Tag Archives: poll

Poll: causes of violence

violent-video-games-flickr-nwsThis is a complicated question. Ours is a huge nation, and there are definitely issues with violence in parts of it. We have drugs. We have gangs. We have thousands of people using psychotropic drugs.

So what is the cause? We, Americans, are a kind, generous people, and yet our homicide rate is still 3.82 per every 100,000 people.

Why? Some common causes are listed below, but I get the feeling that the question is more complicated than just a simple answer.

Take the poll, and let’s explore further in comments.


Poll: skillz

apocalypseI’ve been watching a lot of post-apocalyptic shows and movies lately, and reading dystopian literature. It seems there are more and more out there – The Walking Dead and its offspring Fear the Walking Dead, Contagion, The 100, Revolution, Hunger Games and others.

The one thing they all have in common is a breakdown in society and the complete destruction of government structures. You let it go a while, and tyranny ensues, but in the meantime, survival skills are critical.

So what happens? How do the survivors survive? In the absence of government to help them, the survivors have to turn to their own skills and ingenuity to survive in mini-societies that organically form in the aftermath of an apocalyptic event.

This is what gave me the idea for this poll. In the event that society completely deteriorates, what skills become critical? Obviously, one needs to be able to handle a weapon and to protect him or herself and those around them. But what else? What skills are important aside from being able to handle yourself around firearms?

There is likely an endless array of answers, but I had to limit myself to several, so hit “other” if you feel your best choice is not included, and tell us in the comments.


Pro-gun Fiction

freeholdThis week’s poll is a bit of fun. We’d like to know what you consider to be the best pro-gun novel. I’ve tried to select a good variety of fiction that I thought spanned the genres – everything from military sci-fi to urban fiction to historical fiction; Correia to Heinlein to Smith.

If you don’t see your favorite in the bunch, choose “other” and let us know which one. Let us know why you love the book you love. Maybe this poll will help expand some of our horizons and help find new literature we enjoy.heinlein
Let’s stick to fiction this week, and we’ll do non-fiction later.

Sound good?

Ready? Go!


Poll: Your passion for our rights

gun rights historyIn today’s poll, we’d like to know about what drives you. Why did you get involved in gun rights? What made you passionate about your right to keep and bear arms? What drives you?

For me, personally, it was leaving the former USSR, helpless, disarmed and at the mercy of heartless Soviets, who felt the Jews were something to grind under their boots. You can read the story here.

But what was it for you? Was it a specific incident? Was it the realization that you alone are responsible for the safety of you and your loved ones? Was it a specific text? What inflamed your passions for this issue?

Poll question is below. Feel free to expound further in comments, especially if none of the choices fit.


‘Tis the Season

campaign_2016-2Well, the 2016 election season appears to be in full swing. We all know that gun rights are the premiere issue for most of us here, but we would like to know what else you care about deeply and passionately.

If a presidential candidate is bad on gun rights, it’s a deal breaker for me and many others here, I’m sure. However, for me personally, the economy is the second most important issue. Without a sound economic policy, it won’t take long for an overreaching government to start regulating other aspects of our lives.

So… other than gun rights, what is your issue?

As always, feel free to comment and explain further.


Poll: Your first experience with firearms?

We’re waxing a bit nostalgic this week. Many of us learned how to shoot when we were really young. Others were lucky enough to have shooting be part of a family tradition. Others didn’t learn until they were much older.

chi-gun-training-kids-video-20150327 (1)Tell us about your experiences!

Were you just a little tyke with your first Henry rifle?

Did you go plinking with a parent?

Did you learn when you were older? Did a drill instructor put that first rifle in your hands in Basic Combat Training?

Give us your story in the comments, if you’d like. We’d love to see it!


Poll: GOP a danger to your gun rights?

republican_debate002_16x9Hey, all! It’s time for another fun Zelman Partisans poll. Today we are asking you which remaining GOP candidate would be the most dangerous for your gun rights.

We previously asked you who in the GOP clown car would best protect your right to keep and bear arms. Now, that the field has narrowed, we want to know who would be the worst.

What I tried to do in parentheses is give you guys a taste of each candidate’s Second Amendment views. It’s not a complete report card, and I’ve tried to include Gun Owners of America ratings where appropriate.

Now, go vote!


New Poll: Smart Guns

My apologies for being a bit late with this week’s poll. Sometimes life gunjust makes you crazy.

Today, we want to talk about “smart” guns. Would you ever buy one? Under what conditions? Why? Do you consider them risky? Do you think they’re cool?

Assume it’s a voluntary thing. No one is forcing you. They’re just something that is available on the market.

Enjoy, and feel free to comment.
