Tag Archives: apocalypse

Poll: skillz

apocalypseI’ve been watching a lot of post-apocalyptic shows and movies lately, and reading dystopian literature. It seems there are more and more out there – The Walking Dead and its offspring Fear the Walking Dead, Contagion, The 100, Revolution, Hunger Games and others.

The one thing they all have in common is a breakdown in society and the complete destruction of government structures. You let it go a while, and tyranny ensues, but in the meantime, survival skills are critical.

So what happens? How do the survivors survive? In the absence of government to help them, the survivors have to turn to their own skills and ingenuity to survive in mini-societies that organically form in the aftermath of an apocalyptic event.

This is what gave me the idea for this poll. In the event that society completely deteriorates, what skills become critical? Obviously, one needs to be able to handle a weapon and to protect him or herself and those around them. But what else? What skills are important aside from being able to handle yourself around firearms?

There is likely an endless array of answers, but I had to limit myself to several, so hit “other” if you feel your best choice is not included, and tell us in the comments.
