Michael Moore, apparently desperate for attention after a series of film flops — of which most I’d never even heard — is frantically screaming, Look at me! He has drafted, and allegedly sent to Congress, a 28th Amendment proposal to repeal and replace the Second Amendment.

When I saw this, I had thought I’d do a full fisking on it. But once I got to any homemade equipment and machinery or a 3D printer that can make a gun or weapon that can take a human life,” I knew there was no point to it.

Any equipment and machinery that could be used to make anything that could used to kill.

In the letter I mention flintknapping, but really, the dumb SOB would be outlawing virtually any human technology. Baseball bats, electricity, cars, fertilizers and pesticides. Anything that can potentially kill.

I encourage Moore to adopt this “nothing that can kill” lifestyle immediately. Please.

Mr. Moore,

One of the most disturbing aspects of your proposed amendment is that you appear to have *attempted* to put a lot of thought into it. Attempted, but failed.

I could critique that amendment line by line, but once you outlawed rocks and flintknapping, there hardly seems to be much point to the exercise. I suspect you have never crafted a physical object in your life, other than PBJ sandwiches.

Granted, outlawing full-auto conversion devices for single-shot firearms was amusing.

I do wonder what odds you set for ratification of this proposal, in a nation where half the states have deliberately removed mandated licensing.

Will you volunteer to lead the stack of a confiscation team, to collect the millions of firearms no one is going to turn in voluntarily? You live in Michigan, I see, so you could volunteer to disarm Bloods and Crips in Detroit. Have fun with that since your amendment would disarm you and your police team members.

Watching you try that in southern Georgia might be even more amusing. You would keep gators, pigs, and coyotes fed for quite some time.

Oh, and a hint: You should review HELLER, MCDONALD, and NYSRPA v. Bruen. NO amendment “grants” a right to keep and bear arms. It is a preexisting fundamental and individual right.

I will be re-posting this email at the zelmanpartisans.com, where we do not limit comments to “paid subscribers;” feel free to reply there.

It seems unlikely that Moore will show up here. But if he does, have fun, and be as polite as he deserves.


Carl is an unpaid TZP volunteer. If you found this post useful, please consider dropping something in his tip jar. He could really use the money, what with ISP bills, site hosting and SSL certificate, new 2021 model hip, and general life expenses.
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Dick Heller Is Suing DC Again

Over ammunition limits this time. From Heller’s filing:

25. Subsequently on March 6, 2015, the Chief issued a Notice Of Second Emergency And Proposed Rulemaking , N0051986, 62 DCR 2803, which without comment or explanation,doubled the allowable ammunition a concealed pistol licensee could carry on his person. This regulation read, “A person issued a concealed carry license by the Chief, while carrying the pistol,shall not carry more ammunition than is required to fully load the pistol twice, and in no event shall that amount be greater than twenty (20) rounds of ammunition.”

Yes, NYSRPA v. Bruen (seeing lots of these cases now) is cited.

There appears to be nothing in the text, history or tradition of the Second Amendment that supports limiting the amount of ammunition that a person may carry for his or her self-defense.

Upon seeing that, I immediately thought of the Militia Act of 1792, which actually specified a minimum amount of ammunition to be carried, not a maximum. And very much more than a single loading of the firearm (also required).

Sure enough, Heller knows that. As I continued reading, I saw this.

What regulations did exist around the time of the founding of the SecondAmendment required Americans to be armed as detailed above and required militia members to be equipped with aminimum amount of ammunition.

Here’s the relevant section of the Militia Act.

That every citizen, so enrolled and notified, shall, within six months thereafter, provide himself with a good musket or firelock, a sufficient bayonet and belt, two spare flints, and a knapsack, a pouch, with a box therein, to contain not less than twenty four cartridges, suited to the bore of his musket or firelock, each cartridge to contain a proper quantity of powder and ball; or with a good rifle, knapsack, shot-pouch, and powder-horn, twenty balls suited to the bore of his rifle, and a quarter of a pound of powder; and shall appear so armed, accoutred and provided, when called out to exercise or into service, except, that when called out on company days to exercise only, he may appear without a knapsack.

So the only historical and traditional precedent is for a minimum of 44 rounds; 2.2 times the arbitrary maximum that DC imposed. Or 22 times the amount needed to “fully load the [musket of the day] twice.”

[Correction: See comments below. That’s 24 cartridges if the militia had a musket, or 20 rounds if he had a rifle; not a total of 44. I apologize for misreading that.]

I rather hope this goes to the Supreme Court, since it provide a nationwide — not just the District of the District of Columbia — judicial precedent to argue against magazine limits (Hey, California…).

The DC District Court is going to hate this. It has generally been very supportive of DC’s rights-infringements, but NYSRPA v. Bruen is very, very clear.

Well done, Mr. Heller.


Carl is an unpaid TZP volunteer. If you found this post useful, please consider dropping something in his tip jar. He could really use the money, what with ISP bills, site hosting and SSL certificate, new 2021 model hip, and general life expenses.
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Auto Key Card: Motion to Dismiss

Here’s another important Second Amendment case to watch.

