help catch anyone I’m rather unsure. But they didn’t even do that. I’m kind of curious why they haven’t. But one thing we can be sure of, since California is determined to be a gun free “sanctuary” state, all the residents of California can feel safe and secure. Yep, safe and secure.

Do I know these people are who committed the crime? Of course not! But here’s what I DO know, they are out there, somewhere. And always remember, when seconds count, no matter how good they are, the police are just minutes away.


Terry McAuliffe’s Binders Full of Women

The state of Virginia has an interesting piece of legislation in play right now. HB 1852 allows someone with protective orders to carry a concealed handgun after they apply for a permit. Normally you cannot carry a gun until after you have received your permission slip, and that can take up to 45 days. Days you may, or may not have. The emergency permit is good for 45 days, and you can only utilize the “by-pass” if you have applied for a permit.

The bill passed the Senate by a 27-13 vote. It had already been approval by the House of Delegates.

“Governor” McAuliffe had a chance to help domestic abuse victims with similar legislation last year, but he chose to side with the abusers and vetoed it. His aide says he plans to again prevent victims from being able to obtain life saving tools in an emergency situation this year. Of course McAuliffe is not the only one siding with abusers. A confused Demoncrat named Favola also took a very firm stand against women:

“We already have a victim who’s vulnerable and very concerned and anxious, and we’re going to allow this person to bypass whatever requirements we might have for concealed handgun permits – one of which is training – to go ahead and get the gun,” she said.

“We should base public policy on evidence-based research. Folks who have studied this issue, folks who have advocated for the rights of women, folks who have spent many years evaluating domestic violence situations tell us that it is not wise to interject more firearms into a situation that is already volatile,” Favola added. “In fact, when a firearm exists in a situation of domestic violence, it’s actually the woman who is five times more likely to die.”

I would say probably not if the gun is in HER hand. So this Favola thing thinks it’s far better to allow the victims to remain vulnerable, anxious and concerned. I guess no one pointed out to her there was nothing to prevent the woman from getting her gun and taking it and getting training if she needed it, or wanted more. I rather suspect if a woman feels the need to get a gun to protect herself, she will want to be able to use it effectively. But that thought process may be too deep or McAuliffe and Favola. But they probably have taxpayer funded protection don’t they? They’ve never known that fear, so it doesn’t exist does it?

So, what does this magical piece of paper do? From the Fairfax Co. website

A protective order can:

Prohibit acts of violence, force, or threat or criminal offenses that may result in injury to person or property.

Prohibit such other contact with the Petitioner as the judge deems necessary for the health and safety of the Petitioner.

Prohibit such other contact with the Petitioner’s family or household members as the judge deems necessary for their health and safety.

Order any other conditions the judge may deem necessary to prevent acts of violence, force, or threat, criminal offenses resulting in injury to person or property, or communication or other contact of any kind by the respondent.

And what does one have to do to obtain such a magical piece of paper?

Several forms must be completed to obtain a preliminary protective order. These forms are available at the civil clerk’s office, and can be completed at the court or taken home to complete.

You must complete the forms on your own, and you must be present to file them.

When all of the appropriate forms have been completed, the clerk will present the petition to a judge. They will review the forms and make a determination whether to issue the preliminary protective order or not. If approved, a court date will be set within 15 days and notice of the hearing will be served on the respondent.

Fifteen days, wow. But you can get an emergency order. They also helpfully tell you what to do in the event that the order is violated:

You should immediately call 911 and tell them you have a protective order and the respondent is violating it. You may also file violation charges with the magistrate.

I guess they mean if you live, then I guess you wait for the police to show up with their guns to save you.

This restraining order thing is interesting.

The Independent Women’s Forum points out how restraining orders can become a tool in a woman’s bag of dirty tricks. By that I mean that some women get a restraining order to gain the upper hand in a contentious divorce. The man gets booted out of the house, possibly loses unfettered access to his children, and it may give her a leg up in court for division of property. It can also cost an innocent man his Second Amendment rights. TV host and liberal wing-nut David Letterman once had a restraining order issued against him. The judge didn’t really think wing-nut had done anything, but the woman had filled out the paperwork correctly.

Security specialist Gavin de Becker says in his book The Gift of Fear restraining orders are “homework assignments police give to women to prove they’re really committed to getting away from their pursuers”, they “clearly serve police and prosecutors”, but “they do not always serve victims”.

