Tag Archives: Facebook

Doing the Social Scene

I remember reading a few years ago reading something along the lines of “We believe they are using suppression of the First Amendment to repeal the Second Amendment.

Considering when I tried to find who said this, for sure, most of what I ran across was debates and petitions to repeal the Second Amendment. I had a discussion with some friends a few days ago about how President Trump became President Trump. The media was against him, the deep state was against him, heck, even parts of his own party were/are against him. And yet, he bypassed all of them and went straight to the American people via social media. Many of those “tweets” which were so reviled by the “press” or “news media” HAHAHAHA, yeah I crack myself up, resonated with many ordinary, Americans. No, he didn’t say everything perfectly polished, but he did seem to speak from the heart. Something we haven’t seen in a long time.

Social media is a very effective way to get the word out when the normal channels have a massive beaver dam in the middle. Do you hear much in the msm about the massive number of defensive gun uses? Oh yes, sometimes the local media in that area will cover it, but that’s about it. Oh the history of how ordinary citizens used a gun to stop school shootings? We expect this sort of behavior from the likes of cnn and msnbc #FakeNews but even Fox’s tide pod chomping Julie Bandaras shines in ignorance. #Sad So the problem is two fold, they lie like rugs and they suppress the positive.

Has anyone in the media even pointed out little boss hogg is pushing and lobbying to take aways rights he isn’t even old enough to use or appreciate? I would point out he will never be old enough to appreciate them.

Which is why social media has become so important. And now they can’t let that stand can they?

Public speaking




And that’s why you see articles like the following.

EXCLUSIVE: Twitter Shadowbanning ‘Real and Happening Every Day’ Says Inside Source

Twitter Censorship: What Is Shadow Banning?

What Is Shadow Banning On Twitter? Former Employees Say It Exists

Watch Ex-Twitter Employees Brag About ‘Shadow Banning’ Political Opinions They Don’t Like

This next one is James O’Keefe and who doesn’t love him??

UNDERCOVER VIDEO: Twitter Engineers To “Ban a Way of Talking” Through “Shadow Banning,” Algorithms to Censor Opposing Political Opinions

More from James O’Keefe

Is Twitter Shadowbanning me?

Scott Adam’s follow up from Twitter contact

Of course when you read that last one, keep in mind that now we know Twitter lied about this.

And then you have things like who and what Twitter decides is a threat or objectionable.

Let’s take the case of IsraellyCool for example. Israelly Cool is a great web site, I learn very important things from Aussie Dave, who is now Ozraeli Dave.

Important things like:

Handy guide to who is responsible for your missing items:


Socks= CIA

Car keys=MI5

Reading glasses=Illuminati


The above is related to this little incident. But he is a very good pundit, he has serious columns as well.

So, why do I bring up IsraellyCool? He got suspended from Twitter. Why? He re-tweeted a virulently anti-semitic tweet and commented on it. And it wasn’t in agreement either. He did this four years ago. So he appealed. He thought perhaps it was some kind of AI that had flagged one of his 41,000 tweets/retweets. So he appealed. And got back a response

In other words, someone read over my appeal – in which I explained what I was doing with tweets like the above – and yet still decided to reject it. Furthermore, I stand to have my account suspended for good – I cannot, after all, find all such old tweets and start furiously deleting (I have tweeted over 41,000 times).

So four years ago he re-tweeted a anti-semitic threat, and he’s done this more than once and four years ago…..crickets. Now he gets turned in for it. Presumably the anti-semite who tweeted it is still doing fine. IsraellyCool is not the only one fighting anti-semitism that Twitter has suspended. They also suspended Canary Mission with 20,000 followers at the time. Their sole purpose is to out anti-Semites who proudly post death threats against Jews on social media so the whole world can see. One of them was a dental assistant. I really hope she doesn’t get hired. Yesh.

Twitter apparently has trouble with telling good from evil.

Peaceful not Peaceful a primer for Twitter staff









Shall we discuss Facebook facial recognition programs?

Facebook is using billions of Instagram images to train artificial intelligence algorithms

Facebook is starting to tell more users about facial recognition

Facebook facial recognition faces class-action suit

How to Turn Off Facebook’s Face Recognition Features

Who owns your face? Weak laws give power to Facebook

Beijing bets on facial recognition in a big drive for total surveillance

Tracking anyone?

