Tag Archives: communicable diseases

G-d Bless Texas

I had planned to do this column tonight anyway, it’s not a warm and fuzzy column like all my others have been. /raw sarcasm

I’ve mentioned before I have a buddy in Nicaragua, he’s an American Ex-pat who’s been down there for around 20 years or so I’d guess. He’s the one that told me the American planes fly into their airport. Nicaraguan prisons are now empty, all the prisoners have been shipped to the US, now all the homeless have been rounded up off the streets and shipped to the US. All the paperwork is done there before they are loaded up and flown in. I’ve mentioned all this before. We were texting yesterday and he had an interesting bit of information for me. A brother of a friend of his came here illegally 6-7 months ago. He was flown into Springfield, MO. Heart of the country. This means he wasn’t counted as one of the illegal aliens entering the country or in any of the videos you see of the illegal aliens on the border. He was just quietly flown in by U.S. He got his shiny new citizenship yesterday. After 6-7 months. He was put up in a shelter, fed, clothed and housed, and given psychological counseling, so he could fit in better. I wonder if the counseling includes strong encouragement to vote Demoncrat and often in the next elections? But, with the new laws now his whole family can come! Of course they might need some financial assistance from U.S. I have a girlfriend that works in a hospital, a small hospital. She says it’s nothing to have 3 suicidal ideations in the ER in one night. And some are really young. I asked the youngest, she wouldn’t tell me. Where is their free government paid psychological counseling to undo the damage done by the some of the public schools right now? He now has a job, and is doing just fine. Several people my friend knows worked in hospitals in Nicaragua, they are now working in hospitals in America. Did they have to pass board exams? I don’t know. They weren’t threatened or forced to take the experimental gene therapy shots, I do know that. And most Nicaraguans didn’t want it.

Now here’s one threat I haven’t heard that many people talking about. This comes from Michael Yon, the war correspondent I’ve written about before. He has good information that you don’t get often from other sources. He’s been raising the alarms about the massive amount of deadly diseases they bring in. They aren’t being screened.

TuberCuBusses heading up the Tuberculosis Highway to United States — I made this video recently in Darien Provence, Panama. Our friends in Panama are being infected and damaged by US invasion of America. Huge numbers of innocent families will suffer from these unvetted coughs, itches, and bloody stools heading through Central America and Mexico on crowded buses.

He has a video he shot of the buses. https://twitter.com/Michael_Yon/status/1655062815940435968

In another short missive he talked about scabies that seem to be resistant to treatment.

I have a relative who was driving to a travel nursing assignment. En route, he spent one night in a reputable motel in the Southwest US. About 2-3 days later he developed a case of scabies (mite infestation – Sarcoptes scabiei). The saying “seven year itch” derives from scabies.

He has been treated with the standard treatments:

topical permethrin from head-to-toe for 8 hours (very toxic, potentially cancer causing med) – condition didn’t resolve so next was:

oral ivermectin for some days – still unresolved.

Next may be a form of “escalation therapy,” such as allethrin, permethrin, and ivermectin in combination.

Dermatologists may use videomicroscopy to confirm the presence of the live mites after standard treatment.

It appears he may have a case that is resistant to standard scabies treatment.

In the same post he talks about Typhus being spread by lice, and currently lice are popping up around the US and are stronger in Panama. He wonders if someone is setting U.S. up for epidemic typhus as they are now advising NOT to send school children home that have lice.

And on the buses and planes come.

So, why don’t we have them defending an AMERICAN border?

And with this column, Know Your Spies, and Paramilitaries Michael sets me up for my next to the last point.

Know Your Spies, and Paramilitaries — YOU ARE UNDER ATTACK There are credible reports of Chinese — who speak little or no English — at US gun ranges in United States. Not so long ago, the NSA, FBI, CIA, and the rest of the gang, allowed jihadists to slip into United States and practice on flight simulators commit mass murder on 9/11. Read the book THE LOOMING TOWER. Before 9/11, all the information was there. It was obvious. It was clear. Al Qaeda SAID they would attack and had already attacked before. When the second airplane hit the second tower, I instantly deeply suspected al Qaeda had done it. Because they SAID THEY WOULD attack and had been attacking, and I had been paying attention. And I knew the nature of that beast. I am TELLING YOU. With utter clarity. We are under attack. Enemies of various sorts are training at our own gun ranges. FBI, CIA, NSA — and all the other mousekateers did not stop the 9/11 attacks despite massive information and clear information with specific names and places of al Qaeda training on flight simulators within our borders. They were living in places like Florida. We have Chinese, Russians, Ukrainians, and more, with TOP SECRET and higher clearances in our most sensitive positions. It’s happening again. Massive numbers of Americans will die in many ways. War is my business. I know exactly what is happening. Stop what you are doing. Watch this video. And think about our borders. We are on our own.

The movie is a WWII training video.

My final source comes from a radio show I listened to this morning, one of the guests interviewed was JJ Carrell, a Retired Deputy Patrol Agent in Charge in the United States Border Patrol. He is saying within a generation the Natural born American citizen majority will be replaced by a non-citizen majority. He said many of those coming in are functionally illiterate in their native language. He made it clear he wasn’t disparaging them, but merely stating the facts of our newest government imported dependents. Uneducated, unskilled and millions and millions of them pouring in. Thank a Biden voter today! They are very easy to control though, for the government. For you when they try to steal your car, maybe not so much. He points out that all these free citizenships water down the impact of real citizenship. Their vote will count as much as yours. He’s guessing we’ve had 12-15 million come across now, and it could go to 20 million by the time the Biden crime regime is gone. JJ points out that Alejandro Mayorkas is driving all the policies. He was responsible for DACA, he’s responsible for ending Title 42, catch and release, prosecutorial discretion and for lying to Sen. Josh Hawley in congress. How did he get this power? Because Republicans gave it to him. Hello Cloward-Pivan.

Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.)

Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine)

Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska)

Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio)

Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah)

Sen. Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska)

But let’s talk about some of those innocent illegal aliens just coming here for a better life, and this was the real point I was getting at. What KIND of people are showing up at the border? Well, this particular bit comes from a border station in California, not the border in Texas everyone is focused on. There are mostly those from African nations, Sudan, Somalia, Ethiopia, Angolia, Nigeria, etc. Every day there are thousands of them that go squat just waiting. But every day there are about 50 of them that are red flagged as being suspected terrorists, or terrorist connections. Every day. Fifty. Of that fifty, five will be confirmed, the other 45 that couldn’t be confirmed for sure? They are released into the U.S. This is from ONE station. Just one station, in California, not Texas. The other 45 released with no safety precautions. It also came up that many of the illegal immigrants still owe the cartels. So they might receive a proposition from the cartel once they are safely ensconced in the U.S. You hit this crowd of people with your truck on this day, or you shoot up this crowd at a gun-free mall on this day, or you remember your Mom back in ______, we’re fed-exing you her head tomorrow. Your sister? We’ll send you a body part, do you have a preference? There are now thousands of illegal alien terrorists in our country. Thank a Biden voter today. Oh, and if one of those traitor Senators is still in office and is one of yours? Thank them too. But JJ pointed out many Republicans are to blame as well. Many of them want cheap labor, corporate gigs and donations, and they’ve done almost nothing. He also pointed out McConnell gave President Trump almost no money to work on the border because he wanted to send it to Ukraine and Afghanistan. He did have high praise for how much good President Trump had done on the border. He said we were about 8 months away from a totally secure border when elections happened. This is what Barry Sotero’s “fundamentally change America” looks like. My opinion is of course different, to me it looks like treason.

But, I said I had something good for you, and this comes from Michael Yon and Todd Bensman. Todd is on the border now. Now if this is old news, forgive me. I’ve been away from my computer all day. But it’s still worth applauding. Kind of. Apparently the end of Title 42 has had quite an effect of Gov. Greg Abbott.

So without further ado from Twitter tonight.

DHS is using an encrypted online chat room to tell Mexico where to send illegals to cross the border to avoid TX National Guard and DPS officers. DHS is using border detection tech to track TX law enforcement to alert Mexico where/when illegals should cross.

What is this TX National Guard I speak of?

Well, to set the scene, here’s a video of how our new aspiring citizens like to decorate their host country.

And here’s what Gov Abbott started yesterday. I LOVE arts and crafts projects!


Quite literally a Mexican standoff here in Matamoros looking across at Brownsville. ⁦


national guard and DPS will not let them pass.


Now I find this interesting.

Looks like a looong Mexican standoff between Texas and the Biden DHS, which has been orchestrating immigrant swims in for two weeks now, according to exclusive



The Texas National Guard are having to take on not only hundreds of thousands of illegal alien invaders, but also the Xiden crime regime and the cartels. Say a prayer for the Texas lads please! This is totally a Texas run operation. Border Patrol is not involved, as I’m sure Mayorkas would never allow it. I wonder how much the Xiden crime family and Mayorkas are getting in kickbacks?


Now this series is all one event. A group of illegal alien invaders tried to cross and were repelled by the Texans. The had to swim back across to Matamoros, but then they just moved further up to a weedy swampy area defended by only 3 Texans. I understand the Red Cross guy was telling them not to take the kids into that water, but who knows. It’s Red Cross, maybe he was just telling them to pay for their donuts before they crossed. I dunno. Anyway, 6 part video.






Maybe more thanks to ⁦


than President Biden, the first post Title 42 days – in this area – will be calmer than expected without it. This gubernatorial tactic of sending Texas uniforms to block immigrants just above waterline seemed pretty defeating.


The illegal alien invaders decided to try night crossing and go up river.

The immigrants get right up to the razor wire and Texans and then move laterally along them for hundreds of yards but don’t get in. Border Patrol is completely absent from all this here at the matamoros- Brownsville crossing areas


The Texans shout out scripted lines when the immigrants start hitting the water. “It’s dangerous” … “stop! “Turn back right now and go to a port of entry” “it’s dangerous to take your kids into the river” The Texican Standoff!


Sometimes the Texans just play an automotone recording through a loud speaker warning the immigrants away but the immigrant advance is almost robotic too….relentless,probing.. inexorable


None shall pass.

So as I said, I’ve had this column brewing today. Then tonight we are doing day 36 in the counting of the Omer. This was the day’s thought from the app I’m using for my prayer and it comes with a thought for each day. So maybe I’m not Texas National Guard, maybe I’m not a famous war correspondent, or a gutsy reporter on the border, but I can pray for all of them. Maybe I can find a way to send some donuts or ice cream to the Texas National Guard. Maybe I can thank Gov Abbott. These are are simple things, but that’s exactly the point of the thought for today’s meditation.

