Tag Archives: History


[Some readers may think that this column is just about immigration, and is inappropriate for a site dedicated to Second Amendment issues. Please consider the potential effects of importing large numbers of people with little to no knowledge — much less respect for — constitutionally protected rights. – Editor]

Guest column by Historian

Quisling. A curious and somewhat whimsical sounding word. What does it mean? I’ve asked, and surprisingly few of my acquaintances knew the origin or meaning of the word; most of the responses were more or less humorous.. One acquaintance of mine said that it was a short quiz. Another made a humorous reference to the result of an amorous encounter between Mama Quis and Papa Quis. The word seems to have largely dropped out of our discourse, and is not often heard to-day. Some might argue that this is right, that old words, regardless of how cute they are that are no longer applicable to the world we live in today, should be retired. But the origin and meaning of the word “quisling” is neither cute nor innocent, nor is it at all funny. And it is as relevant today as it was when it was coined.

On April 9th, 1940, just over 79 years ago, military units of Nazi Germany invaded neutral Norway, supported by the fascist politician and head of the Norwegian Nazi Party, (Nasjonal Samling,) Vidkun Quisling, who then promptly staged a coup against the fleeing legitimate Norwegian government. Beginning at least as early as 1939, Quisling had urged Nazi Germany to invade neutral Norway, making trips to Germany to urge Hitler to invade Norway, and conspiring with German Intelligence agencies, providing information about Norwegian military plans and defences to the German military.

In 1942, Quisling became the Nazi-appointed Minister-President, under Reichskomissar Josef Terboven, and later that year, the Norwegian Endlosung commenced. While the numbers are a miniscule fraction of those murdered in Germany and Eastern Europe, about 1/3 of Norway’s Jews were sent to German extermination camps, mainly Auschwitz, under Quisling. Quisling supported the invasion of his country, overthrew his lawful government, and administered the displacement and murder of his countrymen, for political advantage.

It is worth noting that anti-semitism had, and still has, deep roots in Norway; Jews were forbidden to settle there until 1851, and only about 2100 Jews lived there before the Nazi invasion. Over 700 were murdered during the war; the rest fled the country, mostly to Sweden or England. Today there are two synagogues in Norway and about 700 Jews, both of which are subjected to attacks. In contrast, today there are about 160,000 Muslims there, over 3% of the population, let in by modern-day quislings.

So what is a ‘quisling’? A quisling is a traitor who collaborates with and supports a foreign invasion of his country; the term was coined shortly after the Nazi invasion by the Times of London, which referred to Norwegian collaborators as quislings. This term was commonly used during the Second World War, and is still occasionally used today- Paul Krugman recently referred to Donald Trump as a quisling for his supposed (and now shown to be non-existent) support of Russia.

Which begs the question- who are the REAL present day quislings among us here in these presently united States?

Who are those who have conspired to block the administration of US law, allowing millions of illegal aliens to criminally invade the US, and to remain here, committing further crimes?

Who are those who have funded and encouraged the above mentioned invasion of these presently united States?

Who are those who have treasonously refused to fund the defence of the borders of these presently united States?

Who are those who have, just as Vidkun Quisling did, uttered slanderous anti-Semitic diatribes against their supposed countrymen?

Who are those who have, just as Vidkun Quisling did, attempted a coup against their lawful government?

Who are those who have, for political advantage, subverted law and justice, aided and abetted murder, suborned non-enforcement of the laws, and supported invasion by large numbers of criminals and fanatics whose views and moral code is entirely opposed to the entire basis of Western Civilization?

What do you call such people?

Quislings, one and all. Traitorous anti-American collaborators with murderous fanatics, AND THEY MUST BE CALLED SUCH.

Nancy Pelosi? Quisling.
George Soros? Quisling.
Ocasio-Cortez? Quisling.
Omar-Ilhan? Quisling.
Comey/Rosenstein/Strozk? Quislings, one and all.
Anyone, of any political party, who is complicit in the ongoing attempt to subvert and overthrow the Republic by means of an invasion by illegal immigrants, is a Quisling.

Vidkun Quisling allied himself with those he thought would win the Second World War in the 1930s. He was rewarded by his Nazi masters, and ruled Norway during the German occupation. In 1945, Quisling was arrested, tried and convicted of murder and treason after the collapse of Nazi Germany, and shot in Oslo Norway in October 1945. Sic Semper Tyrannis.
Our modern day quislings would do well to remember his fate, although they certainly will not. So much the worse for them. “ Those who do not study history are doomed to repeat it.”

Will you remember the word?

Will you apply it where appropriate?



A Gated Community

I’m at risk of turning this into my personal blog, so I really meant to cut back on posts.* But sometimes I see something that needs to be shared.

These are the people working to disarm America.

Because it worked so well in other places and times.

‘Stunning’: Holocaust Museum tour by lawmaker who said Jews control weather does not go well
The photo, taken in 1935, depicts a woman in a dark dress shuffling down a street in Norden, Germany. A large sign hangs from her neck: “I am a German girl and allowed myself to be defiled by a Jew.” She is surrounded by Nazi storm troopers.

D.C. Council member Trayon White Sr. (D-Ward 8) studied the image. “Are they protecting her?”

Lynn Williams, an expert on educational programs at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum and White’s tour guide for the day, stared at the photo.

“No,” she said. “They’re marching her through.”

“Marching through is protecting,” White said.
… Seven of White’s staff members stayed with the guide, who soon was showing them an exhibit on the Warsaw Ghetto. As she explained the walling in of Polish Jews, one aide asked whether it was similar to “a gated community.”

[Rabbi Batya] Glazer spoke up.

“Yeah, I wouldn’t call it a gated community,” she said. “More like a prison.”

In case you’ve forgotten, Councilman Trayon White is the lunatic who thinks Jews are Interociter-armed fiends controlling the weather.