A Facebook employee asked a reporter to turn off his phone so Facebook couldn’t track its location — and it reveals a bigger problem within the company

Facebook’s Tracking Of Non-Users Sparks Broader Privacy Concerns

Facebook Is Tracking You! Here’s How to Stop It

One way to stop Facebook from tracking you and serving you creepy ads

Facebook’s tracking of non-users ruled illegal again

Mozilla Launches ‘Facebook Container’ Extension To Block Facebook Tracking

Facebook was tracking your text message and phone call data. Now what?

And how about Facebook suppressing conservative news?

Former Facebook Workers: We Routinely Suppressed Conservative News

Report: Facebook Suppresses Conservative Outlets, Amplifies ‘Black Lives Matter’

Facebook curators say site suppresses conservative news

Former Facebook staffers say conservative news is deliberately suppressed

So, have you hit techie overload? Don’t get me wrong. I love my technology. I’m playing with putting Linux on a hybrid laptop, again. Still. Whatever. But I want technology to work for me, not against me.

So what to do, what to do. They are the big guys, they do get to run their show their way. We however, are Partisans. Do we give up? Oh HECK NO! If there appears to be a big beaver dam standing in our way, we can go the back roads around it or, blow the dam.

So, we have added to our social media choices. If you feel that you are not seeing as many stories from The Zelman Partisans, you might want to get an account at Gab.ai or Mewe.com Actually, you might want to anyway.

First I’ll tell you about Gab.ai

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gab_(social_network) Gab

This is from their preamble

Gab’s mission is to put people and free speech first. We believe that the only valid form of censorship is an individual’s own choice to opt-out. Gab empowers users to filter and remove unwanted followers, words, phrases, and topics they do not want to see in their feeds.

What a concept, huh? You can find us on Gab at https://gab.ai/TheZelmanPartisans

TheZelmanPartisans no spaces in between the words.

Then thank you to our wonderful Jo Ann, we have an account on mewe.com and there are some news clippings on what they are about.

Fox news interviews Mark Weinstein CEO and Founder of Sgrouples (it sounds like “scruples” when you say it) — World’s Private Social Network


And this comes from a review of the mewe platform

MeWe is a social networking site that remains to need lots of improvements and updates. However, despite of glitches, it is still a very promising platform that values user privacy and offers a wide variety of privacy options for everyone.

In conclusion, MeWe is a safe social networking site that you should check out and try especially if you are interested in sharing and communicating with your friends and loved ones without compromising your personal privacy.

You can find us on MeWe by searching for The Zelman Partisans. This time there are spaces between the words.

Both platforms are free to join and privacy and free speech seems to be what they want to be known for. Yeah, I’m good with that! #WayCool.


Rally Ho

Yeah, it’s a little take off on “Tally Ho”, the old fox hunting call stating the quarry has been sighted. I was recently lucky enough to attend a Second Amendment rally. It’s been quite a while since I’ve been to one. I used to go every year to the big rally held in my state’s lovely Capitol building. But then, well, life, etc. and so I haven’t gone for a few years. And that’s bad. We had a decent size crowd, nowhere near what it was back when concealed carry was originally the big push. Then the rotunda was packed. My state’s concealed carry was pushed back by the helpful NRA’s interference, which is another story. But finally it passed, and was promptly vetoed by a Demoncratic governor. The veto was overridden, and that whole saga is another story as well, but those days the capitol was packed with us “gun nuts”. There have been some years where the crowd was very meager. But we all listened to fantastic speakers, and were so very fortunate as to have two famous book authors among them. Bills that needed our support were discussed. The big ticket item everyone wanted this year was elimination of legally mandated target rich environment zones, also known as “Gun Free Zones”. By that I mean if a store wants to post a “gun free, come on in criminal” sign they are more than welcome to do so. Nothing is stopping them. But while this column is a couple years old, before the most recent gun free zone killings, the details all remain. And nicely discount some progressive publications saying that no criminal has every picked a target because it was “gun-free”. They have. This one is interesting as well. Here’s How Many Lives Were Taken in Just 8 Armed Attacks in Gun Free Zones.

But other states have suffered as a result of putting total faith in the NRA rating system. Recently no less. How Vermont’s NRA A-rated governor was ‘shocked’ into backing new gun laws

Surrounded by gun-control opponents heckling him outside the Vermont State House on Wednesday, Gov. Phil Scott (R) signed into law the most restrictive gun-control measures in the state’s history.

While some had come to thank him, Scott knew that many there who voted for him based in part on his A-grade rating from the NRA were “disappointed and angry” with him, he said.

