
San Francisco supervisor Mark Farrell says his new legislative proposal is a “no-brainer.” In the aftermath (no causative link intended) of the July 1 murder of Kate Steinle by an illegal alien scumbag, this gibbering yambag has decided to introduce a new gun control law in a city that already has some of the most draconian gun control laws in the country.

Under a proposal by Farrell, High Bridge and any other gun store that comes into town would have to videotape all gun and ammunition sales.

In addition, all ammunition sales records would have to be sent electronically to the San Francisco police department.

Never mind that the law would impact exactly one business, and that business already has what the owner describes as “high quality video cameras.”

Never mind there are some thorny privacy issues with sending ammunition purchase records to the SFPD.

Let’s put some more onerous requirements on the only business of its kind in the city and make it even more unattractive for others to begin operating there. That’s a great idea, Farrell, you jackass!

That’s how you paint a big, red target on the backs of your residents! Just make it impossible for them to make a legal, constitutionally-protected purchase of an effective tool of self defense.

Oh, and while you’re at it, make sure that you’re super-duper friendly to and welcome with open arms every illegal alien repeat felon scumbag that makes its way back into your city after being deported. Because DIVERSITY or something…

Oh, and by the way, did I mention that the gun said illegal alien repeat felon scumbag was wielding was stolen from the vehicle of a federal agent? Because they’re the only ones to be trusted with firearms, right?


Yeah, surely that camera in that lone San Francisco gun store and the idiotic ammunition sales requirement would have stopped Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez from not only getting the gun, but using it on an innocent woman! Not.

Here’s a no-brainer: stop welcoming and protecting every illegal alien felon who has been deported numerous times, and make it easier for your citizens to defend themselves against the ones who do sneak through!

But no… we couldn’t do that, because FEELINGS, and DIVERSITY, and for the CHILDREN, and SHUT UP, RACIST!


5 thoughts on “No-brainer”

  1. Well, yes, every “gun control” proposal in San Francisco is evil and unconstitutional, in addition to being stupid.

    But then, so is the notion that San Francisco has a duty to enforce the federal gang’s turf claims.

  2. Personally, I think Supervisor Farrell is right in labeling this simple law a no-brainer because this law illustrates that only a person lacking a brain could conceive of it or believe it would have any impact on crime.

  3. Eh, I have some problems with this article.

    First, with the notion of “illegal” aliens. Which means illegal people. You know, like Jews in the Third Reich…

    I guess that notion of illegal people just bothers me.

    Second, there are lots of gun haters out there. Yeah, they are stupid, but what are you going to do with them? They need some place to live, just like we do. If they want to create a playground for criminals in their society, who are we to stop them? At some point the question of personal responsibility comes up. If the society you live in is going in an intolerable direction, at some point it makes sense moving to another state or location.

    This is the idea of Panarchy. People should get the sort of society they want. Sometimes that means fighting to make it that way (let the opponents move out). Sometimes it means moving oneself. There is something to be said for living with one’s own kind.

  4. Are you all like Crystal Ball Readers? If you take away Sanchez, you have a loaded .40 caliber Fed Gun under a public bench. In our city a gun in towel under bench would last about 20 minutes in daylight. You have No Info On Gunshot Residue, Fingerprints, Ballistics and only the ‘broken words’ of a ‘broken man’ who was interviewed by a Skilled TV Actor in English, who often asked mutliple questions, confusing the man, who already suffers from drug, liquor abuse and ‘demonization’ for An Incident that has not been shown or proven TO BE A MURDER. Every one of you who assumes anything based on the tiny pieces of info gathered is truly foolish and navie or being paid off. Many of us think we even KNOW LOPEZ-SANCHEZ personally and saw him here in San Francisco DURING 2013 & 2014, which would make The Feds & Texas Authorities out to be Liars or bad record keepers, as they Stated As Fact, Lopez-Sanchez had been in constant federal custody for 40 or 36 months going backwards from March 2015. Do all of you make such great decisions and take such drastic, emotionally charged positions and decisions based on NOTHING, no facts, no forensics in every matter in your lives or just this one ? You all have been programmed to Televsion and can’t see fact from hype anymore. Good luck with that ! WAKE UP! YOU ARE BEING CONNED TO MAKE CHANGES PREMATURELY TO ENRICH THE ELITE.

    And you all need to leave the Steinle family alone and everyone stop speculating and WAIT FOR ALL FACTS before you all do anything stupid in haste, like give the feds a bunch of our money to fix or change something that has NOTHING to do with relevant facts in this isolated human tragedy Accident.

    Hell, 98,000 Smith & Wesson, .40 Caliber Police Tactical Specials were sent back by the San Paulo Police because the damn pistols KEPT FIRING when shaken, with or with out the safety being on. GUNS KILL ALL BY THEMSELVES IF MOVED, DROPPED OR TOUCHED IN ANY WAY.

    Want to SET UP an illegal alien for a Murder ? Wrap end corner of T-Shirt INTO TRIGGER GUARD and wrap T-Shirt tight, then FLUFFY around the pistol. Stick a bottle of sleeping pills int he path of a patsy. Stick T-Shirt bundle under bench while target is knodding and sleepy from the drug and make sure it ‘sits in the way’ of his legs. He nods up, feels bundle, kicks it a little, sees a big fluffy t-shirt, unbundles it with both hands wrapped around it, final tug pulls T-Shirt corner back through trigger guard, pushing against the trigger, it’s on auto perhaps, fires 3 rounds. Scapegoat drops bundle and gun, gets scared, picks it up, tosses it… still groggy from drugs… continues to smoke cigarette, walks normally 2 miles in hone hour to location where arrested.

    Thank goodness for courts. If all the evidence comes forward and it turns out GASCON has sufficient evidence for involuntary manslaughter at best, and he has gunshot residue, ballistics angle and fingerprints showing it was most likely could not have been murder, then this is all one big setup to get billions in private prisons and new security toys and law changes to benefit the elite. MORE LEGAL IMMIGRANTS ARE IMPORTED VIS A PAID OFF VISAS WITHOUT BACKGROUND CHECKS & CAUSE MORE CRIME THAN SO-CALLED ILLEGAL ALIENS. American citizens cause more crime per capita, by far, than the vast majority of ‘illegals’ who come here to work and live, not kill or be set up to be a killer by feds and corporations hungry for money and power.


    J. Leonard
    SF Community Advocate

    J. Leonard
    SF Community Advocate

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