How effective are restraining orders? From Psychology Today I learned they work about half the time. They work for people that tend to follow the rules. If the guy is saying “If I can’t have you no one will” he quite possibly will not care one whit about that piece of paper. The victim may or may not be consistent in reporting violations, the police may or may not be consistent in their approach to reported violations. If the victims has been inconsistent in reporting, they will probably be more inconsistent in their response.

The rest I’m going to pretty much quote:

Problem Four: Sometimes the presence of a Temporary Restraining Order makes what was a dormant situation instantly worse. Gavin de Becker says “Sometimes when we engage we enrage.” This means that if the subject has not bothered the victim prior to this point, getting him served in court with a civil stay-away order may suddenly give him a reason to become a never-ending irritant to the victim. “You’re giving me a restraining order? I’ll give you a reason to give me a restraining order!” and then the games begin.

Problem Five: Are the police, the domestic violence advocates, and the victim using a Temporary Restraining Order as the primary placating tool/security blanket, when a better plan exists? Sometimes it makes good safety sense for the victim to move away. When I was a dv investigator, we often told victims to get a TRO, as part of our usual attempts at due diligence and giving them all of their options. In retrospect, it often made the situation worse and created a false sense of security that once the order was served, the police were now somehow waiting right around the corner to help.

Some domestic violence victims participate in their own murders by not reading the warning signs, not trusting their intuition, and over-relying on the ever-flawed criminal justice system for help. The life they have to protect is their own.

Move away? Move away? Someone who is already a victim has to move away from job, family, friends and whatever support system they have? So reality strikes, the restraining order is every bit as strong as, well, a piece of paper.

Another state has a similar bill going through their legislature. Indiana has House Bill 1071 which would allow those who have been granted a protective order to use that order to obtain a temporary permit to carry a gun. Those wishing to use the order as a carrying permit must be 21 years old and must follow all regulations to receive an actual concealed carry permit.

A firearms instructor and attorney, Guy Relford testified that some of the women he has trained have told him that their attackers went away when they saw the gun, they didn’t have to shoot, they went away. Apparently allowing women the means to defend themselves did not cause blood to run in the streets. Then Demoncrat Summers rode in on her unicorn and stated:

“I think that your energies should be in strengthening up that protective order, doing some other things in a domestic violence situation instead of giving a scared to death woman a gun,” Summers said.

Summers did not dismount her unicorn long enough to specify just HOW she could strengthen a protective order enough that a determined abuser wouldn’t blow that off as well. But, well, hey, she’s a Demoncrat.

So Governor McAuliffe has little regard for the lives of at risk women it seems to me. It appears he is much more concerned about protecting abusers as he is also much more concerned about New York than he is Virginia. So McAuliffe with the help of other Demoncrats is starting a “Binder full of women”, much like Governor Chris Christie has a binder of women. Women like Carol Browne who died due to New Jersey gun laws. A binder of victims who were denied the emergency equipment that could have saved their lives. Or like Castle Rock vs. Gonzalesthe children who are victims when the magical restraining order fails.

Perhaps McAuliffe, various Demoncrats and Governor Christie think domestic violence is funny, that’s it’s all like “Goodbye Earl”. But then, they have taxpayer funded security don’t they? Right, I forgot, the fear and danger isn’t real.



Your Call

I ran across a story talking about  women who use guns to defend themselves, it was written by a woman. She seemed to be no big fan of the notion. Her complaints are that women are at greater risk from former partners and spouses than they are strangers. She feels gun rights groups only get the “Stand Your Ground” laws passed by emphasizing “strangers lurking in bushes”, and that since most of the attacks against women are from known people this is a false argument. She quotes Mary Ann Franks, the anti-gun law professor who wants you to take her karate classes instead, if this give you any idea about the author. She says guns are the weapons of choice for batterers, so she wants women armed with what? Hairspray? The website the story is on has helpfully placed a related story on the sidebar about “12 Facts That Show How Guns Make Domestic Violence Even Deadlier”. I’m thinking this web site reeks.

She does however, rightly point out that women have gone to prison for defending themselves against a violent attacker. I did an interview with one many years ago. It was when the case for Castle Doctrine was being heard in several states. One of the legislators said if anyone had ever gone to prison for defending themselves with a gun it was an “anomaly”. I heard this story from attorney and author Kevin Jamison who said he informed the legislator he called them “people”. This story got me to thinking about a case I had read about a woman who had gone to jail for defending herself with a gun. I wondered if I could find her, by now the Internet had come along. For some reason I remembered her name, and with some help and passed on messages got in touch with her. I won’t republish the whole interview but heres the Sheila’s Notes version, like Cliff’s Notes, only provided free here.