The case is US v. Matthew Raymond Hoover. Hoover was arrested and charged with an NFA violation; specifically that he was selling Auto Key Cards, pictures of parts that could be assembled into a “lightning link,” and subsequently installed in an AR-pattern rifle converting it into a machinegun. Others have been similarly charged for selling pictures.

Every news outlet that included pictures of the Auto Key Card in their reports should also be watching this case.

Hoover has moved to dismiss the charges in light of NYSRPA v. Bruen.

“[W]hen the Second Amendment’s plain text covers an individual’s conduct, the Constitution presumptively protects that conduct. The Government must then justify its regulation by demonstrating that it is consistent with the Nation’s historical tradition of firearms regulation. Only then may a court conclude that the individual’s conduct falls outside the Second Amendment’s ‘unqualified command.'”

Having explained the reasoning of NYSRPA v. Bruen to the court, they demonstrate the applicability to this case.

Further, the TAF’s decision that the tchothke at issue — a stainless steel card with some lines lightly thereupon engraved — was a machinegun came completely by administrative fiat, absent even notice and comment. Our Nation’s history and tradition does not, and cannot, support a finding that an alleged drawingof a part is that part merely because an elected bureaucrat unilaterally willed it to be.

I was just discussing this morning the fact that the NFA of 1934 was completely unprecedented in prior legislation. Because the applicability of NYSRPA v. Bruen to the NFA is extremely obvious.

However, since they mentioned an “elected bureaucrat unilaterally” usurping Congress to make their own “laws,” I would also have cited West Virginia v. EPA, in which the Supreme Court slapped down the EPA for doing exactly that.

I can’t see an honest court upholding these charges in view of NYSRPA v. Bruen. But we have a major problem with American courts, in that respect. So I won’t be terribly surprised if this ends up going to SCOTUS eventually. For a change, and elimination of federal bureaucratic power and abuse, as dramatic as tossing the NFA, this pretty much has to go the the Supremes.

Added: I almost missed it, but this is one of the Firearms Policy Coalition‘s cases. It’s another example of why I’ve long believed they deserve the support of those believe in the Second Amendment.


Carl is an unpaid TZP volunteer. If you found this post useful, please consider dropping something in his tip jar. He could really use the money, what with ISP bills, site hosting and SSL certificate, new 2021 model hip, and general life expenses.
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Ghost Gun In The News

I’m sure this will result in calls for commonsense plumbing control.

Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has been assassinated. And the assassin used an evil “ghost gun.”

The assassin of Shinzo Abe has been identified as 41-year-old Yamagami Tetsuya, who used a homemade black powder shotgun.

No Ghost Gunner CNC mill.

No 3D-printer.

No unfinished receiver.

No “parts kit.”

No ammunition to register and regulate.

From that picture and description, it looks like some pipes, a board, and a lot of electrical tape. They specify “black powder,” so I imagine the assassin made that, too. No word on the projectiles, but I don’t think he’d have had much trouble finding ball bearings or other round shot.

Japan has some of the most restrictive gun control laws in the world, and it still could not stop a killer with 1950s homebrew technology.

So what will the victim-disarmers try now? NFA tax stamps for plumbing and electrical supplies?

A ban on charcoal?

Well, they’d probably like that last one. Of course, to enforce it, it you’d need to ban trees and combustion.

To regulate the nitrates, they’d have to ban urination. Tricky, that.

Sulfur is a bit tougher unless you live near a sulfur spring; but there’s always drywall for the chemically-inclined.

The rights-haters would need to ban technology that’s been around for more than a thousand years. That should work well.

Then they’s have to figure out what to do about bows.

Will, meet way.
— D. Dietz


Carl is an unpaid TZP volunteer. If you found this post useful, please consider dropping something in his tip jar. He could really use the money, what with ISP bills, site hosting and SSL certificate, new 2021 model hip, and general life expenses.
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Gun Criminals For Gun Control

Funny how violent criminals always like gun control.

Reagan Shooter John Hinckley: ‘There’s too Many Guns in America’
In the wake of recent mass shootings in the country, such as Highland Park, Hinckley thrust his support behind background checks and waiting periods for those wanting to purchase a gun.

“I certainly don’t think the mentally ill should have access to guns. I mean, that’s kind of obvious,” Hinckley advised. “Background checks are good, and waiting periods are good. I think there [are] too many guns in America.”

DC’s highly restrictive gun laws — a complete handgun ban at the time, if I recall correctly — didn’t stop you.

“Nightline” co-anchor Juju Chang responded, “And coming from you, that’s quite a statement.

Yes, it is. A crazy, murderous criminal wants us disarmed. I wonder why that would be.


Carl is an unpaid TZP volunteer. If you found this post useful, please consider dropping something in his tip jar. He could really use the money, what with ISP bills, site hosting and SSL certificate, new 2021 model hip, and general life expenses.
Click here to donate via PayPal.

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Happy Independence Day 2022

Yep, no doubt about it, this year I keep thinking about the words of Benjamin Franklin “A Republic if you can keep it” in response to being asked what kind of government had been established for the new formed United States.