* We are always looking for new writers. If you have something you think is worth sharing on TZP, email me or use our contact form to submit a column.

Carl is an unpaid TZP volunteer. If you found this post useful, please consider dropping something in his tip jar. He could use the money, what with truck repairs and bills.



Suppressing the Past

I wish I could say I’m speechless. I’m not. It’s just most of the words that come to find are inappropriate for this site.

Jewish Anne Frank House Museum Employee Told to Remove Yarmulke
A Jewish employee of the Anne Frank House museum was told that he was not allowed to wear his kippa because it would conflict with the organisation’s “independent position” and might “influence” the message of combatting anti-Semitism.
“The Anne Frank Foundation is an independent organisation without religious ties. Those are directed at combating anti-Semitism. We did not want that, for example, a yarmulke would influence that message,” she added.

So I’ll just leave you with a couple of thoughts.

You want to know why 41% of Americans don’t know what Auschwitz is? Why they don’t really comprehend (at least as much as a sane person could) the Holocaust?

Bullshit (sorry)  like this — suppressing history — is why.

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”


Virtue Signal


Carl is an unpaid TZP volunteer. If you found this post useful, please consider dropping something in his tip jar. He could use the money, what with truck repairs and bills.



Are You Cultured?

Cultured, lots of things are. Yogurt, viruses, pearls, and other gems, and, people. When we were younger and growing up we wanted to be cultured because it meant we had manners, that we had education and knew how to handle ourselves in a variety of situations, depending of course on what the situation called for. Or, as my Aunt would jokingly say “Act like we had some druggin up”. I suspect most parents have hopes for how their children will turn out, they have certain standards that they teach us and hope we will adhere to, such as if we see an older person on a walker we would assist them in crossing the street as opposed to whacking them over the head and robbing them. That’s the culture I grew up in, you be kind helpful and nice if the situation calls for it. Serve proper sweet tea, appreciate fried okra, take care of your horse before you take care of yourself and don’t lie, stand up for those weaker or being picked on, and other than younger siblings (I am SURE this was in the handbook somewhere) don’t be doing the picking. These are parental and cultural expectations. Perhaps yours are similar, perhaps not. I’m guessing within most of the United States, the majority of these would be somewhat recognized.

Is this something to be appreciated and prized?

Those on the left, globalist, multiculturalists and the media, but I repeat myself, would disagree. From them we are told the joy and beauty of “multiculturalism”. How it enriches the county that is invaded enlightened. So, the government is currently shut down because the Demoncratic party is refusing to budge unless they are allowed to grant amnesty and citizenship to the DACA “children”. So let’s look at that a bit. First, the Demoncrats are perfectly willing to allow the armed forces to go without pay to bring more criminals into the United States. Ok, so they were children when the came, and while that tugs on everyone’s heartstrings let’s look at some reality. For me seeing some “dreamers” burning a United States flag or flipping it off does not inspire confidence in me that they love this country. So let’s look at the cost.

First, how many of these children, up to age 31, are we talking about? Well, that depends on which act we are talking about. Whether it’s obama’s illegal DACA or the piece of crap put out by Dick Durbin and Lindsey Graham. Just How Large of an Amnesty Are We Talking About?

In additional to the number of actual “dreamers”, there are other numbers that will be added in. Expert: DACA amnesty to increase illegal population to 14 million, cost billions

“According to the most reliable research, recent immigrants have sponsored an average of 3.45 additional relatives,” said Jessica M. Vaughan, director of policy studies for the Center for Immigration Studies.

“I estimate that if 700,000 DACA beneficiaries receive lawful permanent residency status under an amnesty, then they can be expected to sponsor at least an additional 1.4 million relatives over time,” she told Congress this week.

Appearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee, she added, “In this scenario, the award of LPR status would result in a second, de facto amnesty for the parents of DACA beneficiaries — the very individuals who brought their children to settle here illegally, creating this policy dilemma. Ultimately, an amnesty for DACA beneficiaries likely would produce more than two million new LPRs over 20 years.”

Yep, the very parents that illegally came and brought the kids will likely get amnesty as well.

This just has the makings of a future “Falestinian refugee” crisis doesn’t it?

And if you enjoy myth busting on the same, here you go. Some very juicy ones in here. Myths & Facts

And the numbers do matter. Because of obamacare for one thing. Nightmare: DACA Amnesty DREAM Act Will Cost $115 Billion Thanks to Obamacare

The numbers are striking. The DREAM Act of 2017, the most likely vehicle for extending DACA protections and making them permanent, would raise federal outlays by $115 billion dollars, according to a Breitbart News analysis. Nearly all of that would be paid for by additional deficit spending……

According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, a single person living in San Jose, California with an income of $32,000 would be eligible to receive a premium tax credit of $1,048 in 2017. The numbers vary by geography because health insurance costs vary widely by geography. A single person in Brooklyn with $32,000 of income would be eligible for an annual tax credit of around $2,666. But San Jose is likely more representative due to the high concentration of DACA aliens in California. Using the San Jose figure, current DACA aliens alone would likely be immediately eligible for around $838.4 million in Obamacare subsidies this year…….

The Dream Act of 2017, however, extends legal residency to far more aliens than the current DACA program. If we include 79 percent of the 1.8 million immediately eligible, the cost would rise to $91.5 billion over a decade. Including that share of the larger 3.3 million figure would push the 10 year cost of Obamacare subsidies to the DREAM households to around $167 billion.

You really should read the whole thing, but this gives you an idea of the monetary angle.

