Tag Archives: green pass


So I have no idea what happened to the first part of this column. YESH, here is the missing part. But honestly, after I put this up, I found some more things to add in. Still don’t know how I managed to lose the first part.

Ah, breaker one-nine, this here’s the Rubber Duck. You gotta copy on me, Pig Pen, c’mon? Ah, yeah, 10-4, Pig Pen, fer shure, fer shure. By golly, it’s clean clear to Flag Town, c’mon. Yeah, that’s a big 10-4 there, Pig Pen, yeah, we definitely got the front door, good buddy. Mercy sakes alive, looks like we got us a convoy…

Sometimes it can seem like everything in the deck is stacked against us. U.S. We’ve got a piece of crap dementia ridden head of a crime family occupying our White House. Elections have consequences, stolen elections more so, eh? We have “intelligence agencies” that need to be called something else. I have lots of helpful suggestions, but that’s not what this column is about.

This is about fighting back. There is something going on all across the world right now. People are waking up to the evil that governments have decided to impose on their serfs. It seems to me that people are picking what they feel most strongly about and standing up and fighting back. Some of them very eloquently.

So let’s take a look at some current events and draw hope, shall we?

First up, the Germans have had enough of the tyranny imposed by their government; mask mandates, lock downs, do this, don’t do that.

Thunder Ridge High School students have had enough of the ridiculous mask mandates, they walked out.

And in an astonishing coincidence /snark Legend High School students walked out the very same day over the very same thing!

With a very clear message: ‘If you’re scared, stay home’: Denver-area high schoolers walk out of class over mask mandate

Speaking of students, a whole lot of parents have flat had enough of the “woke” “progressive” agenda of turning students into future Communists. When Project Veritas exposed a antifa teacher who’s plan was to threaten and intimidate the students into being revolutionaries the rose up on their hind legs. The school districts initial response

Chris Evans, Natomas Unified School District Superintendent: “As of today, this teacher [Gabriel Gipe] was placed on paid leave because of his actions and choices in the classroom. Natomas Unified will be taking the legally required next steps to place the teacher on unpaid leave and fire the teacher. By taking a day and a half to investigate beyond the video, the district was able to learn more facts essential to the next steps.”

And then the parents showed up at the school board meeting….he’s fired. They wanted him out right now, not in a week, two weeks, whatever.

But it’s not just antifa teachers, and actually I bet there are more of those than we could imagine. It’s Critical Race Theory. And parents have had enough of it. They are showing up at school board meetings like never before. Apparently a lot of parents were like mine, who thought they could trust the educational system. Back in my day, they probably could without too many repercussions, but not so today.

Here’s a really good one.

But there are lots of them! https://duckduckgo.com/?q=parents+speaking+out+against+critical+race+theory&t=brave&iax=videos&ia=videos

And then there is the mandatory jab, vaccine mandates. Not surprisingly to me anyway, a lot of healthcare workers do not want to be injected with the mRNA experimental shot. Isn’t it weird, a year ago when there was no injection it was “Healthcare heroes”, “Frontline workers” now doing the exact same job, wearing the same PPE (personal protection equipment) for some reason hospitals are so frantic to get this substance into their former “heroes” they will fire them if they don’t submit. Guess all that “essential” stuff was B.S. right? Kind of weird isn’t it, one would think that hospital workers, especially the frontline variety would be begging for the injection. Yet, they aren’t. Wonder why that would be. And many that have taken it were threatened, or bribed with chances to enter lotteries with thousands of dollars. You know, like every other injection in history for a disease with a 99% + survival rate. Sorry, I got off topic there. Anyway, they aren’t sitting down and taking it quietly either!

Thousands protest vaccine passports outside hospitals across B.C.

Nurses protest mandatory COVID-19 vaccines for health care workers

Health care workers protest vaccine mandate at local hospitals

New Yorkers want the tyranny to end, a helpful aside to our New York brethren, stop electing frickin’ Communists, this is what they do! If it’s got a D behind it’s name don’t vote for it because if there were honesty in advertising it would be a C for communist!

New York teachers don’t want the mandated jab either

And then there is the “green pass” the modern version of “papers please” and if you don’t have it you will be denied entry to sporting events, movies, restaurants and even grocery stores to buy food!

