Yom HaZikaron 2018

יום הזכרון Israeli Memorial Day, so far 23,645 soldiers have given their lives for the state of Israel since 1860.

From the Jewish Virtual library,

Established unofficially with the founding of the State of Israel in 1948, and enacted into law in 1963, the day preceding Yom Ha’atzmaut (Israeli Independence Day) is observed as a Memorial Day for soldiers who lost their lives in battle or while otherwise defending Israel.

Celebrated on the fourth of Iyar every year, Yom HaZikaron is one of four new holidays that were added to the Jewish national calendar since the creation of Israel. The other three are: Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Heroes and Martyrs’ Day),Yom Ha’atzmaut (Independence Day), and Yom Yerushalayim (Jerusalem Day).

Since the second intifada, also included are those such as security guards who have given their life defending malls, restaurants and public buildings from terrorists. And there are plenty of those.

Yom HaZikaron is observed very differently than American Memorial day. I think Israel has it right. In America it’s sales, shopping, BBQ and getting together with friends and family. Some still visit graves and decorate them, it used to be called Decoration Day. In Israel, at 20:00 local time a one-minute siren sounds. Another siren will sound the following morning at 11:00. Then everyone observes a moment of silence to remember the fallen and terror victims. By law, all places of entertainment are closed on the eve of Yom Hazikaron, and broadcasting and educational bodies note the solemnity of the day. Regular television programs cease for the day, and the names and ranks of every soldier who died for Israel are displayed in a 24-hour television broadcast.

Honor and remembrance. The only ones who don’t observe are the Arabs, with the exception of the Druze and Bedouins, they do observe. Haredi Jews do not observe either.

Years ago I interviewed a man who had been a navigation unit commander for a tank battalion in Israel during the Yom Kippur war. He just didn’t tell me that last bit at the time. But he was talking about how war is different in America for the most part than it is in Israel. In Israel when the enemy gets in he will quite likely be walking down the street of someone you know. It’s your backyard that has the fighting in it. The closest I can imagine is the American un-Civil war. The wars of Israel are up close and personal. It’s also worth remembering the honored include those that fought for pre-state Israel in the Haganah, Lehi and the Irgun.

I think it was on a radio program, Temple Talk, that I heard the hosts discussing why Yom HaZikaron and Yom Ha’atzmaut are right next to each other. A host’s daughter had told her Dad that it didn’t seem fair to those grieving that the next day everyone would be out in the streets partying. He explained to her that without the sacrifice of the lives observed during Yom HaZikaron that there wouldn’t even be a state of Israel. That the sacrifice is what enabled the joy, and that joy is why those men and women did not die in vain.

I was so very fortunate as to be able to attend a Yom HaZikaron service tonight, it was very, very meaningful. If you were not so blessed, I will share a link with you to a service that was broadcast from Ammunition Hill. There is a museum there now.

Yom HaZikaron service by the Lone Soldiers Center on Ammunition Hill.

“A State is not handed to a people on a silver platter.”

Chaim Weizmann, first president of Israel

The Silver Platter, written by Nathan Alterman

And the land grows still, the red eye of the sky slowly dimming over smoking frontiers

As the nation arises, Torn at heart but breathing, To receive its miracle, the only miracle

As the ceremony draws near, it will rise, standing erect in the moonlight in terror and joy

When across from it will step out a youth and a lass and slowly march toward the nation

Dressed in battle gear, dirty, Shoes heavy with grime, they ascend the path quietly

To change garb, to wipe their brow

They have not yet found time. Still bone weary from days and from nights in the field

Full of endless fatigue and unrested,

Yet the dew of their youth. Is still seen on their head

Thus they stand at attention, giving no sign of life or death

Then a nation in tears and amazement

will ask: “Who are you?”

And they will answer quietly, “We Are the silver platter on which the Jewish state was given.”

Thus they will say and fall back in shadows

And the rest will be told In the chronicles of Israel

May their memory be for a blessing.


Coverage, or it didn’t happen

RKBA supporters are well past the point of “pics, or it didn’t happen.”

As Sheila noted, Saturday, April 14th was was planned for pro-human/civil rights rallies across the country, with an emphasis on state capitols.

Now, I’m in favor of such actions myself. But I proposed a rather later date with much better coordination. For a reason.

2A/RKBA supporters have effectively lost every major media battle for the past twenty years (at least). The media is actively against the right to keep and bear arms, so we need to present them with a situation so well planned and executed that they cannot ignore it.

They may probably will lie, but they wouldn’t ignore it.

So how did the media battle of coverage of Saturday’s rallies go?

  • CNN: Zip
  • ABC: Nada
  • CBS: “Hey, let’s implement Universal Basic Income!”
  • NBC: “Look! Syria!”
  • MSNBC: “Russians! And you’re racist if you disagree.”