This was a woman who had a profession that was all about saving lives and intervening in a medical crisis. She attracted a stalker without even knowing it. He stalked her for a while before she even met him. He would break into her house, move things, move things in her yard, and she raised dogs. He killed twenty-one of them, twenty-one innocent dogs killed because this ass-wipe wanted to scare her. And he did. She did all the right things, called the sheriff, reported everything. They would come out and take pictures and that would be the end of it. One day he left her a note telling her he was coming that night. She called the Sheriff’s Department to let them know, to ask for help. They said they would have two deputies right up the street, so when he came, they could arrest him, or remove him. The stalker came, the deputies didn’t. He forced his way into her home, she RETREATED, she RETREATED the length of her house, 60 feet I believe she said. She RETREATED to the last room in her house, the bedroom, where she had an old shotgun. He followed her, he followed her the whole length, and when he had her corned in her bedroom, he pulled a knife on her. She had followed all the rules, she had called the Sheriff, she asked for help ahead of time, for a year and a half this man had been terrorizing her without consequences, and now he threatened her life. She was all alone. She grabbed an old shotgun and took aim, the first round was a misfire. He LAUGHED at her and advanced, he said “What are you going to do? Shoot me?” She tried again, at first she didn’t think the second shell was going to fire, but it did. She thought she missed him, he turned around and left, going toward the end of the hall, where he knelt down, and dropped the knife. Then he continued on out of the house, with her following at a distance. She was telling him to lay down & curl up in a ball. He finally collapsed and she immediately called the Sheriff’s Department and THEN the deputies came.

From there it’s a tale of corruption, evidence disappeared, people that knew what was going on wouldn’t talk. Why? Oh, did I forget to mention the stalker was the sheriff’s nephew? Sorry, is that germane? She went to prison, for six years. Six long years for a woman who had dedicated her life to saving lives. The author of the story would say this is a failure of stand your ground laws, and that women having guns isn’t helpful because she went to jail. I think it is too, because she should never have gone to jail, though perhaps the sheriff that covered for his nephew should have.

We’ve heard of the Colorado Demoncratic state Senator Evie Hudak who told a rape victim, Amanda Collins:

that a gun would be useless in her defense because “statistics are not on your side, even if you had a gun.” Senator Hudak tells Ms. Collins in so many words that there is nothing a female can do during a rape except be a victim. She even states that martial arts are a useless pursuit as a women are likely to be overpowered anyway.

So there Mary Ann Franks, your class is always useless as well. Katie Pavlich wrote about the victim, Amanda Collins who had a concealed carry license when she was raped. She of course wasn’t carrying when it happened because she was in a “gun free zone” a campus. She was within 50 feet of the campus police department. She had left with a large group of people, and was a second degree black belt and was in a “safe zone” whatever the heck that means. She was raped.

At the hearing another Colorado Demoncrat, Rep. Joe Salazar’s helpfully commented about call boxes and rape whistles being sufficient self defense for women on campus, while another Demoncratic Rep. offered ballpoint pens should be used to defend against a attacker with a gun. The Colorado legislature passed four more gun control bills to disarm victims.

Amanda followed all the rules too.

So I was thinking about this story, and the women who have gone to jail for using a gun to defend themselves, legislators that condemn women to being defenseless victims, the media who lie regularly about self defense stories and writers who twist facts to suit their agenda and I’ve had a glorious idea. I had lunch with a good friend today and while we were talking she commented about someone having to walk a mile in someone else’s moccasins. BINGO.

I have an innovative plan to help sort these thorny issues out. For every legislator that wants to legislate women into defenselessness, for ever media moron, for ever prosecutor that dislikes guns and so goes after someone who uses one to defend herself, they get a minimum one hour virtual reality experience. At some point, they are taken to the best virtual reality technology center and given a one hour experience to allow them to experience what they have legislated others to, what they have presented to the public as truth, knowing it was a twisted lie. For ever celebrity that has sanctimoniously lectured how evil guns are while making money in action movies, virtual reality gets to slap them upside the head. Now if I was really evil? I would figure out a way to do it without them knowing they were dealing with virtual reality. Then the terror, the helplessness, the consequences really will have the impact on the elite decision makers and those that have paid protection. But that would be mean wouldn’t it? Almost as mean as telling women rape whistles, call boxes and telling your attacker you have a disease or are menstruating will keep you safe.

