Category Archives: Law

Engaged In The Business: The Shoe Drops

The ATF’s rule redefining “engaged in the business,” and who must have a Federal Firearms License, has been released, but not yet formally published in the Federal Register. The Zelman Partisans has been warning you about this since 2022.

The rule document is 466 pages. Most of that is hundreds of pages of “responses” to public comment that amount to “We disagree,” and “tough shit.” The part where they claim that requiring everyone to have an FFL is BRUEN-compliant, because the feds briefly banned the export of cannons and gunpowder in 1794 is a classic.

Well, except for responses to the 250,000 identical form letter comments in favor of the rule. Those responses tend towards, “You’re absolutely right, and it’s a shame those stupid constitutionalists can’t see that.”

The actual final rule begins on page 452, and it’s even worse than the original proposed rule.

“Selling” a firearm includes swaps and barter, not just money.

A single transaction can make you a dealer, as I warned.

No firearm actually even needs to be sold. Whether the ATF thinks you intend to sell a firearm counts.

Buying a single firearm can make you a dealer, if the omniscient ATF magically foresees that you intend to resell it later.

It includes a presumption of guilt. If they accuse you, it’s up to you to prove — somehow — that, “No, I bought that for my own use; I’m not planning to sell it years down the road.” Good luck with that; if you win, you’ll still be bankrupted by legal expenses.

VP “Kneepads” Harris weighed in on the new rule. Sorta. With her usual display of her monumental intellect:

As the head of the first-ever White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention, I am proud to announce that all gun dealers must conduct background checks no matter where or how they sell.

This will save lives and keep our communities safe.

Poor confused moron. Dealers have been required to conduct background checks “no matter where or how they sell” for decades.

This rule simply forces universal preemptively-prove-your-innocence background checks by making everyone a dealer.

Almost universal, that is.

And while this unconstitutional action was directed by the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, it would do nothing to make safer communities. Those dealing in black market and stolen firearms will simply ignore this rule; just as they have ignored the FFA for 85 years, and the Gun Control Act of 1968 for 55 years.

The only people who will be affected by this proposed rule are the honest folk, who would have to decide between following the criminals’ highly successful 85 year old example, or being compliant chumps.

Time to decide.


Gun-Free Missouri Home Schools?

I received an alert sent out by Missouri First, regarding Missouri Senate Bill 727.

Probably unintentionally, the Senate perfected version of SB727 appears to technically make it illegal to possess a firearm in a home school under some circumstances.

In SB 727 the definition of “home school as a school was moved and applied to ALL the statutes, not just sections 167.031 to 167.071 as it does currently.

That makes the dwelling in which a home school is conducted a “school” or “school building” and Chapter 571.030.1(10) makes it a felony to possess a loaded firearm in “any school.”

I’ll grant that 571.030(10) does state:

(10) Carries a firearm, whether loaded or unloaded, or any other weapon readily capable of lethal use into any school...

But is that definitive? Does “any school” really mean home schools?

571.030(1) is both a little more general and specific.

(1) Carries concealed upon or about his or her person a knife, a firearm, a blackjack or any other weapon readily capable of lethal use into any area where firearms are restricted under section 571.107;

That forbids carry in specified locations in 571.107. And what does that say?

10) Any higher education institution or elementary or secondary school facility…

So it looks like “any school” is a higher education institution (college/university), and elementary and secondary schools (high school). Home schools aren’t specifically called out, but maybe those are elementary schools. How are elementary and secondary schools defined?

In 160.011, elementary and high schools are very specifically defined as public schools only. This restrictive definition is maintained in SB 727 section 160.011, where we see that elementary and high schools (secondary) are defined as public schools, not the separately defined home schools.

That change in language, from statute-specific to all statutes is disturbing. But since firearm-specific laws still reference public schools only, I think a decent lawyer could successfully argue which carries precedence should someone make an issue of armed homeschoolers. In which case, 571.107(15), regarding any private property applies.

(15) Any private property whose owner has posted the premises as being off-limits to concealed firearms by means of one or more signs displayed in a conspicuous place of a minimum size of eleven inches by fourteen inches with the writing thereon in letters of not less than one inch.

But I find it unlikely that a 2A-respecting homeschooler is going to post his own property as gun-free.

Hat tip to Wisco Dave.


Georgia Has A Great Bill In The House

I saw a video recently that just made me salivate. Nope, not a new recipe to try, but it is something sweet and yummy.