Seriously. If there’s coverage of the rallies on those sites, it’s buried enough that I didn’t find it.

But not all is lost! I scrolled down at Faux Snooze and found this:

Peaceful protesters numbering in the hundreds gathered outside statehouses from Maine to Wyoming to hear speakers warn that any restrictions on gun ownership or use could eventually lead to bans for law-abiding gun owners.

Hundreds. Total. Across the country. Thanks, Faux.

Local coverage was a little bit better. The news was forced to admit that at least 800 people turned out in Augusta, ME alone.

But unless, like me, you’re specifically looking for news of something you already know about, you weren’t going to see that. Otherwise…

A handful of locals heard that another handful of locals turned out for something, but it was probably an isolated band of loonies.

Congratulations, NCCPA. You just staged a nonexistent protest.

I’ve given advice on how to do this. Let me elaborate.

We don’t have billionaires funding us. I wish we did, because I could use some cash to get my truck working well enough to drive to the capitol. We don’t have corporate sponsors who will donate multiple planes to airlift people to protests. We don’t have government school diverting hundreds of thousands of dollars to rent buses and buy food for protesters.

Turn-Out: To get coverage, we need a turn-out that can’t be ignored. Thousands at one high profile location, and smaller protests across the country. Sound familiar? The anti-rights people did that for a reason.

Attention: People have to know about it in advance. Both protesters who have to get there, and the folks we want to hear our views, so they know to pay attention when it happens.

Both of those require time and money.

Time: Time to plan, time to arrive, time to inform a less-than-receptive media, time raise money.

Money: Money for advertising, money for outreach, money for transportation (unless you’re donating a 747) — buses, air travel, parking space — money for frickin’ bottled water for attendees. Money for trash pickup post-protest so we present a better image than the littering left.

Since we have a shortage of rich, generous folks with an interest in human/civil rights, I suggest crowd-funding. Set up a spreadsheet and crunch rally logistics numbers: permits, fees, transportation, rations, PR, and so forth. When you got a number, set up a crowd-funding account with the declared goal. This will take time (see above). Do this well in advance of the rally date.

If it has escaped your notice, that’s a lot of planning, fund-raising, and media coordination (among other things). You need people who can spend all their time on it. Volunteers to help are fantastic, but you need some full-time pros. That’s why the Marx for Your Lives folks had a formal non-profit set up for coordination. There’s only so much volunteer amateurs can do in their spare time away from the jobs that will — in the end — pay for all this.

So budget for experienced coordinators, too.

Public Relations: People to talk to the media; not just prior to the big show, but at the protest. Designated spokesmen scattered across the perimeter to home in on reporters and give a sane summary of our positions, complete with rehearsed sound bites.

PR also means keeping the crazies away from the media. There will be crazies. Every movement has some. Plan for it. Designated spokesmen team with a designated “Lunatic Interception Agent.” When the off-his-meds guy from the Mom’s Basement Brigade with 4 guns, two machetes, swastikas, and homemade body armor 3 sizes too small approaches a reporter, the LIA stops him: “That’s our TACTICAL Public Relations Operator, bro. She’s a trained operator; let her handle it.”

And let’s be realistic. We’ll be dealing with media types who value form over substance; it won’t hurt to use… photogenic spokesmen. Male and female, to target receptive reporters of whichever gender.

“There will be crazies.” I could write a column just on that. Even in the SCA, a hotbed of insanity, we did dealt with this. I spoke to a lot of reporters because I could be trusted to explain that we weren’t crazy, that it was a “learn-by-doing” history thing. I had memorized talking points. And meanwhile, someone else would be distracting the  mostly naked, wanna-be Pict who’d spotted the pretty reporter and wanted to hit on her why bragging on what a greater fighter he is because he hurts people.

And no offense to the crystal power folks, who were mostly harmless, but we tried to keep them away from most reporters, too. Nice enough, but easily distracted by shiny things from what they should have been explaining.

We have a coordinated enemy. It’s time we act in a coordinated fashion to protect our constitutional human/civil rights, as well.

Carl is an unpaid TZP volunteer. If you found this post useful, please consider dropping something in his tip jar. He could use the money, what with truck repairs and bills.


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Yom HaShoah-Treblinka

Treblinka, Bełżec, and Sobibór were death camps. Unlike most of the other concentration camps which used those imprisoned there as slave labor first. The sole purpose of these three was to kill those sent there. From the Jewish Virtual Library

Most people are familiar with the names of the major concentration camps – Auschwitz, Buchenwald, Dachau, and Treblinka, for example – but few realize that these were not the only places where Jews and other prisoners were held by the nazis. Each of the 23 main camps had subcamps, nearly 900 of them in total. These included camps with euphemistic names, such as “care facilities for foreign children,” where pregnant prisoners were sent for forced abortions.