Pick one, your call.

The ever powerful pink pussy power hat


Taurus .38


So, I’ve been nominated for Secretary of State.

My nomination
My nomination

Yes, the pertinent names have been removed to protect my buddies. So it’s cold today, we have weather moving in I have a cup of coffee and a dream. I’m Secretary of State, so what would I do? What situations would I want to try to make better for U.S., and us as in humanity. No, I can’t solve them all, but here’s what comes to mind.

Well start with the situation that prompted this. The pieceful Falestinians. Lest you think I’m the only hard nose that thinks like this, I’m not. Daniel Pipes agrees with me. The Way to Peace: Israeli Victory, Palestinian Defeat Compromising with evil doesn’t work. It never has. I will say, I wrote the post above before Daniel did his column on this. But our answers are the same. I would add to what I originally suggested that one week before the date Israel announces that is declaring sovereignty over Judea, Samaria and Gaza that they issue every Israeli a couple of X95s and they probably have some unused Tavors laying around, some nice Jerichos, plenty of ammunition, and for good measure? I think every Jewish Israeli community gets a tank or two. I hear they have a few Centurions laying around, they’re good in rough terrain. I think the day they are delivered the IDF should have a nice big presentation covered by Arutz Sheva. Then I think the Israeli Kapo high court should be locked up for about a month till the dust settles, shouldn’t take long. Maybe lock them up with some of the murders they have turned back out on the street to kill innocent Israelis with stolen trucks. Land owned by the pieceful Falestinians will be bought by Israel, unless there are Israelis living in that area, be it Judea, Samaria or Gaza that wish to purchase it. They get first dibs because they have put up with a mountain of crap for living there for years. It’s time their tenacity and obedience to G-d is rewarded. The arabs will then be export relocated to Syria. There is indeed lots of empty space there. This will work well for them. They will be among other muslims. This will make it unnecessary for them to continue murdering people as they will no longer be living among infidels and the occupiers (of their own land). They should probably leave the Kurds alone and not mess with them. I am not saying this will be an easy transition for them. In fact it will ago against what they have been taught from childhood. And when they say the video in there is bad, it is. What give me the right to come up with all this? Well, when Israel announced it was going to build some apartments in Jerusalem, the capital while crazy joe biden was there, hillary felt compelled to call and yell at Bibi for 45 minutes, so I think I’m good on this. And if you think this is cruel, realize if Arabs sell land to Jews, other Arabs may well kill the Arabs that sold it, so really this is a life saving way of handling it.

Domestically, what would I start with? Well let’s see my choice of appetizers. Several celebrities that have made it their mission in life to prove that they are good at memorizing lines and deceiving people have made it their mission to prove they also have very little life education. A actor or actress makes you believe they are the role, right? You’re deceived into thinking they are good, noble, righteous, sane. So people pay them large sums of money to do this, they then use these large sums of money to advocate for their elitist policies. Such as gun control, foreign policy, immigration, politics all the while using these large sums of money to exempt themselves either through paid armed guards or political favors. Many of these hollywood elitists have vowed to leave the country if Trump was elected, he was, go, now. As SOS, I will help hurry their passports through. Those celebrities wishing to move to Syria will find their new passport overnighted to their home at no charge to them. If they do not move within one week, there will be penalties comparable to those paid by us suffering under the obamacare they pushed for, plus 20%. That should please them as it’s in accordance with their belief of “from each according to his ability…”. While I’m at it? If you are a celebrity, or politician who has ever spoken in favor of gun control (people control) or voted for it? You will no longer be allowed armed security guards. And if you are a politician that has done so, your security will not be paid for by taxpayers. I’m pretty sure if you’re that kind of politician, Chuck Norris will not work for you Pro bono, just a hunch.

What else? Hmm, I see there is a hot debate on guns and various related topics. Let’s sample that. Silencers. Perhaps a more accurate term is “sound suppressor”. Hollywood B, C, D list celebs and many ignorant in the media (and that covers a LOT of ground) ,politicians and general public don’t understand this topic. It’s not like the movies! Many of the above listed categories are quick to embrace the socialism and communism of Europe, and the gun control laws of Europe, but they ignore the sound suppressor laws of Europe, which encourages them. From a NSSF flier:

In England and many other European countries, generally known for having much more restrictive firearms laws, they do not have restrictions on suppressor ownership and, in fact, actually encourage their use. They recognize that suppressors are a great tool to help reduce noise pollution.

