Tag Archives: Yom Ha’Atzmaut

Happy 75th Independence Day Israel!

Who but G-d can bring back a nation in one day? A restored language, Hebrew and it’s people coming home. 75 years ago, the miracle began, now we need the Beit Hamikdash, the Holy Temple.

2 minutes and 55 seconds from Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks.

Hatikvah, the Israeli national anthem.


יום הולדת שמח ישראל
Happy Birthday Israel


Yom HaAtzmaut 2022

Yes, I’m a bit late getting this up, what can I say? How about Yom HaAtzmaut Samach? Happy Independence Day? Yes, the 5th of Iyar, this year May 5th marks a 74 year old beautiful Israel. Ok, so today is really the 5th of Iyar, but Yom HaZikaron (Memorial Day) and Yom HaAtzmaut will be moved if they are going to conflict with Shabbat.

I listened to a podcast I really enjoy from Leah Aharoni on Israel Newstalk Radio. She combines the Torah portion for the week and then views news of the week through the lens of what she covered from the Torah.

In this weeks version she covered some amazing facts about Israel,

They have been able to grow fresh dates from 6th century date seeds found at Masada.

Israel is the only country to revive dead language, Hebrew. For more on that you can read about Eliezer Ben-Yehuda

The Israeli post office has a special letters to G-d department. The letters addressed to G-d are placed in cracks in Western Wall. I guess the Israeli post office isn’t tracking their citizens on social media so they have time for meaningful activity.

They were the first country with medical clowning group, and it was the first to go into covid wards to spread cheer and encourage patients and probably staff as well.

In 2007 “Good deeds day” was started by Shari Arison in Israel, and 7,000 participated. Two years ago 4 million participated world wide.

Israel recycles 90% of waste water, it is then used for agriculture.

Leah described some kind of cool sock, it sounded like she was saying “Poolies”maybe “Pulies”? Which are socks made from recycled plastics. But I couldn’t find them to give you a link.

The cows in Israel produce more milk per cow than any other country.

Due to Bamba, a heavenly treat, like a Cheeto only made with peanuts, few children have peanut allergies. Because children begin to eat Bamba from 7-8 mo old. I’m convinced Bamba is a gift from Heaven.

The women in Israel have more children per woman than any other OECD ( Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) country. And the number of children is going up even as more women are entering into the work force and higher education.

If you want to listen to the whole excellent show, it is here

And I think this last one may explain why the globalists were so determined to use Israel as a test lab for the experimental gene therapy injections.

FOI reveals Pfizer and Medicine Regulators hid the dangers of Covid-19 Vaccination during Pregnancy because Study found it increases risk of Birth Defects & Infertility

I guess if you’re a globalist you don’t want a group of people trying to show the world a decent moral way to live according to the directions of the creator then you’d want to cut down on the number of them. That is a bridge too far for the globalist control. They think they are G-d.

Israel was re-born 74 years ago, in the same place that G-d led us when we left behind the slavery of Egypt. But the thing about slavery is you have to remain vigilant. Just because you leave one brand of slavery behind doesn’t mean another brand won’t try to sneak in and seize control. I think that is what is happening in Israel and America right now.

The day after Israel declared Independence, she was attacked in her own little home.

Seventy four years later.

ELAD SURVIVOR: “Boiling Cholent Saved My Life, Terrorists Had Huge Axes”

“I was sitting in the car with my friend and we were eating cholent,” Dovid said. “The terrorists, carrying huge axes, came on both sides of the car. My friend threw his boiling hot cholent on one of the terrorists and he got burned and stopped in his tracks. Meanwhile, I grabbed the end of his ax and I managed to push him away. He flew three steps back. And then the second terrorist tried to hit my friend again but my friend pushed him back and they fled.”

Assault cholent/hamim? Excuse me sir, do you have a license for that assault cholent/hamim? I seem to remember another column I did where boiling cholent/hamim was used by some Yeshiva students to fight off barbaric muslims as they tried to break into the Yeshiva. It is a very sad state of affairs when your government is more worried about the criminal muslims rights being protected than the innocent cholent/hamim eating victim. To translate that from Israeli into American, the rights of Antifa over the innocent driver trying to get to work.