The nazis established about 110 camps starting in 1933 to imprison political opponents and other undesirables. The number expanded as the Third Reich expanded and the Germans began occupying parts of Europe. When the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum first began to document all of the camps, the belief was that the list would total approximately 7,000. However, researchers found that the nazis actually established about 42,500 camps and ghettoes between 1933 and 1945. This figure includes 30,000 slave labor camps; 1,150 Jewish ghettoes, 980 concentration camps; 1,000 POW camps; 500 brothels filled with sex slaves; and thousands of other camps used for euthanizing the elderly and infirm; “Germanizing” prisoners or transporting victims to killing centers. Berlin alone had nearly 3,000 camps.

Treblinka, was set up near the Warsaw-Bialystok railway and started operating on July 23, 1942.

Operation Reinhard camps were meant to get the Jews out of Poland, and Warsaw Jews were largely sent to Treblinka, it was only 60 miles away from Warsaw, many of the survivors of the Warsaw Ghetto were sent there. While Treblinka was only 22 acres, 900,000 people died in that camp alone. There were 3 areas, living area, reception area, and killing portion. Sonderkommando lived in the living section. Not all prisoners could communicate with each other due to the way the nazis had the camp set up.

View of Treblinka








There was a fake railway station set up with a fake clock, timetable, 2nd 3rd class passenger signs, and a cashier office. Service was suspended in the real Treblinka railway station the entire time the camp was operating. As they disembarked from the train one passenger noticed something odd about the “tree lined” wall. The trees weren’t growing. They had been cut down and placed to simulate the edge of a forest, but he noticed what was behind the trees, barbed wire. It somewhat hid the camp. Deception lasted only a short while, but it only had to last a short while. Then they knew they were in a camp, but there were signs saying “attention, you are in a transit camp. For sanitation, you must take a shower”. The showers even had those nubby non-slip floors, floor tiles have been found. All money and valuables had to be handed to a cashier for a receipt and they were told they would get them back upon presenting the receipt at a later time. Anyone who wasn’t strong enough, or was troublesome was to be taken through to a “Lazaret”with a big red cross on it. Where they would promptly be shot by Willi Mentz, or his boss August Miete.

So where was the Red Cross in all this?? I’m SO glad you asked. Also incredibly pi angry. Here’s just a little bit of the “help” the international Red Cross provided.



A Factual Appraisal Of The ‘Holocaust’ By The Red Cross The Jews And The Concentration Camps

No Evidence Of Genocide

Why didn’t the Jews fight back upon arrival at Treblinka? Because there was so much secrecy surrounding the death camps. Even some of the nazis involved with pieces of the operation didn’t know the whole operation according to the Jewish Virtual Library. Initially many of the Jews didn’t know about “death camps”. Rumors had began coming into the ghettos about the camps, but many choose to disbelieve. In the beginning, some prisoners did escape from Treblinka, and promptly went back to the Warsaw ghetto to try to warn those there of the situation.

Camp B, called the “extermination area,” included the gas chambers. burial pits, fire pits for burning the corpses, and the quarters of the Jewish prisoners who were employed at various jobs in this part of the camp. A narrow path, from 2 to 4 meters wide, fenced on both sides and running for about 100 meters, led from the area where the victims had to undress to the gas chambers in the extermination area. This path was called Heaven Street (Himmelstrasse) or The Tube (Schlauch).

After they had been made to undress in the square they were forced to run through the Himmelstrasse. By forcing them to run this path with SS guards beating them and yelling at them when they got to the showers they were breathing heavily and would inhale more of the carbon dioxide quickly.

In Treblinka they used carbon dioxide, not Zyklon B as was used in some of the other camps. Carbon dioxide was easily produced by using a soviet tank engine, and if it broke down, and it did, sometimes in the middle of a murder, there was always someone around who could fix it.

Everything just happened so fast! The time from departure from the train to the gas chamber was about an hour, hour and a half tops. The yelling, beating and running kept them from thinking so much about what was happening, let alone resist. The deceptions threw them off initially, and then the terror and uncertainty.

For Jews coming from the West it was different.

A slightly different method was used for transports that arrived from Western Europe, the territory of the Third Reich, Czechoslovakia and the Balkans from the end of 1942 until the middle of 1943. These transports arrived in passenger cars. Upon arrival they found an “ordinary” railway Station with signs pointing to ticket windows, tables indicating the departure times of trains to various destinations and other normal station installations — all, of course, fake. The alighting from the train was carried out in a polite and calm manner. The camp personnel encouraged the arrivals to write postcards to their families and friends telling them that they had come to a labor camp; they were even given an address for receiving mail (those arriving in Sobibor were told to write Arbeitslager Wlodawa [Wlodawa Labor Camp]).

After the postcards were sent, everything having been done in a peaceful and polite atmosphere, the situation changed radically: a torrent of shouts, blows, dog bites and bullets rained down on the people, who were stricken by an even greater shock and paralysis than that felt by the Jews from Poland and the Soviet Union. In this way they were driven toward the gas chambers.

