Random thoughts on Justice

Dr. Simone Gold has been released from the gulag a couple of weeks early. She read a speech about freedom on January 6th at the Capitol. Apparently the poor dear actually believed it would be true in the Xiden crime junta America as well. Well, the corrupt judge (he went to law school with her and didn’t recuse himself) showed her, off to prison she went. There are still POWs in America being tortured and denied human rights.

This is going to be another one of those columns where 3 or 4 things happened within a day or so of each other, and all hit me as tied together, at least to my mind. Including Dr. Gold’s release, she’s a real ER doctor as opposed to “Dr.”/nurse/minder Jill, by the way. As well as a lawyer.

The first was I just finished a series I got from The Great Courses called WWII: Up Close and Personal. I thought the teacher Professor Keith Huxen did a very good job.

The second was I re-watched an episode of “Twilight Zone”, Death’s Head Revisted. I watched it the first time when fellow writer Y.B. Ben Avraham sent a link to it awhile back. It stuck with me. It’s a bit less than 30 minutes. And after the end of my 4 disc class, I just wanted to see it again.

Death’s-Head Revisited (Dir. Don Medford, 1961) from CAJ on Vimeo.

The ending is what hit me. Without giving too much away, there are ways G-d can arrange justice. Even people that think they have safely gotten away with crimes most heinous. I like my justice to be clear, and I want to see it. Sometimes it doesn’t happen that way. Sometimes it comes later than I would like, but as I am a mere mortal with a spark of G-d in me, I’m learning to let it go. It’s not always easy. If you don’t want to watch it all, start at about 20 minutes and 35 seconds in.

So, I don’t think I’ll give so very much away if I tell you the setting for the episode is a concentration camp.

The next two bits go together. Think about the conditions of what living in a concentration camp would be like.

And this is what Germany is facing this winter.

European commission to propose price cap on Russian gas; some EU countries wary over the move | WION

The EU thinks they are going to hurt Putin by putting on a price cap…HAHAHAHA. And make up the needed fuel with renewables….solar power, for Germany, in winter?

UK and Europe are Facing Soaring Energy Costs; 70,000 Czechs Take to The Streets in Protest

I understand from one of my favorite war correspondents that OBI (Like Home Depot) is selling firewood. It’s very expensive and not much of it. You can’t go cut your own, you need a permit for that, or hire someone with one to cut it for you.

Germany Powering Down

‘The situation is more than dramatic’: Germany is rationing hot water and turning off the lights to reduce natural gas consumption

Germans warned of further food price hikes

That should be enough for you to get the idea, basically, they’re doing it to themselves. No one made them do this, it was a choice.

Which led me to this random thought, The Battle of Michmash, in the Bible. Shmuel 1 Chapter 14.

But here’s an interesting tidbit in the story.

For some time, the Philistines had been extending their rule over large parts of Israel. The Jews were paying a yearly tax to the Philistines, who were represented in Israel by a governor. This representative of the Philistine government did not allow the Jews to possess any armaments, for fear of a rebellion. Even farm implements that had to be sharpened had to be taken to the Philistine over Lords who, for a price, used to sharpen them. Not a sword was to be found in all Israel. Only Saul and his son Jonathan, possessed this priceless weapon. Saul was determined to expel the Philistines from the Hebrew territory.

The more things change….right?

But here’s the part that I think applied, you think the Israelites have no way to win this? There’s Jonathan and his armor bearer with one sword among them. I’ll skip to the juicy part.

As soon as the patrol spotted Jonathan and his adjutant, they ordered them to approach. Jonathan attacked, and the patrol of twenty men was completely annihilated. This bold act struck terror into the hearts of the Philistines, who suddenly trembled at the prospect of meeting the Jews on the battlefield. Overcome by this unnatural fear, they attacked each other blindly, throwing their camp into pandemonium.

The Philistines decimated themselves in battle. Huh.

Ok, so this has nothing to do with the column, but I think it’s interesting and you might also. Knowing Bible history can save your squad. How a British general used biblical tactics in battle against the Ottoman army.

This last bit comes from the 4th disc of my class from the last lesson on the disc. It’s from a letter a woman in a death camp wrote for her son to carry to her husband. Otto Dov Kulka, was the son and he passed away in January of last year. I think it’s worth typing it out what professor Huxen said about it for you.

In it she raged against what she knew was the impending death of her innocent son, in the next sentence she had called for revenge and justice for the murder of innocents that would have to be achieved in another transcendent sphere of thought, culture, religion or history. In documenting their memories the holocaust survivors who became its historians bequeathed to future generations a history that, even if the written word falls short of conveying their experience, it can be forgotten only at our own peril.

I found this very profound, and it was what tied the stories together for me.

And in a way, it gives me hope as I think about the innocent men and women being held in a gulag for nothing more than walking inside the capitol after the doors were opened from the inside and police waved them in for some of the cases. It gives me hope as President Puddin’ head rails against half the country, or more, against his nazi back ground of blood red and black with the military standing behind him. For nothing more than the “crime” of daring to think differently than his demonic demoncrat party. The party that celebrates mutilating children and trying their best to push religion and G-d out of the country and public discourse. It gives me hope as they force an experimental gene therapy shot into unwilling bodies even as it’s deadly side effects are becoming more evident every day. Innocent people have been cut off from family and friends, they’ve lost jobs, and some have lost their lives in this totalitarian state. It gives me hope for justice.

I cry out to G-d for justice.


6 thoughts on “Random thoughts on Justice”

  1. Comrade X,
    I have appealing to G-d for quite some time now. Especially as I have sensed the last days being upon us. I am certainly not a profit, not not even close to being one. But even I, an ordinary man, with just a small but of faith, can seem.
    It is important that we continue to reach people who are not saved. I sense that that our time is short.

  2. At some point I think these communists are going to get their “Johnathan” moment. Look how fearful and panicked they were about a few unarmed patriots walking into their “house” to confront them over a scammed election. It’s coming in spades if they attempt to steal the next one. You can smell it in the air.

  3. I agree folks, it seems evil is all around us. Y.B. thank you! The song is perfect. Not only is it beautiful, but the perfect reality to keep in mind. It’s in Hebrew, but there are subtitles.

    “Even in a concealment, within a concealment, the L-rd may he be blessed is certainly there.
    Even through the hard times that befall you, I Stand (with you)”

    Perfect. I’m also very fond of Yakov Shwekey “We are a miracle”. 😉

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