Tag Archives: Dickey Amendment

Why even watch the video?

I ran across this story: Former CDC Doc: You Can Reduce Gun Deaths Without Restricting Guns. I was going to watch the video, but after reading the intro..

Why bother?

“More people die from gun deaths than from car accidents every year in the United States.”

Not according to the CDC’s WISQARS.

Year MVA Firearms
2016 40,528 38,658
2015 38,022 36,252
2014 35,647 33,594
2013 35,612 33,636
2012 36,654 33,563

“However, while research-based policies have reduced motor vehicle deaths, federal research on firearm deaths is nearly non-existent.”

“Nearly” is such a useful term when you want to lie without… quite lying. The federal government does fund research into firearms-related deaths. It’s difficult to find a summary of such funding, but from checking individual papers (just where the funding is explicitly listed) it appears that the feds fund it to the tune of several hundred thousands of dollar per year. At least.

“That’s due to the Dickey Amendment, which says Centers for Disease Control funding cannot be used to promote gun control.”

The Dickey Amendment only addressed CDC operations, because it was caught diverting research funds to gun control advocacy; i.e.- they weren’t researching. Other organizations like the NIH have been free to study firearms, and do.

“Soledad O’Brien sits down with Dr. Mark Rosenberg, who formerly oversaw gun violence research at the CDC”

In fact, Rosenberg was the victim-disarming gun control promoter at the CDC who caused the passage of the Dickey Amendment, largely with this statement: “We need to revolutionize the way we look at guns, like we did with cigarettes. Now it [sic] is dirty, deadly and banned.”

That’s right; he’s the one who was diverting money away from real research, and to — very likely illegal — political activism.

I did try to watch the video, though. And stopped when O’Brien flat out stated that the Dickey Amendment was passed to stop research.

Don’t bother; it’s just biased media lying to push its agenda again. Still. Constantly.

Carl is an unpaid TZP volunteer. If you found this post useful, please consider dropping something in his tip jar. He could use the money, what with truck repairs and recurring bills.

