Tag Archives: digital currency

Purim 2022-The Hidden

Things that you may not be hearing on the corporate media, that might be worth hearing.

First note, that Epoch Times which is a pretty accurate source of news, is using data from the U.K. Why you ask? Because it more honest than what our taxpayer funded agencies dish out. Going way back to the start of the Covid-19 scam. They counted it as a Covid death if they died with Covid, not necessarily from Covid. But other countries followed ferret faced Fauxci’s lead.

9 in 10 COVID Deaths Are in Vaccinated People: Report

A report released by the UK government has confirmed that 9 out of every 10 deaths related to COVID-19 are found in those who are fully vaccinated. Although the virus variant is the same and the UK approved only one different vaccine (AstraZeneca) from the United States, the data in the U.S. are different. This may be due in large part to the CDC definition used to identify who is “vaccinated.”

U.S. data are also likely to become even more sparse in the coming weeks and months. In addition to the CDC hiding data, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) quietly decided in early February to stop recording deaths attributed to COVID-19.

Data Is Essential

Yet, data is the foundation of scientific analysis. Without it, researchers are unable to analyze statistics and draw conclusions, which leaves public health experts unable to make accurate recommendations. Knowledge gives you the power to make informed decisions based on evidence.

Data is essential, yes, yes it is. Knowing honest facts enable one to come to a correct opinion. Otherwise you are someone driving around in a car by yourself wearing a face diaper and re-breathing your own CO2.

Bioweapons labs in Ukraine

The truth is: Yes, there are indeed biological research facilities in Ukraine that have been funded by our government. We don’t have any way to know whether these facilities were conducting research that was intended to produce weapons or not, but we do know that if the pathogens housed in these facilities escaped, they would be just as deadly as as an intentionally produced bioweapon.

Something that should be frontline on every corporate media station but probably will never be. <This message is brought to you by Murderna and Lie-zer. So I have no clue why it isn’t. /sarcasm.

Chilling Pandemic Data from the Insurance Industry This article isn’t that long, worth reading. Why, it’s the very age of working people, people that could be forced to take a jab.

An Indiana-based life insurance company is expressing concern over a substantial rise in deaths in adults eighteen to sixty-four years old in 2021 that cannot be explained simply by covid infections themselves.

What else is hidden? This twitter thread covers many things. Digital currency, programmable digital currency. You thought you were going on a trip? The government says no, and your currency will not pay for that ticket. Quite simple, but it’s all to keep you “safe”, just like that 4th jab Lie-zer CEO is earnestly assuring U.S. is necessary. There are other things in the thread as well, like the WHO global pandemic treaty. Oh that should work out well. The World Homicide Organization, I don’t claim credit for the clever word play, that goes to Dr. Zev.


Hat tip to my buddy in Nicaragua on this one. And what are those 5 things?

FOIA Request Reveals Biden Admin Paid $1 Billion to Corporate Media Outlets to Push Covid Vaccines

Pfizer Data was Quietly Released Listing Well Over 1,200 Adverse Side Effects from the Covid Jab And that just in the first 55,000 pages release, much more to come. Despite their desire to keep the data hidden for 75 years.

State Agents Raid Preschools, Question Toddlers Without Parental Consent for Not Wearing Masks

As Gov’t Sends Billions to Ukraine, Millions of US Children are Being Pushed into Horrible Poverty

Biden Pushing Executive Orders to Make US Gun Owners Felons There will be no vote in Congress and you will have no say in the matter. Instead, Biden is ruling by executive decree.

In a bitter twist of irony, Ukrainians who are fighting so hard for freedom are about to be entrapped by the very government that went before congress to plead for more money and weapons to fight for freedom. With programmable digital currency, no less. Today the project ePidtrymka in the Diia application has officially launched – how to get UAH 1,000

I think you can pretty much figure everything the world’s governments are pushing their citizens to do is going to be bad for them.

For example those electric cars Ginger Goebbels and “Mayor” Pete Butterhead keep pimping. I won’t even get into the cost of those, monetary and evironmental. But since it has nothing to do with saving the planet, why might they be doing that?

Turned off

Oh, that’s why.


Well, seems to be a done deal. I don’t mean that our gov’t is composed of spineless weasels – that ship has sailed. But now we can expect an unlimited influx of non-Jewish Ukrainians, who have all of Europe to resettle in, and who don’t even pass the required Jewish grandfather clause to move to the one and only Jewish state of Israel. As long as they have some kind of relative living in Israel, the doors are opened to them. And no, having a relative in Israel does not make one Jewish. Plus, don’t think for one moment that if they want to come to Israel that it means they are not Jew-haters. Seriously? That’s almost funny.

One tiny Jewish nation in all of the world, and that’s one too many for some. One tiny country where no one is shocked there is no mass transit and stores aren’t open on Shabbat. One tiny nation where we can live according to G-d’s plan, and that’s one too many. One way or another the nations are determined to kill it, if they can’t in battle they will try from within. Just like the U.S. Our “leaders” and I use that term loosely have betrayed us. They are trying to destroy us from within.