It is a health issue, and it is a good idea. I think I should speak out in favor of it.

And while we’re on guns, let’s look at crime. There have been some terrorist attacks lately using guns. One in Orlando, and one at the airport in Florida. Of course there have also been truck attacks in Niece France, Germany and Israel. So the gun isn’t necessary, it was just the weapon of choice. The immigrant Tsarnov brothers used a pressure cooker, ability only limited by imagination it would seem. But let’s take a quick look at the latest incident.

First, thanks to my teammate Bear, I do have a good name for the latest terrorist, Some Asshole. This goes back to Lt.Col. Dave Grossman saying we do not repeat the names of terrorists, we let them die on the scrapheap of forgotten. But what to call them? Bear found a splendid answer, Some Asshole.

So taking a quick look at this situation. Some asshole was a veteran. But not quite your normal veteran. Initial reports seems to imply it was his serving in Iraq and the military that cause his problems. His family was quick to say the system failed him.

Troubled lad
Troubled lad

As is common in the media these days, it’s crap. Perhaps his family didn’t know, perhaps the military didn’t know, perhaps, ahhh phoooey. Seems Some Asshole converted to Islam 3 YEARS BEFORE joining the military.

Photo of Some Asshole
Photo of Some Asshole

And, since this information has started making it’s way into the public arena, you pretty much aren’t hearing anything more about it are you? I expect barry to label it “workplace violence” soon. As SOS, if President Trump choose to call incidents such as this “workplace violence” when there have been clear patterns to the opposite, I promise to oppose him, publicly. And while we are on the topic of this particular Some Asshole’s crime, Florida’s law is such that concealed carry holders can not carry in airports. Sen. Greg Steube has a bill to change that for them, it was already sponsored when this happened. But I think another interesting point that came out of this came from Grant Cunningham. He talks about the mindset. Yes, it would have been easier if there had been someone besides the asshole armed in the area, but as it has been said before, what is the dangerous part? The part between the ears. The mindset. We’ve been taught by the schools and political law enforcement, as opposed to cop on the beat, to stay out of it and let the professionals handle it. We are a long way from our independent pioneer roots where you had to handle it yourself, because there often wasn’t anyone else to help. But years of the government stepping in trying to be all things to all people and control all, including school lunches have taken their toll on our spirit. As SOS, I will urge congress to accept that parents probably really can figure out what to feed their kids for lunch, and that schools probably can figure out what they can and can’t sell and make kids lunches that are good for them, and they won’t pitch. I will also urge every American to consider taking a weapons of opportunity class. I can probably find someone to help you locate a class near you.

As SOS, I won’t use an unsecured server, I won’t take donations for a foundation I don’t have to sell uranium to a country that is probably not our friend. Well, I won’t take donations for a foundation I don’t have period. Better?

The last eight years have taken a toll on U.S. and us. Yes, as a country and as individuals. Some of it due to the lawlessness that has become pervasive due to the current regime and some just due to life. I would be a lousy Secretary of State most likely. I have little tolerance for B.S. and political correctness which is a subset of B.S.  But as President Trump begins to try to “Make America Great Again” I, me, personally, am going to try to improve myself. I’ve never been great, so it’s not being great again, as much as trying to get my mindset to more what it should be. It’s the start of a new year, and a resolutions like losing 5-10 lbs are still there of course, but for me, personally, I think a calm, sure and steady daily walk with G-d will help the rest fall into place. And so that, whether or not I’m Secretary of State will be my first priority.

So, President Elect Trump, if after reading this you think I’m a better bet than Rex, you can get in touch with me through The Zelman Partisans.

PS-I’m still not capitalizing the names of people I don’t respect.


Sandy Hook: My Failure?

I don’t think so.

When will it end?
The killings on December 14, 2012 at Sandy Hook Elementary School will be forever remembered as a monumental failure of otherwise law-abiding gun owners to take responsibility for their freedoms.

I don’t know when it will end. But it seems highly unlikely that it will completely end until overly-emotive nonthinkers like Mr. Nehring base their victim disarmament decisions on reality rather than fantasy.

Let’s talk about the “failures” of law-abiding gun owner Mrs. Lanza.

  • Her son had mental problems. She spent years trying to address them.
  • She bought firearms through licensed dealers, going through background checks.
  • She reportedly kept most of her firearms locked up, some reports indicating specifically to keep them out of her son’s hands.