So, since I have veggie hot dogs to grill I’ve just got a few thoughts for today. Some snarky, some serious, some funny. Sort of like a family potluck.

First, encouraging words from President Puddin’ Head



Typical Biden

Let’s try that again

The founding of our nation wasn’t a joke though, men and women of valor fought very hard to give us the freedom that people are squandering and taking for granted.

The Signers of the Declaration of Independence

And because of their vision, hard work and sacrifice we, have a chance to strive to be uncommon.

The American’s Creed

But the signers knew what they were doing, they knew the formula that would be needed in the future to preserve the freedom that tyrants always seek to snatch away.

Mere peasants?
Independence Day-brought to you by firearms

And I will leave you with this video of the history of the Star Spangled Banner. I didn’t get a Puffs warning, but I’m saying it might be good to have one close by.

Happy Birthday beloved America


Turn Away From Bad, Do Good and Live

I’m sure almost everyone has heard by now that Dr. Zev Zelenko has left us. Z-stack life. In my eyes Dr. Zelenko was a mentsch. And I’m pretty sure he was in the eyes of the millions who owe their live or that of a loved one to him. Dr Zelenko in case you didn’t know, was the pioneer who concocted the HCQ, Zinc and Azythromycin protocol along with vitamins to combat covid. Those that used it said the results would be felt sometimes within hours, but the key was early treatment as covid starts as one disease and turns into another. What hospitals would do would be to deny patients the lifesaving medications they needed until they were almost at deaths door, then maybe allow them and if they didn’t work at that late stage say, “Oh they don’t work”. I hope there is a special, long place in hell for those that have done that.

He was also a special hero to me because I learned so much spiritually from him. He always kept G-d front and center of his conversations and gave him credit. He also taught much about life, and the folly of trusting government to save you as opposed to trusting G-d. I’m not going to write much in the way of an obituary, there are far better writers than I that have done so. Dr. Robert Malone one of a group of doctors that spoke out about the true nature of Covid and the true risk of the shots.

Eulogy for a selfless Truth Warrior

He has established the Zelenko Foundation, the Z-Freedom Foundation

The Zelenko Freedom Foundation is organized exclusively to provide funding to social entities and social activities surrounding education, leadership development, health literacy, advocacy, public policy, social, health and community development. These activities will include, but are not limited to, events, workshops, grants, research funding and limited scholarships.

I guess what to share are just some thoughts, and a few videos I think share the attitude and brilliance of Dr. Zelenko. He had many facets to his character.

This one dealt with his absolute ban from Twatter for trying to save lives. It was ridiculous as after his non-profit foundation was established and a Twatter account was opened for it, it was permanently banned within hours. But while humorous, it was also a potential window into the future.

I’ve started a Constitution class through the Patriot Academy and it is so fascinating but a couple of things in last weeks class made me think of Dr. Zelenko.

Of all the habits and dispositions which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. ~~ George Washington

Now more than ever before, the people are responsible for the character of their Congress. If that body be ignorant, reckless, and corrupt, it is because the people tolerate ignorance, recklessness, and corruption. If it be intelligent, brave, and pure, it is because the people demand these high qualities to represent them in the national legislature. If the next centennial does not find us a great nation….it will be because those who represent the enterprise, the culture, and the morality of the nation do not aid in controlling the political forces. ~~James Garfield

It is a great mistake to suppose that the paper we are to propose will govern the United States. It’s the men whom it will bring into the government, and the interests they have in maintaining it, that is to govern them. The paper will only mark out the mode and the form; men are the substance and must do the business. ~~John Francis Mercer

The mess created by Biden voters

Our rights do not come from man, or the Constitution, they come from G-d. The power Congress has comes from us, the governed from our power to consent or refuse. One of the things Dr. Zelenko often reminded us when it came to the injection was “Do not comply”. What kind of monumental overreach is it when the un-elected bureaucrats can demand we put an experimental substance into our bodies to be able to work, shop or travel. And the more we comply, the worse it will become. Because that’s how tyranny rolls.

Dr. Zelenko saw everything quite clearly.

This final clip was made from Dr. Zelenko’s hospital bed, and I think it sums up all the things that touched me so deeply. A man of great faith, a caring compassion doctor who was supernaturally given the gift of the cure. I think it was given to Dr. Zelenko not only because he had the nature to search for it, but he prayed and begged G-d for an answer to help his patients. Dr Zelenko was a man blessed with the courage of his convictions to stay the course. He was relentlessly attacked by the corporate pharmaceutical funded media, the swampy deep state and the entire demoncrat party and RINO sellouts. Not to mention those that lacked his courage and honesty within the medical profession.

In a fairly recent interview on Jerm Warfare he said he was afraid of G-d and no one else. He said this is a race between the forces that want to enslave humanity and those that are wanting to expand G-d consciousness. Turn away from bad, do good, and live. Do not live in fear and isolate yourself from those you love. Take positive proactive measures and live. He sees a glorious redemptive event coming where the false narrative will be destroyed and the knowledge of G-d will fill the earth. He said the key here, is courage.

Now there is a large battle standard and heavy sword laying on the battlefield. It will take more than one person to pick them up and advance. May I do my part.