Then we have Truth on DACA: We’ve Already Granted Amnesty to These Illegals . Mr. Duke points out yes, they’ve been caught as criminals but no one is prosecuting them. They aren’t going to jail, nor are we forcing them or their parents to reimburse the country, county or city for the education or medical services or any other services from which they have benefited. He points out it is like coming home finding someone in your house chowing down on your dinner because his dad broke in and told him it was ok. You don’t call the cops, you feel bad for him, you just tell him to leave. Where upon your next door neighbor Rachel Madcow calls up the local #MSM #MediaBias TV station and rails you are a racist because you won’t continue feeding him and paying for his toothpaste. Ok, I paraphrased that last bit.

Contrary to this assertion, however, DACA recipients have considerably lower educational attainment than do American citizens. Almost a quarter are functionally illiterate, 73 percent live in low-income housing, and only four percent complete college, according to certain studies. Allowing DACA individuals — who range from high-school age to middle age — to stay, “is really the importation of an additional underclass,” as American Thinker editor Thomas Lifson puts it. (It’s also the importation of future Democrat voters.)

I wonder in how many languages classes have to be taught in California, and how does that affect the regular American students in the class?

If we can return to my example for a moment at the top about the dreamers who burn the flag and flip off things they don’t like, turns out, that isn’t so very bad a yardstick. While it is no doubt politically incorrect to point out that not all the dreamers/schemers are angels it is worth knowing the threshold they must cross to be considered a “criminal”. DACA: Granting Amnesty to Dreamers Committing Crimes While Abandoning Their Victims

Thus, the DACA guidelines give illegal aliens committing multiple felonies and significant misdemeanors a total pass as long as they have not been convicted of their criminal activity. This means that Dreamer gang-bangers, Dreamer identity thieves, Dreamer sexual predators, Dreamers who haven’t paid income taxes, and Dreamers committing a wide range of other crimes all qualify for DACA status as long as they haven’t been convicted of their crimes.

Huh, how about that. Shades of Tel Aviv. Tel Aviv activist: Suddenly the Supreme Court isn’t good enough Seems there are other places that the average citizen that is just living their life is forced to pay a high price due to social engineering.

So the U.S. is not the only country under invasion enrichment. How is it playing out for them?

Report: Immigration Crisis Causing ‘Unprecedented’ Shift in Italy’s Demographics

If current trends continue, the report states, by 2065, first- and second-generation immigrants will exceed 22 million persons, or more than 40 percent of Italy’s total population.

‘Nations Substitution’: Witnessing the ‘Biological Extinction’ of Europeans

Some European countries, namely Italy, Germany, France and the UK, are facing the so-called “substitution of nations,” where the national ethnical majority is disappearing physically and biologically, and is being substituted by migrants, according to a recent report. Sputnik Italy discussed the issue with Daniele Scalea, the author of the report.

Italians Will Become The Minority In Italy By 2080

The number of indigenous citizens in Italy is declining at an astonishing rate. According to a Eurostat forecast, within the next 60 years, or sooner, 50% of Italy’s population will either be of African or Asian descent. This figure is due to the diminishing number of migrants from other European countries and a prolonged economic crisis in Italy. Italian and European authorities are attempting to execute a re-population program in order to solve this issue.

Another source The Incredible Shrinking Population: By 2080, Italians Will Be A Minority In Their Own Nation

I hear it now. But Sheila, don’t be such a xenophobe, they will just become “Italians” “English” “French” “Swedish” “Canadian” “American” that came from __________. Really? Not necessarily. Remember I started by talking about wanting to live with honor, to be cultured? What got me started on this was a show I saw not long ago. Now I don’t watch a lot of television at all. But this one just floored me. This was on a series of deaths in Canada. The Shafia family lost three of their beautiful daughters and their nanny. The Shafias were from Afghanistan. You can read up on it, it really was quite horrific.

Inside the Shafia killings that shocked a nation

Shafia family sentenced to life for four counts of first-degree murder

Appeal dismissed in Shafia family murder convictions

Right, the girls were killed by their parents and their brother. They had brought shame and disgrace to the family by dating and wanting to be Canadian. They wanted to integrate into the society in which they lived. And the nanny? She was the father’s first wife (not ex-wife, first wife, still wife) who couldn’t have children. So they treated her horribly but kept her around. And I guess she really was good with the children by second wife and murderer. So she was a bonus kill. Remorse?

“My conscience, my God, my religion, my creed aren’t shameful,”Shafia told the others, back inside the van. “Even if they hoist me up onto the gallows, nothing is more dear to me than my honour. Let’s leave our destiny to God and may God never make me, you or your mother honourless.”

“There is,” he said later, “no value of life without honour.”

Guess that is a “no”. Compare that with how Susan Smith behaved when she drowned her children. Her society did not support that and call it honor, she knew she had done something wrong. Now, the Shafias knew they had done something illegal, they just didn’t think it was wrong.

It’s honor of a whole perverted notion according to American, or pretty much Canadian standards. Although it probably fits right it with the idea of honor in France, the U.K. and Sweden now. Their “Acid Attacks” are due to “mental instability”, not religion, of course.

From the always wonderful Daniel Greenfield The Acid Attacks of London’s Muslim No-Go Zones.  A splash from the acid test of multiculturalism

And in case you don’t know what victims of acid attacks look like, here are photos

MUSLIM ACID ATTACKS soar in countries like the UK, Europe, and even the U.S.

It’s THEIR culture. To them THAT was honorable. In the last few weeks on Twitter there have been a lot of pictures of women taking off their hijabs and waving them in defiance. Yep, while Linda Sarsour is over here convincing liberals it is “liberating” to wear them and the obliging liberals don them and smile at the camera in their enlightened embrace of “multiculturalism” women who have been forced to wear them since Jimmy Peanuts did his thing are taking them off and waving them.

A brave Iranian woman waves her hijab







And then they go missing. I don’t blame her for it though, I think she is amazing. I never did get an answer as to when Linda Sarsour was heading over there to support her oppressed sisters.

THIS is the traditional attire.