So what was her failure; what allowed her deranged son to get those guns and murder those people?

She fell asleep.

Yes, for those with no long-term memory, like Nehring, Mrs. Lanza’s son murdered her in her sleep so that he could steal the guns he would take to the school.

Many vocal gun owners refuse to acknowledge that with their freedoms come responsibility. Instead they try to sweep this tragic result under the rug.

I suppose in Nehring’s deranged world, he has a point. The right to sleep without being murdered is not specifically enumerated in the Bill of Rights.

Ban sleep and high capacity king-sized beds.


Bringing a Car and a Knife

Recently there was a stabbing attack at the Ohio State University.

One RFV (I’m not giving his name, it should rot in hell with him) and his family presumably fled the violence of Somalia to Pakistan, or as barry says it Pah kee stohn in 2007. From Pakistan, the family came to America in 2014 where they were granted permanent legal status. Since then RFV has attended Columbus State and until a couple days ago, Ohio State University. I just find that interesting. I don’t think college tuition is cheap.

The refugee from violence (RFV) was so upset when he first arrived at OSU because he was a member of the religion of pieces and said there was no place for him to pray. Well, actually, there were three prayer rooms for people of the religion of pieces to pray, but hey he was new. I haven’t found mention in any of the reports how many rooms were set aside for Jewish and Christian students to go pray.

One of the statements he made was he felt uncertain how he would be received as a muslim and felt unsafe.

This is my first day. This place is huge, and I don’t even know where to pray. I wanted to pray in the open, but I was kind of scared with everything going on in the media. I’m a Muslim, it’s not what the media portrays me to be.

It’s been a interesting week for me on Twitter. Someone sent me a homemade video of a young boy, probably late teens holding a Bic pen. One of the ballpoint ones that you take the cap off. And he holds it in various positions, wearing different clothing, standing different places all the while saying “This is a knife”. He goes below camera angle so you only see his arm holding the pen and says “This is a knife”. He give statistics on how low terrorist attacks were in the US. Sadly he gave statistics ending around 2007. I inquired if he had any more recent statistics, say, oh from 2008-present. I have not yet heard back. But he ends his video with saying we see him as a threat because the media has portrayed him I such. I have yet to see any of the terrorists victims attacked with a Bic pen. But I didn’t say that, I thought obama’s term isn’t over, and that might be tempting fate. I would maintain that the media does everything it can to cover for the religion of pieces, including a cnn propaganda news reader suggesting women wear headscarves in solidarity with muslims a few hours before RFV commenced his non violent political protest by mowing down his fellow students with a borrowed car.

That raises a whole set of questions for me. Did the person that loaned the car do a background check on the RFV? Wasn’t there some kind of cooling off period before the RFV could borrow the potential weapon of mass murder? Will the person who loaned the car face criminal charges? Will the manufacture of the potential weapon of mass murder? I haven’t heard the answer to these troubling questions.

So the 18, 19 or 20 year old student, depending on which site you’re reading wounded 11 people, one of them critically as they evacuated one of the buildings in response to the fire alarm going off.

The same night I learned on twitter that the reason people are fearful of seeing muslims with Bic ballpoints is that we are fearful of being stabbed, I also learned I am an anti-Semite. I am an anti-Semite because I am a pro-Israel Zionist. I also learned that the Jews in Israel have nothing to do with the ancient Hebrews that lived there centuries ago. I gotta tell you, I have some friends that are going to be down right shocked to hear this. I am an anti-Semite? I think I just stepped into an alternative universe. Sort of like Orwell’s 1984. The reason the muslims are attacking U.S. is because

We’re now bombing seven Arab counties for the Greater Israel project. It hasn’t made them more America friendly though.

“Greater Israel”, hmmm, does that, like = evil Zionist?

I said sorry, I was busy grieving for the victims of the attack at OSU. He informed me no one died. Huh? 11 people rammed with a car then attacked with a butcher knife, but HEY, no one died. Well, guess it’s all okay then. But one is in critical condition, so is THAT maybe close enough to mattering?

So I have learned Jews in Israel aren’t related to Hebrews. I already knew I was a Zionist. Damn skippy. Oh, and I learned is where white supremacists and evil Zionists go. Huh, who knew? All that came about because one of my favorite people Shim was suspended at twitter. Shim has always just rebutted crap with humor and facts. Shlomi was suspended because he said something about the children being brainwashed to kill and that apparently violated Twitter’s delicate community standards sensibilities. Canary Mission was suspended. Milo was suspended. I asked Aussie Dave about Canary Mission’s suspension, I guess some liberal didn’t like having what he/she said repeated and quoted in a public forum. Liberals, hating facts since they were first used.