But in the winter of 1942/1943 things began to change. The number of transports slowed down, and news of Germany’s defeats began to filter in. Rumors that some of the Jews working there would soon be sent to the gas chambers began to circulate. The different groups of Jews began to try to form a plan for escape. The Organizing Committee was formed. It was made up of people from the different working groups of the resident Jews. They examined the escape attempts made before and realized their best chance lay in a mass revolt and taking over the camp.

How to do that? They need weapons. Treblinka was located away from towns, no sneaking weapons in as in the Warsaw ghetto. They attempted to bribe Ukrainian guards, the money was taken, but no pistol materialized. But then they caught a break, a lock had to be repaired on the building that housed the weapons. Is anyone shocked a second key was created and found it’s way to the Organizing Committee?

In early March of 1943 Himmler visited the camp. After that the burning of bodies began in an attempt to hide the murders. There were some members that were lost in different ways, some betrayal by the Ukrainian guards, some just bad circumstances, but they continued trying to prepare. Those caught and tortured did not give up any of the plans or other members.

By July the transports had all but ceased, only a few transports with Gypsies and Jews arrived. The Organizing Committee was not exactly a cohesive unit. One part of the camp felt the need to get the revolt underway, time was slipping by, the nazis had a party to celebrate the end of their mission. The other part of the camp wasn’t so sure they needed to rebel in haste. The Rebel now group sent a message revolt now, or we do it without you and a date was set for August 2nd, 1943.

It didn’t happen on that day. It happened on August 18th and 19th. There was a timetable set up for removing the weapons from the storeroom, and many would have to make do with their work tools, hammers, pickaxes, shovels and that sort of thing. The date was fortunate in that some of the Ukrainian guards and the SS had decided to go swimming in the Bug river, so that cut down on the number of men guarding the camp. But there were still informers among them. Not every Capo was an informer, some of them had been heavily involved in helping to facilitate the revolt. There were about 850 Jews in the camp the day of the revolt.

Once the revolt started, they set the buildings on fire, a camp worker having thoughtfully replaced his daily bug spray solution with petrol they went up quite nicely. The Jews had few real weapons, but when some of the guards were wounded they were able to seize their weapons. But their supply of ammunition was being used up fast. Many of them made for the fences. Many of the Organizing Committee stayed behind trying to provide covering fire for those running for the fences to escape. One took a cyanide pill after he was shot and couldn’t go on. About a 100 prisoners chose not to even try or be part of it and went back to their barracks. About half of the 850 prisoners were killed that day. According to a lecture I heard at the Yom HaShoah service I attended, about 300 made it out. The locals were threatened if they helped them, so some were afraid. Some handed them over just because, and some locals caught them, beat them and took their money and then handed them over to the Germans. For those that might have been tempted to help, the rumor was given out they had typhus. Despite that, some of the locals did help and that is why some of the around 67 of them survived. Those 67 are the reason much is known about how Treblinka ran and what went on their according to the lecture. Auschwitz and many of the others were bigger camps, and slave labor camps so more people survived to tell, Treblinka’s sole purpose was murder.

After the uprising only one other transport train came in. On October 20th most of the remaining prisoners were transferred to Sobibor and killed. The 25-30 that remained in Treblinka were killed there.

The nazis then built a farm house on the site, brought in one of their Ukrainian guards, he brought his family and he was to stay there, guard the site and if asked state that he and his family had lived there for years. There were 67 souls alive to call the lie. Had they been better armed? There might have been 750. Remember, there were 100 that chose to go back to their barracks and stay out of it.

As I watched the candles being lit, 7 of them I kept thinking, please G-d, help me to do my part so that these flames are all that will ever be needed. Help me to play the role you have for me to shine the light.

The first candle was for Holocaust survivors.

The second candle was for the second generation, their children.

The third candle was for the third generation, their grandchildren.

The fourth candle was for the youth.

The fifth candle was for the Veterans and the Armed Forces.

The sixth candle was for the community.

The seventh candle was in recognition of 70 years of Israeli statehood, and that one was set alight by a friend of mine.

I don’t ever want to live with deception. Not from myself or others, I don’t want to be blinded by normalcy bias, I don’t want to live with false hope. To do so can be fatal.

This video is 600 Holocaust survivors and their families gathered at Beit Avi-Chai in Jerusalem, marking the Holocaust Memorial Day, by performing the song “Chai” by Ofra Haza.

The Partisans Song. The first in Hebrew, the second in Yiddish, as it was written by Hirsh Glik in the Vilna ghetto for the Vilna Partisans in 1943.

Anachnu po, אנחנו פה

We are here


They could start by firing LaPierre

(I originally posted this on my personal site, but it bears repeating; and TZP gets more traffic than I do.)