I myself try to avoid places that are posted No Concealed Weapons. Yes, I realize the point of carrying concealed is that people can’t tell, but I figure if you don’t want “my kind” there, well then I certainly won’t offend you with my money either. The other reason I try to avoid them is it seems to me that most of the mass attacks are in gun free zones. It seems those pesky criminals don’t obey the sign clearly posted against having a weapon in their “Gun Free Zone”.

or, if you prefer a musical version (what the heck, I’m in a whimsical mood)

I’ve never quite really understood why businesses are responsible for slips, trips and falls, too hot coffee or a burgler breaking in and being injured. Yes, businesses have been sued for all those things. I would stay those are things the business really couldn’t prevent in large. Yes, if the sidewalk or walkway in front of the store is icy and they stay open for business they should clear it. And probably most business owners would do that without being told as they know if a customer falls on their icy walkway they risk a lawsuit.

But when it comes to allowing concealed carry on premises they shrink back and clutch their pearls. I’ve asked a few business owners about that and they’ve said their insurance company insists on it, but they don’t agree with it. I had one jewelry store owner tell me he had no problem with me carrying in his store and he wished I would that way if something happened there would be two of us. I guess nobody wants to be hauled to the back of a store and shot huh?

So back to Georgia’s HB 1364, it doesn’t infringe on the property owners rights, all it says if you deprive someone of the right to defend themselves with the most effective tool, then you bear the responsibility for their safety as you’ve chosen to remove their right to defend themselves should something untoward happens. This would also include parking lots.

Here’s a snippet

(1) ‘Lawful weapons carrier’ shall have the same meaning as provided for in Code

Section 16-11-125.1.

‘Weapon’ shall have the same meaning as provided for in Code Section 16-11-125.1.

A person, business, or other entity that owns or legally controls a property and has the authority to prohibit weapons on such property, including, but not limited to, such authority provided by Code Section 16-11-127, assumes absolute custodial responsibility for the safety and defense of a lawful weapons carrier who is prohibited from carrying his or her weapon, including a concealed weapon, while on such property and any other property such lawful weapons carrier is required to traverse in order to store or retrieve such weapon.

The absolute custodial responsibility imposed upon the person, business, or other entity provided for in paragraph (1) of this subsection extends to the conduct of other invitees, trespassers, and employees of such person, business, or other entity.

Any public notice posted on a property that includes language which provides that weapons are prohibited on such property shall also contain language citing this Code section and providing that any lawful weapons carrier who is prohibited from carrying his or her weapon, including a concealed weapon, while on such property shall be under the absolute custodial care of the person, business, or other entity that owns or legally controls such property.

Any lawful weapons carrier who is prohibited from carrying his or her weapon,including a concealed weapon, and who is injured, suffers bodily injury or death, or incurs economic loss or expense, property damage, or any other compensable loss as the result of conduct of another person occurring on property where the lawful possession of weapons is prohibited, shall have a cause of action against the person, business, or other entity that owns or legally controls such property and causes such prohibition to occur.

In addition to damages, the lawful weapons carrier shall be entitled to reasonable attorney’s fees, expert witness costs, and other costs necessary to bring the cause of action.

To prevail in an action brought under this subsection, the plaintiff shall show by a preponderance of the evidence that:

(A) The plaintiff was a lawful weapons carrier at the time of the incident giving rise to the action;

The plaintiff was prohibited from carrying a weapon, including a concealed weapon, on the property where the incident occurred by the person, business, or other entity that owns or legally controls such property; and

You may read the whole thing here

Every time I think about gun free zones, I think about Suzanna Gratia Hupp’s poignant testimony before congress.

This is a bill I’ve wanted to see in my state for a long time. If it’s the insurance companies pulling the strings, then shop owners really aren’t making their own choice anyway are they?

This one is on my wish list, along with a Firearms Freedom Act. There was a push for that back after Montana passed theirs.

This map is from 2019, so it is quite dated but that’s because I could only find this map web site in the web archive.

With what we’ve seen lately? I think it’s time to renew the push for this legislation.

Well, I figure everything started out on someone’s wish list, right? Ah I am in a whimsical mood indeed!!


“Christian Nationalists” vs “The Lamestream Media”

Imagine my shock to find out according to Heidi Przybyla on MSNBC, of course, the only people reading news and spewing opinions dumber and less informed than CNN, also #FakeNews, that I, and in fact many of you are “CHRISTIAN NATIONALIST!!” GASP! Heidi works for a bastion of truth known as “Politico”. And oh the shock, the horror, the NERVE!!! What has set little Heidi off? Is she off her meds? Someone said something she didn’t like? She saw a picture of someone she disapproves of? Closer to the first actually. I’m very sure Heidi went to college. Not to be confused with the institutions of higher learning in the past, no today’s “colleges” are institutions of higher indoctrination. And they turn out very ignorant people like Heidi.

Heidi’s shock and horror comes from a lack of understanding in an ancient, archaic document known to many of us as “The Declaration of Independence”. To make this even richer, Heidi is Politico’s “investigative correspondent”. I’m saying she’s overpaid.

