Tag Archives: judicial reform

Who’s Fault?

Yesterday was Tisha B’Av or the ninth of the month of Av. I’ve written about the 9th of Av or Tisha B’Av a few times.  But a quick refresher from Chabad.org 18 Tisha B’Av Facts Every Jew Should Know Just a bit

  1. Tisha B’Av Is the Saddest Day of the Jewish Calendar

Tisha B’Av, the 9th day of the month of Av (Jul. 26-27, 2023), is the saddest day on the Jewish calendar. Referred to by the prophet as “the fifth [month] fast,”1 it is second in severity only to Yom Kippur, which is mandated in the Torah.

  1. It Commemorates Several Tragic Events

Both Holy Temples in Jerusalem were destroyed on this date. The First Temple was burned by the Babylonians in 423 BCE and the Second Temple fell to the Romans in 70 CE, unleashing a period of suffering from which our nation has never fully recovered.

In fact, the tragedies of the 9th of Av predate the destruction of the Temples: this was the date upon which the spies returned from the Promised Land with frightening reports and the Israelites balked at the prospect of entering the land.

In 133 CE, the Bar Kochba revolt against the Romans ended in defeat. The Jews of Betar were butchered on the 9th of Av and the Temple Mount was plowed on the same date.

Later on in our history, many more catastrophic events happened on this day, including the 1290 expulsion of England’s Jews and the 1492 banishment of all Jews from Spain.

Also events that affected the whole world, as in the start of both world wars.

But this is more about why the temples were destroyed. As Rabbi Tovia says in the following clip, some will say the Babylonians did it (The First Temple) some will say the Romans did it (The Second Temple) but no, actually it was because of the hatred we had for each other.

Baseless hatred. This is probably something that should have a bit of rumination as both Israel and America are bitterly divided right now. There are similarities. The fomenting of hatred and division is coming from the left in both countries now and it’s reaching a fever pitch.

In Israel the division is manufactured by the left and financed by NGOs, the US State Department (tax dollars that haven’t yet been laundered in Ukraine) George Soros and the like. They have admitted that, just not the amounts. The vehicle chosen for this is something called “Judicial Reform” and it is sorely needed.

Moshe Feiglin made the comment recently that “The left would be willing to burn down the country just as long it would be them standing on top of the ashes proclaiming they’re taking over the power.”

The IDF like the American military has been taken over by the left. IDF doctors are also threatening to not show up to work. The IDF including the upper echelon are apparently willing to abandon their country for their devotion to the left, a country with no borders and a religion unto itself. Before American readers feel to smug about this, may I just say Mark Miley, Lloyd Austin and Rachel Levine? Those are strong military leaders? To the left the goal is to demolish the more conservative right, not protect their country.

I listened to a podcast recently and I really wanted to have this column done before the 9th of Av, but that didn’t happen.

So in case you don’t want to listen to the whole thing, here are my points. Judicial reform; in Israel no one including the left is questioning the results of the election they lost. They don’t use voting machines or have drop boxes. It was an honest election. The left lost as most knew they would. So the left does what the left does, they hold their activist Supreme Court so they know they can still get their way. The Israeli Supreme Court is not elected, the members of the Knesset are, by the people. The Knesset make the kind of laws they said they would when they were campaigning. For example, Israel has illegal invaders as well. The illegal invaders have made South Tel Aviv very dangerous, which is bad because that’s where the Central bus terminal is, but even without that, it’s scary. So, the Knesset passed a law, if you’re an illegal invader you no longer get Israeli tax dollars to support you. Go home. They were trying to remove some of the incentives for the illegal invaders to hang around. Yea!! At one time 80% of the Knesset has talked about judicial reform, including the left. The Israeli Supreme Court said nope you can’t do that. Think of a Supreme Court made up of Sotomayors, Jackson Brown, Kagen and the like. You know, useless stupid people that lie. Their whole court is like that. So really, the average Israeli citizens have no representation. Meanwhile the MSM and the leftwing Non-Governmental Organizations who flood Israel with money and influence have convince far too many citizens that their elected officials, that they voted for, being able to pass and implement laws is a threat to democracy. So they are out in the street disrupting lives and traffic, threatening law makers and generally acting the fool. And as Dr. Mordechai notes, the protests against the law and the attempt to overthrow the elected government was in place before the election even happened. It gets really interesting at 4:24 in. Ok, the whole thing is interesting.