NRA Launches Drive to Add 100,000 Members in 100 Days
Fox News reports that NRA media relations manager Jason J. Brown said, “The NRA’s strength is in our dedicated and politically savvy members. Over the next 100 days we hope to welcome 100,000 new freedom-loving Americans to our ranks. The threat to our Second Amendment has never been greater.”

Seriously. Fire Wayne LaPierre. Chris Cox, too.

Then repudiate ERPOs and bump-fire bans. Apologize for opposing constitutional carry, for helping draft “assault weapons” bans, and endorsing obviously anti-human/civil rights politicians. Hell, apologize for supporting NFA ’34, GCA ’68, FOPA ’86, et cetera (it’s a long list).

And I’ll at least think about maybe joining.

Not until.

Carl is an unpaid TZP volunteer. If you found this post useful, please consider dropping something in his tip jar. He could use the money, what with truck repairs and bills.



Suppressing the Past

I wish I could say I’m speechless. I’m not. It’s just most of the words that come to find are inappropriate for this site.

Jewish Anne Frank House Museum Employee Told to Remove Yarmulke
A Jewish employee of the Anne Frank House museum was told that he was not allowed to wear his kippa because it would conflict with the organisation’s “independent position” and might “influence” the message of combatting anti-Semitism.
“The Anne Frank Foundation is an independent organisation without religious ties. Those are directed at combating anti-Semitism. We did not want that, for example, a yarmulke would influence that message,” she added.

So I’ll just leave you with a couple of thoughts.

You want to know why 41% of Americans don’t know what Auschwitz is? Why they don’t really comprehend (at least as much as a sane person could) the Holocaust?

Bullshit (sorry)  like this — suppressing history — is why.

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”


Virtue Signal


Carl is an unpaid TZP volunteer. If you found this post useful, please consider dropping something in his tip jar. He could use the money, what with truck repairs and bills.



Apparently NOT an obvious question

You may have noticed that I haven’t had much to say lately. I do have things to say, but I’m seeing a distinct lack of point in bothering. For instance…

Gun Control Groups Mailing Birthday Voting Forms to 18-Year-Olds

Anti-Gun Groups Target Teens With Voter Registration Packages

Gun control groups actively registering teens to vote

Experience tells me most readers won’t follow the links, so the TL;DR is that anti-rights groups are sending voter registration forms to 18 and 19 year olds for their birthdays. The intent is to build up an anti-RKBA Democrat voter base.

What I thought was an obvious question is not addressed in any of those links.

Names. Addresses. Ages. Birthdates. For tens of thousands of people.

Where did they get that information? Scraping Facebook? States selling drivers license data?


I seem to be the only one who wonders. You’d think that a well-funded pro-RKBA group like the NRA GOA or such might look into that. One, to see if there was any impropriety in disclosures. Two, if proper, can we do that?

If anyone sees one of these voter registration forms, I’m a little curious whether they come pre-filled. Name, address…

Party affiliation?

But at — this point — what difference does it make?


Rally Ho

Yeah, it’s a little take off on “Tally Ho”, the old fox hunting call stating the quarry has been sighted. I was recently lucky enough to attend a Second Amendment rally. It’s been quite a while since I’ve been to one. I used to go every year to the big rally held in my state’s lovely Capitol building. But then, well, life, etc. and so I haven’t gone for a few years. And that’s bad. We had a decent size crowd, nowhere near what it was back when concealed carry was originally the big push. Then the rotunda was packed. My state’s concealed carry was pushed back by the helpful NRA’s interference, which is another story. But finally it passed, and was promptly vetoed by a Demoncratic governor. The veto was overridden, and that whole saga is another story as well, but those days the capitol was packed with us “gun nuts”. There have been some years where the crowd was very meager. But we all listened to fantastic speakers, and were so very fortunate as to have two famous book authors among them. Bills that needed our support were discussed. The big ticket item everyone wanted this year was elimination of legally mandated target rich environment zones, also known as “Gun Free Zones”. By that I mean if a store wants to post a “gun free, come on in criminal” sign they are more than welcome to do so. Nothing is stopping them. But while this column is a couple years old, before the most recent gun free zone killings, the details all remain. And nicely discount some progressive publications saying that no criminal has every picked a target because it was “gun-free”. They have. This one is interesting as well. Here’s How Many Lives Were Taken in Just 8 Armed Attacks in Gun Free Zones.

But other states have suffered as a result of putting total faith in the NRA rating system. Recently no less. How Vermont’s NRA A-rated governor was ‘shocked’ into backing new gun laws

Surrounded by gun-control opponents heckling him outside the Vermont State House on Wednesday, Gov. Phil Scott (R) signed into law the most restrictive gun-control measures in the state’s history.

While some had come to thank him, Scott knew that many there who voted for him based in part on his A-grade rating from the NRA were “disappointed and angry” with him, he said.

