Fun With Artificial Stupidity

Joe Huffman, of Boomershoot, has been playing with AI chatbots by asking them about the event. The inaccurate responses he gets would be amusing, if people weren’t actually trying to implement AI in real-world, life-affecting applications. His latest report inspired me to ask Gab AI about The Zelman Partisans.

Tell me about the pro-gun group called The Zelman Partisans

The Zelman Partisans is a pro-gun group that promotes Second Amendment rights and advocates for the use of firearms for self-defense.

So far, so good. Um, wait…

The group’s name is a reference to the Irgun, a Zionist paramilitary organization that operated in the British Mandate of Palestine during the 1930s and 1940s.

What? The name is a reference to Aaron Zelman, hence the “Zelman” in the name.

The Zelman Partisans was founded in 1994 by Rabbi R. Mermelstein…

Not even close. Try 2014 (only off by twenty years, AS bot), by the late Alperts, Shelia, Eric, and Claire.

… a gun rights activist who believed that firearms are essential for personal protection and the defense of communities. The group’s mission is to educate and empower individuals to exercise their Second Amendment rights and to promote responsible gun ownership.

Okay. That “responsible” bugs me a bit.

The Zelman Partisans is active in the United States and advocates for gun rights at both the state and federal levels.

We’re more of a educational advocate group than activist advocates, as that somewhat implies.

The group has been involved in various legal battles to protect and expand Second Amendment rights, including a successful lawsuit against the City of Chicago over its handgun ban.

That’s news to me. As a group, we haven’t been directly involved in any lawsuits (some of my individual work at TZP has been cited in federal lawsuits). And the “Chicago handgun ban” was settled (officially) in 2010 in McDonald v. City of Chicago, years before TZP was formed.

The Zelman Partisans is not affiliated with any political party or ideology, and its members come from diverse backgrounds. The group’s focus is on promoting the responsible use of firearms for self-defense and the defense of communities, rather than advocating for any particular political agenda.

A quibble, since “responsible” use of firearms has been bent by anti-rights types to mean “regulated, restricted, and demonized use of firearms, with hell to pay if you do.”

Just for fun, I also asked Gab AI about myself. Apparently I died in childhood…  after fighting the Winter War in Finland and writing several novels.

I’m almost afraid to see what Google’s AI would say.

It turns out Google’s Gemini is better. It admits that its still learning about TZP and says nothing else.


Purim and Concealed Carry, Everyday heroes

We’re about a week out from Purim, the holiday that once again celebrates the survival of the Jewish people from a nation that wanted to wipe them off the face of the earth. The Megillah (scroll/story) of Esther is notable for not mentioning the name of G-d as he remains as hidden as his name is in the story. There are no overt miracles like the parting of the sea, or clouds of glory, manna or even a miraculous battle. No, the story of Purim is about regular people. While I will concede Esther is a Queen this is still not a story of people born into the nobility of Persia.

You can find lots of information on Purim here

As I understand it, when Mordechai, Esther’s cousin who raised Esther first found of the plot to destroy the Jewish people and tried to warn them, he wasn’t taken seriously. The Jewish people were rather fractured at that time, and so Esther requested that all the Jews gather to pray and fast. Another interesting bit on this is Mordechai wanted to send the Jews a message regarding the true evil nature of the King and Hamen, but being afraid the message would be intercepted, he hid it in pastry.

6. The Alshich explains that at first, the Jews did not believe that they were going to be completely wiped out. In an effort to convince them of the seriousness of the situation, Mordechai sent numerous letters to the Jews describing the true brutal natures of Haman and Ahasuerus. However, because Mordechai feared that the king might intercept these messages that painted him in an unfavorable light, Mordechai hid them in pastries, which he then sent to the Jews. These pastries saved the Jews, because when they found Mordechai’s letters hidden within the dough, they became convinced of the direness of the situation and were stirred to repentance. On Purim, we eat hamantaschen, a pastry that contains hidden filling, to commemorate how the hidden filling of Mordechai’s pastries brought about our salvation. (Sefer Menuchah V’Kedushah 2:20)

I’ve heard this year they may be called Oznai Sinwar, Sinwar’s ears, after the leader of hamass.

Leading up to Haman’s evil attempt the eradicate Persia of it’s Jewish population, Jews thought they fit into society. They could freely walk around with their symbols of Judaism, order Kosher food and were treated no differently than other members of Persian society. Until one day they didn’t. Much like Germany, a cultured progressive country, Jews were apart of society and had lived at peace with their non-Jewish neighbors, until one day they didn’t.