In America, we have a President that has clearly betrayed our country. Every decision, every statement harms average Americans and aids either a country that has given his crime family large amounts of money or the illegal invaders flooding our country, many of them young single men of military age. How long before New York looks like France burning? Where and when will the first acts of terrorism occur that the left will try to use to limit the rights of law abiding citizens occur?

I recently heard or read a statement that a certain percentage of viewers of CNN and MSNBC are unaware of any of the Biden crime family’s activities. Unaware! And having in the past had a conversation with consumers of those type of “information” outlets I can tell you pretty confidently that any attempts to offer information or an alternative viewpoint will be met with a parrot like croak of “Fox news talking point”. That’s all they can say. Unless their quoting a medical paper written in Rolling Stone magazine. I’m not even making that one up.

Wayne Allen Root makes the case that the national divorce is already happening. That productive responsible citizens are fleeing blue states with their high taxes, crime, and corruption for red states. I’m sure they are, if they are fortunate enough to have the means to flee.

But it’s more about the mindset of those that choose to live in the left’s alternative reality where Hunter Biden, who has been selling access to his father for years is just a poor boy with a “problem” and his Dad the president is just standing by his son, “A father’s love” according to the harpies on The View and the left wing propaganda outlets. Nope, a corrupt family hanging together. And no matter how much evidence is presented, they will be unaware of it.

There is a reason for the divisive hatred boiling in both countries. And it’s all stemming from the left, they foment and feed it. And the propaganda arm disseminates it. Yes, neither country really has a functional military or an actual justice system. America is functioning more as a banana republic than a serious country at this point. But I find it incredibly sad that the day after the 9th of Av both countries are so bitterly divided, and in both countries,  it comes from the same direction. Both countries were founded on G-dly principles and the left is trying to destroy that as much as anything I think, as they try to take down both countries. Moshe Feiglin is correct and this bitter division has cost dearly before. Have we learned nothing? I believe, I truly do, we need to pray for Israel to accept their sovereignty and build the Third Temple. I think that would be a good first step in beginning to right the world.


Two Tears Justice

I know, I know, it should be two tiered justice system, but for my purpose, it’s two tears.

Pesach starts tomorrow night, the holiday when we celebrate G-d taking us from the slavery of Egypt to live in freedom, making a place for G-d in this world, and having a relationship with him. Pretty amazing stuff isn’t it? The creator of the universe wants to have a relationship with us. So after a series of miracles, the Egyptians can’t wait for us to leave. And for us, leaving behind a life of slavery, always working for someone else, for their benefit, never to enjoy the fruits of your own labor no matter how hard you work, no control over your own life, where you live, what you do. Somehow it just doesn’t stack up to living with a loving G-d who will later give the rules for living in such a way as to make him happy, and in so doing make ourselves happy.

One of the things that happened in the desert was Jethro, Moshe’s father-in-law, suggested a judicial system for the people. Wise judges would be appointed to solve disputes and problems, freeing up Moshe who was trying to do it all by himself. There were guidelines for being a judge.

Every judge was required to have the following seven attributes: wisdom, humility, awe of heaven, a loathing for money (even his own), a love for truth, the love of the people at large, and a good reputation.

In addition, to be appointed to the greater or lesser sanhedrin, one had to have achieved distinction in Torah knowledge and possess some knowledge of intellectual disciplines such as medicine, mathematics, calendar, astronomy, astrology and the teachings of idolatry, so that he would know how to judge cases concerning those fields. He could not be too old or childless when appointed, since someone with a family is more likely to be sympathetic and merciful. Members of the sanhedrin could be kohanim, Levites, or Israelites of fine pedigree.

As I watch our country’s judicial system disintegrate before our eyes with the weaponization of our justice system against ordinary Americans one can only look on with stunned horror.