These hashtags have been running on Twitter. #ForcedHijab #Where_Is_She #IranProtests #Iranprotests #FreeAllProtesters

Some lady responded to some of these that the hijab protects them. It protects them from men behaving lasciviously towards them like western men do towards women. I actually answered her that not all western men act that way towards women and that it may be partly due to some western women being armed, willing and able to defend themselves from such. Of course I may be blocked from Twitter now.

So will it ever reach this in the United States? Well, probably not all of the United States. California maybe. New California Law Will Automatically Register Illegal Aliens to Vote add in the vote fraud and who knows, maybe?

And that is a big part of the draw of DACA for Demoncrats, new reliable Demoncratic votes. To heck with the American citizens that pay their salary, they will use the money and power granted to them by American citizens to betray them and favor the illegal immigrants.

The Demoncrat draw







Apparently that isn’t even okay with some Californians. Golden State conservatives seek to form ‘New California’

“After years of over taxation, regulation, and mono party politics the State of California and many of its 58 Counties have become ungovernable,” the movement declares on its website.

Preston and Reed say the citizens of the state live “under a tyrannical form of government that does not follow” constitutional requirements.

Do you think the people coming from these countries are going to cherish our Second Amendment? Do you think they will see the value and the freedom it brings? They are coming from mostly corrupt or oppressive countries. I said mostly. But enough of them to tip the voting scales? Who know, add in vote fraud, and who knows. Do you think they will cherish our life and proper sweet tea? Who knows. It’s not working out so good in Italy, the UK , France or Sweden. No, they don’t all want to kill us, but if I show you a picture can you tell me the ones that don’t? Probably not. Even if none of them want to kill us, will it change the culture? How much? Can’t you just hear barry sotero saying “If you like your culture, you can keep your culture”?

So if we in America are going to look for a change in the culture, let it be something like this

New Gun Owners California guns

Women CCW permits Riverside CA

Number of women involved in shooting sport increases 200%

May I just point out Hanukkah was only a little over a month ago, and that the point of Hanukkah was to prevent the eradication of Jewish culture by the Hellenist Demoncrats of their time? Culture really does matter.

Because I can never see this enough.

Yom Ha’Atzmaut Then and Now

Yom Ha’Atzmaut, I think this year I’ll do a little media round-up for ya’ll for Yom Ha’Atzmautיום העצמאות. I spent the day making balls and frying falafel for an impending big party that night. As I fried I had a plenty of time to reflect on the miracle of the nation state that was born from the ashes in a day.

A day when an ancient people, the Israelites declared to the world “We’re Home”. Thanks to the work of Eliezer Ben-Yehuda the Hebrew language had been revived. Some words were borrowed, especially technical terms, but many are pretty much the same. Modern Hebrew really caught on during the Second Aliyah, from 1904-1914.

So what had gone on before the Nation State reappeared?

Well, the Allies knew about the concentration camps far earlier than has been thought.

The Allied Powers were aware of the scale of the Jewish Holocaust two-and-a-half years earlier than is generally assumed, and had even prepared war crimes indictments against Adolf Hitler and his top Nazi commanders.

Newly accessed material from the United Nations – not seen for around 70 years – shows that as early as December 1942, the US, UK and Soviet governments were aware that at least two million Jews had been murdered and a further five million were at risk of being killed, and were preparing charges. Despite this, the Allied Powers did very little to try and rescue or provide sanctuary to those in mortal danger.

But they weren’t the only ones who more or less sat on their thumbs. One of my favorite writers, Jack Engelhard points out that while 400 Rabbis marched to Washington to talk to FDR about helping the Jews, the majority of American Jews sat on their thumbs. FDR by the way, couldn’t be bothered to meet with the Rabbis, he went golfing.

Eventually the war was won, and the camps were discovered and the prisoners were freed. Ohrdruf was the first camp freed by the Americans. Dwight Eisenhower, George Patton and Omar Bradley were there. The entire army present was shocked and appalled at what they found, what the reality was. If there had been any question in their minds as to why they were fighting, it was gone.

This is part of a cable he sent to George C. Marshall, the part in bold, I bolded.

… the most interesting—although horrible—sight that I encountered during the trip was a visit to a German internment camp near Gotha. The things I saw beggar description. While I was touring the camp I encountered three men who had been inmates and by one ruse or another had made their escape. I interviewed them through an interpreter. The visual evidence and the verbal testimony of starvation, cruelty and bestiality were so overpowering as to leave me a bit sick. In one room, where they were piled up twenty or thirty naked men, killed by starvation, George Patton would not even enter. He said that he would get sick if he did so. I made the visit deliberately, in order to be in a position to give first-hand evidence of these things if ever, in the future, there develops a tendency to charge these allegations merely to ‘propaganda.’

He then made the townspeople come view the camp, and help assist in burying the bodies. The townspeople all claimed they had no idea what had been going on, despite the smell that had been noted in the town. He also ordered many photos be taken of the camp to prevent people from being able to try to deny what had taken place. Doesn’t seem to have stopped them though, does it?

I would say the hope of Israel was beating in prisoner’s hearts. This is a recording made IN Bergan-Belsen after it was liberated. The BBC was there, and the prisoners knew they were being recorded. They asked to be allowed to sing on the recording. They are singing Hatikva, the national anthem of Israel, it means “The Hope”.

And so Jews then began making their way to Israel, they were going home. They began to work the land which had been let go into desolation and turn it in to a vibrant living land again.

This is a song I learned in school, my teacher says they sang it in the Kibbutzim, it’s called Boker Boker http://www.zemereshet.co.il/song.asp?id=337 it’s an actual recording and they are singing about different times of the day, but it all involves going to work. And she explained that they were just so happy to have a home and land to work, that they woke up happy to work the land and have their own, new lives. Something I should remind myself a few times. But it’s a very happy song.