Today American Jews are seeing what European Jews, or at least Swedish, German, English, and French Jews have been seeing for a long time. Their country loves the illegal invaders from 3rd world countries far more than they love the culture and contributions of their Jewish citizens. I’m sure it is a painful awakening for those that are seeing that the Demoncratic party embraces far more the views of the “the squad” than the old style demoncrats that supported Israel. I would think it would be painful to hear Chuck Schumer call for interference (again) in Israel’s electoral process. I would think it would cause painful bafflement when those indoctrinated by the higher education system proudly display their ignorance on topics while demanding something no other country at war has ever been required to do, which is hamstring your own army and support your opponents. Yet somehow people view it as perfectly acceptable to demand it of Israel.

Well, as we know, Queen Esther and Mordechai took action and created the circumstances for the Jewish people to be allowed concealed carry permits to fight back and kill those who came to kill them. But more than likely the Jews of Shushan sure didn’t see that one coming.

The shock of finding out they had been expendable all along to the left has to be horrible, but to me, more horrible yet are those that still don’t understand what is happening because they still trust the same dishonest mainstream media that has been deceiving them for years. It sure does make it easier to get blindsided. I really hate blindsided.

Purim and the Betrayal of American Jewry

Who has betrayed us? Not the white supremacists, not the neo-Nazis and the ignorant, brainwashed skinheads—there’s no element of surprise there—but the educated, humanitarian left, that segment of society that Jews have embraced more than any other, both ideologically and socially. The gentle souls who walked with us in sympathetic conversation have turned with teeth, claws, and venom against us.

What prompted their betrayal? Because they saw that it was possible to murder, rape, and torture over 1,200 of us, abduct our babies and elderly, and get away with it. That was “exhilarating” and “awesome.” That very morning, there were those who jumped out of bed eager to blame the victims, defend murderers and rapists, and celebrate our pain. Only later were they angered that we dare attempt to rescue our loved ones and protect ourselves from those who would destroy us, dampening the perverse antisemitic exhilaration that comes from seeing a Jew suffer.

Why is betrayal so shocking? Because it redefines not only the present but the past. It means that all along, the people you thought were your friends were holding a dagger for you in their back pocket.

Progressive Jews are not alone in feeling betrayed

The Epiphany

As a Zionist

Now or never wake-up call for American Jewish Progressives

The Obiden crime junta has imported millions of illegal invaders from countries with a rich history of crime and antisemitism. The results are now being made manifest and from what Michael Yon is saying, far worse is still coming. There are several different articles linked in this one, but this is a widespread problem covering far more than just Baltimore.

South American Gangs Target Mansions In Baltimore As Biden’s Border Crisis Spreads Chaos

Durden reminds us:

At the same time, Democrats are waging war on the Second Amendment by actively trying to ban guns, which will only leave law-abiding people defenseless.

Americans are demanding law and order – something Democrats and the radical progressives in the White House could not care less.

Welcome to Purim 2024, and the modern day Hamen, Alexander Mayorkas. But just as Esther and Mordechai pressed the King for the right for Jews to rise up and kill those who sought to kill them, today the Mitzvah remains to defends ourselves and our families.

The simple meaning of the word mitzvah is command. It appears in various forms with that meaning about 300 times in the Five Books of Moses. It generally refers to the Divine commandments to the Jewish people, things He wants us to do or not do.

Mitzvot (plural) are one of the ways we can connect to G-d. He tells us what he wants us to do and what he doesn’t want us to do….rightie-o! Sounds important to me.

But we’re just everyday ordinary people going about our lives, raising our families, working our jobs, taking care of children or parents, attending services, helping our neighbors and living life. What in there is heroic? Perhaps something you’ve not thought of. There was recently a fantastic article on Aish Nice Jewish Boys Carrying Concealed Guns and in it the columnist talks about having a talk with his Rabbi about carrying.

Whenever you are carrying a gun,” he advised me, “you are fulfilling several mitzvot, commandments. ‘Guard your life’ by protecting yourself, and ‘love your neighbor’ for protecting others. You’re not a Rambo. You’re a Jew engaged in doing important mitzvot.”

The Best Defense

Event Date: 14 Adar 5729 – March 04, 1969

The Talmud teaches, “If someone rises to kill you, rise up to kill him first.” The Rebbe explains that this dictum of our sages is the only way for Israel to deal with its enemies who seek its destruction.

The hope of achieving a measure of security through the United Nations, given the hypocritical attitude towards Israel which prevails there, is futile. Only when Israel demonstrates, with a show of force, that it stands ready to rise up and strike those who would attack it, can it prevent violent conflicts with its neighbors. If they are deterred from attempting attacks in the first place, there will be no need for actual use the force.