Some yelled “Traitor!” and “BS!” as he tried to assure them that the laws he was about to sign were not intended to “take away your guns — period.” Others told him he had lost their votes and brandished signs that said “One Term Gov” and “Not My Governor.”

But it was clear from his remarks that Scott had already considered all of that.

Well, alrighty then. The NRA Got Harry Reid Re-Elected.

School attacks concern everyone. But we certainly have different ideas on how to stop them. Conservatives think making the prey less easy to attack works well in many real life situations. That’s why folks call the police and hope they don’t have Coward County Sheriff Scott for law-enforcement. But it takes time for them to get there, even if they do come in. So why not let teachers fight back rather than die trying to hold a door shut?

Well, for one. Insurance companies don’t want to cover it. They claim they aren’t anti-gun, just afraid they’ll lose money.

Oh, some are in favor of arming the teachers, so they can fight back. With a bucket of rocks, or A district armed its teachers with tiny baseball bats, urging them to fight back in a shooting

It’s like their brains say, “hmm, well, leaving them defenseless isn’t working.” So some of them double down on stupid, and say they don’t want armed guards, no guns near schools. And some say, well, we need to give them a chance to do something besides beg for mercy when there is none. So we’ll give them tiny little souvenir baseball bats. Nothing that could be construed as a weapon of course, because we are a weapon free safe zone, well, safe for armed criminals of course. School kids? Meh, not so much.

I think the answer is gun free zones liability act. Your school chooses to be gun free and your child is harmed? Mental anguish, you sue the heck out of the school district. Let the insurance companies pay, because most assuredly the parents and students will be paying the rest of their lives. However long they may be.

But enough about the NRA, and the bill to decrease easy targets.

I could go to rally, yes, it was a bit of a drive but not that bad. I realize there might be people not all that happy to see me, but thought it would be good to see old friends and show support. Not every gal gets that chance. Marion Hammer, the NRA’s top lobbyist in Florida, didn’t attend a public hearing on a gun ordinance because of death threats. And NRA spokesman Dana Loesch has certainly received more than her fair share of threats, including raping her to death, and hunting down her and her children and assaulting them.

Why is it, all the “stop the violence” “give peace a chance” “end gun violence” people are so, well, violent? Wanting to physically harm and dominate physically smaller and weaker people with whom they disagree? And progressives wonder why we need to be armed? I don’t think they really do, I think they just want to manipulate citizens into defenselessness. But all this business about posting pictures of her house? She ended up moving. I don’t blame her. Wonder how they know some of this stuff? Because I’m pretty sure she didn’t give them her address and invite them over for coffee.

Interesting you should ask in light of other hearing that have been going on at another “Crapital”. Yes I will explain that later.

Yes, I’m referring to the hearing currently going on in Jefferson City about the massive amount of data collection Facebook has been doing. I heard a radio host ask an interesting question lately. If Facebook is free, and they don’t collect and sell our data, or give it away, how did Zuckerberg get to be such a rich man off providing a “free” service and web site? Good question. They can’t, at least they can’t in Europistan. Facebook’s Dirty Little Secret

Here’s the proof. This month, the European Court of Justice, the European Union’s highest court, handed down a ruling that stops Facebook from collecting digital information about non-Facebook users. Wait, what? Yes, Facebook collects information about the online activities of users and non-users alike. Any site that has a Facebook “Like” button plays peek-a-boo with your private information. According to Facebook, that button along with the “Share” one are on almost 10 million websites and used 4.5 billion times every day.

But Zuckerberg didn’t want it to end there.

Facebook’s secret operation to access medical records

According to sources close to the project, Facebook planned to collect information about age, diseases, prescribed medications and visits to the hospitals. This data could be combined with the information that Facebook knows about its users: marital status, language preferences, activity in the community and etc. After the Cambridge Analytica and the call-data collection scandals, this crazy medical data gathering project seem to be even more ludicrous.

Oh well, it’s not like insurance companies are anti-freedom and anti-self-defense, right?

Kaiser Permanente to launch $2 million gun violence research effort

It’s not like Facebook would ever use any of your posts, like about going to a Second Amendment rally, or anything to turn you in to your anti-gun insurance company is it? And it’s not like your anti-gun insurance company would ever turn you in to the FBI because you take one of the drugs your doctor says you should take, but ex-medical expert barry obama said you shouldn’t be allowed to own a gun if you do.

A friend of mine asked an interesting question in response to the Kaiser article I posted.

Trivia for you. How did the Germans know who to round up for the death camps. After all you can’t see Jewish, and a lot of Jews are notorious non practitioners. So how the brown shirts know? Hint: If you are dying in a hospital how do the know to send a Priest, Rabbi, witch doctor or Baptist Minister? Bonus Hint: Germany had a “better” national health care system in 1898 than the U.S. does now. Be afraid of those who control your medical records and what they put in it.

