Tag Archives: Mind control

Do You Mind? Mind Over Matter

Sometimes I see things as related, putting puzzle pieces together if you will, or perhaps its just a common thread, or threat as the case may be. You might want to grab some coffee, hopefully this won’t be boring, but it is long.

In this case, it’s the directions from which the left together with the pharmaceutical industry attacks the mind. In some cases they work together, in some separately, sometimes for a joint purpose, sometimes the purpose is different, but what it has in common is attacks on the mind.

The easiest example is the Wuhan flu debacle. The government seized control of people lives early on through fear, lies and deception. And some of them are quite proud of their work, she’s written a book about it. Dr. Deborah Birx admits being deceitful when recommending Covid strategies to Trump.

Despite not having adequate data, Birx pushed ahead with her plans to convince Trump and his advisors to go along with her mitigation plans. She writes that in March 2020, she met with the President, and her plan was to obfuscate her intentions for economic shutdowns, knowing that Trump was wary of anything that would tank the economy he had worked so hard to build.

“I couldn’t do anything that would reveal my true intention,” she writes, “to use the travel ban as one brick in the construction of a larger wall of protective measures we needed to enact very soon.” Trump’s team was more concerned about the impacts and potential for loss of lives to Americans of shutting society down. She blasts the administration for their concerns over the economy, concerns which have played out in real time to the point where the country could be facing devastating impacts, as is the globe.

We use mandates because we don’t want to explain. And she lies some more. Doesn’t she come across kindly and sincere? I’ve got a lot of information on the effectiveness of masks and the harms they cause. She’s lying.

But she’s proud she lied, she writes about it in her book

From Deborah Birx’s own hand.

But this isn’t just about the WuFlu debacle and it’s villains, it’s about how they accomplished what they did. I know someone who every time you attempted to give them information, data from another country, or anything scientific would get angry and chirp back “That’s a FOX news talking point”. Which is of course silly, as I don’t have cable, and she never watches FOX. But the idiocy of this never crossed the mind. I mentioned it to my cousin’s wife when we were chatting one day and she nailed it in one. She’s brainwashed. When they can’t form an argument, and can only respond with a phrase it’s a sign of brainwashing. This is someone I wouldn’t have thought would be all that easy to control that way, and I would have been wrong. She still believes the shots are 100% safe and effective, and masking will keep you safe. Those are her sincerely held religious beliefs.

I recently heard a pretty knowledgeable man, Michael Yon, a war correspondant, give a few books he recommended for reading, by everyone. One of them was The Rape Of The Mind by Joost A.M. Merloo 1956. He said if more people had read that book they could never have gotten away with the Covid charade. People would have seen through it. He said if you read that book, it will be much harder to gain control over your mind. SOLD! I haven’t finished it yet, but as I started reading what hit me was January 6th POWs. I’ve written about January 6th before, WHEN A LIE IS THE FIB and the inhumane conditions our prisoners are being subjected to. I thought the Demoncrats and the prison officials were just sadistic asses, but nope, because nothing is too inhumane when it comes to their quest for power. This includes human examples of fecal matter Liz Cheney of the war monger clan and Adam Kinzinger.

From Merloo

The Enforced Confession

During the Korean War, an officer of the United States Marine Corps, Colonel Frank H. Schwable, was taken prisoner by the Chinese Communists. After months of intense psychological pressure and physical degradation, he signed a well-documented “confession” that the United States was carrying on bacteriological warfare against the enemy. The confession named names, cited missions, described meetings and strategy conferences. This was a tremendously valuable propaganda tool for the totalitarians. They cabled the news all over the world: “The United States of America is fighting the peace loving people of China by dropping bombs loaded with disease spreading bacteria, in violation of international law.”

After his repatriation, Colonel Schwable issued a sworn statement repudiating his confession, and describing his long months of imprisonment. Later, he was brought before a military court of inquiry. He testified in his own defense before that court: “I was never convinced in my own mind that we in the First Marine Air Wing had used bug warfare. I knew we hadn’t, but the rest of it was real to me the conferences, the planes, and how they would go about their missions.”