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.–

I’m pretty sure Haym Solomon would be as shocked as I and many others are to find out we are “Christian Nationalists”. Haym Solomon is in large part responsible for the decisive victory of the War for Independence. Haym was Jewish.

Heidi says that regular Christians aren’t those nasty “CHRISTIAN NATIONALISTS”, I’m guessing a few Christians are baffled and a few insulted that she thinks “regular Christians” don’t observe the Ten Commandments. It’s number two on the list, so it’s pretty high up there.

You shall have no other gods before Me. You shall not make for yourself a graven image, nor any manner of likeness of anything that is in heaven above, that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them, nor serve them. For I the L‑rd your G‑d am a jealous G‑d, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children of the third and fourth generation of them that hate Me; and showing mercy unto the thousandth generation of them that love Me and keep My commandments.

But this is just the latest in the media’s long train of lies. In fact, if you read this part

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Media,

and substitute the word “media” for government, you get at the real crux of it. How long do we continue to give the media a scrap of credibility?

The media lies, almost always. A nice summation from Tim Pool, with a video from Prager University.

More misguidance from the legacy media, but independent sources, like Tim Pool of Timcast that are becoming well known and are giving the other side of the story with suppressed information.

Voices like Tucker Carlson have an even bigger audience now that he is free from FOX and is far more open. The gloves and the filters are indeed off.

You’ll note most of these clips come from Rumble, as YouTube is part of the racist Google empire and they are big into the censorship game. Racist? You’ve heard about their Gemini chatbot, right?

The MSM, #FakeNews keeps telling everyone, keeps telling U.S. that Donald Trump is a fascist, and all his deplorable supporters are fascist and evil Christian Nationalist while they pump up Beijing Biden and the Biden crime family and the junta more than likely being run by Barry Sotero. So when they switch out Biden for Moochelle Obama later, it will really be Barry’s fourth term. But who is using lawfare to go after their leading political opponent? Who has political protesters being held in prison in conditions so bad some of the asked to be transferred to Gitmo? Who has the FIB going after parents at school board meetings and rounding up Grandmas who went to a protest? Not Donald Trump. But this isn’t about Trump, as Tim said. It’s about what the media peddles as purveyors of truth.

This is about a media that covered for child and puppy torturer and killer Anthony Fauxci, they hid the truth about an experimental injection that can and does change DNA. An injection that was always part of a DOD project, a DOD that has biolabs in Ukraine.

Why would anyone ever believe the media about a gun related story?

Who are the fascists?

This last one? This last one is a bonus, he’s from Scotland and there is so much truth I pray in this video. I pray it’s true. The voice of truth is like a balm of healing.



This Is Why My Confidence In The Courts Is Bottoming Out

The Supreme Court today heard oral arguments in Cargill v. Garland, the challenge to Trump’s (yeah, he still owns it) bump-stock ban.

Now, it’s true that we still have Clarence Thomas, who is intelligent and willing to study facts at issue. But we also have Associate Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson.

“And when, you know, ‘function’ is defined, it’s really not about the operation of the thing. It’s about what it can achieve, what it’s being used for. So I see Congress as putting function in this. The function of this trigger is to cause this kind of damage, 800 rounds a second or whatever.”

That was after the government claimed that a semiauto rifle with a bump-stock can fire 600 rounds per minute. But Brown, with firearm knowledge exceeding that of John Moses Browning, knows better: 800 rounds per second.

Probably theoretically, higher, once you account for those magazine changes in that one second.

Just for comparison, the GAU-8/A Avenger seven-barreled, Gatling-style autocannon in the A-10 attack aircraft — the beloved “Warthog” — has a measly rate of fire of just 3,900 rounds per minute; twelve times slower that Jackson’s magical bump-stocked gun.

No wonder the Air Force wants to retire the A-10.

But back to bitter reality. We’re stuck with ignorant high court judges, who when even the banners inflated claims fall short, simply make up their own “facts” to rationalize the infringement of allegedly protected rights.

Oh, well; however SCOTUS rules, Thomas’ takedown of Jackson’s idiocy should be amusing.


That’s Not How Stand Your Ground Works

Understanding use of force law is pretty important if you’re going to carry a gun, whether lawfully or unlawfully. And we’ve identified another attorney you really don’t to defend you in court because defense attorneys should know that, too.

KC parade shooting suspects may pursue ‘stand your ground’ defense
The man accused of firing the first shots at the Kansas City Chiefs Super Bowl rally told authorities he felt threatened, while a second man said he pulled the trigger because someone was shooting at him, according to court documents.
Trial attorney Daniel Ross described the stand your ground law as a “formidable defense” that he and many other Kansas City defense attorneys anticipate will be used in Mays’ and Miller’s cases. He said the law puts the onus on the prosecution to disprove claims that a shooting is lawful self-defense.

Ross needs to, you know, actually read 563.031, Missouri’s “Stand Your Ground” law. “Felt threatened” is not sufficient.