Kind of goes along with the gun confiscations we’re seeing on “Mental health” grounds doesn’t it? The ones without due process.

So, if you’re feeling like a bit of activism at the moment, you can go to Gun Owners of America and send letters to your state’s congress critters. Here is their article.

Legislative Proposals to Confiscate Guns are Sweeping Through the Country You might want to do a pre-emptive strike since the NRA may be “helping”.

In addition, NRA has reportedly entertained support for some form of these bills, although it is not clear where they would draw the line.

And here’s a direct link to the letter. Stop Gun Confiscation Orders In Your State

So, about the “Crapital” comment. A friend of mine at rally has two boys. Young, I’m guessing 8 and 4 years maybe? Hey, it’s not like horses where you can check their teeth! But the oldest one calls the Capitol, the “Crapitol” out of the mouths of babes. These are awesome kids. We sent a couple messages back and forth on Face (the spy who hates me) book and he relayed his visit to his legislative rep. The man turned to:

Leif and asks if this is his first time at the Crapital and Leif responds “This is my fourth RALLY” and points to Hakon and says “it is his third”.

These are kids that will grow up valuing freedom. Because they know it takes work. So when your state has a Second Amendment rally? Take the day off, go. When our side has a dismal turn out it does not bode well. Many of the legislators with less than pure motives respond not to what’s right, but to who has the most votes to offer. And I will tell you I was told that Mad Mommies in their little red shirts are at the Crapitol every week. Every week. Handing out Bloomberg disarmament talking points. We’ve got to suit up and show up. I don’t plan to miss another one. Lobbyists get a bad rap, but unless you can take time off work every week, it helps for your grassroots Second Amendment group to have one to watch out for you. And that’s my last point, do, please find your local grassroots Second Amendment group and join and get involved. Very often they are the ones doing the heavy lifting on these good pro-freedom pro-gun bills. But for now? You can send a letter for free.


Poll: Do you care about bump-fire?

Recently, I’ve put a fair amount of my time into tracking bump-fire bans, new rulemaking and legislation alike. I’ve noticed thatrelatively few people seem to be speaking about the subject, and the majority of those who bring it up at all indicate that bump-fire stocks (and trigger cranks, etc.) aren’t worth bothering with.

Obviously, I disagree with that assessment.

Web site traffic analysis also indicates that bump-fire is a low-interst topic.

What do you think? Am I wasting my time and yours? This a two-parter; two separate, but related, polls.



Chag Pesach Samach 2018, Happy Passover

Ahh, Pesach! The holiday that commemorates the ending years of slavery in Egypt.

How many years in slavery? I’ll refer you to Chabad for that explanation.

But after years of living in a country where your life was valued as cheap, the children left. Time served, onto a new life in your homeland.

When you are at the Pesach Seder it is supposed to be as though you were there, on that night. It’s part of your history, part of your life story. Then Pharaoh decided good help is hard to come by, and he is going to chase the Hebrews down and dispatch them. Either back to work or _____. You know, one might have thought the year or so of plagues would have given him a clue. But some are just so blinded by hate they are will to sacrifice their own people to achieve their goals of killing Jews.

And this year in Israel, it seems somethings may not really change all that much. I think obama’s and soros’s community organizing friends had buddies within Hamass. I guess Hamass has been looking at all the left-wing “marches” that have been taking place in America with envy. Because they decided to have their very own! Yep, a “million man Gazan march” for the “right of return”. Mind you, Gaza is Jew free, there are no Jews in Gaza, not since 2005 when the IDF pulled Jews from their homes in Gaza and shipped them out in compliance with the final phase of the Oslo accords signed in 1994. So basically Gaza is your two state solution. Already there done deal. But, it’s not enough. You can read a nice summary of the history here.

So, the million muslim man march. Except it wasn’t. It was a photo-op made for a gullible world. And the media bought it hook, line and sinker.

According to the IDF, they were short a few people, the IDF estimates it at about 30,000. But, it’s not for lack of “recruitment” on the part of hamass. A seven-year-old girl was sent by Hamas into Israel, to face the IDF forces stationed along the border fence with Gaza.

Hamass had been warned not to try to breech the fence. Hamass said the only solution is “The Right of Return” and the plan was to simply swamp the border fence and the IDF stationed there with a mass of people. Putting women and children first, of course. Being the cowards they are.

Hamass was warned ahead of time, not to riot and not to try the border fence.

But I think Paula Stern has a better idea. Change the IDF Rules of Engagement

She points out what is at stake,

The leadership of Gaza wants them to overwhelm our soldiers in sheer numbers with the goal of getting as many of those “men” across the border. Armed with whatever they can bring – guns, knives, explosives, axes, they have one order only. Should any of these attackers manage to circumvent our border, they have instructions to kill. Anything. Whatever. Have a nice time.

And what should be the response? Now, at once.