I think that both America and Israel are under attack from within by their own governments. Someone signed that order in Israel to force those injections. In America we know about the demented troll at the NIH and the demented puppet in the white house. But the leadership of neither country wants it’s people to live in a land whole and healthy based on the G-d’s law. And for those that have sat still on the sidelines, thinking that “It can’t get that bad, we have a Constitution and a Bill of Rights”, I guess we as a people are going to have to decide how much it matters to us. U.S. There is always work involved, but going forward we need to know, we can never let the left near the levers of power. Had the left wing General Moshe Dayan not thrown the miraculous gift of the Temple Mount back in G-d’s face after he gave it to us, Israelis would be celebrating Yom HaAtzmaut on the Temple Mount today. Because this land? It is ours.


Happy 72nd Birthday Israel! Yom HaAtzmaut

The 5th of Iyar, is Yom HaAtzmaut,  יום העצמאות

Israeli Independence Day! The following is a 10 minute film from the Israeli archives. It’s film shot in 1948 and I get such a feeling of awe, of gratitude. How could such a small band of poorly equipped people, many with no military training have over come the massive amount of arabs that came against them along with the British who sided with the arabs.Only the hand of G-d making good on his word!

In case you don’t know it, the best movie Kirk Douglas ever made was about Mickey Marcus! Cast A Giant Shadow

You could also read or listen to the The Hope, Herman Wouk’s epic novel. I owe our President Brad for insisting I would love The Hope and The Glory. I adore them, it’s like stepping back in time.

The people were so grateful to again be in their homeland, to again have a state of their own. The price for the land was fearful, blood, sweat, tears, lives and sorrow. From the holocaust to today the price continues, from nazis to hezbollocks.

I think that’s what makes me so sad when I hear the left wing try to tear down Israel, the one tiny Jewish nation all the while claiming they are not anti-semitic. I’ve heard left wing Jews say things I would have thought came out of the mouth of Ilhan Omar or Rashida Tliar and I can not even begin to understand that. Such an amazing gift given by G-d, fought for so desperately by those men, women and children who first came home and to see their sacrifice regarded so blithely is painful for me. For the record, I have the same feelings when people speak that way about America. Neither state is perfect, but both were established based on the law of G-d, Judeo-Christian principles. Therefore I feel far superior to the other choices.

These are a couple of radio interviews from the Tamar Yonah show on Israel newstalk radio. The first is interviews with people who were teenagers and fought during the war of independence. It’s an old interview, but still so very good.

The second is an interview with a man named Amnon Sharon who was an Israeli POW held by the Syrians. Tamar also talks about some other more modern heroes.

If those people who choose not to accept the word of G-d ever wonder these days, if the Jews really need their own state, a land of their own they need only look at the mayor Warren Wilhelm Jr of NYC twitter feed.

DeBlasio’s threat

I re-posted and asked if he had offered to build a nice high wall around part of the city for them, because you know, safety.

Not that such an order will have consequences.

DeBlasio’s results

You Jews had your chance, right.

Yes, and we took it on the 5th of Iyar 1948 in the State of Israel. She was fought for, she is loved and she lives.

I will leave you with a short video from Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks from Israel, Home of Hope

עם ישראל חי


Yom HaAtzmaut 2019

Well, the 14th is recognized as Israeli Independence day יום העצמאות, Yom HaAtzmaut and in 1948 the 5th of Iyar was. This year it was not, this year it was the 10th of May. I was fortunate enough to be at a table in my local JCC, nope I wasn’t eating. The Shaliach (emissary from the Jewish Federation) asked if I would like to teach about Israel at Yom HaAtzmaut. Oh yes! YES!! What did he want me to teach, since I am pretty sure there are far better qualified, though perhaps not more enthusiastic. I ended up having a table with a map and some post cards from Israel dating back to the 60s and 70s, as well as some of my own photos. I have an idea for a presentation I would like to work up and have on hand for the future. I called my presentation “Israel Past and Present”. I met some very interesting people, and had a great time. I loved it, just loved it.

In my Hebrew class we learn all kinds of things, and in one lesson my teacher who grew up on a Kibbutz was teaching us a song that was in our school book. It’s called Boker Boker Ba. It means “Morning morning comes”.