1. A person may, subject to the provisions of subsection 2 of this section, use physical force upon another person when and to the extent he or she reasonably believes such force to be necessary to defend himself or herself or a third person from what he or she reasonably believes to be the use or imminent use of unlawful force by such other person, unless:

Reasonably believes the use of force is necessary to defend against an imminent threat. The problem with that appears to be this:

When interviewed by law enforcement in the hospital, Mays said he drew his gun first and began firing first. When asked why he advanced on the group of people to begin with, Mays said, “Stupid, man. Just pulled a gun out and started shooting. I shouldn’t have done that. Just being stupid.” He claimed that someone in the group had told him “I’m going to get you,” which he took as meaning “I’m going to kill you.”

So Mays approached them first, drew first (if his opponent hadn’t drawn, that seems to leech some of the “imminent” from the situation), and shot first. Let’s look at the first exception to the 563.031 defense.

(1) The actor was the initial aggressor

Mays’ own words seem to indicate that he was the initial aggressor. Mean words don’t necessarily count. For a SYG defense, Mays would have to explain why he reasonably believed that “I’m going to get you,” was both a credible death threat and imminent. And why those words from an unknown “someone” justified targeting Miller, or was it the whole group. We really don’t know that part yet.

And that would only justify the use of force against the second shooter, Miller, or possibly the two unnamed minors arrested, if they were shooting at Mays. It would not be a defense for the innocent parade attendees who were not involved to the alleged dispute who were also shot (with one killed).

Miller might have a SYG defense for shooting at Mays; but again that doesn’t apply to the bystanders shot.

Even when the use of deadly force is appropriate, you have a legal obligation not to kill innocent bystanders; that’s at least manslaughter. Merely wounding the innocent is assault.

As yet, we’re only seeing a couple of second degree murder charges. I think those are just placeholders while the forensics folks sort which of the 23 people were each shot by whom. I expect Mays, at least will be facing multiple attempted murder charges (for the group he seemed to be firing on). At best, whoever killed the DJ will see a manslaughter charge, and everyone who wounded the others will see assault charges.

There were at least four guns located, and quite a few rounds fired, so sorting that out is going to take a while.


By The Numbers

There have been a couple of high profile stories in the news lately, and this is going to be at least a two topic column, but I feel they tie together.

Topic one, law-enforcement. Recently there was a horrifying incident of two NYC police officers attacked by illegal invaders. Cops allegedly beaten by rowdy migrant mob near Times Square — with suspects later freed without bail This is bad enough as it is, but what did “tough” New Yorkers do? Um, nothing, they filmed it at most. I guess to an extent I get it, if the illegal invaders are willing to attack armed officers any citizen stepping in is really taking a risk, but how many native born Americans were in the area? Honestly, I don’t know. But were they not concerned when the invaders got done with the cops they might not start on them? Or are they saving that for later. Alvin Bragg turned them loose without bail, so I’m sure they’re quaking in their American paid for Nikes, just do it. Gov Hokum is now trying to talk tough, but I think the only ones that believe her are as brain dead as Beijing Biden.

Contrast that with the recent horrific shooting at the KC Chiefs victory parade near Union Station. There are 3 suspects, at least two are juveniles. Um, I don’t think juveniles can buy guns in Missouri. Could be wrong, but don’t believe I am. A radio show host opined chances on them being products of the great society. No dads in the home. I did see a photo of one man handcuffed and it was no juvie. Add to that the difference in response to the shooting, apparently by-standers saw one of the attackers and started yelling get him as he ran through the running crowd trying to escape the mayhem. Two men, not cops, real men, unlike New Yorkers, tackled him and brought him down and held him for cops. A gun flew out of his jacket or hand and the wife of one of the men scooped it up.

Hero Dad Who Tackled a Suspect in Chiefs Parade Shooting Speaks Out: I Heard ‘Get Him’

Chiefs fan filmed tackling possible mass shooting suspect says ‘I had the perfect angle’

Stories on each of the two men.

But in those stories, neither man mentions tackling a juvenile. Interesting no?

The response from the Obiden junta was to trot Dementia Biden out to call for an assault weapons ban. The response from Travis Pfizer-Swift was to call for more gun control. I’m kind of guessing he’s more out of touch with his base than his main squeeze is hers. But hey, it’s KC, a blue city, so maybe not. But Mr. Pfizer-Swift recently showed his great courage and athletic prowess at the superbowl by attacking an elderly walrus. An elderly walrus who was trying to comfort people at the mass casualty. Unlike Mr. Pfizer-Swift.

Also good in KC, the massive amount of cops present for the parade ran towards the mayhem, unlike say Uvalde…or Parkland FL.