And then in 1948, Independence was declared after the United Nations voted to partition the land. A scheme known today as the “Two State Solution”. It was rejected by the arabs, and they were much more honest about their motives then. They said they would drench the land in blood, and no compromise.

The Declaration, and I’ve been in this very room when they played a recording of the speech. I could not help it as I felt my eyes fill with tears. I have a copy of the Declaration in Hebrew. I’m such a baby I can’t quite read it without the vowel points though.

The Aftermath

Here’s some rare combat footage

The Davidka mentioned

Israellycool has some excellent old photos like this one.

A TRUE Feminist

But it’s all different now, isn’t it?

Turning once again to Jack Engelhard, I see that the German ambassador was in Israel recently. To meet with Bibi? No, he chose to meet with Israel’s enemies. Jack has informed Mrs. Merkel that today Germany’s actions will not be buried on the back pages of the paper, they are front page.

These days Israel celebrates the 69th Anniversary of its Independence. The Jewish State is not to be trifled, as were the Jews in the good old days.

Back then when you kicked us around you managed to get the cooperation of The New York Times and others to hide your dirty work.

The papers – led by the Times – let you off the hook as you rounded up, shot and gassed millions of our people.

They buried the news on the back pages.

Speaking of everyone’s favorite puppy pee pad, the New York Slimes, all the news that’s fit to lie about, they have changed so much! They recently ran a op-ed from Marwan Barghouti, a convicted terrorist guilty of murder, serving five life sentences. The Slimes didn’t find this information relevant as they ran his op-ed about why he was on a hunger strike in an Israeli prison. They listed him as a “Marwan Barghouti is a Palestinian leader and parliamentarian.” You can make this stuff up, but in the case, I’m not. Remember, we’re talking about the Slimes. After the outcry, it was added why he was in the slammer. Honestly, I’m kind of shocked there was an outcry. I didn’t realize anyone actually read the Slimes, I thought they just bought it when they were teaching puppies to piddle in a certain spot. So no, the Slimes is still/always evil.

To put things in perspective, Israellycool did a similar column from Charles Manson, yes, that one. He is listed as a “Singer-Songwriter”. And it is well worth the read. Actually, if you’re only going to read one of the columns, make it this one. You’ll know what Barghouti wrote and Israellycool does a good job of showing both.

And today, do all American Jews stand up for their kin in Israel? Um, not so much. Alan Dershowitz supported hillary, who would have continued obama’s anti-Israel policies. He recently talked with Moshe Feiglin about the future of Israel, as a Jewish state. The two had very different ideas. To Alan, Jews living in the Biblical heartland is a problem, and it being a Jewish state is kind of a problem.

If any nation ever was a living breathing symbol of “fastening upon the minds of the American people the belief, that ‘the price of liberty is eternal vigilance.’”~~ author Thomas Charlton it would be Israel.

I look at Israel, her people, the land, and the miracles that have happened there and it really makes me think about something I heard on one of my favorite radio shows recently. On Temple Talk they were discussing Pharaoh’s army chasing the fleeing Hebrews across a large strip of land that only a few hours earlier had been a sea. There are a couple walls of water on either side, your country has had frogs, locust, hail, darkness, boils, wild animals and all ya’lls first born is dead. The G-d of Israel said “Let them go”, you didn’t so you got all that and more. Now you think it’s a good idea to chase them across the strip of land in between two walls of water? Good idea had nothing to do with it. It was a deep hatred of the Jews. And it drives the enemies of Israel to do very stupid things, that oft times leads to their own demise. Germany has replaced six million Jews with how many muslims? And how’s that working out for them?

But, we’ve had Yom Ha’Atzmaut, and Am Ysrael Chai עם ישראל חי

The People of Israel LIVE!!!

Thank you G-d, for all your miracles and your love.


Voice of Reason?

Gilbert Randolph, writing in the UKMC University News, has delusions of being the voice of sweet reason is yet another gun control debate. Sadly, he’s just another idiot.

“I hope to reframe our current political discourse and put it into the historical, even global context of human violence.”

How well does Mr. Randolph manage that? From the beginning, he displays an unfortunate lack of knowledge of firearms- their design, intent, and use.

“Guns are designed to kill. That isn’t inherently evil. Bows were designed to kill. The teeth of wolves are designed to kill. It’s the usage of that ability that has moral and social implications.”

No. Guns are mechanical/chemical devices designed to direct a projectile at a target. The vast majority of targets outside of a war zone are paper.

“Guns are inherently dangerous. Does it then follow that danger is inherently evil or at the very least, needing to be tightly controlled?”

No. TATP, FOOF, and old nitroglycerin are inherently dangerous. They are so unstable as to spontaneously explode.

A firearm requires some external force in order to activate. Typically, that is a person pulling the trigger, although there are rare cases where indirect human stupidity does the job, or a critter. But the firearm is still an inanimate device; of its own, it does nothing, and never chooses its target. Never once, in decades of firearms experience, has one of my firearms spontaneously discharged.

Randolph’s ignorance extends to the Second Amendment he pretends to understand so much better than “the far right.”

“When neighborhoods are controlled by violent gangs, such as the cartels in Mexico and other nations, the power is merely transferred. The danger of someone else is also not without problems. What happens when that person abuses their power? Then there is a demand that we become dangerous to the institutions we set up to protect us.

This paradox seems to me to be the heart of the Second Amendment. I suggest that whatever route we choose, regulation or deregulation, we always remember these tensions.”

That is the very heart of the Second Amendment: That the power be distributed amongst all the People, not concentrated in one power group.

