Category Archives: authoritarian swine

Is Gottlieb’s “new” JPFO about to get in trouble with the IRS?

That’s interesting.

Yesterday Dave Workman, the Seattle Gun Rights Examiner and frequently a proxy for Alan Gottlieb, announced that Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JPFO) has been added as a sponsor of a planned January 15 rally in Olympia, Washington, to oppose Bloomberg’s tragically successful Initiative 594. This rally is already supported (and apparently largely spearheaded) by Alan Gottlieb of the Second Amendment Foundation, JPFO’s new owner.

This is interesting on two counts.

Why try to undermine the December rally?

First, the Gottlieb-promoted rally is clearly intended to steal thunder (and attendance) from another rally planned for this Saturday, December 13. Saturday’s rally has had tons of support from the day it was announced and will feature Mike Vanderboegh, Sheriff Richard Mack, and Ammon Bundy as speakers.

Gottlieb’s complaint against the December rally seems to be only that the legislature won’t be in session then. (Although the idea that Saturday’s rally is expressly for disobeying the law also seems to set a certain “conservative” element to tsking — as if we should obey tyrants as long as tyranny is imposed by vote.) So, just in advance of the December rally, he sets out to undermine it.

You’d think he would learn. In this year’s state elections, instead of opposing Bloomberg’s ghastly plan with all his efforts, Gottlieb set up his own competing initiative, I-591, and put all his energies — and money — into that.

So a million dollars that could have gone to fighting I-594 went down the drain of I-591 instead. (I-591 lost.)

Yes, you’d think Gottlieb would learn that “divide to win” isn’t good electoral or legislative strategy. Yet Workman’s article drips with contempt for Saturday’s effort and goes out of its way to point out reasons why attendance might be low.

That’s the first count on which the Gottlieb-supported January rally is “interesting.”

Doesn’t Gottlieb understand what JPFO is?

The second count is JPFO’s involvement.

The stated purpose of the January rally is to be “the first 2015 Legislative Rally against I-594 and other bad gun laws.” Note well: it’s a legislative rally. Workman elaborates: “[T]he Jan. 15 rally – when the Legislature will be in town – will allow citizens a chance to personally lobby lawmakers.” Note well: it’s for lobbying. Following the public portion of the rally, citizens will even be escorted to legislators’ offices. Note well: That’s an integral part of the event.

And JPFO is supporting this?

But JPFO is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization. It is absolutely forbidden to engage in lobbying or any other form of “political” activity. It cannot oppose or advocate for any specific laws. It can’t take any electoral stance. It’s forbidden by its very nature from even saying something like, “Write to your legislator to demand the repeal of …”

JPFO’s only legal role is educational. It can shout to the rooftops about why the state’s new law is stupid and dangerous and a violation of fundamental rights. But lobby legislators or even encourage others to do so??? Let alone sponsor a rally whose sole, stated purpose is to connect gun owners with legislators. This is totally outside of what the IRS allows JPFO to do. (That link also claims that JPFO has only recently “expanded their mission to include research and education.” Which is as silly as it is bogus. Research and education has been JPFO’s sole mission from the beginning.)

Don’t get me wrong. I think I-594 should be fought with everything Washington state gun owners have to give. I don’t oppose the January rally. Let there be rallies, letters, lobbying, protests, and defiance aplenty until I-594 is stomped into the Pacific Northwest mud. But organizers of the January rally shouldn’t be trying to undermine the December event with the timing of their announcements or their subtle sneers.

And after lying fallow for months following Gottlieb’s take-over (other than continuing daily email alerts, there’s been no sign of activity from JPFO), JPFO’s first public mission should not be to destroy itself by participating in lobbying.

This will only put JPFO in the IRS’s eye and risk destroying everything Aaron Zelman worked to build.


“It stops here.”

“It stops here.”

So declared Eric Garner, vendor of “loosies” — individual cigarettes sold to evade New York state and New York City’s deliberately punitive tobacco taxes. He continued, “I’m minding my business, officer. I’m minding my business. Please just leave me alone. I told you the last time. Please, please, please don’t touch me. Do not touch me.”