“The words were mine,” the Colonel continued, “but the thoughts were theirs. That is the hardest thing I have to explain: how a man can sit down and write something he knows is false, and yet, to sense it, to feel it, to make it seem real.”

This is the way Dr. Charles W. Mayo, a leading American physician and government representative, explained brainwashing in an official statement before the United Nations: “…the tortures used…although they include many brutal physical injuries, are not like the medieval torture of the rack and the thumb screw. They are subtler, more prolonged, and intended to be more terrible in their effect. They are calculated to disintegrate the mind of an intelligent victim, to distort his sense of values, to a point where he will not simply cry out ‘I did it!’ but will become a seemingly willing accomplice to the complete disintegration of his integrity and the production of an elaborate fiction.”

The Schwable case is but one example of a defenceless prisoner being compelled to tell a big lie. If we are to survive as free men, we must face up to this problem of politically inspired mental coercion, with all its ramifications.


As more and more cases of thought control, brainwashing, and mental coercion were disclosed – Cardinal Mindszenty, Colonel Schwable, Robert Vogeler, and others – his interest grew. It was Dr. Meerloo who coined the word menticide, the killing of the spirit, for this peculiar crime.

What they are doing in the DC gulag is the same as the N. Koreans, the N. Viet Nam, the nazis and the communists. It’s torture and it’s done in a certain way to get the results they wanted. Anthony Fauxci’s student Deborah Birx did the same thing to American citizens with her lockdowns using rigged data. People were kept in close to solitary confinement, denied support systems of religious services, family gatherings and often work, if their job was deemed not to be essential. While I grant these days family gatherings might fall under the heading of torture themselves, that too is a result of Fauxci and Birx and their lies and deceptions to President Trump and the American people. America’s very own little Mengele twins with their experiments.

And follow the recipe as given by Merloo you get the result. From the left-wing rag The Daily Beast, Jordan Klepper Grills Jan. 6 Trump Supporter Who Confesses: ‘I Just Got Out of a Cult’

“I had never been to a protest event before the 2020 presidential election,” one man told Klepper. “I had become completely consumed. It took over my life. For three months, I slept in my car. I traveled from rally to rally, from #StopTheSteal event to #StopTheSteal event, for three months, sleeping in my car, going to see the evidence. And then I had to recover. I had PTSD. So, it took me a long time to find myself again. I feel like I just got out of a cult.”

The public confession.

On Tuesday, Republican Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene, Louie Gohmert, Matt Gaetz and Paul Gosar gave some insight into the horrific conditions Jan. 6 prisoners are allegedly being subjected to.

Greene said the prisoners are held in solitary confinement for 22 to 23 hours a day, according to the Post Millennial. She said prisoners with Celiac disease are getting sick because the only food they are offered contains gluten.

Other prisoners were forced to denounce former President Donald Trump and told that “their views are the views of cult members,” Greene said.

Apparently there are only four Republicans in all of the legislative branch.

But this gets really really ugly when you find out that there has been evidence all along exonerating the Proud Boys of any wrong doing. They’ve been in prison, being tortured and denied human rights when they were innocent.

TGP’s Cara Castronuova Joins Steve Bannon on the “War Room” to Discuss the Background Scoop on our EXPLOSIVE Jan. 6 Whistleblower DOCUMENT LEAK Exonerating Proud Boys and Trump Supporters!

Gateway Pundit Sends Official Letter to Liz Cheney: You Knew FBI Assets Confirmed Proud Boys Did Not Commit Sedition Yet You Suppressed the Information

TGP’s Jim Hoft Joins the War Room to Discuss the EXPLOSIVE Jan. 6 Whistleblower Report Exonerating Proud Boys and Trump Supporters

And at this point, another useless piece of human fecal matter joins the list, Chris Wray who has known all along that these men were innocent from one of his own people, and yet he has said nothing. Wray needs to be removed at once. He needed to be removed a long time ago.