So I would say the “caliber” of people hired to be police matters. Except of course in Colorado. Where they are now hiring illegal invaders to be police and fire department. Oh no, I can’t make this up.

Denver could allow noncitizens to be police officers and firefighters

Aurora Police, Fire Departments Now Hiring Non-Citizens

So soon, if you live in a blue state, because like all really terrible ideas on the left, this will spread, law-abiding citizens can be arrested by illegal invaders. Arrested for what you ask? I dunno, “hate speech” against illegal invasion?

So, you know who would be really “great” for those jobs? The Chinese nationals streaming across our southern border! Twenty thousand since the start of fiscal year 2024. Why, they’re in great shape already, they have great shooting skills and I listened to a clip of Gordon Chang talking about the Chinese nationals crossing Border Czar Kamela’s southern border. At the end of January he said several of them in more than one location have been spotted 3 weeks after crossing the border taking target practice with sniper rifles and pistols. He said normally when people cross the border they are thinking “where do I live” “where does my next meal come from” they don’t work on their shooting skills unless the reason they are here………I wanna know how they got sniper rifles and pistols. What kind of President would allow this? Oh the one that has had even more millions pour in the Xiden center! Even more than before! I wonder if he threw in the spy balloon oversight for free? And yes, The House Impeached Mayorkas—What’s Next? I maintain he needs to be stripped of his pension.

So, what else can illegals do besides be police and firemen? Why, they can vote!

How did they get here? We paid for it. Are paying for it. Will continue to pay for it.

Who’s Funding Illegal Immigration? You Are.

‘Cash in Envelopes’: How the US and UN Are Funding the Border Crisis

Get U.S. out of the UN!!!

I listened to a Patrick Bet-David podcast the other day, you can start here if you want the part I’m referring to, or listen to the whole thing. The topic at this point is immigration. They had been talking about the response of the Demoncrat party supporting hamass, that many Jews like many blacks are waking up to the realization that the Demoncrat party is not their friend. They are friends of the illegal invaders. But one of the co-hosts, Vinny brought up it may not matter. He had them put up this map.

Voting ID required by state

The states in light grey require no ID to vote, the next darkest shade of grey is ID but no photo required. It takes 270 electoral votes to win the Presidency. If you add those two categories of no ID required and ID with no photo you get 217 electoral votes……no wonder the illegals at the border say they’re voting for Xiden. They may well be. And as Adam pointed out, what do they know about our culture? Our laws? Our issues? Nothing, they’ll just vote Xiden because he is a “good” man.

And that my friends, is why the Demoncrats feel safe to keep robbing U.S. to send hush money to Ukraine. They aren’t worried about elections and they have imported an army to be ready.




Unexpected Allies and Well Known Enemies

Let’s do the enemies first, and I’m guessing there will be no surprises as to whom they might be, but some of the actions might not be as well known. Gosh I don’t know why major media outlets aka #FakeNews are laying off people left and right…/sarcasm font.

Biden choices in funding

While many nations around the world have stopped funding the antisemitic, anti-Israel UNRWA the Obiden crime junta actually has not. I list both, because one should remember, the goal of hamass is to kill Jews the world over, not just in Israel.

More Countries Suspend Aid To UNRWA After Allegations Employees Aided Attack On Israel

The United Kingdom and several other countries announced Saturday that they were suspending funding to the United Nations’ Relief and Works Agency for Palestine (UNRWA) after allegations that staff may have participated in the Oct. 7 attack on Israel.

Canada and the United States announced Friday that in the wake of the allegations they would temporarily pause funding to the agency, with the State Department saying that it was “extremely troubled by the allegations.” The U.K., Italy and Austria also followed suit this weekend and suspended their aid indefinitely, according to NBC News.

But not the terrorist funding Obiden junta, oh no. See, words don’t mean the same thing on the left as they do to normal people.

There’s a Major Catch to Biden’s ‘Pause’ on U.S. Aid to UNRWA After Terrorism Scandal

Similarly, you may have read that the Biden administration has frozen funds to UNRWA, the United Nations operation in Gaza, after explosive and credible allegations emerged that a dozen UNRWA employees were directly involved in the planning and execution of the October 7 Hamas massacre of Israeli civilians. The Trump administration stopped funding this deeply corrupt organization back in 2018, then Biden quickly restored the money upon taking office. Now that this move has blown up in his face, Biden has belatedly and apparently temporarily stopped the cash flow to UNRWA. But as we saw with the Houthis climbdown, there’s a catch:

Wow.@JerylBier discovered that the State Department saying they were pausing funding to UNRWA only applies to new commitments. They plan to continue to use US taxpayer money to fund current projects despite evidence of the group abetting terrorism.

