Mid-Term Election Fraud: Another Data Point

A couple of months ago, I noted that, historically, Dimocrats tended to avoid victim-disarmament bills during election years. And yet, for some strange reason, they felt safe pushing their Federal Firearm Licensing Act, with its troubling definition of “dealer.”

Traditionally, Dims have avoided gun people control bills when elections are coming. It’s a campaign killer (right, Duke Nukem?). Certainly the money is on the same thing being the case this cycle.

But if you have no intention of allowing fair and honest elections (again), what’s the harm in pushing a bill to license gun owners register all firearms and owners via a “may issue” federal licensing system?

A fluke perhaps. But then we got hit with the BipartisanGand-Rape Safer Communities Act: Expanded preemptively-prove-your-innocence checks, red flag laws, a very dangerous redefinition of domestic violence, and more.

Sure enough, Dim, Congress, and Presidential approval keep dropping like rocks as they push this.

Now Breitbart reports that the Dims are going to move on H.R.1808 – Assault Weapons Ban of 2021, It had been stalled in subcommittee for over a year, but suddenly with the mid-terms looming they decided that a new “assault weapon” ban is just the thing that some hundred million gun owners — and specifically the owners of 20 million “assault weapons” — inexplicably want.

Surely someone swimming in the swamp over there remembers what happened last time time they tried this. 1994: assault weapon shortly before mid-terms, Republicans took the House, Senate, and picked up ten state governor seats.

Is “gun control” really all that popular? A brand new poll, purportedly showing that things aren’t quite as bad for the Dims as everyone thinks, says otherwise.

Q15. What do you think is the MOST important problem facing the ccountry today?

Overall, just 10%. Even among Dimwitocrats, it’s only 17%. Does this sound like gun control is a winning mid-term strategy?

Or does it sound like the Dims don’t give a rat’s a** about what real, live voters want; that they know the elections are already in the bag? Some very peculiar primary outcomes suggest they do: In Georgia, one of the most unpopular men in the state — responsible for the illegal balloting in 2020 — handily and unexpectedly won his primary. And in Colorado, everyone is baffled that a director for Zuckerberg’s Dim-supporting election money machine — who polled dead last — magically won the SOS Republican primary.

If the conspiracy-minded want to view those as test runs for the mid-term fraud machine, I won’t argue with you. That the FFLA and BSCA came in on the heels of those weird primaries gives the idea some creedence, at least.

AWB of 2021 suddenly moving reinforces it.

Oh, well. Go buy your ARs and magazines while you can. I would, if I had the money.


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One thought on “Mid-Term Election Fraud: Another Data Point”

  1. Yeah, I’ve noticed this too. It’s like they just don’t care. A wise person would wonder why…personally I need some new conspiracy theories. Most of mine have happened.

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