It you want a real treat you can listen to this one, I think she said it was recorded on a Kibbutz. The words of the song are basically about celebrating morning coming because they were going off to work on the kibbutz, lunch was for a meal, evening was to rest and at night they assembled. She explained that they were just so glad to have land of their own, that they couldn’t wait to get up of a morning to go work it. I might mention in a kibbutz no one actually owns land, it’s owned by the kibbutz. Many of the Jews that came to Israel came from communist and socialist counties where they hadn’t been allowed to own land, and they were used to the big government where no one owns anything. It’s all property of the state. I understand the feeling. Having land that you love, that you want to work and don’t want to lose. I get it. They are the Israeli version of Scarlett O’Hara,

It’s the land Katie Scarlett, it’s the land~~Gerald O’Hara

So, according to the Falestinian lip flapper, no, not sarsour, the other one, tlaib, those Jews coming after the Holocaust are among the first Jews in Israel. Tlaib #AntisemiticLiar and omar #AntisemiticLiar seem to be having a contest as to who can spout the most outrageous lies, then claim persecuted victim status the quickest. This last week I guess it was tlaib. One of my favorite writers, Jack Engelhard has picked up on their pattern.

So what did Falestinian lip flapper tlaib claim? That the Jews coming from the Holocaust displaced Falestinians (established 1964).

There’s always kind of a calming feeling I tell folks when I think of the Holocaust, and the tragedy of the Holocaust, and the fact that it was my ancestors, Palestinians, who lost their land and some lost their lives, their livelihood, their human dignity, their existence in many ways, have been wiped out, and some people’s passports. I mean, just all of it was in the name of trying to create a safe haven for Jews, post-the Holocaust, post-the tragedy and the horrific persecution of Jews across the world at that time, and I love the fact that it was my ancestors that provided that, right, in many ways. But they did it in a way that took their human dignity away, right, and it was forced on them.’”

Prior to 1964 Falestinians were arabs. And prior to 1948 they were arabs living in the British Mandate of Palestine. They were mainly Jordanian, I’ve been told you can tell by their surnames. Jews have been living in Israel since G-d told Avraham Lech Leha, go from here (to Israel). But the modern state of Israel? That began in the 1800s.

The first wave, known as the “First Aliyah,” took place prior to political Zionism, in the late 1800s….

The Second Aliyah , prior to World War I, ….

After World War I and until 1923, the Third Aliyah came to Israel. …

The Fourth Aliyah, which took place over a short period of time from 1924 to 1929,….

The Fifth Aliyah coincided with the rise of Nazism in Germany and extreme nationalism across Eastern Europe

And just who were the Jews that came prior to WWII buying the land from? The Ottoman Turks. Who didn’t want to sell it to them, and made it very difficult legally for them to buy land, that did ease up later. So what were the arabs doing in Israel prior to the Jews buying the land? They didn’t own the land, they worked it for the Turks. The Ottoman census of 1875 has Jews listed as the population majority of Jerusalem, by 1905 Jews made up two thirds of the population majority of Jerusalem. This has a lot of interesting goodies.

So tlaib shoots off her ignorance, and shares her comforting feelings about the Holocaust and Republicans including President Trump are outraged. Steny Hoyer and San Fran Nancy Pelosi were outraged as well, outraged I say! At Republicans and President Trump, not tlaib, her they stood up for.

Predictably, tlaib rushed to get her “victimhood prize” happy meal.

Tlaib accuses critics of ‘twisting her words for racist agenda’

Shall I say it again? Demoncrats are not our friends. Need I point out that the arabs collaborated with hitler? History doesn’t appear to be tlaib’s strong suit.

My how the Demoncratic party had changed!

The 1948 Democrat Party Platform stated:

​”President Truman, by granting immediate recognition to Israel, led the world in extending friendship and welcome to a people who have long sought and justly deserve freedom and independence.

​We pledge full recognition to the State of Israel.

Yes, some arabs may have rescued Jews at different time. But I have a feeling these Jews experienced the “rescue” of tlaib’s family.

Hevron & Safed riots







There were riots in Israel in 1929, for example in Hevron (and here) and Safed. Long before 1948 when she was attacked by the five arab nations at once after Ben-Gurion declared statehood. These things were easy to pull off because the British didn’t allow the Jews to have guns. The arabs? Whatever.

Map of attack on Israel 1948









It’s not that way today. The British don’t control Israel, and the people are less helpless. Though gun control for citizens is not good and until Moshe Feiglin is Prime Minister that is not likely to change. Maybe in a couple of years.

British plaque







You may remember one of my heroes Ari Fuld was killed not long ago. His brother Hillel put out a statement that fellow writer Y.B. ben Avraham shared with me.

Hillel Fuld’s post about Ari






And so it is.