As for “discourse” on the regulation of firearms…

We’ve had that discussion. In 1776 — two hundred and forty years ago — George Mason drafted the “Declaration of Rights” for Virginia, which included the people’s individual right to keep and bear arms. It was debated and adopted by the state. Eleven years later, Mason drafted the original Bill of Rights based on Virginia’s Declaration. It was debated, refined, and approved by the Constitutional Convention. From there, it –completed with the Second Amendment — was sent to the states for further discussion. The nation agreed to it and formally adopted it. In the time since, every state admitted to the union has specifically agreed to and adopted the US Constitution complete with the Second Amendment.

If that weren’t sufficient for Randolph, we have the the US Supreme Court’s Miller decision that the people have a right to bear arms of common military type. We have the Heller decision that the right to keep and bear arms is an individual right. If that still isn’t clear enough (and for Chicago it wasn’t), the McDonald decision expressly stated that the right to keep and bear arms applies to all the individual people of all the states. And it extends to US Territories, too.

End of discourse. Unless you plan to amend the Constitution again, to rid us of that troubling human/civil right. Be careful what you wish for.

But good luck with that. The late Major R. Owens [Dimwit-NY] made an annual attempt at the discourse of repeal. Upon discussion in the House, it was likewise annually rejected. (I do give him partial credit for recognizing that there is a Constitution, even if he hated it.)

End. Of. Discourse.

Ed. note: This commentary appeared first in TZP’s weekly email alert. If you would like to be among the first to see new commentary (as well as to get notice of new polls and recaps of recent posts), please sign up for our alert list. (See sidebar or, if you’re on a mobile device, scroll down). Be sure to respond when you receive your activation email!


Yom Ha’Shoah

Today is Yom Ha’Shoah, holocaust remembrance day.  A few thoughts and some more information for you on Yom Ha’Shoah.  This is quite a good little article.

Politics always take an interest in you
Politics always take an interest in you
Only a moment.
Only a moment.

Never Forget

I don’t normally blog on Jewish history. I leave it to others, who are much better versed than I. However, when a friend posted this on Facebook, I simply couldn’t resist sharing.


It’s a reminder. Never forget that once you cede that your rights are merely privileges granted at the whim of a government, they can be taken away at that same whim.

Carry on.


It’s The Most MACCABEE Time of the Year!

I am pretty much, without a doubt, the least qualified on the team to write a column about the Maccabees. That is not stopping me.

I first learned about the Maccabees a couple years ago doing a study on the book of Daniel. I was so humbled and impressed by this group of people that loved their G-d so much that rather than submit to what was being demanded of them, that they offer sacrifices to anyone other than the G-d of Israel, or to eat unclean food, they would spark a revolt.

I ask a girlfriend of mine who knows me pretty well, if she knew about the Maccabees. Well, of course she did. “HOW could you know about the Maccabees and NOT tell me?”. She said she figured I learn about them in time. And so I did, and I fell in love.


The first thing that captivated me was Mattathias and his response. When he was told by the king’s officers that he was honored, a leader and to come be the first to sacrifice as all the Gentiles, people in Judah and those LEFT in Jerusalem had done(seeing as how Antiochus’s troops had slaughtered 40,000 and sold another 40,000 into slavery when he defiled the temple), he refused. He didn’t form a committee, he didn’t have an emergency conference with is sons, they didn’t do a feasibility study of defeating Antiochus, debate if he would be called racist, islamophobic, homophobic, hoplophobic, xenophobic. He just said

Though all the nations that are under the king’s dominion obey him, and fall away every one from the religion of their fathers, and give consent to his commandments : yet will I and my sons and my brethren walk in the covenant of our fathers. G-d forbid that we should forsake the law and. the ordinances. We will not hearken to the king’s words, to go from our religion, either on the right hand, or the left.”

And, he really meant it.

As some Jews had been happy enough about blending in with the king’s people (they picked the WRONG king) they had also become his enforcers. They were already breaking the Torah themselves, so what’s a little selling out of your fellow Jews who are trying to hold to the correct King’s law? So while Antiochus was determined to wipe out Judaism, he was perfectly willing to use the religious leaders to  convince the people that the horrible idea of turning away from their G-d was a GREAT idea. Not much has changed today has it?

When an appeasing Jew stepped forward, the kind of person that tries to appease a tiger, hoping it will eat them last, Mattathias killed him. He would NOT tolerate a sacrifice to a pagan idol, a false G-d in HIS name. None of it. He then killed the king’s officer that was forcing the people to do this wicked thing. He recognized evil for what it was. He didn’t try to rationalize it away, make it better or listen to national leaders that didn’t have the people’s best interests at heart. How can I say that? I wasn’t there? Because the people weren’t being allowed to worship THEIR G-d as they had been commanded to. They were being prevented from it, forbidden. In the most horrific of ways. Where in the beginning, perhaps they chose to assimilate, not wanting to be “intolerant” before long, it became mandatory. Horribly mandatory. Convert or Die.

One of the things those that who chose to rebel with Mattathias soon faced was the king’s army attacking them on Shabbat. When word reached the army at Jerusalem they rode out into the desert to stomp out these upstart Maccabee Partisans. The army commanded them to come out. But rather than profane their Sabbath, they chose to die, around a thousand of them, with their wives, children and livestock. They were faithful even unto death. Unfortunately, as my team mate Y.B. has pointed out,

Dying Kiddush Hashem (in sanctification of G-d’s name) is far too big a habit for Jews. We do it all the time. We’re really good at it. We have a backlog of those who have so died good for the next few thousand years, don’t you think?

The Maccabee Partisans then held a discussion and decided

“If we all do as our kinsmen have done,” they said to one another, “and do not fight against the Gentiles for our lives and our traditions, they will soon destroy us from the earth.” On that day they came to this decision: “Let us fight against anyone who attacks us on the sabbath, so that we may not all die as our kinsmen died in the hiding places.”

I don’t think Satan and the king’s army needed any help trying to wipe Judaism off the face of the earth. They were doing well enough on their own.