Those weren’t quite his last words. As we all know by now, his last were, “I can’t breathe!” — repeated over and over again until he passed out from a chokehold and chest compression, then died as both police and EMTs stood around, indifferent to his suffering, his condition, and his eventual fate.

The EMTs were disciplined for their unprofessionalism and callousness. The man who jumped Garner and initiated his death — we also all know by now — was exonerated by a grand jury. Not even charged with manslaughter — a fact that even the most pro-police conservatives found shocking and liberals and hard-core freedomistas were outraged by.

Never mind that the man in question violently attacked Garner over nothing more than a fed-up, weary verbal protest at being constantly hassled for such a petty (and very libertarian) “crime.” Never mind that he used a chokehold forbidden to NYC police officers for the last 20 years. Never mind that he and his fellow officers held the overweight, unhealthy Garner on the ground in a way that their own police bulletins told them could be deadly. Never mind that he and his accomplices put out an initial story that Garner had died of a simple heart attack, nothing to do with their treatment of him at all, a tale quite at odds with the medical examiner’s report.

Officer Daniel Pantaleo now says he’s sorry and that he prays for Mr. Garner and his family every day.

I guess that makes it okay.


Garner was killed last July. Twelve-year-old Tamir Rice was removed from life more recently. So we don’t know yet whether his killer, Officer Timothy Loehmann, is prayerfully sorry or will pretend to be. We don’t know what his “official” cover story is. We don’t know whether Officer Loehmann will get off Scot-free or receive a token wrist-slap. (If I were a betting woman, I wouldn’t put money on the there ever being a murder, or even manslaughter, indictment.)

Some things we do know: Tamir Rice was shot within two seconds of Loehmann’s police car pulling up on the scene. And Loehmann was an emotionally unstable young man, who had already been declared unfit for being a police officer.

Tamir Rice was carrying an Airsoft pistol or some other type of non-firearm. Even the citizen who’d called in the original report of “a guy” carrying a gun had said the gun was “probably fake.” Evidently he assumed that officers would check the situation out rather than instantly opening fire.

We don’t know whether that crucial detail was conveyed to Loehmann and his partner. But we do know that when Loehmann was declared unfit for police work two years earlier, it was after he had an emotional meltdown during live-fire training on a pistol range. (Yes, he was reportedly broken hearted over a relationship gone wrong, but we’ve all been through that, and most of us manage to stay sane, stable, and functional on the job no matter how dark our private moments get. His bosses clearly recognized that guns, cops, and emotional instability were an ugly combo.)

Tamir Rice learned just how ugly. Too bad he had only two seconds to absorb the lesson.

A year earlier, Sonoma County (California) cops gave 13-year-old Andy Lopez a hair more time than that before slaughtering him.

It was about the same with John Crawford III, an innocent Walmart customer murdered last August by police the second they spotted him. They were acting at the behest of a lying phony 911 caller (using a tactic recommended by the Bloomberg moms). Their instantaneous, panicked slaughter was completely unjustified. But of course, being police, they got away with it.

Seems that hoplophobia overrules common sense and judgment — and that that’s just fine when the killers are in that special, exempt class of what David Codrea dubbed “only ones.”

The only ones who consistently get away with behavior that would put you or me in prison for years, if not decades.


These killings have been pinned on racism (though young Andy Lopez was, in the phrase originally coined for George Zimmerman “white-Hispanic”). No doubt fear of black men has something, maybe plenty, to do with it.

The killing of Garner is being pinned on “broken-window policing” (which assumes that those who commit even petty crimes are potential murderers). No doubt that, too, has something to do with why cops feel so entitled to use monstrous force in response to tiny deeds.

Such killings have been blamed on the militarization of police forces, with its attendant mindset that all non-cops are “the enemy.” No doubt that’s true, also. (And getting some very long overdue attention.)

Blame also falls on the concept of “officer safety” — which sounds so sensible in theory but in practice gives cops permission to see themselves as helpless victims, justified in using any amount and kind of force to “protect” themselves even when nobody is threatening them.

Clearly outright hoplophobia — a sheer terror at the very existence of firearms — has to be the major explanation for slaughtering children on sight merely for holding things that look like firearms. (For generations, American kids carried and used guns, both real and fake, without being gunned down for doing so.)