Want to read the documents for yourself?

Look for further “confessions” in the future. These are examples of menticide, and the attacks are coming from the left.

But what about when the mind has been perverted through the pharmaceutical industry?


It took a tragedy on America’s birthday, and the death of seven people, to demonstrate once and for all that gun control doesn’t work. Shooter Bobby Crimo bought the murder weapon himself, legally, in Illinois, a state with some of the strongest gun control laws in the country. Red flag laws didn’t stop him. There’s no reason to think they would work anywhere else.

What’s more, the city of Highland Park passed a total ban on assault rifles in 2013. Around the time, Mayor Nancy Rotering bragged: “Banning assault weapons … is one common-sense action to reduce gun violence and protect our children and our communities from potential mass violence and grief.”


I saw the unmistakable signs of drug abuse. Crimo was a marijuana smoker—that was obvious. You can see how, over the years, heavily smoking weed turned his skin gray and hair dull. While marijuana use can ease anxiety, PTSD, and even perform miracles for epileptics, for others it can cause psychosis.

There was more to Bobby Crimo’s decline than just dope. In addition to self-medicating, it’s a safe bet that he was on prescription drugs. Crimo was a member of an online movement called the “Sad Boys,” men who defy stereotypes and share their mental health struggles online. Most have depression.

Crimo was known to police as they had been called to his family home multiple times after he made threats of suicide and murder. These are clear signs of depression.

27 per cent of teens aged 12 to 19 are on prescription drugs, most commonly something for ADD. Over 20 years old—the age range of many white male shooters—it switches to antidepressants. The numbers increase every year, as does the percentage of young people who say they’re depressed.


Our country is becoming fatherless and faithless, with a teaching workforce offended by masculinity and occasionally outright hostile to the sex and race of its students. Stir in decades of reflexive pill-popping culture, and we arrive at a dangerous moment in history: The tranquilization of the American male.

The whole article is fantastic, really. So this is pharmaceutical industry contributing, and leftist policies combined.

Fatherless Homes Linked to Mental Illness, Mass Shootings

He links the mass shootings in 53 developed countries to boys and men who lacked a father figure, and he specifically mentioned six mass shootings that have occurred in the United States in the 21st century.

“All six of those mass school shootings that have killed more than 10 people have been done by boys, and all six of them have been done by boys who have been ‘dad deprived,’ from Sandy Hook right on through to the Texas shooting,” Farrell said during a recent interview for EpochTV’s “American Thought Leaders” program.


He said that girls are growing up in the same environment as boys, with access to the same media, video games, and guns and dealing with the same mental health issues, but they aren’t committing any of the shootings.

This is the result of leftist policies. Remember the Julia movie put out by Barry Sotero to showcase the wonder of the failed social/medical experiment called “obamacare”? Men aren’t needed. Fathers aren’t needed in the leftist world.

The boys that committed these mass shootings at schools suffered from not having a caring, strong male role model. In addition to that, boys are often told their feelings don’t matter, which leads to emotional toxicity, said Farrell.

“Boys who are fatherless, very frequently they are not likely to have that postponed gratification that emanates from boundary enforcement. Therefore they start not doing as well in school,” said Farrell.

He said he’s talked to boys in high school, and the boys said what they learn about in school when it comes to male–female issues is toxic masculinity, without any understanding of the sacrifices that males made that led to that toxicity, as well as the concept of “the patriarchy,” said Farrell.

Farrell said boys are suffering because they are being told that their masculinity is bad.

“The world was not dominated by a patriarchy. It was dominated by the need to survive, and in order to survive, both males and females were restricted in their roles,” said Farrell, adding that feminism blames men for societal problems and does not take into account the sacrifices they make for their families.

Darn skippy says the girl who,s Dad was John Wayne, Roy Rogers every other good hero all rolled into one Dad. He wasn’t perfect, but as I became an adult I realized what sacrifices both Dad and Mom made for us kids.

But the left denigrates families. Burn Loot and Murder lionized by the left originally had on their web site as one of their goals the destruction of the nuclear family. So this aspect is leftist policies as well.