Other soon joined the Maccabees, and the rebellion grew. They went after all that were breaking the law. And it was about G-d, Torah and his law. There was none of this, “well, you have friends in high places”, or “they know people” or__________. It was very simple, and very fair. It was a Jewish land, and these were Jewish laws.

Lest you think that the people were converting and violating G-d’s laws because of something taught in Antiochus’s Common Core school, I will relate just a bit of Hannah and her Seven Sons. They deserve Capital letters. The first son made it plain that he would not violate the Torah by eating pork. What followed was having his tongue cut out, he was scalped, his hands and feet cut off, and while he was still breathing he was fried alive. In view of his Mother and Six Brothers, who all encouraged each other to die bravely but not give in. And NONE did, the Mother, after watching all of her sons suffer the same fate, was killed. Many of the Sons informed the king that though he had earthly power over them now, there was a Power greater, and he had NO power over that king. That the king should make no mistake, he absolutely would be called to account for his mistreatment of them and their nation. But that king was as arrogant or perhaps even more than rulers we see today. The battle was arrogance against the courage of their convictions and faith in their G-d. They perceived the horrors that had befallen their nation as punishment for having turned away from him.

When Mattathias died, he appointed his son Judah military leader, and his son Simon as the one to go to for wisdom. Father must have known his children’s strengths. Judah won amazing victories. His speech I love is:

But when they saw the army coming to meet them, they said to Judah, “How can we, few as we are, fight against so great and strong a multitude? And we are faint, for we have eaten nothing today.” Judah replied, “It is easy for many to be hemmed in by few, for in the sight of Heaven there is no difference between saving by many or by few. It is not on the size of the army that victory in battle depends, but strength comes from Heaven. They come against us in great pride and lawlessness to destroy us and our wives and our children, and to despoil us; but we fight for our lives and our laws. He himself will crush them before us; as for you, do not be afraid of them.”

When he finished speaking, he rushed suddenly against Seron and his army, and they were crushed before him. They pursued them down the descent of Beth-Horon to the plain; eight hundred of them fell, and the rest fled into the land of the Philistines. Then Judah and his brothers began to be feared, and terror fell upon the Gentiles round about them.

Judah didn’t fight for fame, glory to meet some celebrity or get a video game name after him. He fought for G-d, for his way of life, and because it was the right thing to do. Some fights are worth having. He suited up, showed up ready to fight and leave the outcome to G-d.

Eventually Judah and the Partisans often using guerrilla tactics retook Jerusalem. They disposed of the desecrated alter, cleansed the temple and built a new alter, new vessels to be made and everything was to be done properly, according to the law. For the Menorah, unadulterated and undefiled pure olive oil with the seal of the Kohen Gadol, high priest was needed. The Menorah was to burn through the night, every night. And while only one such bottle, enough to last for one night, was all that could be found, it lasted eight nights, which was the amount of time it took for a fresh supply of oil to be available. Some doubt that miracle to be true. I do not.

But whether or not THAT miracle is true, I think making one bottle of olive oil burn for eight nights is no big thing, ein ba-ya, for the G-d that created the olives, the trees, the land. I think the amazing miracle is that three years to the day that the madmen of Antiochus pillaged Jerusalem and defiled the temple, it was back in Jewish hands, holy and rededicated from what began as a one man revolt. And that one man had raised really good and righteous sons.

Please know, this is the “Cliff Note” version of  the Maccabean Revolt, from a person who has been in love with them for two whole years because she has only known about them for two whole years. I believe you will get a far better column from someone far better qualified to write it.

I know that most people think of Hanukkah as a “Jewish holiday”, some think it’s the Jewish version of Christmas. But I’m telling you now, Christians NEED to learn about Hanukkah! They NEED to know WHAT and WHY it was! They NEED to understand it, and they need to learn it very, very fast. And some Jews need to re-learn some lessons too. Hanukkah is equally as important for all of us now. Why would I say such a thing?

Because in the beginning some of the Jews were fine with the new lifestyle that was being brought in by the Greeks, the new gymnasiums, the “freedom” from all those bothersome holy laws. Tolerance, acceptance, go along to get along. Love, joy, peace and kumbaya and all that. And then the gloves came off. They were forbidden to practice their faith, forbidden to serve G-d, to worship him. Defiance was costly. I consider dead to be very costly.

Mattathias didn’t start the trouble, he didn’t go to Jerusalem looking to right the wrongs when Antiochus and his crowd showed up in Jerusalem and said “Burn this Bitch Down”. But when evil showed up on his doorstep he knew it for what it was and he didn’t muck about sorting it.

This country was founded on Judeo-Christian principles. Yet, in the country there are cities that are being told they can not have a float that had a religious statement on it because ONE person complained to an atheist legal group. The Ten Commandments are removed from schools and government buildings (and if ever there was a place they NEED to be, it would be government buildings). Sometimes by legal action, threats of legal action, or just choice. Army Chaplains are forbidden to use the Bible in suicide prevention classes. Children are told they can’t meet to pray before or after school on school grounds and humiliated for choosing to read a Bible during “free reading” period. So, what can the kids learn about in school? Islam. Several states have had people beginning to talk on FaceBook and to the media about the children coming home with assignments that are proselytizing for Islam. Part of the new Common Core standards lessons. Pamela Geller has been all over this. Reports from Maryland, Massachusetts and North Carolina all detailing similar events. Apparently there will be no lessons in the classroom on Judaism or Christianity. Unable to practice our religion freely? Check.