But whatever the individual causes (and I think we can safely say “all of the above”), the major underlying cause for all this is still going largely unexamined (oddly enough, the extreme-left publication The Nation comes closer than anybody else to the real issue — though it ultimately dodges it).


The real problem is that governments created a special class of armed enforcers to serve the requirements of politicians and that they then turned those enforcers loose to brutalize anybody they wish without personal consequences to either the officers themselves or their direct political bosses.

That they then armed their enforcers with surplus military weapons, entitled attitudes, and a belief that the rest of us are their enemies is secondary. That these enforcers are increasingly encouraged to see all firearms and all people carrying them as a special kind of enemy, to be slaughtered on sight without any evaluation or judgment of the situation — or any mercy — is a terrible, terrible, ominous and dangerous thing. But even that is secondary to the real problem: that police serve government, not citizens, and that citizens have no way to hold brutes personally responsible for their brutality.

Bottom line: By definition, more government equals more force. And less individual accountability.

Unfortunately, the current sudden outcry against police tyranny won’t change anything. Cosmetic reforms will be passed. They will accomplish little. A few individual officers might actually face a few consequences, perhaps in highly publicized federal civil rights cases. (That happened in the Rodney King case and have you seen any improvement in policing or police officers since then?)

Nothing substantial will change because the culture of immunity and impunity that rules both politics and policing will remain intact.

In fact, for gun owners, things will get worse. Police hatred and fear of guns (that is, your guns, my guns; of course not their own guns) will increase because politicians are encouraging it and the politicians are the masters. Always have been and always will be.

Non-minorities who live in fairly civilized places will continue to luck out. For a while. As official hoplophobia builds, even that bit of luck will run out.

“It stops here” is a brave declaration. In Garner’s case, it was a foolish declaration because he had no means of upholding it against the force of both trained thugs and the government that sent them.

But if those responsible for both being brutes and sending brutes among us aren’t held firmly and consistently to account for their deeds, someday citizens as weary and fed up as Eric Garner (but more organized, more powerful, and more ready) will say, “It stops here” and make that stick.


Mike vs. Hoplophobe

What happens when a famous science fiction author, gun rights advocate and gun enthusiast takes on an angry, frothing, hysterical hoplophobe?

It’s a TKO. I know of no one who can dismantle an anti-gun zealot better than Michael Z. Williamson, so it’s worth your time to read the entire article. But here’s just a snippet below:

Gun freaks say if you take away their guns only outlaws will have guns. That’s a chance worth taking. Because if we ban guns, eventually the tide will turn. It might take 10 years or 20 years. Hell, it might take 50 years. But if we make it illegal to own a handgun, eventually there will be no handguns.

I have functional guns from 1872 in my collection.  In the UK, criminals convert dummy and airsoft guns to fire bullets.  Once again, the gun freak (you), opens his ignorant yap about a subject without doing the faintest modicum of research. That’s probably why you’re in “reporting,” the Special Olympics of writing. Real writers have to do research.

Let the hunters keep their rifles and shotguns; those weapons are ineffective tools in a mass shooting.

BWUAHAHAHAAHA!  You went full retard.  Never go full retard.   Your typical deer rifle has 3 times the muzzle energy of an “assault weapon” (please define what that is for me.  Go ahead) and about 10 times that of a handgun. But they’re “ineffective.”  Because nothing that can kill a bull elk could be useful for killing people.

Mike’s language and sarcasm can be strong, so be warned. That said, there’s nothing more fun than watching a professional author take down a sniveling, barely educated coward.

I give it a decided thumbs up.


Know Your Reptiles

I just can’t stand the thought that our readers might think that the Missouri Governor Jay Nixon is some kind of bumbling incompetent nincompoop. CERTAINLY NOT! Now I do grant you that those who have heard this clip below might be given to that impression.

But that is not the case. Let’s just look at a few things. There is the point put out by Missouri First, a citizen lobbying group that stated when Gov. Jay called out the National Guard prior to the riots that he did so illegally.

But that shouldn’t be shocking if you understand some backstory. Don’t you love backstory? You just get a much better appreciation for the puzzle pieces. I think you will agree, Gov. Jay is not just the mere bumbling idiot he appears to be.

