Rotting to the core in the Big Apple

You know when you’re a child, lots of things seem like really really good ideas. For example selling your little sister to put the money towards a pony. Writing your own excuse to skip gym class/recess because it’s freezing, or anything else, by not only writing the note, but also signing it. In printing because you haven’t learned how to write in cursive yet. I hadn’t actually figured out how I was going to explain my parents lack of skill in that particular department. But you kind of out grow that sort of thinking where you think you can just pull some boneheaded stunt and no one will see through it, or that there might be a need to anticipate things that could go wrong and different potential outcomes. You know the old failing to plan is planning to fail concept? Yeah most kids start growing out of that by 2nd, 3rd grade.
You know who never outgrows that idiotic alternate universe kind of thinking? Progressives, leftists. Reality doesn’t inhabit their world, so lying to people has no consequences. Forcing people to live in your unrealistic and imaginary paradigm is kind and compassionate. No matter how much you force them through tyranny, and no matter what they think or feel, the democrat\communist will try their level best to force you into their demented playhouse.
And the thing is, some of these brainless/brain-dead ideas they have, would cause you to think you are reading a column from The Onion or The Babylon Bee because no one could be that stupid. But you would be wrong.
For example, if a sane person hears “Defund the police” they might say, “Excuse me, I mis-heard, you said DEFEND the police correct”? A leftist will say “Yeah man, defund the police, they’re evil”. A democrat/communist will say “Ok, as soon as we get rid of the local police that are made up of community members we’ll bring in the national police force barry sotero talked about that have no ties or relationship with a community”

The woke

But grown ups will realize there is going to be a consequence. Which is how you know the mayor of New York City and his very stupid wife are not grown ups, or at least wise mature people.

9 June 2020

Chirlane McCray was behind decision to shift NYPD funding

Hizzoner then handed off the question to McCray, who said, “There’s no question that it was important to move more funds to youth and social services.”

McCray said the mayoral coronavirus-recovery Task Force on Racial Inclusion and Equity, which her husband appointed her to co-chair with Deputy Mayor J. Phillip Thompson, conducted a survey that showed “more resources for our young people was right up there” with the most-requested assistance.

Even without those responses, I talked to my husband about it, and I encouraged him to find — help us find — ways to do that because you know, it’s something I know from my heart,” she said.

9 March 2021

After ‘Defunding The Police,’ NYC First Lady Pleads For Citizens To Intervene In Violent Crimes As Assaults Spike

Shootings in New York City doubled in 2020 and were up 75 percent last month compared to a year prior. Burglaries have also increased, and violent, unprovoked crimes against Asians have become endemic.

Mayor de Blasio’s wife says residents should ‘intervene’ to stop violence after pushing to defund NYPD

As attacks on Asian American communities continue, we’re asking New Yorkers to show up for their neighbors and intervene when witnessing hateful violence or harassment. I know that can be frightening when you aren’t sure what to do or say, but you can learn,” New York City’s First Lady Chirlane McCray wrote on Twitter March 6. “Fear is a normal feeling when stepping into a confrontation, but being prepared can help.”

And then Mrs De blasio helps you deal with being prepared to physically intervene in an assault that is taking place in front of you. She seems to get her intervention techniques from a web site called “Hollaback” No, I can’t make that up. They do offer in person and interactive classes to prepare you to intervene in violent situations. But you need to plan your day wisely so you’ll have enough time for the class. Because as best as I can tell, the class lasts an hour. A whole HOUR! But it could be a wise investment of your time, as you will now feel empowered to step into these violent situations with such techniques as distracting the criminal beating the life out of some poor soul, or raping a woman and walk up to the victim and say “Scuse me old chap, I say, have you got the time?” <<Ok, that’s fluffed up, you just walk up and ask them the time. Then you should document it, so film as the person has the last few seconds of life beaten out of them, or as a woman is left in a huddled humilated mess, but Mrs. De Blasio does caution you not to release the video without the victim’s permission. Then you delay for a bit, then maybe later go back and check on the survivors “I say, sorry about that brutal assault your suffered” Then offer to help them contact the police if they need it. This apparently will make them feel valued. It’s ok to delay this step if your confidence is low. I guess your confidence won’t be low if you decide to give step 5 a go, because that is confront the aggressor directly.