In just the last week or so, Jacob Chansley (The Q anaon shaman in the buffalo horn hat) has been released from prison. Yea! It was in response to the segment Tucker Carlson did showing the video of the capitol police showing him around and opening doors for him. He’s been in prison for over two years. The demoncrat head of the senate Chuckie Cheese fought tooth and nail to keep those tapes from being released. Chuckie wants innocent people in prison. He then told FOX news to shut down Tucker showing the video, and I guess they did. The Bill of Rights has been thrown away with regards to the January 6th attendees. Jan 6th Prisoners – Detained and Forgotten and that article is over a year old. Not much has changed, a corrupt judge is not allowing prisoners access to the film that could help clear them as it did Jacob. The corrupt DOJ has said it’s getting ready to round up more. These people aren’t just political prisoners, they’re hostages. In the middle ages when they took hostages, it was to ensure a certain behavior of the group of people the hostage came from. You act up? We kill your uncle. In this case, they want everyone to see the injustice. They want the whole world to know if people dare assemble to make a political point, or express an opinion the demoncrats will use the corrupt justice system to put you in jail and throw away the key. Literally. The left and the mainstream media (but I repeat myself) claim the political right are violent and to be feared, meanwhile on the left you have an elected demoncrat calling for murder. “Kill Everyone Now!” Wyoming Democrat Lawmaker Posts Video Calling for Politically Motivated Murders – Posts Threatening Photo on Social Media and she’s not the only demoncrat amused by violence towards the right. Biden Laughs at Violence and Transgender Vengeance. The left are the ones that celebrate and encourage wanton violence.

Or the corrupt demoncrat DOJ is just trying to lock up every potential Trump voter one by one. I guess when you can’t win elections because no one wants what you’re selling you resort to anything to hang on to power.

Which is probably why our former President Donald Trump was arrested. Even lawyers on the left have admitted the charges for basically entering an expense in the wrong column, for which the statute of limitations is long expired, and then trying to turn that into a felony. Well, who else has entered things into the wrong column? Oh John Edwards and Hillary Clintoon. Presidential Candidate John Edwards Acquitted On Campaign Finance Charge, Hillary Clinton Only Paid Fine for Violation and they actually did do something wrong.

So “Fat Alvin” Bragg has been turning violent criminals loose right and left, well, only the ones on the left really. Mayor Eric Adams gave a stern speech prior to people attending a rally in NYC in support of President Trump, about no violence or misbehaving….where was that speech two years ago when BLM and Antifa trashed sections of New York? Absent, he just let it happen and “Fat Alvin” did nothing but turn them loose. But there is one other crime “Fat Alvin” considers worthy of prosecution, self-defense. He sent a bodega worker to Riker’s Island for defending himself when an irate shoplifter tried to stab him to death, and now he was going to charge a parking lot attendant who was shot by an aspiring thief with attempted murder after the parking lot attendant managed to get the gun away from the man who just shot him, and use it to shoot his assailant. Alvin Bragg needs to face ethics charges. If nothing else for lack of. But not only is the prosecutor dirty, the judge needs to be recused. He was shopped for. The Judge Overseeing Trump’s Case Might Have a Major Conflict of Interest

I’ve heard this called the most blatant case of election interference ever. Not just by sane Americans either. By the President of El Salvador.

El Salvador President Nayib Bukele says America has lost all arguments when it comes to the concept of democracy in the midst of the Trump indictment and arraignment.

Last week when it was announced that President Trump would be indicted, Bukele put out a statement via social media that stated “Imagine if this happened to a leading opposition presidential candidate here in El Salvador”

He later added: “Sadly, it’ll be very hard for US Foreign Policy to use arguments such as ‘democracy’ and ‘free and fair elections’, or try to condemn ‘political persecution’ in other countries, from now on.”

Many many people no longer trust elections, and it’s more than obvious we can’t trust the justice system any longer. Our country is slipping away, and I shed a tear. We live in a place that takes the fruit of our labor from us and for their own personal financial gain ships it to foreign countries, hobbles our country with red tape and regulations, while allowing the collapse of it’s infrastructure. Many of us see clearly what’s happening, meanwhile the news readers and political commentators, a role that used to be filled by actual humorous comedians, are all gloating it’s demise to an audience that claps like trained seals as they hoot and jeer. They have no clue they are rejoicing the third heart attack of America. They don’t care about citizens or how bad it gets, so long as they “get Trump” They will stand there and applaud as the flames reach ever higher destroying even more. If they can’t control, they will happily burn it all down. That’s the left.

And it’s consistent the world over.