I heard tell of a town in Russia where the mayor had passed a mandate, you had to be injected to go to many places in town. So the injected and the un-injected all banded together and nobody went anywhere! Within a week shop owners were calling the mayor and letting him have it. They were making no money, the mayor spewed out some political B.S. about how great the covid rates are and he repealed the mandate.

The French are boycotting restaurants demanding a “green pass” by having picnics in the street, lots of people eating their picnic suppers in front of empty or near empty restaurants. There’s video in the link.

There were protests in 250 French cities

A supermarket that banned un-injected people from buying food has found that isn’t working out as planned.


Then there is Daniel Schultz Precinct Committee Chairman Project you might consider.

In case you’re wondering why I called this column “Convoy”, in the penal colony of Australia, the truckers have had enough of threats of the jab and “green pass”.

Australia Truckie Protest Update – Road Closures Across the Country & Entrances to Sydney Blocked

They are bringing things to a standstill. And the mainstream media is silent.

Lots of everyday American people are finding things they can do, and I think that’s great because it lessens the feeling of helplessness.

There are election Audit groups in almost every state now, and they need people to be involved. I know they are on Telegram, but here’s their web site, https://t.me/s/americasauditforce

WOW: Thousands Of Trump Supporters Taking Over Local GOP Positions

This is from Lin Wood (attorney)

The enemy knows that Patriots in America are waking up, getting informed, and rising up.

The enemy is panicking.

The enemy is being forced to accelerate its nefarious plan to seize control of our country and our lives.

The enemy will lose. This is America. The enemy underestimated the will and spirit of American Patriots. We The People are the government.

So let’s keep engaging in guerrilla warfare against the enemy while we have the enemy on the run.

Use your money as bullets. STOP doing business with the enemy.

Use your voices and rights of free speech and freedom of assembly to organize rallies to demand forensic audits of the 2020 vote.

Use your voices and rights of free speech and freedom of assembly to organize protests where “elected” officials make public appearances or conduct public meetings. Drown them out with shouts of “traitor,” “communist,” or “fix it NOW!!!” Don’t let these traitors get in a word edgewise. Send them back to the swamps from which they emerged.

If an employer illegally fires you because you exercise your legal right to decline to wear a mask or take the jab to be part of a dangerous experimental medical treatment with an unknown and potentially lethal “vaccine,” stand on your rights. They cannot do business if enough employees refuse to be coerced and threatened. Shut them down. Then hire a honest lawyer (will take some time to locate one) and sue the employer for its wrongdoing.

Go to https://strikebackforfreedom.com/ and provide #StrikeBack the names of God-fearing Patriots and Patriot business with whom Patriots should do business. We need your information to populate the website.

Finally, your prayers are your nukes. Organize prayer meetings in your neighborhoods and communities. Prayer is the strongest of ALL weapons.

You can sign Senator Wendy Rogers’s petition to decertify the election SIGN THE PETITION TO DECERTIFY THE ELECTION

People are running for school boards and local offices, they are showing up at political meetings and forming citizen groups, and I don’t mean “Republican clubs”. Even a sizable number of what used to be Democrats want Joe “The Big Guy” Xiden impeached and the murder turtle said “no way”. No, I mean American Citizen, American Patriot clubs. Then build fires to hold elected officials feet to the fires. If they don’t tow the line, primary them. But the 2020 election needs to be audited or how can we ever have faith in another one?

So there are things ordinary citizens are doing. They are unwilling to sit by and watch our country circle the drain. These are just some ideas of things already happening. There is a spirit, there is is a movement that is beginning to sweep the world, it’s a battle of good vs evil. But there are a lot of us, and more waking up as opposed to being “woke” every day…was that an airhorn I just heard?

Ah, breaker one-nine, this here’s the Rubber Duck. You gotta copy on me, Pig Pen, c’mon? Ah, yeah, 10-4, Pig Pen, fer shure, fer shure. By golly, it’s clean clear to Flag Town, c’mon. Yeah, that’s a big 10-4 there, Pig Pen, yeah, we definitely got the front door, good buddy. Mercy sakes alive, looks like we got us a convoy…