After all, after the defunding of police initiated in 2020, violent crime in New York City has skyrocketed.

By the end of 2020, NYPD reported a 97% increase in shooting incidents compared to 2019. Homicides increased by 45%.

The 2019 “Bail reform” law has not helped matters at all. The result of bail reform, according to NYPD Commissioner Dermot Shea, is that 90 percent of arrestees for gun crimes are released right back on the streets.

Even as His and Her Wokeness yammers on about white supremacy, it turns out most of the Asians being assaulted in de Blasio land are being attacked by blacks. Which is apparently the new white supremacy.

NYPD statistics list 20 arrests for alleged anti-Asian hate crimes in 2020. Most of the suspects were black.

I wonder if the fact that their daughter has rioted with blm, shut down streets and bridges caused the Asian-American community to doubt the sincerity of the deBlasios? Seeing as how the mayor and his wife have made blm a protected class.

De Blasio Chased Away From Anti-Asian Crime Vigil

Uh huh, she’s a real peach.

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio’s attempt to participate in an anti-Asian crime vigil at Union Square this Friday fell by the wayside when the rallygoers reportedly heckled him and chased him away.

Video footage from the event showed him trying to express his solidarity with all Asian Americans as some of the onlookers kept shouting “what are you going to do about it?”

You know what role His Wokeness does approve of using police to fill? Thought Police, Bill de Blasio Wants NYPD to Visit People to Warn over Non-Criminal ‘Hurtful’ Conduct

NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio said the NYPD could visit those accused of racism or discrimination, “even if something is not a criminal case.”
The reporter followed the response by asking how the Mayor would view cases where the lines are burry. “[If] it’s something that’s not a criminal case,” she asked, “how would the NYPD confront someone if it’s not criminal? Would they have a conversation with them to say, ‘Hey, that’s actually not cool?’”

Well, that’s exactly what happens. Whether again, it’s NYPD or it could be other agencies as well, but NYPD is a great example,” de Blasio said. “One of the things officers are trained to do is to give warnings. If someone has done something wrong, but not rising to a criminal level, it’s perfectly appropriate for an NYPD officer to talk to them to say that was not appropriate.”

So, it’s something like you see some poor soul being assaulted by one or two (or more) viscous thugs. You walk up and ask the nearly unconscious victim if they have the time. They barely mumble their phone was stolen. You could then say to the aggressor “I say old chappie, don’t you think that poor old fill in the blank nationality has about had it?” The aggressor then stops stabbing/pummeling/raping/beating <<circle appropriate style of assault, and whips out the stolen cell phone and dials 9-1-1. “Hello, NYPD? I’d like you to send one of the three remaining officers to central park, I’ve been micro-aggressed. No, I don’t want one of flipping de Blasio’s social workers, this is serious.”
Dispatch: Dispatch to Adam-12
This is Adam-12 go ahead.
Adam-12 we have a report of micro-agression in Central Park. A man was beating a insert gender or lack thereof here to death when a bystander following the de Blasio rule attempted to intervene and asked the time.
Adam 12: Dispatch are we going out on a homicide call for a fool that followed that bird brained mayor’s wife social engineering scheme?
Dispatch: Sorry Adam-12, no it’s the assailant that called in, he was microaggressed by the man he is now beating to death, but he wants you to come out and take a complaint in case the man that interfered survives. The other assault victim didn’t.
Adam 12: Um, sort of busy right now Dispatch. Mayor’s lovely daughter, the one that looks like a cockatoo, started a riot at one of the two stores left on 5th Avenue, and it is on fire. They didn’t have the shoes she wanted in the color she wanted so she called in her BLM buddies and the store is burning

Uh huh, she’s a real peach.

Dispatch: I admire your courage Adam-12, but remember the de Blasio rule, micro-aggressions and offences lead to the spread of systemic racism and white supremacy. The riot on what’s left of 5th Avenue is mostly peaceful anyway. Probably won’t last long, there was only two stores left. Everyone else fled years ago.

