Tag Archives: George Alan Kelly

If A Tree Falls In The Forest

You know the old saying, if a tree falls in the forest and there is no one around to hear it, does it make a sound? Or something like that…

If a right exists but it is ignored or not acknowledged, is it still a right?

This is a long clip from Tucker Carlson from a few days ago, but it all applies to the Second Amendment, and almost equally as important is how it is being respected in America’s judicial system.

Or not respected would be more accurate.

Here is more on the Arizona court case Tucker referred to, the one decided by an elected swamp dweller named Emilio Velasquez, the “judge” who isn’t even a lawyer. UPDATE: The Disturbing Details in Case of Illegal Alien Allegedly Killed by Arizona Rancher they also mention the illegal alien had been deported multiple times.

Tucker talked about how “Go Fund Me” a leftist social justice site that helped bail out anti-American activists from antifa and BLM to allow them to continue to burn down private property, public property and attack remote and disinterested parties. But absolutely will not allow funds to be raised for the elderly rancher who defended his family and property. Because….wait for it….violence. Leftist hypocrisy at it’s finest. They are the same piece of crap group that stole the money raised to help the Canadian truckers. They’re the left, they steal, that’s how they roll.

Tucker didn’t mention it, but there is another, more responsible, fund raising group out there, it’s called “Give Send Go”. They have several campaigns running right now by people trying to raise money to help the man. https://www.givesendgo.com/site/search?text=George+Alan+Kelly

I’m hoping family and neighbors are helping the poor wife out. That poor poor woman, my heart hurts for her. Perhaps since illegals aren’t an issue for the “Honorable Emilio G. Velasquez” 2160 N. Congress Drive Suite 2100 Nogales, AZ 85621, may I humbly suggest to Customs and Border Patrol I’ve found a couple of new places to park illegal aliens to be processed, the other is his house as the left has shown us that people hanging out around judge’s homes these days really isn’t a “deal”. I bet the Judge would be delighted to help process a few million illegals, maybe put them up for a few nights with his family, till their paperwork is processed.

He might want to consider adding an addition to his house…

Nicaragua has freed 222 political prisoners and sent them to the U.S.

The government of Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega has released 222 political prisoners and put them on a flight to Washington, D.C., officials in both countries said Thursday.

My buddy in Nicaragua said basically they are emptying out the jails. The above report is from npr, so take it with a 50 lb block of salt, I imagine they are sending lots of other prisoners here who have no connection to opposing Ortega. But being npr, they wouldn’t speak about that.

Tip of the Stetson to my buddy Steve for the info.

A recent report from Michael Yon Heart Dump From the Frontlines speaks about the invasion force already in the US, and on it’s way courtesy of Biden and the Demoncrats.

This is an obvious invasion force. Most of them likely have no idea yet. As a former Green Beret, and having spent many years in many wars and conflicts, and an equal time with nose in history books — this all is amazingly clear.

My estimation: They will later be armed with phones. Many will be assembled in camps within USA. Most will be left to the wilds.

They will be indoctrinated to hate white folks — including Asians, and anyone else seen as ‘white’, such as blacks who are not wildly racist against whites. When Stalin did similar in Ukraine before and during the great famine, this phase of genocide was called “kulakisation.” They labeled people they wanted to exterminate as ‘kulaks.’ Jews will be familiar with the process. Historically speaking, this is common. In America, you are labeled racist.

These terms generally are fuzzy and made to velcro onto anyone for anything. People who were weaponized against kulaks, Jews, and so many others in history, are made to hate the target group. And they are armed and without rules. After they are ready and armed, their food will be cut off.

I doubt it’s just me that thinks Mr. Kelly in Arizona had darn good reason to shoot the many times deported illegal alien. And if the Biden crime regime had done their work, he’d be alive as he wouldn’t have been back in the U.S. I won’t even get into (at least in this column) what else is coming in. But I’ll just give one word, Haitians. The ones the Dominicans build walls against.

Meanwhile in Israel, with the election of more candidates from the right, the country might take a turn for the more logical, survivable pathway. Police Chief Rabbi: Rabbis should advise congregants to carry legal firearms on Shabbat

The Chief Rabbi of the Israel Police penned an open letter on Tuesday addressed to rabbis throughout Israel urging them to advise their congregants to carry legal and licensed firearms on Shabbat.

In his letter, Rabbi Rami Brachyahu said that this measure was necessary in the wake of the recent terrorist attack in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Neve Yaakov in which seven people were murdered outside of a synagogue where most did not carry arms because of the Shabbat..

5 suspects tied to Jerusalem synagogue massacre

Jerusalem terrorist’s mother, uncle, and three others arrested after deadly shooting suspected of being involved in the attack.

Deport them, to Jordan the day after they are convicted. They do not go home, they do not collect their $200 and they do not pass go. Their home is destroyed and their entire families (extended) are deported with them. Do this for a couple years, just give it a shot, then we’ll see how things are, shall we?

I think National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir is the best thing since chocolate and peanut butter mixed.

Ben Gvir after attack: I ordered Operation Defensive Shield 2 in eastern Jerusalem

National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir on Friday afternoon said he had instructed the Commissioner of Israel Police and senior officials in the Jerusalem District to prepare for “Operation Defensive Shield 2 in eastern Jerusalem” starting on Sunday.

“The purpose of the operation is to fight and root out terrorism, to reach the terrorists’ homes and to stop terrorism before it comes to carry out attacks,” said a statement issued by Ben Gvir’s office.

The statement, which was published just before the start of Shabbat in Israel, followed the deadly terrorist attack in the Ramot neighborhood of Jerusalem, in which two people were murdered and five were injured.

Not backing down: Ben-Gvir determined to launch operation in eastern Jerusalem

National Security Minister Itamar repeated his intentions on Saturday evening to launch a significant operation in eastern Jerusalem to quell terrorism.