There is just something so familiar about this. It’s like I’ve seen this movie before. I just can’t seem to put my finger on what’s familiar about it.

Ram with a car, chop with a cleaver or a knife. Apparently this is the isis playbook. Which should give one a good clue who’s behind the pieceful Falestinian attacks.

But there is a big difference in the second one. It was stopped very quickly. An armed citizen intervened. The one on campus was stopped very quickly as well, but only because the hero police officer was in the area due to a reported gas leak. My view is G-d was merciful. In the gun-free zone, GFZ, called OSU one of the few people allowed with a gun, a police officer, happened to be near-by that day. Had there not been a gas leak, I’m not sure what the response time would have been for the students being butchered alive.

The call was reported as a “shooting” and a “shooter” initially. So students did as they’ve been trained to do, run, hide and if all options are gone, fight. Not sure with what, maybe their Bic ballpoint. So students hid in bathrooms and wherever, thinking it was a shooting going on. I wonder, what would have happened had their been a second assailant with a knife roaming the halls. Would students have felt it was safe to be out in the halls since they heard no gun shots?

Predictably, the anti-self-defense crowd came swarming out from under their rocks calling for more gun control.

Former VP candidate Sen. Tim Kaine tweeted his angst (dodged a bullet on that one, having Kaine as a VP)

Demoncratic VP candidate Kaine
Demoncratic VP candidate Kaine


As did shannonrtwatts.

The ever confused Shannon
The ever confused Shannon

And some unknown odd person.

Some strange people chimed in.
Some strange people chimed in.

So the only gun used was the one that stopped the car and knife attack and you want more gun control?

Perhaps like Britain, where soldier Lee Rigby was beheaded in public by the religion of pieces and they had to wait for “special” police officers who are allowed to be armed to get there. The usual officer on the street being disarmed. Unarmed police arrived 9 minutes after the call for help was placed, it was another 5 minute wait for armed police to respond.

Kind of interesting looking at the history of Columbus lately

Recent terrorism in Columbus OH
Recent terrorism in Columbus OH

But it’s not all bad news! No, the State Dept. defends refugee vetting after Ohio State attack. So, I guess don’t worry be happy?

Even though DHS admits refugee fraud ‘easy to commit’

But at least we went out of our way to make them feel at home. DHS gives Somali Muslims special airport security tours because they felt harassed and profiled

Welcome to my alternative universe.


Yeah. About that “active shooter” in Ohio today.

It’s hard to know whether to laugh or cry. Check out this headline just sent to me by our TZP colleague Nicki Kenyon:


Anyone who’s been watching knows by now that the only guns involved were the ones that finally removed the creepy little stabber from this earth. But the antis aren’t about to give up their “killer guns” so easily.

THREE TIMES this headline writer manages to insert a “gunman” who never existed into the story — and that’s even before the actual article. AND after they already knew he wasn’t using firearms.

That takes talent, folks. Hatred up the wahzoo toward guns and gun owners. Ignorance and carelessness on a vast scale. A deeply propagandized brain. But also a perverse, determined sort of talent.

(BTW, the headline is from a British publication, the Daily Record. They eventually changed the headline no doubt while dousing themselves with ice water to cool the deep burn of embarrassment.)


Happy Thanksgiving!

I want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving, I know it’s kind of late, thanksgiving is winding down. I am very thankful for The Zelman Partisans that allow me the opportunity to write for them, and for the fantastic team I am allowed to work with. I am very grateful for the readers we have and those that have gone further and chosen to become members. I’m grateful for our readers that take the time to comment on our columns and topics making it a dialogue, sometimes a very spirited dialogue!

I’m thankful for the followers we have on Twitter and Facebook. Among our followers we have people from America, Israel, Iraq and I think a couple in Iran. TZP has appeal worldwide. I think it’s because the issues we cover apply to people all over the world. And we do cover a wide variety of topics! Some of them are state specific, pertaining to certain propose laws or situations such as the disgusting universal background checks misleadingly portrayed by Mikey (no 32 oz soda for you) Bloomberg, and Shaneen Allen who was arrested in PA and spent 40 days in jail. I’m grateful Chris Christie, Governor of N.J. isn’t our next President, or Mikey Bloomberg either for that matter. Some topics are of interests to the human soul and the human condition no matter where you live.