So the insane (what you call it when you keep doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results) communists disarm law abiding citizens, dispose of big parts of their police department and it never occurred to them that crime might soar? In a communist world, they keep telling the same lies, they keep trying the same failed policies and expecting the results to be what they want. Because they’ll do it right, this time. And yes, de Blasio has been up front about his communist policies.

And yet, they are shocked, shocked when law-abiding citizens don’t like being the target of criminals and don’t want to lay down and just take it like the Europeans do.

Communism is slavery, always has been, always will be. And we, we are meant to be a free people. There are many that are deluded, confused and fooled by the mainstream media and baseless hatred stirred up by the #MSM, #FakeNews and social media’s cancel culture. They don’t understand what is headed our way. All they know is “Orange man bad”. They are incapable of discussing policy or like the de Blasios, looking down the road and seeing the consequences of their actions. I kind of feel sorry for the people of NYC, but not very much. He got elected somehow.

But Pesach is coming, Passover, the time of leaving slavery. You know, the plagues went on for about 10 months, you’d have thought the Egyptians would have got a clue by then wouldn’t you? But like those voting Democrat/Communist they want G-d removed from the public arena, from private lives and from the world if they could pull it off. Fools, who do they think created this world?

I’ll leave you with this excerpt from the Chabad page on why we eat the Hillel sandwich

In our lives, we each have “matzah moments,” moments in which we experience the blessings of life. Moments when we feel truly free and liberated. We also have “bitter herb” moments, moments in which we feel the bitterness of challenges and difficulty.

The bitter herbs are part of life. Every person experiences some measure of hardship and challenge. The “free” person is one who is not enslaved by life’s difficult challenges, but rather grows from them. The bitter experiences of life, when approached with faith and courage, can bring out the greatest potential of the human being.

Yet, initially, the matzah and the bitter herbs are eaten separately. Because in the moment of pain, we often don’t see any redeeming factor. In the moment of challenge, all we see is difficulty. Only after the fact, once we overcome the challenge, once we attain freedom, can we look back and view the past suffering as a step toward freeing our deepest spirit. From our perspective, the pain and the freedom cannot mix. We therefore eat the matzah and the bitter herbs separately.

And then we make a sandwich.

We remind ourselves that there was was a time, when the Holy Temple stood in Jerusalem, when spirituality was easily accessible. At that time, a person like Hillel could combine the matzah and the bitter herbs. He could combine the suffering with the salvation. At the very moment that he was experiencing the challenge, he could feel that his challenge was part of a sandwich. His challenge was an integral part of the free person he would become.

The Jew living in spiritual exile may not be able to feel that the challenges in his life are part of a bigger story of freedom. However, he can and should remember Hillel’s perspective. Eating the sandwich will remind him that the bitterness of life is the catalyst for redemption.

It’s good to remember,

חג פסח שמח!

Happy Passover!


3 thoughts on “Rotting to the core in the Big Apple”

  1. Concerning the 10 months of plagues and the Passover, the final straw, and the Egyptians Pharaoh sending them away, remember what happened next. In Exodus 14.
    4 And I will harden Pharaoh’s heart, that he shall follow after them; and I will be honoured upon Pharaoh, and upon all his host; that the Egyptians may know that I am the Lord. And they did so.

    The Egyptians did something stupid, first by not allowing the Jews to worship in their own way, then after the plagues Pharaoh sent them away. After that, the Egyptians did something even more stupid, in following them, and attempting to get them back, eventually following them into the sea parted by an obvious miracle, performed by the G-d of the Universe, with the well known result.
    We see this same behavior happening time after time in our days, with both left and right wing politicians being guilty of the same thing. If you fail to seek the face of G-d, you will fail. For the liberal mayors and governors to even consider defunding the law enforcement departments, and not to expect that crime would skyrocket, is either the height of stupidity, or the height of arrogance, in that they are so arrogant that they don’t care if the citizens are killed, robbed, or raped, so long as they are able to continue to maintain their own lifestyle and positions.
    Dark days are not ahead, they are already here. Prayers are strongly encouraged for all, and may peace find you and your loved ones.

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