Lets just step into the way back machine, to oh, say a couple years ago, to what Missourians call the “DOR scandal”. In May 2009, Missouri becomes one of the 14 States to ban REAL ID implementation as part of the federal REAL ID Act opt-out provision – signed into law by Governor Jay Nixon.But then information came to light that now exposed that the anti-REAL ID State Statute was immediately ignored and circumvented by Department of Revenue (DOR). We know this, because in 2010 DHS Secretary J-Nap sent a letter to Gov. Jay thanking him for his state’s compliance with the REAL ID act.  What did that mean for Missourians? It means their private data, that was never suppose to leave the state was sent to MorphoTrustUSA, a company with a spotty record for keeping data secure. It also meant where before the DOR took your photo and you waited 20-30 minutes for it, depending on how busy that particular office was, they now took a biometric photo of you and sent your info to MorphoTrustUSA, who then kept it in a database. Your new driver’s license or CCW card (Missouri Concealed Carry holders can have their endorsement on either a driver’s license or a state non-driver’s ID) will have a RFID chip embedded in it. This makes it handy for tracking the person. One by one Department of Motor Vehicle offices were being changed over to use the new biometric cameras. And the taxpayer funded old cameras were either being destroyed or turned over to MorphoTrustUSA. So, did taxpayers have to pay for the new biometric equipment? Wellllll, nooooo. Because Gov. Jay took money for the new equipment from DHS. Gov. Jay is really good at selling out different groups of people for his thirty pieces of silver. He also sold out Missouri’s school children to common core, but that’s another story. Of course the DOR under Gov. Jay initially lied to the legislature when they began to investigate. At first they denied taking money, then they said they used the few million dollars to buy hole punches and routers, and other office equipment. Yeahhh, right. It finally came out though. A bit more about Oracle & MorphoTrustUSA from The Missouri Family Network.

Missouri DOR implements two private contracts it had acquired to facilitate the plans of Missouri’s REAL ID “comparable” system.  One contract is with the Oracle group, contracted to build and maintain the platforms for a database system to store, search, and share, scanned source documents of all Missouri driver and non-driver licensees, and CCW endorsed citizens.  The second contract is with MorphoTrust USA (headquartered in New Jersey with production facilities in Atlanta, GA.  (MorphoTrust is a SAFRAN Company based out of Paris, France whose top CEO is a Muslim Imam.)

The ever eloquent Gov. Jay had a helpful minion in this task. Jackie Bemboom. You can go to The Missouri Family Network web site for a recap of this fiasco and read the section on Jackie Bemboom. She broke the law. She broke the law that Gov. Jay signed, and yet, shock and astonishment, she is still drawing a government paycheck! Try that where you work and get back to me on how it works out for you. So you can tell Gov. Jay was VERY displeased with his minion!

So, what else did Gov. Jay do? Well, he also had the DOR turn over a list of the entire concealed carry holder data base to the Social Security administration and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. Better know as the BATFE. Yes indeedy, Gov. Jay gave a list of gun owners, the kind that tend to be sheepdogs to the Fast & Furious Gang. Of course he lied about it. People that have committed no crime, have been turned over to the ATF.


It was sent by the Missouri Highway Patrol, obviously not “Oathkeepers”. Would you like to know how they sent it? On an unencrypted disc, in an Excel file, with a password in the letter sent WITH the disc, through the US mail. Twice, at least they did this.

This interview with State Senator Kurt Schaefer is well worth listening to when he appeared on the Dana show.

So back to Gov. Jay, in case you don’t know it, he’s a BIG time barry, er, barak, er, whatever his name is this week, fan.

Remember Obama’s “The Police acted stupidly” when they were going to arrest Prof. Gates? Or inserting himself into the Trayvon Martin shooting “If I had a son”? He speaks without finding out the facts, and when he does, he seems to side with the wrong side. Here’s Gov. Jay doing his best barry, er bara, never mind, obama impression. Don’t just listen to the nice-ey nice first part. Realize he thinks the thug was taken from the family and we need to confront racism. And calls for a “vigorous prosecution” in the shooting death of Michael Brown. Huh? His sympathy is certainly not with the law enforcement officer doing his job who’s life was threatened and now his world torn apart.