And the moment, that individual touches the fence – that’s it, really – just TOUCHES the fence, our forces have orders to shoot to kill. No, we will not yell out “STOP!” in Arabic and English and Hebrew. We will not fire in the air. Forget firing at their legs. Shoot to kill.

And she is correct, Hamass are armed. There was a firebomb stash found along the Gazan border. As well as other weapons.

This was a peaceful march just like the ones America saw that attempted to burn down cities.

The million man? march







The Falestinian Authority has admitted they are a terrorist organization, and Hamass is even worse.

It’s difficult to say how many Gazans have been sent to their death by Hamass to achieve the desired result for the media and the U.N. Partly because of the efforts of Pallywood that the media always falls for. But one source says 25, I think it’s more by now. Pallywood? You don’t know? Well, here is a photo in fine Pallywood style and a video. Two different incidents. Both are from Israellycool and Dave points out problems with both. Things that one would have thought the photographers from the mainstream media would have had enough intellectual curiosity to look further, but I guess not.

The U.N. security council of course, felt compelled to hold a meeting over the sovereign nation of Israel being invaded by a terrorist organization. Naw, just kidding, in the spirit of the UN, they scheduled the meeting for the first night of Pesach.

“The State of Kuwait, with full knowledge that our Permanent Mission, Israel, and Jews everywhere were observing the first night of Passover, hijacked the consultations, forced an open session and invited the Palestinian delegation to present remarks that they had been advised to prepare well in advance. Israel was not given the same advance notice and was barred from taking part in the deliberations due to the observance of our religious holiday,” wrote Ambassador Danon.

The ever impartial UN was all set to release a statement on the riots, which the U.S. blocked, thankfully, as it seems all the statement was concerned about was that Hamass sent people to be killed and the IDF was forced to do so. Are they worried about the invasion? Meh, not so much.

But the UN plays a part in the riots in and of itself. They too want and encourage them through UNRWA. In fact, UNRWA officials have said that the “Right of Return” will be achieved by force.

You know who is chiming in loudly about this? Erdogan of Turkey. Erdogan Calls Israel A “Terrorist State” After “Inhumane Attack” In Gaza. Yep, he has had a plenty to say about this.

Turkey’s president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan accused Israel of being a “terrorist state and occupier,” and its army of “inhuman cruelty” in its crackdown on Palestinian protesters.

“Oppressor Israel and its army are only courageous against the oppressed in Gaza, Jerusalem, they are cowards when it comes to facing others,” Erdogan said at a ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) congress in the southern province of Adana on April 1, addressing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu according to Turkey’s Hurriyet.

Oh yes, the man who is attacking the Kurds who are fighting ISIS has a plenty to say about the Gaza riots.

And I suppose if a people would know about genocides, it would be the Turks. The Armenian Genocide for example. This is what that genocide looked like. And the shameful commemoration of that event by the muslim brotherhood in Washington DC. Muslim Brotherhood To Commemorate Genocidal Jihad At DC’s National Cathedral This was in 2014, during obama’s reign, and he never would call it genocide either.

Daniel Pipes wrote Why Palestinians Need an Israel Victory

I shall propose an entirely different approach to resolve the conflict, a reversion to the strategy of deterrence and victory associated with Zionism’s great strategist, Vladimir Jabotinsky (1880-1940): Israel should aim not to please its enemies but to defeat them. Counterintuitively, I shall show why Palestinians need precisely such an Israel Victory to slough off their current oppression, extremism, and violence, and to become a successful people.

The whole column is very good.

But you can’t imagine a sovereign nation under threat of invasion by a large group of people.

For the second straight day, Trump took to Twitter to attack Mexico for allowing the 1,500-strong group to march unimpeded toward the United States, their daily progress mapped out by US media.

And like the “peaceful” Gazans, they have their demands.

“We demand of the Mexico and the United States: that they respect our rights as refugees and our right to dignified work to be able to support our families,” the statements reads.

The second demand is “that they open the borders to us because we are as much citizens as the people of the countries where we are and/or travel.”

Um, no. But we will soon be facing a similar situation, and the world will judge us as harshly.

But today, Israel is a free, sovereign nation that came from 12 tribes that went into Egypt and came out as that one nation, as one people that received the Torah from Moshe who received it from G-d

Moses ascended Mount Sinai, and G‑d spoke to him the following words (Exodus 19:3-6): “So shall you say to the house of Jacob and tell the sons of Israel. You have seen what I did to the Egyptians, and [how] I bore you on eagles’ wings, and I brought you to Me. And now, if you obey Me and keep My covenant, you shall be to Me a treasure out of all peoples, for Mine is the entire earth. And you shall be to Me a kingdom of princes and a holy nation.”

We are one.

So I have two songs for you this Pesach season. This one I sing almost every day, even though poorly, because I love it, and well, really it applies. It has subtitles.
