Tag Archives: L’Shanah Tovah

Poll: Shanah Tovah

roshhashanahimagecroppedIt’s hard to believe it, but we’ve reached the second day of fall. It’s also that time again – the Jewish New Year, or Rosh Hashanah. It begins tonight, and it ends Tuesday evening.

It’s a time for reflection for Jews that culminates with the Jewish Day of Atonement, or Yom Kippur, during which observers reflect upon and repent for any sins of the previous year and consider the year ahead.

So as we consider the year ahead, what would you – our members, readers, and friends – like to see the Zelman Partisans do, achieve, or change?

Obviously, the list could be huge and exhaustive, so I’ve chosen a few possible answers. However, you also have an “other” option in which you can provide your own answer and maybe even give us some great ideas we haven’t thought of yet!

Feel free to explain your answer in the comments section. Let us know what you’d like to see and how you’d like to see our organization grow.

L’Shanah Tovah, y’all!