“I am determined to launch ‘Operation Defensive Sheild 2’ in Jerusalem. To those officials who are speaking against me: the police have the authority to demolish illegal houses, arrest over 150 suspected terrorists, raid houses, stop the incitement in the mosques, detain those who owe taxes, and more. The security cabinet is important, and I will request additional things there, but governance is crucially important, and I will make sure it stays that way,” Ben-Gvir wrote on social media.

Ben Gvir reprimands police district commander after violent Jerusalem protest

National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir on Thursday evening summoned the commander of the Jerusalem District of the Israel Police to reprimand him in the wake of what he described as “the loss of control of the police in the capital city to a group of anarchists”, during a protest of left-wing activists led by the Crime Minister movement.

“The Jerusalem Police lost control over the anarchists. An incident in which burning tires were set on fire near the Prime Minister’s Residence, Highway 1 was blocked, and light rail traffic was blocked – these are all extremely serious incidents in which police and security forces were on the scene, but were explicitly instructed not to enforce the law and not to confront the rioters,” said Ben Gvir.

Sic ‘em Itamar!! The left is having hissy fits over Ben Gvir. I think I’m in love.

For too long decent men and women in law-enforcement, and yes I think there are some, have been told to yield the rights and safety of law-abiding citizens to the mob. The people just trying to get to work and home are made to suffer so the left can virtue signal, threaten and intimidate. The people paying taxes are made into a slave class. They finance the very government that turns against them, their safety and their rights.

What were those law enforcement officers standing against the wall thinking as elderly Mr. Kelly asks to be able to speak to his wife? Why are there so many of them in the room? Why aren’t they out rounding up illegals so the landowners don’t need to worry about the safety of themselves, their families and their livestock? Nope, those young men are safe inside a nice building watching a elderly man they failed who used his G-d given rights, his rights acknowledged by Arizona. His rights ignored by a piece of crap named Emilio Velasquez. But here’s the thing Emmy, I can call you Emmy right? Life has a way of making things right, sometimes, not always, but sometimes.

Our Parsha yesterday was Yitro, Exodus 18:1-20:23. Yitro is Jethro, Moshe’s father in law, who was a very learned man. There is a teaching that says when Pharaoh decided he wanted to thin out and kill off part of the Jews he was unsure of which course of action to take. Pfizer didn’t have a shot available yet, so he turned to his trusted advisers. Three of them actually. Balaam, Job, and Yitro. Balaam recommended genocide, said he could put in a call to Fauxci for him if Pharaoh liked? A very evil man. Job was silent, he remained silent in the face of evil. Yitro said “No only NO, but HELL NO!! This here is flat evil and I’m not having any part of it!” And he fled to Midian. Balaam is later killed in a war with Israel. Job, was punished for his silence with his many trials and tribulations later. Yitro later became Moshe’s father-in-law and was a very righteous man who’s search for G-d ended when he found the G-d of his son-in-law. Great Midrash (teaching) isn’t it??

Are you following this Emmy? Life has a way….

But Yitro was more than a man in search of the one true G-d in our history. Yitro had a huge impact on the future legal system. From the Second reading of the Parsha for last week:

13It came about on the next day that Moses sat down to judge the people, and the people stood before Moses from the morning until the evening.

14When Moses’ father in law saw what he was doing to the people, he said, “What is this thing that you are doing to the people? Why do you sit by yourself, while all the people stand before you from morning till evening?”

15Moses said to his father in law, “For the people come to me to seek God.

16If any of them has a case, he comes to me, and I judge between a man and his neighbor, and I make known the statutes of God and His teachings.”

17Moses’ father in law said to him, “The thing you are doing is not good.

18You will surely wear yourself out both you and these people who are with you for the matter is too heavy for you; you cannot do it alone.

19Now listen to me. I will advise you, and may the Lord be with you. [You] represent the people before God, and you shall bring the matters to God.

20And you shall admonish them concerning the statutes and the teachings, and you shall make known to them the way they shall go and the deed[s] they shall do.

21But you shall choose out of the entire nation men of substance, God fearers, men of truth, who hate monetary gain, and you shall appoint over them [Israel] leaders over thousands, leaders over hundreds, leaders over fifties, and leaders over tens.

22And they shall judge the people at all times, and it shall be that any major matter they shall bring to you, and they themselves shall judge every minor matter, thereby making it easier for you, and they shall bear [the burden] with you.

23If you do this thing, and the Lord commands you, you will be able to survive, and also, all this people will come upon their place in peace.”

G-d gave us a beautiful world, he gave a contract, that if followed, we could live in harmony with each other and he will dwell among us. The left hates that, they want the worship due to G-d and they want to push him as far out of his world as possible.

But these rights? They still come from G-d, they left may act as though they give and take them, but that’s not how it will end up. They can ignore our rights, they can act as though they don’t exist. But G-d gave them to us, their opinion does not nullify his gifts.

Even if I had a crystal ball, it would probably look more like a shaken snow globe right now, things are so crazy, but here, here is one thing I know. There are elements within the legal system in Israel that are starting to stand for the rule of law, there are elements of the legal system within America and I think the good people of both have about had their fill of being used and abused by a corrupt legal system. Emmy the non-lawyer is an elected official. I hope the people of Arizona can do better. I’d like to see Emmy removed from office, tomorrow. You know, in the Second reading above, God fearers, men of truth, who hate monetary gain, I’m very curious, who paid for Emmy’s campaign? Does Emmy have any other source of income? See, there is a reason Yitro said that. We already know Emmy isn’t worried about G-d. So, monetary gain?

But no matter what, corrupt legal system or no, rights come from G-d. אין עוד מלבדו

There is none but him.
