Justice For America

As much as I love ya’ll, this is not a project I plan to repeat any time soon. This is really time consuming! But I hope it’s helpful and you like it. I’m tired of seeing people living in fear due to a fraud. I’m not saying don’t use caution, but doing the normal things you do when you are around someone with the flu (basically) should have covered it. Destroying millions of lives was unnecessary.

As you may have noticed, this Wuhan flu is getting on my very last nerve. I’m not saying it’s not serious, it is. But the damage that has been done to the US by the choices made in dealing with Wuhan flu will never be undone I don’t believe. China and their dang virus is not the reason for massive unemployement, loss of businesses, homes, lives and the massive increase in tyranny. I heard somewhere that this “Shelter in place” model was the result of a high school project. But I couldn’t find anything on the net so it didn’t make the video. I’d believe it, it came from the mind of someone who doesn’t pay rent or buy food.

This KrisAnne Hall video should send some shivers. I’ve got the link set to start at the relevant part.

THIS! THIS is why I’ve been so focused on what is happening with the Wuhan flu and so angry about what I see. The clip about Dershowitz is saying you do not have a right to refuse the vaccine. They can physically haul you into a doctor’s office and jab a needle in you. That you don’t have a right to endanger others by refusing the vaccine. He didn’t comment on who would take care of your family if there was a reaction. That is what you see playing out, under the guise of public good;  without a warrant signed by a judge. The mental health rapid response team member? Why if you don’t care about your health and beg to get the vaccine, you aren’t in your right mind, got any guns? I was right there judge, I witnessed them refuse to go to the hospital to be checked out. They don’t care about themselves therefore they are a danger to themselves and others. How many now terrified family and friends will download that contact tracing app? You may not, but others will. All from the media generated fears fed to them by Fauci and Birx. What data do you keep on your smart phone? Do you WANT to be tracked? The drones are now being used to ensure social distancing. Do you feel the people throwing rights and liberty at the government saying “We don’t need these things, just make us feel safe”! After all, if you don’t have your health you don’t have anything. /sarcasm. I don’t think there is any way to convince people now this whole debacle has been just that, a debacle. There is no reset switch.

There are some people working on legal remedies for small businesses to fight back against the tyrants. I was going to include a video from a lady explaining about some lawsuits going on, and if you are a small business owner, or know one, a website that has some forms that might be of interest.

However, that pillar of principles YouTube has taken the video down because it didn’t conform to their community standards. Lately that means it said something A) Conservative B) Pro-American C) Pro-business D) counter to the mainstream media hysteria. Choose your favorite or any combo.



My suggestion is the next time we have one of these “crisis” we forget following what the “government” says. I think the practice of epidemiology should be outlawed. My vote? Next time there is a “crisis” like this, we call in the Cajun Navy. But as you listen to this clip there’s a few things that caught my attention: The Cajun Navy was told by the government not to launch and go help those stranded; the three star general in charge of the scene had to yell at his troops to put their weapons down, apparently they were trained on the Cajun Navy; not mentioned is Kathleen Blanco, Governor at the time, refused help prior to the hurricane because it was offered by Former President George W Bush. Demoncrats have a long proud history of preferring to see their people die than allow a Republican help them. The Cajun Navy saved 10,000 people, and the government told them not to launch. Government is not the answer, it’s the problem.



5 thoughts on “Justice For America”

    1. You’re probably correct Bear. I’m just angry and frustrated. It seems epidemiologists; Ferguson & Fauci in particular; and behind most of the debacle. Ferguson is known for generating bad models going way back, and that is who Fauci used to convince the President, who originally wanted to keep the country open, to lock it down. Then every time something hopeful starts to show, Fauci heads over to cnn to squash it. President Trump said two smart people convinced him he had to shut the country down. They may be smart, they aren’t wise.

  1. Who needs the Green New Deal when the Wuhan flu crisis gave the tyrants everything they dreamed of.

    Currently with the Wuhan flu crisis the tyrants have their knee on the neck of Freedom, do you think they will ever let up when everything they have advocated with the Green New deal in destroying this economy is taking place, which will pave the way for communism ?