— AG (@AGHamilton29) January 28, 2024

On Friday, in response to allegations that employees of the UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees) had been involved in Hamas’s October 7 terrorist attack on Israel, the State Department announced that it had “temporarily paused additional funding” for the United Nations agency. The funding pause, however, applies only to new and additional funding, not funding already obligated before the pause went into effect on Wednesday, a State Department spokesperson told Pluribus. When asked for details on what obligations would and would not be affected by the pause, the spokesperson directed Pluribus to a fact sheet released by the State Department on January 16, 2024…The fact sheet reports that funding already committed or obligated to the UNRWA for fiscal 2024 for work in the West Bank and Gaza totaled $51 million as of January 16. Although the State Department did not directly answer questions about the amounts or the timing involved in distribution of funds, the spokesperson stated that “we are pausing any new or additional funding. Contributions to UNRWA that were not obligated as of January 24 are suspended, contributions to UNRWA obligated prior to this date remain in effect.”

Huh, color me shocked. It’s like the Obiden junta supports terrorism for both hamass and the Houthis…Course, it’s only money…taxpayer money, it’s not like it’s coming from the Biden crime family or anything.

Let’s have a closer look at UNRWA, there’s a video at the end of the source post as well.

1. UNRWA is a jihadist terror cult. For 70 years, it’s indoctrinated youth to hate, kill, and be disposable pawns in a battle to destroy Israel and beyond.

2. Thousands of it’s staff took part in or supported Oct 7th atrocities. This is a direct result of the billions in “aid” it spent on hate indoctrination and militarizing Gaza.

3. Instead of resettling its refugees, UNRWA forces them and all their descendants to be refugees forever. It indoctrinates kids to believe they must destroy Israel to ever have a home.

4. This perpetual refugee status is unprecedented and different than how all other refugees are treated – including the 100 million aided by UNHCR, the UN’s main refugee agency.

5. Israel is 0.3% of the Middle-East and is here to stay. The UNRWA jihad fantasy must end now. The rest of the region (10,000,000+ sq miles) should welcome its brethren.

6. In the past century, there were 1,000,000+ Jewish refugees from Arab countries. None are now seen as “refugees” or to have a “right to return”. They’ve all resettled in Israel or other countries.

7. Israel grants all Jews a “Law of Return” to their indigenous homeland. Most Arabs in Israeli territories came from Egypt or Jordan, which should offer them similar rights.

8. Funding UNRWA destroys the lives of Arab children who become indoctrinated with hate and violence for life. It destroys the societies where it operates, and brings forever conflicts to the region.

9. UNRWA is irredeemable. It’s aided and abetted the worst ideologies and atrocities for decades. Both Hamas and UNRWA must be eliminated for there to be a chance at real peace and stability.

Lousy organization correct? Not people you’d trust or want to be associated with, correct? Oh but if you’re the Obiden junta, they’re just the people you want.

Sure, I feel safe now

I’m sure all Americans will be as safe with the NSC director as the Israelis were with Maher Bitar at UNRWA. Sure of it…..

But the threats to innocent Israelis comes not only from Gaza, but from Judea and Shomron (Samaria) as well as the arabs there are pining to have hamass move in and “govern” them as well. No, not for the elevated standard of living they brought to Gaza, but because their charter is all about killing Jews.

So America will help her ally, correct? There is a real threat in Judea and Shomron to the people living there.

The Palestinian Authority’s stealth attempt to take over Judea and Samaria. Believe me when I say the P.A. are not the peace partners the MSM aka #FakeNews pretends they are.

Diligently following a master plan worked out over 10 years ago, the Palestinian Authority is laying claim to large tracts of Israeli state land through illegal building. Resembling Potemkin villages, many structures stand empty, hollow, windowless, alone or clumped together. The land grab has been hugely successful because Israeli countermeasures have been so feeble, Jews living in the area tell JNS.

So the Jews living there need to be well armed to defend themselves and their towns. And the Obiden junta’s response?

Judea and Samaria leaders outraged as US sets conditions on rifle sales

Jerusalem reportedly “assured” the U.S. that 24,000 rifles destined for Israel would not go to volunteer defense forces in Judea and Samaria.

Biden Suspends Sale of 20K Rifles to ‘Violent Settlers’ following General Yehuda Fox’s ‘Secret Report’ <May he rot>

The Biden administration is once again holding up licenses for selling more than 20,000 US-made M16 rifles to Israel on the charge that they would be distributed to “violent extremist” settlers, Axios reported Wednesday night.


The sale is crucial not only to the settlers, who are only scantily armed and whose able-bodied men are serving, and dying, in Gaza. Israeli communities inside the Green Line, in the south, the north, but mostly in the center, are still vulnerable to terrorist attacks and deploy local standby response teams made up of local residents. They receive their weapons and training from the Police, and their need far outweighs the supply.

US said to delay shipment of weapons for security squads due to Ben Gvir’s conduct

The left, in Israel and America despise Ben Gvir, he loves Israel and Israelis! Oh shock! Oh horror of horrors!! He’s handing out rifles to people in Judea and Samaria!