Some yelled “Traitor!” and “BS!” as he tried to assure them that the laws he was about to sign were not intended to “take away your guns — period.” Others told him he had lost their votes and brandished signs that said “One Term Gov” and “Not My Governor.”

But it was clear from his remarks that Scott had already considered all of that.

Well, alrighty then. The NRA Got Harry Reid Re-Elected.

School attacks concern everyone. But we certainly have different ideas on how to stop them. Conservatives think making the prey less easy to attack works well in many real life situations. That’s why folks call the police and hope they don’t have Coward County Sheriff Scott for law-enforcement. But it takes time for them to get there, even if they do come in. So why not let teachers fight back rather than die trying to hold a door shut?

Well, for one. Insurance companies don’t want to cover it. They claim they aren’t anti-gun, just afraid they’ll lose money.

Oh, some are in favor of arming the teachers, so they can fight back. With a bucket of rocks, or A district armed its teachers with tiny baseball bats, urging them to fight back in a shooting

It’s like their brains say, “hmm, well, leaving them defenseless isn’t working.” So some of them double down on stupid, and say they don’t want armed guards, no guns near schools. And some say, well, we need to give them a chance to do something besides beg for mercy when there is none. So we’ll give them tiny little souvenir baseball bats. Nothing that could be construed as a weapon of course, because we are a weapon free safe zone, well, safe for armed criminals of course. School kids? Meh, not so much.

I think the answer is gun free zones liability act. Your school chooses to be gun free and your child is harmed? Mental anguish, you sue the heck out of the school district. Let the insurance companies pay, because most assuredly the parents and students will be paying the rest of their lives. However long they may be.

But enough about the NRA, and the bill to decrease easy targets.

I could go to rally, yes, it was a bit of a drive but not that bad. I realize there might be people not all that happy to see me, but thought it would be good to see old friends and show support. Not every gal gets that chance. Marion Hammer, the NRA’s top lobbyist in Florida, didn’t attend a public hearing on a gun ordinance because of death threats. And NRA spokesman Dana Loesch has certainly received more than her fair share of threats, including raping her to death, and hunting down her and her children and assaulting them.

Why is it, all the “stop the violence” “give peace a chance” “end gun violence” people are so, well, violent? Wanting to physically harm and dominate physically smaller and weaker people with whom they disagree? And progressives wonder why we need to be armed? I don’t think they really do, I think they just want to manipulate citizens into defenselessness. But all this business about posting pictures of her house? She ended up moving. I don’t blame her. Wonder how they know some of this stuff? Because I’m pretty sure she didn’t give them her address and invite them over for coffee.

Interesting you should ask in light of other hearing that have been going on at another “Crapital”. Yes I will explain that later.

Yes, I’m referring to the hearing currently going on in Jefferson City about the massive amount of data collection Facebook has been doing. I heard a radio host ask an interesting question lately. If Facebook is free, and they don’t collect and sell our data, or give it away, how did Zuckerberg get to be such a rich man off providing a “free” service and web site? Good question. They can’t, at least they can’t in Europistan. Facebook’s Dirty Little Secret

Here’s the proof. This month, the European Court of Justice, the European Union’s highest court, handed down a ruling that stops Facebook from collecting digital information about non-Facebook users. Wait, what? Yes, Facebook collects information about the online activities of users and non-users alike. Any site that has a Facebook “Like” button plays peek-a-boo with your private information. According to Facebook, that button along with the “Share” one are on almost 10 million websites and used 4.5 billion times every day.

But Zuckerberg didn’t want it to end there.

Facebook’s secret operation to access medical records

According to sources close to the project, Facebook planned to collect information about age, diseases, prescribed medications and visits to the hospitals. This data could be combined with the information that Facebook knows about its users: marital status, language preferences, activity in the community and etc. After the Cambridge Analytica and the call-data collection scandals, this crazy medical data gathering project seem to be even more ludicrous.

Oh well, it’s not like insurance companies are anti-freedom and anti-self-defense, right?

Kaiser Permanente to launch $2 million gun violence research effort

It’s not like Facebook would ever use any of your posts, like about going to a Second Amendment rally, or anything to turn you in to your anti-gun insurance company is it? And it’s not like your anti-gun insurance company would ever turn you in to the FBI because you take one of the drugs your doctor says you should take, but ex-medical expert barry obama said you shouldn’t be allowed to own a gun if you do.

A friend of mine asked an interesting question in response to the Kaiser article I posted.