  2. I said when the virus started that it was convenient for the Dems that they could use it to their political advantage. They hadn’t been able to get rid of a president who was having success, both with an economy, and who was making many political gains as well, which was winning him supporters.
    Then,the Democrats could not win with a phony Mueller investigation into Russian contacts. So they tried to impeach him,which even though they got to the Senate trial, it was of course, turned back,as they knew it would be.
    Suddenly, with a year left in his first term, we had a president who was presiding over the greatest economic recovery since the beginning of WWII. With the best minorities working rates,the best women’s working rates, and the most companies confidence in their future pretty much ever, as well. He had other countries respecting us once again, both our adversaries and our allies. He brought back a lot of businesses back from foreign places,due to his lowering taxes. He fixed the NAFTA deal to benefit all involved. He pulled us out of the Iranian deal , which would have allowed them a path to building a nuclear bomb in ten years.
    I am not saying that the Dems had anything to do with the release of the Covid 19 virus spreading to the corners of the world, but when states started shutting down, the first 11 had 10 democratic governors. That to me is no coincidence, especially since I live in Michigan, with our Empress Gretchen Whitless. I have not followed any of her rules at all, save one. If I must go to a place that requires a mask,and I have to go there, like a Doctor’s office, I will follow their protocol, just because I have to go there. A store that won’t let me go there,without wearing a mask, I simply take my money and give it to a different store.
    In Michigan, we have an order from the governor, that we must wear a mask in all public places. She won’t enforce it, but she will allow the businesses to not allow for any people to enter without a mask, and will enforce that as trespassing.
    I can’t convince anyone that I address online, about the rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution,and the fact that while perhaps 100,000 may die from the virus,millions have given their lives in defense of our freedoms as guaranteed by the constitution. The liberals, friends from high school or relatives, just won’t listen. The song goes,there is no one blinder,than one who just won’t see. The same thing goes for these people who allow the government to take their freedom in the hope for a little safety. As the saying goes,they deserve neither.
    We are preppers,in a small way. But that is changing,and we are increasing our basic preps, for more longer term items. My wife is behind me completely now that she has seen how quickly the products disappear from the shelves of even the huge stores,like Wally world,who was without simple things,like plain old ground beef, butter, and flour, for several weeks. I am lucky that I had some of those products stashed away in storage, with butter in my deep freezer, along with beef, and some flour and yeast on my pantry in the back room. But I plan increasing everything, because I am expecting a second civil war within 2 years. Perhaps next winter, after a very long,and tedious summer. If Trump is elected to a second term, which i think i likely, then the left will riot and slash and burn,until they hit neighborhood where enough patriots with defensive weapons are not willing to let them come into their neighborhood to do the same. And they, like me, will not hesitate to shoot looters and rioters with molotov cocktails,ready to steal and destroy.
    As much as I hate what has happened to our formerly free nation,this did not happen overnight,but has been coming since perhaps even before I was born in1960. But there is no denying that it is here now,and is not going away anytime soon.
    I will be 60 in one month. I just found out yesterday that I am going to be a grandfather for the third time. So now, even moreso than before, I identify with this saying from Thomas Paine. ” I prefer peace. But if trouble must come, let it come in my time, so that my children shall know peace.”
    My line in the sand has been drawn, very deeply, and has become much deeper than before, since the election of President Trump and what they have done to him. He has certainly not been the greatest president ever. But I think that he has done, for the most part, what he said he would do, and that pisses the left off. I will stand for the rule of law, and for the rights and freedoms that set the United States apart from all of the other states apart. And I am ready and willing to kill or be killed, defending my country. It is certainly not how I envisioned my later years, but I refuse to shy away from the path that G-d has laid before me. I pray that we are able to avoid bloodshed, and still return our country back to her origins, but I don’t have much hope, unless
    G-d looks down kindly upon us.
    I wish everyone a safe and happy week.

  3. Oh I think ugly is far from over. The left has now found something they can use as a stick to motivate the people in the middle; fear of sickness. But we can not be so afraid of sickness that we don’t even live. You have the left, getting closer to communism all the time. You have the right, the people that want and love what the Constitutional Republic is supposed to be. Then you have those in the middle, some Democrats, but politically un-engaged and unaware their party has not only left the room, but the building as well as moderates that would step over the canary in the coal mine after it dropped dead being clueless as to what it portends. Not to mention how many millions of kids indoctrinated in public indoctrination centers formerly known as schools. I know how the politicians explain “contact tracing” but I found this video from a gal that has taken the training. She explains how it works in real life as opposed to theory.

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