Note the date on that, March 4, 1969. Not much has changed. Israel can’t rely on other nations, any country is one corrupt, morally bankrupt politician or party from betrayal.

Haman, decedent of Amalek, whom King Saul was commanded to destroy, wanted to kill all the Jews, everywhere. Not just the ones in Shushan. King Saul did not destroy Amalek. Esther and Mordechai were decedents of King Saul. Haman they did destroy. Pharaoh wanted to destroy all the Jewish males, but not the females. In the past hitler, and in the modern day, Hamass and Fatah all call for the eliminations of Jews worldwide. It’s in their charters. The “innocent citizens” being used to prolong the war knew this when they voted for Hamass. Which pretty much shows you it has little to do with Israel, and everything to do with people since they call for the death of all Jews worldwide.

One of G-d’s gifts to Israel, the land, is Israel, the people. The everyday heroes. The ones that suit up and show up. Just like the armed citizens of their countries doing what they can to protect themselves and their families and everyday heroes. They are fulfilling mitzvot.

They tried to kill us, we prevailed, let’s eat!!

עם ישראל חי


“Christian Nationalists” vs “The Lamestream Media”

Imagine my shock to find out according to Heidi Przybyla on MSNBC, of course, the only people reading news and spewing opinions dumber and less informed than CNN, also #FakeNews, that I, and in fact many of you are “CHRISTIAN NATIONALIST!!” GASP! Heidi works for a bastion of truth known as “Politico”. And oh the shock, the horror, the NERVE!!! What has set little Heidi off? Is she off her meds? Someone said something she didn’t like? She saw a picture of someone she disapproves of? Closer to the first actually. I’m very sure Heidi went to college. Not to be confused with the institutions of higher learning in the past, no today’s “colleges” are institutions of higher indoctrination. And they turn out very ignorant people like Heidi.

Heidi’s shock and horror comes from a lack of understanding in an ancient, archaic document known to many of us as “The Declaration of Independence”. To make this even richer, Heidi is Politico’s “investigative correspondent”. I’m saying she’s overpaid.

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.–

I’m pretty sure Haym Solomon would be as shocked as I and many others are to find out we are “Christian Nationalists”. Haym Solomon is in large part responsible for the decisive victory of the War for Independence. Haym was Jewish.

Heidi says that regular Christians aren’t those nasty “CHRISTIAN NATIONALISTS”, I’m guessing a few Christians are baffled and a few insulted that she thinks “regular Christians” don’t observe the Ten Commandments. It’s number two on the list, so it’s pretty high up there.

You shall have no other gods before Me. You shall not make for yourself a graven image, nor any manner of likeness of anything that is in heaven above, that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them, nor serve them. For I the L‑rd your G‑d am a jealous G‑d, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children of the third and fourth generation of them that hate Me; and showing mercy unto the thousandth generation of them that love Me and keep My commandments.

But this is just the latest in the media’s long train of lies. In fact, if you read this part

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Media,

and substitute the word “media” for government, you get at the real crux of it. How long do we continue to give the media a scrap of credibility?

The media lies, almost always. A nice summation from Tim Pool, with a video from Prager University.

More misguidance from the legacy media, but independent sources, like Tim Pool of Timcast that are becoming well known and are giving the other side of the story with suppressed information.

Voices like Tucker Carlson have an even bigger audience now that he is free from FOX and is far more open. The gloves and the filters are indeed off.

You’ll note most of these clips come from Rumble, as YouTube is part of the racist Google empire and they are big into the censorship game. Racist? You’ve heard about their Gemini chatbot, right?

The MSM, #FakeNews keeps telling everyone, keeps telling U.S. that Donald Trump is a fascist, and all his deplorable supporters are fascist and evil Christian Nationalist while they pump up Beijing Biden and the Biden crime family and the junta more than likely being run by Barry Sotero. So when they switch out Biden for Moochelle Obama later, it will really be Barry’s fourth term. But who is using lawfare to go after their leading political opponent? Who has political protesters being held in prison in conditions so bad some of the asked to be transferred to Gitmo? Who has the FIB going after parents at school board meetings and rounding up Grandmas who went to a protest? Not Donald Trump. But this isn’t about Trump, as Tim said. It’s about what the media peddles as purveyors of truth.

This is about a media that covered for child and puppy torturer and killer Anthony Fauxci, they hid the truth about an experimental injection that can and does change DNA. An injection that was always part of a DOD project, a DOD that has biolabs in Ukraine.

Why would anyone ever believe the media about a gun related story?

Who are the fascists?

This last one? This last one is a bonus, he’s from Scotland and there is so much truth I pray in this video. I pray it’s true. The voice of truth is like a balm of healing.