I heard a great definition of “settler violence” recently. I think it’s a lot like “gun violence”. If a settler is walking down a road and sees an arab stealing a sheep and the Jew throws a rock at the thief, that’s “settler violence”. If the Jewish farmer (settler) is walking down the road and sees an arab stealing a sheep and the arab throws rocks at the Jewish farmer that is also “settler violence”. See how that works? In America if a concealed carry holder shoots the criminal that was trying to kidnap or assault them, that too is “gun violence”.

But, now onto the nicer part. Sometimes there are allies, people of moral courage that speak out when most of their industry has viciously attacked Israel. One such person is an actor, hopefully he still is anyway. He’s an American actor, Mark Pellegrino. ‘The rational people in the world support you’ | Actor’s message for the people of Israel

And honestly, there aren’t as many of those as one would have hoped….but coming from a Hollyweird actors, that took some courage.

‘You are fighting against forces of regression, that are anti-modernity, anti-western civilization, that are determined to throw back society to medieval times.’

Now this one will be a shocker, John Fetterman! The terrorist, murdering and raping supporters of hamass showed up apparently at Fetterman’s abode and started in with their indoctrinated chant. Fetterman (a non-Jewish member of the DNC) responded by going out on the roof of the building and waving the Israeli flag. I. AM. IN. SHOCK!! This required an extra cup of coffee to revive me.

And lastly, this very moving song comes from the group Five For Fighting, it’s called “OK”. This is not a Jewish group, this is a group that looked around at the moral decay that has been exposed in America by the acts of October 7th and those around the world following it. October 7th ripped the masks off many many things, and it has become a time for choosing. Apparently this member of the music industry sees things are not “ok”.


Post Office Gun Ban Struck Down

Federal Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle, of the Middle District of Florida, ruled that the ban on firearm possession in post offices is unconstitutional, in US v. Ayala. She cites the BRUEN test of general, historical legal tradition.

Mizelle gave the government multiple chances to present some evidence of such historical tradition. The best they could do?

the United States fails to point to sufficient historical evidence supporting § 930(a)’s application here. (providing only two paragraphs listing potential historical analogues without any analysis of how they are relevantly similar).

Mizelle herself did much more. Using USPS documents, she demonstrated that there has been a longstanding tradition of mail robberies and assaults; in a postal system itself of longstanding — pre-Revolutionary War — tradition. Yet never, until 1964 were firearms banned from any federal facility. The first specific post office gun ban was 1972. 18 U.S. Code § 930, the law under which Defendant Ayala was charged, didn’t come about until just 1988.

Mizelle took the government on a tour through American history, giving specific examples of the post office allowing clerks to arm themselves, and (again citing a USPS reference) “the Postmaster General armed railway mail clerks with “government-issued pistols” from World War I.” (emphasis in the original)

This is a lady who clearly read and understood Associate Justice Clarence Thomas’ BRUEN decision. In fact, in a conversation I mentioned that this decision reads like she was a Thomas protégé. Which prompted me to look up Judge Mizelle

She clerked for Clarence Thomas. I think he can be proud.

By the way, for those interested, Mizelle was the same federal judge who struck down the fed ChinCOVID mask mandates.



Dictatorship, form of government in which one person or a small group possesses absolute power without effective constitutional limitations. The term dictatorship comes from the Latin title dictator, which in the Roman Republic designated a temporary magistrate who was granted extraordinary powers in order to deal with state crises. Modern dictators, however, resemble ancient tyrants rather than ancient dictators. Ancient philosophers’ descriptions of the tyrannies of Greece and Sicily go far toward characterizing modern dictatorships. Dictators usually resort to force or fraud to gain despotic political power, which they maintain through the use of intimidation, terror, and the suppression of basic civil liberties. They may also employ techniques of mass propaganda in order to sustain their public support.

I look at today’s political climate and I can’t escape the idea that this is where we are. Small group? Politicians and activist judges are trying to keep former President Trump off the ballot. Whether or not you love or hate him, people should have the chance to vote for the candidate they want to lead the country. That’s how it is suppose to work in a Constitutional Republic. Demoncratic policies are yielding the results one would expect from policies created and implemented by a bunch of college educated/indoctrinated marxists. Lower standards of living, shortages, poverty and crime are common in those sorts of 3rd world countries run by the left. The left is the left is the left, the world over. Now I think many people suspected on day one that Biden wasn’t really the President when he was signing all those executive orders and he said he didn’t even know what he was signing and an aide snapped at him “Just sign it”. Really? That’s how you talk to the President of the United States of America? No, this is Obama’s third term.