So, Gov. Jay illegally called out the National Guard too soon, so why did Ferguson burn? Why the riots. Ok, the rioters submitted an idiotic list of demands, but did Gov. Jay have to follow them? Why did it take the National Guard so long?

That’s the question Ferguson Mayor James Knowles asked, rightfully so I might say.


Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder also had a theory on WHY no National Guard response to protect the businesses and citizens of Gov. Jay’s state? Why didn’t he protect his own citizens?



Lt.Gov. Kinder raises the question, did the obama/holder administration lean on Gov. Jay to keep the National Guard at bay? In this list of 10 things, check #8. Knowing Gov. Jay tries to curry favor with obama, it’s a good guess, that yes, to make obama happy, he would keep out the National Guard at the expense of his own citizens.


What shops were spared? Those with their own armed guards. Like the gas station in this story. No, it wasn’t the owner. The owner is white, the guards that showed up to protect the gas station were black. Kindness repaid with kindness, well, and AR-15s.


So, if people like Gov. Jay and State Senator Maria Chappell-Nadal want to pretend this is about race, and not about a criminal they choose to glorify, perhaps they REALLY need to bone up on some facts.


Now, don’t you feel like you have a better understanding of what has been going on in Ferguson? Don’t you feel like you’ve got a bit more of an understanding of the kind of man at the helm of the State of Missouri? Backstory, gotta love it. Backstory=Know Your Reptiles.


I’ll leave you with some rather interesting information from the always enlightening Bill Whittle.





Har Nof (updated)

Yesterday, two men disguised as worshipers entered a synagogue in the western Jerusalem neighborhood of Har Nof, with knives, axes, guns, and most importantly, evil in their hearts. At an opportune moment they started slashing, chopping and shooting the Jews praying therein.Har Nof

For eleven minutes, before police arrived, they wantonly slaughtered. Five were killed, and over thirty severely injured. The dead include Rabbi Moshe Twersky, hy”d, ‘Rosh Kollel’ for the ‘Torat Moshe’ yeshiva; Rabbi Kalman Levine, hy”d; Aryeh Kupinsky, hy”d, and Avraham Shmuel Goldberg, hy”d. A policeman who engaged them early on was severely wounded. Savaged victims and their blood was everywhere. People with half their faces slashed off ran out of the building.

Many in the firearms community cite Israel as some sort of bastion of firearms freedoms. That is an error. While it is true that one sees young people, fresh from graduating high school, with select-fire rifles slung on their backs, and in Judea and Samaria it is a bit easier to obtain a community weapon or permit, in reality, the “freedoms” look much more like Chicago or NYC than say, Arizona. Everything is by permission, and licensure, and the restrictions have been getting much more restrictive and onerous, in practice, especially in the large metropolitan areas.

Worse, although they face the spectre of violent death, from within and without, every day, from gunmen, human bombs, missiles, and even cars maniacally driven into three-month-old babies in strollers, the average Israeli has an aversion to guns, typical of the entrenched Ghetto Mentality. Thus, the government of modern Israel, aptly described as a “Schizophrenic State”, is the odd admixture of Anglophilic Fabian Socialism, Western Modernity, and Eternal Judaism, has sought to emulate the worst of American and European self-defense laws.

And, today, for the thousandth – maybe the ten thousandth – time, just in modern history, we see the results. Butchery… And a too-late, but valiant, response by the police.

Well… at long last, in the wake of this outrage, there is movement in the right direction. Public Security Minister Yitzhak Aharonovich has announced the “easing” of restrictions on obtaining firearms permits. Ah, but the new “easing” only applies to those already possessing “ a license to carry a gun, such as private security guards and off-duty army officers”. Pardon my language, but BFD.

Remember just what licensure really is. The government takes an otherwise peaceful and consensual act and tells you that if you do it they will respond by stealing your money, enslaving you, caging you, or, if need be, killing you outright. On the other hand, sometimes, for their convenience, the government might waive some of that threat. They do so conditionally, in exchange for money, vexation, and especially your formal acceptance of the rectitude and justice of their power over you. That is a license or permit.