In Israel what is being billed as the “death of democracy”, familiar phrase, eh what, as the left and the mainstream media (but I repeat myself) calls judicial reform. The Israeli election system doesn’t function as ours does. For one they use paper ballots. But for another, you don’t vote for candidates. You vote for political parties. They party tells you their platform, what they stand for, what they will do for/to you and then gives you a list of their candidates in order. The more seats they win they more of their candidates get a seat in the Knesset. Then the Knesset who is responsible to the voters passes laws. If the voters don’t like what the party is doing in the Knesset they won’t get many votes in the next election. Which is why the right won so heavily this last election. People don’t like living with the result of leftist policies. Well, in American cities like Chiraq and NYC they must. Look at what they elect. But back to Israel. So the Knesset passes laws, then the Israeli Supreme Court says “nope, you can’t have that law, we don’t like it.” Huh. The Israeli supreme court isn’t done like our supreme court used to be done. In the old days the President would nominate someone who (hopefully) had a record of accurate adherence to the Constitution, since the job is determining how the case before them fits with the Constitution. Of course now Joe Xiden just nominate a stupid person that is the right color with the right anatomical features. Doesn’t matter if they are dumb as a box of rocks. But I sadly must point out, they got confirmed. But the Israeli Supreme court? No, those justices are nominated by other justices already on the court. And since the court has only left wing moon bats, who do you think they nominate? Yep, more left wing moon bats. So you have a small group of people that decide how things will be done in Israel, and the citizens have no recourse. They can’t vote them out of office. Pretty appalling, huh? Which begs the question why are the streets filled with people protesting taking power away from the supreme court and restoring it to the people and their elected representatives. A few reasons.

The mainstream media, the bat rabid left (often one in the same) have convinced the people that their elected representatives passing laws is a bad thing, and they are being paid. Sound familiar?

The left suffered a major defeat on election day so they decided that if they can’t run the country… there won’t be a country to run

Shmuel was part of Zehut, my fav Israeli political party.

Let’s get back to answering the question. There definitely is a serious problem in Israel, but it’s not what you think. I have spoken to many of the protestors and the overwhelming majority of them have no idea what “judicial reform” is all about. The original ones that started screaming a few months back had genuine objections about proposed changes to Israel’s judicial system but that expanded into something far bigger than the original protest. Today’s protests are organized by sore-losers who cannot accept defeat and realize that they will never win at the ballot boxes… so they took their supporters to the streets instead.


Had this been explained in a clear and simple way, the protest movement would have ended before it began. However, the government dismissed these protests as meaningless. However, the attorney general forbade Netanyahu from speaking on the issue, calling it a conflict of interest. Her conflict of interest was glossed over – after all, the plan reduced the authority of the most powerful figure in Israel’s judiciary except for the Chief Justice.

This was a gamechanger. The right also didn’t realize how well organized and, especially, how well funded the protestors were. People were being paid to attend these rallies – I know this for a fact; 250 shekel to attend the rally plus an additional 100 shekel for transportation expenses.

Sound familiar?

So who’s paying them? We are. The state department and probably some other various hidden sources from within the US government. Netanyahu Proclaims “Israel is a Sovereign Country” After Biden Regime Is Accused of Sponsoring VIOLENT INSURRECTION This Week

A ‘resistance’ coup just defeated Israeli democracy

A false narrative about Netanyahu’s “judicial coup” may achieve its goal of toppling him. But more than that, the consequences for future governments and U.S.-Israel relations are ominous

The left is the left is the left. The world over, they are all about power and control over people. They want them helpless and totally defenseless against them. There was a Heartland Institute and Rasmussen poll that was done in 2022, it was very revealing.

This poll highlighted just how authoritarian the left was becoming during Covid-19…

Among Democrat voters:

– 55% supported fines against the unvaccinated simply for refusing the jab.

– 59% supported permanent house confinement for anyone who refused to get vaccinated.

– 48% supported fines or PRISON for questioning vaccine efficacy on social media.

– 45% supported the government having the ability to put the unnvaccinated in “designed facilities” aka internment camps.

– 47% supported “a government tracking program” to monitor unvaccinated citizens.



Honest to goodness, I keep expecting Vicky Nuland to show up in Israel at a protest or the next Antifa/BLM riot and hand out bread and donuts like she did in Ukraine in 2014. Because both countries are undergoing what looks to be a color revolution.

The irony of citizens in both countries begging to be put back into slavery right before Pesach because they can not see the left for what it is, nor discern their lies saddens me greatly. If the left can’t control, they will burn it down.  I shed a tear for each of them. Two tears.

But Pesach is the time of miracles, a time for joy, and a time to rejoice freedom. I will pray and we will see if the time is right for G-d to send us more miracles. He can do so anytime he wants. May it be soon.
