Tag Archives: Buttigieg

Now “weapons of war” are OK?

At long last, a victim-disarming politician has conceded that something is constitutionally protected by the Second Amendment.

Mayor Pete Buttigieg at Asian and Latino Coalition in Des Moines, Iowa
We’ve already decided this is within the Secondment [sic]. We have decided that somewhere in between a slingshot and a nuclear weapon, we can draw a line. That is not unconstitutional. That is common sense. That’s why I think assault rifles need to be on the table, too.


But I hate to break it to the presidential hopeful…

Looks like a battlefield to me.

Those are weapons of war.

Buttigieg still hasn’t answered my question about assault rifles.

[Permission to republish this article is granted so long as it is not edited and the author and The Zelman Partisans are credited.]

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