And trying here would be the operative word. As I’ve been watching the dumpster fire known as the Xiden crime family’s administration I’m reminded of something I heard back before the elections. It was something I read, or something I heard. So if it was something I heard, it may have been from Rabbi Alon Anava’s interview with Tamar Yonah, but since this was in 2016 I don’t think this was it, but it’s still very good. https://israelnewstalkradio.com/tamar-yonah-show-nibiru-will-this-dwarf-star-wreak-havoc-on-earth-audio-🎧/


I’ll tell you right up front it was a battle not to quote the whole column it was so good. It was written the day after the “election” but the interviews and comments took place before it. Let the quoting begin. It mentions a video, that has been removed by YouTube. Of course.

Very early in the lecture, Anava declared that, “This election is going to change the entire face of the planet.” …. After his introduction, he spent a considerable amount of time sharing multiple Torah codes related to the presidency of Donald J. Trump and the coronavirus. Most significantly, he explained a fundamental difference between the way Jews and Christians understand Biblical texts. “The whole Torah is coded,” he taught, referring to the Hebrew text. “Many messages are not written in the verses. The text is just the revealed part. Hidden in it are many other messages.” …. Anava referred to both President Trump and contender Joe Biden as “puppets” who will be fulfilling the will of God, whatever happens at the polls. “Regardless of who wins, the outcome will be the same because HaKadosh Baruch Hu (the Holy One, Blessed is He) is driving the train,” Anava asserted. “The whole system is set up to bring the country to civil war, martial law and the end of the US. Either way you look at it, it’s going to bring the country down.

“America is done. America is going to go down and with it, the entire world. Why? Because Hashem is preparing the entire world to bring His messiah – Moshaich ben David (Messiah, son of David) – to come and redeem the entire world, not only the Jews. “There cannot be a redemption if there are governments. There cannot be a redemption if there are world leaders. Moshiach is going to come and remove the world leaders, so it’s really irrelevant who is going to win. …. For Jews and non-Jews, Anava said that, “idolatry is not bowing down to idols. It’s putting your faith in anything but Hashem (such as governments or vaccines). We have to believe only in the Master of the Universe.” Using the coronavirus as an example of how important it is to rely only on God, Anava said, “He’s the One who brought the disease and He’s the One who is going to remove it.”

Then in the same article, they quote another Rabbi also from Tzfat, Chaim David Targan.

The day before the election, Targan wrote that, “Today formally ends the age of the American Empire. If Biden wins, like Rome, America will crash and burn. If Trump prevails, its age will end gracefully, transferring its power, authority and sovereignty fully to the leaders of the geula (redemption) and successfully and joyfully completing the Tikkun of Eisav (Esau’s rectification). This would be great joy to Washington, Jefferson and Adams, who created America through Torah Wisdom as a tikkun for Eisav.” Like Anava, Targan is saying that America’s days are numbered. He adds the nuance that, depending on who ultimately wins yesterday’s election, the end of America will come harshly (under Biden) or gently (under Trump).

Honest, I didn’t quote the whole thing, there’s more there to read! But when I first heard that before the elections it stuck with me. Maybe because Rabbi Anava was involved, and ever since Y.B. Ben Avram, another TZP writer sent me his YouTube story, and like Rabbi Lazer Brody I wanted to learn what they had to teach. But maybe because I knew it was true. I didn’t see how it could be quite the dumpster fire it has become, but apparently I just didn’t realize how much the Xiden crime family regime hated U.S. They tried to hide it.

And that brings me to hidden. Do you know what’s remarkable about the story of Purim? G-d’s name is not mentioned once in the Megillah. His face is hidden. All the events that saved us were not miracles in the classic Red Sea splitting sense. They were miracles of right place, right time, right clout. Such as the king, while he couldn’t change the decree to kill all the Jews, he made another decree the Jews should fight back and defend themselves. Which they did, quite well. But we don’t believe in coincidence, we know who runs this show. We know who created this world and who runs it. This is a fabulous, inspiring article Why Isn’t G‑d’s Name Mentioned in the Megillah? Give yourself a treat and read it.

And with that thought in mind, that it is G-d that runs this show, whether we see his hand in things or not, we do not fear. I admit, I struggle with this from time to time, and one of the things I hold on to is something else I learned from Y.B., Ayin Od Milvado. אין עוד מלבדו There are none beside him.

It is all G-d, all the time, even when we don’t see him and he chooses to remain hidden he is there and like a child calling for their father in the dark of night, he hears us.

A Prescription for No Fear

Our Torah tells you that you must not fear. Even if an army is charging towards you, you must not fear. For there is no danger worse than fear. But you are only human. Do you truly have control over the dread and panic pounding in your heart? Yes. Not directly, but through the power of your mind. If you will choose not to dwell on those things that instill panic and dread, those emotions will wither and fade. And the choice is yours. What do you want to speak about? What do you want to think about? For the thoughts of your mind are the conduit of life for the emotions of your heart.

Even when we can’t see him or his strong right arm in the events or people, אין עוד מלבדו

Something else I learned from Y.B.