Trivia for you. How did the Germans know who to round up for the death camps. After all you can’t see Jewish, and a lot of Jews are notorious non practitioners. So how the brown shirts know? Hint: If you are dying in a hospital how do the know to send a Priest, Rabbi, witch doctor or Baptist Minister? Bonus Hint: Germany had a “better” national health care system in 1898 than the U.S. does now. Be afraid of those who control your medical records and what they put in it.

Kind of goes along with the gun confiscations we’re seeing on “Mental health” grounds doesn’t it? The ones without due process.

So, if you’re feeling like a bit of activism at the moment, you can go to Gun Owners of America and send letters to your state’s congress critters. Here is their article.

Legislative Proposals to Confiscate Guns are Sweeping Through the Country You might want to do a pre-emptive strike since the NRA may be “helping”.

In addition, NRA has reportedly entertained support for some form of these bills, although it is not clear where they would draw the line.

And here’s a direct link to the letter. Stop Gun Confiscation Orders In Your State

So, about the “Crapital” comment. A friend of mine at rally has two boys. Young, I’m guessing 8 and 4 years maybe? Hey, it’s not like horses where you can check their teeth! But the oldest one calls the Capitol, the “Crapitol” out of the mouths of babes. These are awesome kids. We sent a couple messages back and forth on Face (the spy who hates me) book and he relayed his visit to his legislative rep. The man turned to:

Leif and asks if this is his first time at the Crapital and Leif responds “This is my fourth RALLY” and points to Hakon and says “it is his third”.

These are kids that will grow up valuing freedom. Because they know it takes work. So when your state has a Second Amendment rally? Take the day off, go. When our side has a dismal turn out it does not bode well. Many of the legislators with less than pure motives respond not to what’s right, but to who has the most votes to offer. And I will tell you I was told that Mad Mommies in their little red shirts are at the Crapitol every week. Every week. Handing out Bloomberg disarmament talking points. We’ve got to suit up and show up. I don’t plan to miss another one. Lobbyists get a bad rap, but unless you can take time off work every week, it helps for your grassroots Second Amendment group to have one to watch out for you. And that’s my last point, do, please find your local grassroots Second Amendment group and join and get involved. Very often they are the ones doing the heavy lifting on these good pro-freedom pro-gun bills. But for now? You can send a letter for free.


Extreme Risk Facebook Use

I’ve warned about the dangers of due process-free “Extreme Risk Protection Orders. The lack of said due process, the way pretty much anyone can get one, the way the target isn’t allowed to know until it’s too late, the potential for abuse.

Let’s look at one of those points again: he way pretty much anyone can get one. It varies by state, but generally anyone who sort of knows the target can get one. Truly sucks if the requestor was simply trying to get his target disarmed, the better to kill or injure him with impunity.

Anyone who sort of knows the target…

Like Facebook.

Facebook rolls out AI to detect suicidal posts before they’re reported
“This is about shaving off minutes at every single step of the process, especially in Facebook Live,” says VP of product management Guy Rosen. Over the past month of testing, Facebook has initiated more than 100 “wellness checks” with first-responders visiting affected users. “There have been cases where the first-responder has arrived and the person is still broadcasting.”(emphasis added-cb)
Facebook’s tools then bring up local language resources from its partners, including telephone hotlines for suicide prevention and nearby authorities. The moderator can then contact the responders and try to send them to the at-risk user’s location, surface the mental health resources to the at-risk user themselves or send them to friends who can talk to the user.

Gee, I can’t see any possible way that could go wrong. Except when it does. A lot.

But assuming you survive the wellness/welfare check, what’s next? We have Facebook notifying the authorities that a person is suicidal; is that going to trigger an ERPO?

Perhaps not under most current laws just now — though several have been written to allow police to file for an order when they become aware of a situation — but given the fad for minority reports predictive policing, and for mental health tests for gun ownership, I figure it’s merely a matter of time before the Pelosis of the statist world take note of Facebook’s snooping and require a FB report to trigger an ERPO. Just to be sure.

Unfortunately, after TechCrunch asked if there was a way for users to opt out, of having their posts a Facebook spokesperson responded that users cannot opt out. They noted that the feature is designed to enhance user safety, and that support resources offered by Facebook can be quickly dismissed if a user doesn’t want to see them.

Quickly dismissing the “first-responders” kicking in your door may be a little more difficult. Dismissing a gun-siezure ERPO is effectively impossible.

But the spokesman is wrong. There is an opt-out: drop Facebook for your own protection. True, FB permanently archives your account contents in case you ever want to come back, but at least you can avoid the near real-time telescreen psych monitoring.