We cover history topics from freedom to gun control and everything in between. We cover things that the mainstream media doesn’t like to talk about, or doesn’t want you to know about. And we can do that because at this point in time, we still have a fairly free open internet.

But with the election of President elect Trump, there are those that have now had enough of that.

Some people blame social media for him being elected. So while Arab incitement to violence against Jews continues on Facebook and Twitter, some conservatives are banned. And Facebook has helpfully decided to create “filters” to block what they consider “fake news”. Not what I consider “fake news”, not what you consider “fake news”, what THEY consider “fake news”. Facebook Has Created A News Feed Censorship Tool For China While Fake News Still Runs Wild In The US Yes indeedy! Someday our internet will be open and free as China’s. Whoo hoo! Something to look forward to, no doubt.

Goodness knows Angela Merkel is hoping it will happen soon! Merkel warns against fake news driving populist gains So while many are aware of the large increase in the attacks against women especially, in Germany some are not. Today at Thanksgiving dinner I learned that Merkel is the best leader in the free world, taking in all the rapefugees (as some in Germany have taken to calling them) has been a great deal and made Germany and economic powerhouse. I also learned there have been no problems with taking in all those poor unvetted refugees. The ax and knife attack on a German train is a mere inconvenience (what with the blood and all to clean up) not a problem actually.

Debkafile raises some interesting questions.

Until now, the freedom of speech advocated by the news organizations, Facebook, Google, Whatsapp, Microsoft and others has allowed the posting of almost any political content to social networks without censorship. Now, following Trump’s election as the 45th American president, that content faces editorial review. Its classification as true or fake news is put in the hands of faceless “censors,” who may be guided by their political, religious or personal worldview when deciding that a news story or opinion are fit for publication. Who’s to know?

Some folks are beginning to realize what some other folks have known for a long time, that most of the mainstream media has an agenda other than reporting the news. They instead prefer to shape the news.

App Store Users Torch CNN with One Star Reviews over Liberal Bias Folks are just getting tired of not having news “reported” rather than “purported”.

One of the ways people can express their dissatisfaction with a product or service is a review. And that’s what happened with the fraudulent news channel known as CNN. Apparently apple and google haven’t decided to buff things up for them, yet.

Unlike Amazon, who has decided that readers obviously don’t know what they are talking about when in comes to reviewing books. Megyn Kelly recently wrote a book. People bought the book. People read the book. People took time and wrote reviews of the book on Amazon, like people write reviews of everything on Amazon, including scouring sponges from Israel. They are awesome! The never scratch my new ceramic non-stick skillet.

But back to the review of Ms. Kelly’s book. It seems some didn’t like the book. Those that didn’t like the book were therefore deemed to be Trump trolls. And many of the one star reviews were removed. Which prompted a bit of outrage from the people that took time to write a review in the first place.

Some commenters picked up on the removal of the negative reviews. “Tim from MD.,” for example, wrote a post titled “Over 120 1 star reviews have been deleted. Are we living in a free country anymore?”

“Trump is president, but she wrote the book certain Clinton would win,” Tim from MD. wrote. “Now the book and her shows advertisers are getting boycotted. So apparently her attorneys have called to get negative reviews deleted. And they succeeded. I’m shocked.”

Brianna wrote, “I have written many thoughtful reviews as to why this book is horrible! They have all been removed even though I am a reputable Amazon customer/reviewer which is why originally Megyn had the true rating of one and a half stars and now four and a half FIXED STARS!”

I would hazard a guess people usually buy a book based on what it said it was about and what other readers said about it. Then when they were disappointed in the book, they wrote why. Isn’t that how taking time to write a review is suppose to work?

So today, even though I live in a country where college students are taught to pitch a hissy fit if they don’t get what they want and some news media outlets portray rioters as peaceful protesters and law abiding armed citizens as crazed guns nuts just looking for the chance to kill someone, that there are options to new sources. That we have an internet where people can search for news sources and reports of events that may carry the unpopular conservative view. Although, that view may not be as unpopular as some of the elitists thought. There may be a lot of people out there that are interested in what we at TZP have to say. And I’m grateful we have the platform to say it.

I can’t imagine anyone wanting to censor the fantastic news that eating ice cream for breakfast makes you smarter, but you just never know! Make mine chocolate coffee please!

News sources! Need News sources, must get to TZP!
News sources! Need News sources, must get to TZP!