Extraordinary powers, like the power to force people into dangerous medical experiments. Like the power to shut down business. Except for the demoncratic politicians of course. Like the power to shut down free speech of those who tried to warn about the danger. Like the power to persecute those who question anything the government doesn’t want to answer for. Say, for example the validity of an election. Now demoncrats have been contesting elections for years. Stacy Abrams still claims she’s governor. A gaggle of them object every time a Republican wins the Presidency. Nothing ever happens to them, but they do deny the election.

Uses force or fraud to gain power? Goodness knows there was plenty of evidence that the elections of 2020 were not clean, and people attempted to make that knowledge known at the time it was happening the media #FakeNews either ignored it or lied about it. Then came the Georgia runoff election for two senators. As nothing had been done to fix the voting problem in Georgia, predictably the communists won. The group that documented multiple cases of voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election even made a documentary. True The Vote recently won their case in Georgia about the senatorial runoff race against Stacy Abrams, video about 8 minutes

Catherine Engelbrecht of True the Vote and Greg Phillips were the leads in the documentary 2000 Mules that did extensive documentation on the voter fraud of the 2020 election. It’s well worth watching, they explain their search techniques and have mountains of video proving their point. And they have been persecuted by the government for doing that. We’ll revisit this in a minutes.

But onto the propaganda aspect. The marxist talking heads called the “media” are having kittens by the batch about how if President Trump wins the election he will shoot demoncrats that don’t clap at his inaugural speech. Why democracy (rule of mob) won’t be safe! The only way to save democracy is by demoncrats destroying it. At least according to them. They can only save democracy by preventing a large swath of the public from voting for the candidate of their choice. They have equally pearl clutching guests on who solemnly intone that former President Trump can’t possibly hold office because of the 14th Amendment. An Amendment created to keep the members of the former confederacy from holding office after the civil war ended. But I don’t believe it was ever actually enforced. Since the mass formation psychosis operation known as “covid” the media has a successful playbook and they are sticking to it. But the establishment media has possibly overplayed their hand this time as they cover for the Obiden crime junta. People see that the costs of living are soaring, the Obiden junta is redistributing money from Americans to illegal invaders, crime is going up and the ever present attempts to disarm law-abiding Americans has not abated one whit. Many of “We the people” don’t like living under a marxist regime. Not one bit. But perhaps the lame-stream media is losing it’s credibility. People, I don’t think, believe them much anymore. Although msnbc’s loyal 7 listeners still tune in and hang on every word, and cnn’s 12 are still showing up to hear whoever hasn’t been arrested for some indecent act yet.

So what to do to win an election with an unpopular, corrupt, incompetent, demented candidate?

Going to the part of a dictatorship about terror, intimidation and removal of civil right, that brings us back to January 6th. A day the left loves, loves to talk about, loves to celebrate, a day made just for them. And it was.

Representative Clay Higgins, I just love this guy. Former military, former law-enforcement officer he has a no nonsense style and doesn’t let up. He’s sort of like a pitbull with glasses. Plus I like to listen to him talk.

I’ve mentioned before the documentary done by the Epoch Times that extensively covered the day with film obtained from people who were there as well as independent journalists. They interview people that were there and tell their stories, they have video of the murder of Ashli Babbitt and Roseann Boyland, killed in cold blood by Michael Boyd and Lila Harris. Things demented Joe Biden still lies about. I don’t know if it’s free to watch or not. After all this time it may be.

There is now a part 2,

It’s pretty recently released so it may or not be free to watch.

The FIB is ramping up the terror and intimidation as they’ve said now they are going to go after people that weren’t even in the Capitol, but were just there. They’re being very public about it. They want the terror and intimidation, they want U.S. afraid to speak out, to donate to, work for or attend a rally. Their message is don’t even think about it.

Which brings me to this. Greg Phillips and Catherine Engelbrecht are not only fighters for truth, justice and the American way of life, they are also trying to help the January 6th political prisoners held by the Obiden crime junta. The January 6th political prisoners put together a video, it’s a time line of events that happened that day. Greg says it’s a little rough, but considering they made the video mostly by themselves, it’s amazing. It’s being hosted by set up by Greg. There is a huge collection of material there, not just this video and it’s well worth checking out. It’s a bit over 1 hour and is free to watch. From

J6: A True Timeline gives the audience a never-before-seen timestamped blueprint for the events of January 6, 2021, as they unfolded in real time. No other film to date fills the gaps or tells the story chronologically the way this film does. The film is also different from anything produced to date because a small group of protestors, some who are J6 defendants, have been the ones to collect hours of footage to help contextualize the events of the day. The film was funded and produced entirely through small donations and tens of thousands of volunteer man hours. The hope is that the film will provoke all Americans to be more curious about the true timeline of January 6.

I think we can see who is behaving like a dictator and who isn’t. Please pray for America, for many reasons and please pray for our January 6th political prisoners and their families.