Physical violence? Did you know there is a place in America where it’s not safe for a Christian or Jews to go? The Maccabees were Jews who were able to resist and fight back because they were ARMED. They didn’t win battles with Judah’s winning smile. They fought. Yet we have far too many in America that can’t wait to put us all in a position of being in the position of the Warsaw Ghetto again where only the “State” has the means to enforce either freedom or tyranny. In many countries in Europe there is an increasing rise in Anti-Semitism, and Jews are becoming unsafe and afraid to disclose their religion. These kinds of attacks are something Jews in Israel have been dealing with for a very long time. Author Professor Phyllis Chesler said after 9/11 and the attack on the twin towers she went over and typed in her computer “Now we are all Israelis.” And we are right back where we started out, in Israel. The land of Miracles.

The shape our country is in now, we need Maccabees, we need them badly. People that will not bow down to the false king of “Political Correctness” nor allow the sacrifice good people on the alter of “tolerance” by them being put out of business, or having their TV show canceled because they talk about the Tanakh or the Bible. Nor because they choose to talk about G-d. We need people who recognize evil and teach others how to recognize it. We must become the Maccabees of today.

You know, life has been beyond hectic for me these last couple weeks. Mind numbingly, over-overwhelmingly so. The interesting thing was, as I wrote this column, I began to have a sense of peace, and calmness. The first I’ve had in some time. It was as though G-d wrapped a warm quilt around me and said “My child, I’m still in the miracle making business. They may not be on your time table, or in your way, but I still make them. Every single day, I make them. Breath.” And I did.

Happy Hanukkah

Merry Christmas


Never had any doubt

“You’re paranoid.”

“The government isn’t after your guns.”

“Nobody wants to confiscate your guns.”

“Registration doesn’t lead to confiscation.”

How many times have we heard gun control advocates snottily ridicule us for knowing our own history? For understanding the nature of statism?

“This isn’t Nazi Germany,” they say. “No one is going to disarm you and victimize you.”

“Registration is a safety measure,” they claim. “It’s a crime prevention measure.”

Is it? From Buffalo, NY comes a report that details a plan by the police department in that city to begin confiscating firearms of legal gun owners after their deaths.

Buffalo Police Commissioner Daniel Derrenda said at a press conference last week that the department will be sending people to collect guns that belong to pistol permit holders who had died so “they don’t end up in the wrong hands.” The department will cross reference pistol permit holders with death records and the guns will be collected when possible, he said.

Derrenda said guns pose a threat if their owner is no longer alive to safeguard them, especially if a recently-deceased gun owner’s home is burglarized.


The state law says that if the permit holder dies, the estate has 15 days to dispose of the guns or turn them in to authorities, who can hold the weapons up to two years. LoHud.com reported that violation of the law by survivors is a misdemeanor punishable by up to a year in jail and a fine.

So how will the police department find out whether the deceased had a gun? Carry permits? ATF 4473 forms, which licensed firearms dealers have to retain for at least 20 years?

While not “technically” registration, these records give the authorities the tools they need to confiscate firearms – to steal them from the families of the deceased when they are grieving and vulnerable – to violate basic property rights.

And Buffalo isn’t the only place where this odious infringement on basic human rights has happened.

In Connecticut, cowardly politicians rammed through a registration requirement for all firearms they deemed to look scary.  Gun owners resisted, and the majority of what these pusillanimous twits call “assault” weapons remained unregistered.  A few tried to register at the last minute, before the suspense, they wound up in limbo. The state now had their ownership information, and began confiscation proceedings against these gun owners, claiming they illegally held their property.

The state is sending letters to 106 rifle owners and 108 residents with high-capacity magazines saying they can destroy the guns and ammunition, sell them to a federally licensed gun dealer, move the items out of state or sell them to somebody out of state, or make arrangements to turn them over to local or state police.

Those who fail to do so could face serious criminal penalties.

In California, a de facto registration law signed by Jerry Brown in 2011 required the state to retain background-check records of those who purchase guns (although it did not register specific guns to specific people.) And you know what happened? Reason magazine explained in January.

The new law will bolster a program that has generated much controversy. Earlier this month, legislators held hearings on the effectiveness of the Armed Prohibited Persons System, used to confiscate the firearms of California residents who are no longer eligible to own them. The California Department of Justice relies on the current ownership lists to identify gun owners and cross check those with lists of people who have been convicted of crimes or have been involuntarily committed for mental issues.

The state auditor found, in a report released in October, that the department has not sufficiently notified courts and mental-health officials of their reporting requirements. Despite a new $24-million state appropriation, the auditor found that the program has failed to take guns from nearly 21,000 Californians who have forfeited their gun rights.

Not enough for you?

Registration led to confiscation in Australia, and Barack Obama wants to make that nation an example for the United States. (Yes, I know the link is RT – the Kremlin funded propaganda machine – but in this case, it’s actually correct reporting.)

After the 1996 Port Arthur massacre in Australia, its government passed the National Firearms Agreement, banning all semiautomatic rifles and semiautomatic and pump-action shotguns and imposing a more restrictive licensing system on other firearms. They also implemented a mandatory gun “buyback” – also known as confiscation (with perhaps a nominal payment for the owner’s property).

Those who do not remember history are, indeed, doomed to repeat it. That is the warning Canadian news anchor Brian Lilley  gave his American neighbors last year when he emphasized that registration did, in fact, lead to confiscation in Canada.

And in my birthplace – the USSR – firearm registration was introduced in 1918, which led to confiscation of weapons from everyone but… you guessed it… members of the Communist Party, with a stint in jail for anyone who possessed firearms and wasn’t a member. This was how Communists cemented their power over the hated bourgeoisie – those business owners, capitalists, and other undesirables whom they wanted to keep defenseless.

Those of us who grew up in tyrannical holes understand only too well that registering people for exercising their natural rights can only lead to the demise of those rights. Those of us who have studied history understand this as well.

Those who ignorantly seek to treat their fellow Americans like criminals merely for daring to exercise their rights either forgot their history, or are ignoring it.

Those of us who remember history never had any doubt about the end result of registration.