Yom Ha’Atzmaut Then and Now

Yom Ha’Atzmaut, I think this year I’ll do a little media round-up for ya’ll for Yom Ha’Atzmautיום העצמאות. I spent the day making balls and frying falafel for an impending big party that night. As I fried I had a plenty of time to reflect on the miracle of the nation state that was born from the ashes in a day.

A day when an ancient people, the Israelites declared to the world “We’re Home”. Thanks to the work of Eliezer Ben-Yehuda the Hebrew language had been revived. Some words were borrowed, especially technical terms, but many are pretty much the same. Modern Hebrew really caught on during the Second Aliyah, from 1904-1914.

So what had gone on before the Nation State reappeared?

Well, the Allies knew about the concentration camps far earlier than has been thought.

The Allied Powers were aware of the scale of the Jewish Holocaust two-and-a-half years earlier than is generally assumed, and had even prepared war crimes indictments against Adolf Hitler and his top Nazi commanders.

Newly accessed material from the United Nations – not seen for around 70 years – shows that as early as December 1942, the US, UK and Soviet governments were aware that at least two million Jews had been murdered and a further five million were at risk of being killed, and were preparing charges. Despite this, the Allied Powers did very little to try and rescue or provide sanctuary to those in mortal danger.

But they weren’t the only ones who more or less sat on their thumbs. One of my favorite writers, Jack Engelhard points out that while 400 Rabbis marched to Washington to talk to FDR about helping the Jews, the majority of American Jews sat on their thumbs. FDR by the way, couldn’t be bothered to meet with the Rabbis, he went golfing.

Eventually the war was won, and the camps were discovered and the prisoners were freed. Ohrdruf was the first camp freed by the Americans. Dwight Eisenhower, George Patton and Omar Bradley were there. The entire army present was shocked and appalled at what they found, what the reality was. If there had been any question in their minds as to why they were fighting, it was gone.

This is part of a cable he sent to George C. Marshall, the part in bold, I bolded.

… the most interesting—although horrible—sight that I encountered during the trip was a visit to a German internment camp near Gotha. The things I saw beggar description. While I was touring the camp I encountered three men who had been inmates and by one ruse or another had made their escape. I interviewed them through an interpreter. The visual evidence and the verbal testimony of starvation, cruelty and bestiality were so overpowering as to leave me a bit sick. In one room, where they were piled up twenty or thirty naked men, killed by starvation, George Patton would not even enter. He said that he would get sick if he did so. I made the visit deliberately, in order to be in a position to give first-hand evidence of these things if ever, in the future, there develops a tendency to charge these allegations merely to ‘propaganda.’

He then made the townspeople come view the camp, and help assist in burying the bodies. The townspeople all claimed they had no idea what had been going on, despite the smell that had been noted in the town. He also ordered many photos be taken of the camp to prevent people from being able to try to deny what had taken place. Doesn’t seem to have stopped them though, does it?

I would say the hope of Israel was beating in prisoner’s hearts. This is a recording made IN Bergan-Belsen after it was liberated. The BBC was there, and the prisoners knew they were being recorded. They asked to be allowed to sing on the recording. They are singing Hatikva, the national anthem of Israel, it means “The Hope”.

And so Jews then began making their way to Israel, they were going home. They began to work the land which had been let go into desolation and turn it in to a vibrant living land again.

This is a song I learned in school, my teacher says they sang it in the Kibbutzim, it’s called Boker Boker http://www.zemereshet.co.il/song.asp?id=337 it’s an actual recording and they are singing about different times of the day, but it all involves going to work. And she explained that they were just so happy to have a home and land to work, that they woke up happy to work the land and have their own, new lives. Something I should remind myself a few times. But it’s a very happy song.

And then in 1948, Independence was declared after the United Nations voted to partition the land. A scheme known today as the “Two State Solution”. It was rejected by the arabs, and they were much more honest about their motives then. They said they would drench the land in blood, and no compromise.

The Declaration, and I’ve been in this very room when they played a recording of the speech. I could not help it as I felt my eyes fill with tears. I have a copy of the Declaration in Hebrew. I’m such a baby I can’t quite read it without the vowel points though.

The Aftermath

Here’s some rare combat footage

The Davidka mentioned

Israellycool has some excellent old photos like this one.

A TRUE Feminist

But it’s all different now, isn’t it?

