Gun Criminals For Gun Control

Funny how violent criminals always like gun control.

Reagan Shooter John Hinckley: ‘There’s too Many Guns in America’
In the wake of recent mass shootings in the country, such as Highland Park, Hinckley thrust his support behind background checks and waiting periods for those wanting to purchase a gun.

“I certainly don’t think the mentally ill should have access to guns. I mean, that’s kind of obvious,” Hinckley advised. “Background checks are good, and waiting periods are good. I think there [are] too many guns in America.”

DC’s highly restrictive gun laws — a complete handgun ban at the time, if I recall correctly — didn’t stop you.

“Nightline” co-anchor Juju Chang responded, “And coming from you, that’s quite a statement.

Yes, it is. A crazy, murderous criminal wants us disarmed. I wonder why that would be.


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2 thoughts on “Gun Criminals For Gun Control”

  1. The Gun Feed must have hundreds of stories of where lawful gun owners used guns to defend themselves and others, incl;uding a few police officers. Why not start porinting these stories up and mail them all at once to Congress and Biden and pelosi and the most anti gun politicians. I still remember two in particular. One about an elderly man in a wheel chair who was getting robbed on a rfegular basis and finally got a gun and shot the home invaders when they came again. His Condo Assoc tried to make him get rid of his guns but the court ruled he could keep his guns there in his hoe.
    The second was a mother holding her new born when home invaders broke in. She got her gun and opened fire, She was herself wounded but survived as did her baby but not such a good turn out for the criminals.

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