Tag Archives: election 2016

Poll: Do you care?

election-2016Well, it’s almost that time. We are less than a month away from Election 2016, and I’m wondering how our readers and members feel about this year’s election.

This is the most contentious election I’ve ever seen. Friendships have been threatened or downright destroyed. Bitter disagreements over politics have taken over civil conversations. It’s good to see people get passionate about the future of this country, but when the passion transforms into something toxic, ending camaraderie and civil discourse and understanding, one has to wonder why.

So today’s poll question is: do you care about this election, and if so, how much and why?


‘Tis the Season

campaign_2016-2Well, the 2016 election season appears to be in full swing. We all know that gun rights are the premiere issue for most of us here, but we would like to know what else you care about deeply and passionately.

If a presidential candidate is bad on gun rights, it’s a deal breaker for me and many others here, I’m sure. However, for me personally, the economy is the second most important issue. Without a sound economic policy, it won’t take long for an overreaching government to start regulating other aspects of our lives.

So… other than gun rights, what is your issue?

As always, feel free to comment and explain further.
