Tag Archives: silicone valley

Was that a large extra-capacity “AssaultMilkshake”?

Ahh, the double standard of the left. What they think should be shown on every TV set 24 hours a day. For example, a women telling lies about a man whom the left disagrees with would get wall to wall coverage. When she changes her story or admits the truth, not so much. When it involves actual physical attacks on someone they disagree with, that, they cover up.

The hypocrisy has just been strong of late.

In the world of (un)social media and big tech:

It seems Ilana Mercer has been locked out of Twitter of late. Was it her latest column about Logic being disallowed? It used to be the old joke about Fathers needing shotguns to defend their daughter’s honor from randy young lads. Now it seems dog owners need them to defend their dog’s honor from illegal immigrants. But, blocked out she is. As she points out, part of the price you may have to pay to get back in, or at least what they lead you to think, is that if you surrender your cell phone number to them. Then they may let you back in. Of course, once they have it, well. The US government of course wants to know everything about everyone at all times, and this was long before this administration. Anyone remember the tale of Lavabit? Lavabit was founded as an alternative google and the privacy concerns that were arising. The government can’t stand for you to have a private conversation on your own phones or email. U.S. May Outlaw Messaging Encryption Used By WhatsApp, iMessage And Others, Report. But then, google is already spying on you. Review: Google Chrome has become surveillance software. It’s time to switch.

But back to Ilana for a moment, locked out of Twitter. What does Twitter find acceptable? Apparently antifa. Antifa has a un-throttled, unblocked account. I’m guessing they aren’t losing followers due to a Twitter algorithm. Antifa has been a busy little pack of cowardly cupcakes the last few days. In case you aren’t familiar with Andy Ngo, he is a journalist in the Portland OR area. He recently put up a story about a woman being randomly attacked along with this comment, this is from 2 or 3 days ago.

Exclusive video. This happened this week in Portland, Ore. with absolutely no media coverage. Steps away from the iconic Voodoo Doughnut in downtown, Daniel Tuski Bertrand suddenly attacks a woman. Her eye socket was ”crushed,” says a source. The man was only charged with a misdemeanor & released without having to pay bail.

Also apparently the Portland mayor is not too distressed about the crime. Apparently Andy with Quillette, is known in the Portland area. He was attacked by a Twitter approved antifa mob. I guess throwing milkshakes with quick drying concrete in them on people (conservative only) and shooting them with silly string, beating them up (only allowed if they are wearing something conservative looking like a patriotic shirt) is fine by Twitter. And it seems several very obnoxious leftists have been openly calling for violence against conservatives on Twitter and that doesn’t seem to cause a problem for @TwitterSupport either. For the people experiencing it, it is. Twitter approved antifa also stole his camera, before they sent him to the hospital. Note the two tolerant leftists who seem to think it is perfectly acceptable to throw milkshakes at people they don’t like and chase them. Chew on that one. The left thinks there is a class of people it is ok to attack in public and chase down and assault. That will just be the start. This isn’t the right side of the political spectrum, it’s the left. The virtue signaling left.

Apparently there were no police around to intervene. As in many liberal cities, it seems the police just aren’t around. Or as in the case of the Berkeley riots, were told not to intervene when conservatives were attacked. But what makes this odd, is Andy is gay, and Asian. So a pack of bandana clad (to show how tough cowardly you are, you hide your face) mostly white boys physically attack a gay Asian man, chase him like a pack of wild animals and the response from his brethren and sisters in the mainstream media_______crickets. Victims of course are mandated not to have a gun to defend themselves, by the left of course. Strict gun control in Portland, because if it saves “just one life”, unless of course it’s Andy Ngo by defending himself with one. Maybe we need #MilkshakeControl? Was that a large extra-capacity #AssaultMilkshake?

Twitter of course will ban the associated accounts, just kidding.

But that brings us to google. Will it show up in google searches? For how long and how far down the list? Of course, google may have supplied antifa with the concrete and milkshakes. Turns out google not only runs gmail, youtube, a pretend search engine, they also have gprotest, gantifa if you will. You know, g out of gmail, and antifa? G-antifa. Seems James O’Keefe has been busy, again.