Ahronovitch, the political toady, and his associates, have these peoples blood on THEIR hands. In a just society, THEY should be held to account as accessories to countless murders and maimings.

UPDATE.  The officer noted above, Mr. Zidan Seyf, age 27, has died of his wounds, bringing the death toll to five.    Officer Seyf was from from the northern Israel town of Yanuh-Jat, near Akko.  He leaves behind a wife, a four-month-old baby, parents and five brothers.


Of fevered dreams and helpless victims

ZelmanPartisans_Groom in the Air_1014

To my non-Jewish eyes, the event above seems like something from long ago and far away. In fact, that’s fellow blogger Y.B. ben Avraham’s newly minted son-in-law balancing precariously on a table being carried by his friends and family. The photo was taken less than a month ago at his wedding in New York City. (Well then; it may not be long ago, but it’s certainly far away, in that land so distant from gun rights.)

Y.B. sent several pictures of the joyous event. But the night they arrived I was in a pensive mood. Instead of feeling the happiness, I worried for the bride and groom and the future they face in a time when Jew-hatred (I’ll never again call it anti-Semitism, thanks to Y.B.’s semantics lesson) is spreading across the globe. In a time when, even in the U.S. “diversity” no longer implies toleration of religious beliefs that happen to deviate from the politically correct. In a time when elitist victim disarmers are feeling new power after their stunning (and stunningly ghastly and stunningly, insultingly duplicitous) election-day victory in Washington state.


Of course I was also aware that even in a time that’s increasingly perilous for them, at least some of the men in that happy photo happily support their own disarmament.

I hope (and expect) that Y.B.’s new son-in-law understands better.


A lot has been written about that ghastly Washington state initiative, that gun-grabbers’ duplicitous dream. Some of it has been said here by Nicki and Vladka and Ilana.

I have only personal impressions — and a dream — to add. Though those wedding celebrants are far away from I-594, my apprehension blended them together.

During my rational waking hours I know that I-594 will never stand as written. It will be challenged in court on numerous grounds. Police will never be able to enforce its completely insane provisions. (If five friends meet at a plinking quarry or go on a hunt together and each brings multiple firearms and they try out each other’s weapons, how will cops catch them, let alone count the number of innocent “felonies” committed on any sunny afternoon?) Whatever prosecutions there may be are likely to be so outrageous that they’ll wake up the v*ters who, in their ignorance, thought they were supporting “common sense gun safety.”

Already Washington state gun owners are planning a mass public non-compliance. Thousands plan to commit harmless felonies outside the state capitol building.

To whatever extent I hold to reason, I do not believe that I-594 will stand — or that the Billionaire Brigade will succeed in passing such a monstrosity on many other states.


But in vulnerable moments — like right before falling asleep or upon waking in the middle of the night — I-594 chills me.

The night I got the happy photos from Y.B., the moment my head hit the pillow I was assailed by dread. I had visions of thousands of unknowing innocents being dragged away from their pleasant days, dragged to jail, dragged before by-the-book judges, dragged into the financial ruin of legal defense, losing their jobs — merely because they handed a gun to a friend or handled a friend’s firearm. I had to sit back up and turn the light on to get past the images.

I slept well — until about 3:45, when I awoke from a dream. All I remember of the dream was its last moments. A train passed by pulling endless numbers of cattle cars. The cars weren’t made of old-fashioned wood and metal, but of some new, high-tech material that was slightly translucent. Every cattle car that ground past was full of people. I couldn’t see the ones deep inside and couldn’t see much detail. But I could see those who were pressed against the outer wall. I saw their mouths, opened in agonized screams. I saw their hands, splayed against the walls of the cattle cars, pushing and clawing to get out.

I understood (don’t ask me how) that these endless carloads were the mildest “offenders.” They were the children or spouses of gun owners. Or they were people who’d broken the law unknowingly. They were also all the vulnerable disarmed, including the happy Jews at Y.B.’s daughter’s wedding.