Turning once again to Jack Engelhard, I see that the German ambassador was in Israel recently. To meet with Bibi? No, he chose to meet with Israel’s enemies. Jack has informed Mrs. Merkel that today Germany’s actions will not be buried on the back pages of the paper, they are front page.

These days Israel celebrates the 69th Anniversary of its Independence. The Jewish State is not to be trifled, as were the Jews in the good old days.

Back then when you kicked us around you managed to get the cooperation of The New York Times and others to hide your dirty work.

The papers – led by the Times – let you off the hook as you rounded up, shot and gassed millions of our people.

They buried the news on the back pages.

Speaking of everyone’s favorite puppy pee pad, the New York Slimes, all the news that’s fit to lie about, they have changed so much! They recently ran a op-ed from Marwan Barghouti, a convicted terrorist guilty of murder, serving five life sentences. The Slimes didn’t find this information relevant as they ran his op-ed about why he was on a hunger strike in an Israeli prison. They listed him as a “Marwan Barghouti is a Palestinian leader and parliamentarian.” You can make this stuff up, but in the case, I’m not. Remember, we’re talking about the Slimes. After the outcry, it was added why he was in the slammer. Honestly, I’m kind of shocked there was an outcry. I didn’t realize anyone actually read the Slimes, I thought they just bought it when they were teaching puppies to piddle in a certain spot. So no, the Slimes is still/always evil.

To put things in perspective, Israellycool did a similar column from Charles Manson, yes, that one. He is listed as a “Singer-Songwriter”. And it is well worth the read. Actually, if you’re only going to read one of the columns, make it this one. You’ll know what Barghouti wrote and Israellycool does a good job of showing both.

And today, do all American Jews stand up for their kin in Israel? Um, not so much. Alan Dershowitz supported hillary, who would have continued obama’s anti-Israel policies. He recently talked with Moshe Feiglin about the future of Israel, as a Jewish state. The two had very different ideas. To Alan, Jews living in the Biblical heartland is a problem, and it being a Jewish state is kind of a problem.

If any nation ever was a living breathing symbol of “fastening upon the minds of the American people the belief, that ‘the price of liberty is eternal vigilance.’”~~ author Thomas Charlton it would be Israel.

I look at Israel, her people, the land, and the miracles that have happened there and it really makes me think about something I heard on one of my favorite radio shows recently. On Temple Talk they were discussing Pharaoh’s army chasing the fleeing Hebrews across a large strip of land that only a few hours earlier had been a sea. There are a couple walls of water on either side, your country has had frogs, locust, hail, darkness, boils, wild animals and all ya’lls first born is dead. The G-d of Israel said “Let them go”, you didn’t so you got all that and more. Now you think it’s a good idea to chase them across the strip of land in between two walls of water? Good idea had nothing to do with it. It was a deep hatred of the Jews. And it drives the enemies of Israel to do very stupid things, that oft times leads to their own demise. Germany has replaced six million Jews with how many muslims? And how’s that working out for them?

But, we’ve had Yom Ha’Atzmaut, and Am Ysrael Chai עם ישראל חי

The People of Israel LIVE!!!

Thank you G-d, for all your miracles and your love.


Yom Ha’Zikaron and Yom Ha’Atzmaut

These two days are so very different, and they are always two days apart. It has been said, not originally by me however, that without the sorrow of the first, we would not have the joy of the second.

I like writing, I like it a lot. I love writing for Zelman’s Partisans, something I hope to do for a very long time. And I love being a partisan. I like words. I like them in English and in Hebrew and love learning new Hebrew words, something I work at every day.

That being said, there are no words I can ever give you, that I can write, that I think you will find as moving as the clip below. It is taken from a radio broadcast I listen to called Walter’s World. It is a clip from Richard Dimbleby on the liberation of Bergen-Belsen. The song at the end is HaTikvah, The Hope, The Israeli national anthem.

Listen, and you will understand why there is Yom Ha’Zikaron. Why there is the day that honors those that have fallen fighting for Israel, and honoring victims of terror that have fallen. They have been killed because they were Jewish, because they live in their land of Israel.

And again, I believe I can never give you any words to explain Yom Ha’Atzmaut, Israel Independence Day as well as Kippalive can. Besides, they sing much better than I do, and I’ve got a ton of felafel to fry for a BIG birthday party tonight. Our celebrant turns 68 years old.

ʿam yisraʾel ḥay!

עַם יִשְרָאֵל חַי

The people of Israel live!