New Google RESIST Doc Shows “Internal Beginner’s Guide To Protesting,” “Resist@Google

They are also becoming the electronic media arm of the #Demoncratic party. It seems the muckty mucks at google have decided President Trump was a horrible mistake. And they are determined to prevent that from happening ever again. Because they know better than you. Seems google is to the left of even Fauxcahontas politically. Believe it or not. Google exec caught on hidden camera saying that they will stop Trump’s re-election

In the video, Gennai said that she opposes Democrat Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s proposal to divide up Google. Gennai said, “I love her but she’s very misguided, like that will not make it better it will make it worse, because all these smaller companies who don’t have the same resources that we do will be charged with preventing the next Trump situation, it’s like a small company cannot do that.”

And while they whine about Russian collusion, they are actively planning to corrupt elections. At least a couple states are now giving driver’s licenses and voting cards to illegal immigrants.

The media has such a lockstep view of perceptions of they will push, allow the edited story in the public arena.

For example recently the NY Slimes #FakeNews, ran a story about a restaurant in South Africa and made the purpose of the article about racism. They think a restaurant allowing anyone to eat there is the most upsetting thing facing the white South African farmers? I suspect it’s them, their families and their livestock being butchered and cut up alive, and their land confiscated is a bigger concern, but, it is the Slimes. All the news that’s fit to print, unless of course it’s about Six Million Jews being murdered in Europe. And the good friend of the Jews, Roosevelt-Demoncrat, sending Jews escaping back to Europe to be murdered. And just like the Slimes didn’t want to see it was the peace loving Germans committing the atrocities back then, and so they didn’t tell the world, they really haven’t changed much. With the Slimes politics and political correctness comes before news. Dangers from peace loving illegal immigrants to citizens, especially Jewish ones is not something the Slimes is really leading the way on.

Malmo’s Swedish-Jewish community set to dissolve over security concerns

The BESA Center reported in 2018, “Sweden has taken in the highest number of migrants in western Europe as a percentage of population. Most immigrants come from Muslim countries where societies are permeated by extreme anti-Semitic prejudices. The authorities there promote Jew-hatred as national policy. Sweden can thus be characterized as a major importer of anti-Semites out of humanitarian motives.”

Well, humanitarian except for it’s Jewish citizens.

And another big importer of Antisemitism? What from Germany?

3 kippahs attacked in just 24 hours. Jews, get out of Germany

A year ago, 951 cases of anti-Semitic incidents had been reported in the German capital. The episode in the Steglitz park comes a few days after another boy was attacked in the Prenzlauer Berg district in Berlin for wearing a kippah.

And that’s in just the capitol. I don’t think the Slimes has changed much in the level of honesty in their reporting the danger to Jews in Europe. Or America either for that matter. Plus the Slimes persist in calling nazis right wing. They aren’t. For not the last time, I’m sure, nazis are socialists, like AOC. They are left wing, big government control, not individual rights. Not as far left as communists like Bernie, but but left wing, not right.

And so while the left bills itself as tolerant, accepting, and caring about people, they actually are the party that believes in using government control, physical violence, surveillance, propaganda, and media lies and misdirection to control a disarmed populace. What information they do not want you to know, especially about making informed voting choices, they will hide. They will stifle the voices with which they do not agree, because they are not worthy of being heard. Your private information? They will suck up, gather and store like a vacuum cleaner bag. They will spy on you like the NSA.

Alexandria Occasional-Cortex has been in the news of late blabbing nonsense to rival Ilan Omar #Antisemite about what concentration camps are and are not, how cruel they are to children. Texas Medical Professional: Migrants Quarantined with UNKNOWN Disease, 10-Year Old Girl Found With 20 Types of Semen In Her

“There was a female, 10 years old, who was found with 20 different types of semen inside her body. She was dispatched to a family member. The girl who was with her who was supposedly a family member was not really a family member, just someone who bought her from her family in Guatemala. These are real problems that exist here on the border. There are some people who are trying to leave jugs of water out here for them. A lot of these people come to this country needing help,” the professional stated.

Migrants are obtaining “Rent-A-Kids,” and since Border Patrol cannot perform DNA tests to determine if children are related to adults most of the human traffickers get into our country.

Ahhh the “compassionate, caring” AOC preventing policies that could help some of the kids.

I thought I’d share a video of her when she recently heard about hula hoops. As per usual, perhaps she should seek more information before declaring herself an “expert”.

AOC hears about Hula Hoops