37 School Shooters/School Related Violence Committed By Those Under The Influence Of Psychiatric Drugs

Mass shootings and psychiatric drugs:

Fact: At least 37 school shootings and/or school-related acts of violence have been committed by those taking or withdrawing from psychiatric drugs resulting in 175 wounded and 82 killed (in other school shootings, information about their drug use was never made public—neither confirming or refuting if they were under the influence of prescribed drugs). The most important fact about this list, is that these are only cases where the information about their psychiatric drug use was made public. (See full list below)

The below list includes individuals documented to have been under the influence of psychiatric drugs and not only includes mass shootings, but the use of knives, swords and bombs. 27 international drug regulatory agency warnings cite side effects including mania, violence, psychosis and even homicidal ideation.

In my opinion, this is the pharmaceutical industry, ever greedy for a buck, causing harm with their “safe and effective” medications with no regard to the adverse events resulting. The left happily goes along with it, I suspect partly for the big donations they get from the pharmaceutical industry and partly because it gives them fodder for their gun grabbing campaign aided by their ever willing accomplices in the corporate media.

Mass Shootings: “The Common Denominator Was Psychotropic Medication” A little over 1 minute.

97.8 Percent of Mass Shootings Are Linked to This

While many have bought into the simplistic idea that availability of firearms is the cause of mass shootings, a number of experts have pointed out a more uncomfortable truth, which is that mass shootings are far more likely the result of how we’ve been mistreating mental illness, depression and behavioral problems

Gun control legislation has shown that law-abiding Americans who own guns are not the problem, because the more gun control laws that have been passed, the more mass shootings have occurred

97.8 percent of mass shootings occur in “gun-free zones,” as the perpetrators know legally armed citizens won’t be there to stop them

Depression per se rarely results in violence. Only after antidepressants became commonplace did mass shootings really take off, and many mass shooters have been shown to be on antidepressants

Antidepressants, especially selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), are well-known for their ability to cause suicidal and homicidal ideation and violence

This whole article makes it abundantly clear to me at least, that far more than guns being responsible for mass shootings, the pharmaceutical industry and their greed is.

As Jeff Snyder put it in The Washington Times: ‘But to ban guns because criminals use them is to tell the innocent and law-abiding that their rights and liberties depend not on their own conduct, but on the conduct of the guilty and the lawless, and that the law will permit them to have only such rights and liberties as the lawless will allow.’”

Who paid the largest criminal fine in the U.S.? Pfizer. And when the lawsuits start for the experimental gene therapy injections, I’m sure it will be again. I’m not sure that the defense of “You can’t sue us because the government was aware of the fraud” is solid when that amount of death results. So this in another example of the pharmaceutical industry working with the left. No, I don’t think they plan this as some plot, but I think it’s more of a symbiotic relationship with both profiting from the work of the other.

There have been plenty of clues, to the future mass killers, and usually after it happens the FIB is right there to say they knew about him. Perhaps if they weren’t so busy chasing down grandmas in wheelchairs and covering up evidence that doesn’t fit with Merrick Garland’s agenda and that of his weaponized agency they could actually, you know, do something about it. Unlike the do with Antifa which is just turn them lose to commit more crimes.

Standard FIB response

I would say not only is our way of life, and our country under attack from within so are our minds, they have to break us down. I think perhaps being aware of what’s going on, and how it works could be helpful The Rape of the Mind . Do what you can to protect yourself, keep in contact with loved ones. If you have a religious community, be there. If you have hobbies, make time for yourself to enjoy them. Consider adopting a shelter pet if you are fur childless, they will pay you back in more love than you can believe. We are made in the image of G-d, he blessed us with minds with the ability to see and reason. If you’re so inclined you could send a letter of encouragement to the January 6th political prisoners perhaps it will offset some of the mental torture they are being subjected to by the US government. Where you can, find gratitude, that helps often times. We are in uncharted waters, no doubt but I believe we are not in them alone.