Eventually, more cars rumbled by and these contained gun owners who had protested the law or boldly violated it. These cars also contained special victims of hatred — people who weren’t PC, who didn’t conform, who were “different.” They couldn’t scream or claw at the walls because they were being tortured — bound into contorted positions, blindfolded, and gagged.

I woke up before seeing what worse things might be near the end of that train.


Yes, it was just a dream. And before that just the terrors of a half-conscious brain. Nothing. Just impressions, phantasms. Meaningless. After all, even the most awful gun controllers wouldn’t seek out and target the innocent. And surely, after the horrors of history, Jews wouldn’t do anything to enable their own destruction?

But the combination of those happy wedding photos, the vulnerability of the people in them, the fact that so many conniving power-trippers want innocents to be more vulnerable, and the fact that there are so many useful idiots who’ll v*te to make it so … all that still chills me days later.


Rights are not up for grabs or votes

Now that Election 2014 has come and gone, and Bloomberg’s Everytown initiative suffered losses in nearly every arena, forcing him to waste $50 million  on an effort Americans obviously oppose, it’s time to ask some questions about our rights.

Among the sea of rejection for the gun control mission, however, there were tiny spots of stupid that gave small victories to the gun grabbers.

Washington state (as if you hadn’t heard Gunsense drones crowing about it) has passed Initiative Measure 594 – a gun control measure that would require every person wishing to purchase a firearm – even those doing so via private sales – to get government permission to do so.

This, in essence, has banned private sales. When you insert a government transaction, done through an FFL, into a private transaction, said sale ceases to be private.

Was the initiative about safety? Anyone who has been following the gun rights debate for any length of time knows that safety has nothing to do with it.  Criminals, for the most part, do not get guns through legal channels.

Guns purchase

Basic economics indicate that as long as there is a demand, there will be a supply, and when you close off legal supply channels, the black market flourishes.

So it’s not about safety. So why is it that Washingtonians were so eager to cede their basic rights to government infringement, even though this measure has no hope of stopping crime?

Why hand over your rights so easily?

Make no mistake, these are rights.

The right to keep and bear arms is a natural right that stems from the right to life and the right to defend your life. Why allow petty elected tyrants to control what tool you use to do it?

What about the right to property? Why would you allow the government to intrude on your right to dispose of your property as you see fit? If it rightfully belongs to you, why would you allow any government to control to whom you sell it?

And lastly, why would Washingtonians subject their natural rights to a vote in the first place?

Less than 50 percent of Washington residents voted in this election, and yet, they decided the fate of the natural rights of their fellow citizens – the right to dispose of their property, and the right to purchase it without government intrusion.

They decided this despite the fact that no loud, screeching, uninformed majority should ever be allowed to decide the fate of our natural rights with a push of a button.

That is not a decision any majority should be allowed to make.  And yet Washingtonians not only allowed the right to keep and bear arms and the right to property to be limited by their fellow state residents, but also allowed those rights to be put on the chopping block in the first place.

Rights exist. They are not and should not be up for discussion, debate, or a vote.


So How Could This Happen?

As I look at the massive amount of “change” our country has endured since I was a child, I’m not feeling a lot of “hope”. I had long wondered how our country had gone from one of fierce independence, strong work ethic and Judeo-Chrisitian values to one where living on the dole is viewed as an entitlement to some people, and it comes with a free obola-phone. The fierce independence and looking after yourself and your family has become “let the government do it”,  “wait for the police” and “there ought to be a law”. We are to have been a country ruled by law, not mobs. And we have moved so far away from that. “How could this happen?” A friend of mine on Facebook asked that the other day. This column was already percolating in my brain when he did. I may have some insight into it.

You know the old saying there is nothing really new under the sun? Well, many of the things we see in America now have been done before, and succeeded brilliantly for those that implemented the policies.

Let’s do a little compare and contrast, shall we?

There is a traveling exhibit from the Midwest Center for Holocaust Education called “nazi Propaganda”. No, I didn’t mean to capitalize nazi. There was an exhibit of artifacts and a lecture series that explored different aspects of the Propaganda.

“Propaganda is a truly terrible weapon in the hands of an expert”~~adolph hitler 1924
hitler had one of the best at propaganda Joseph Gerbils (Goebbels, yes, I enjoyed doing that too), who said that “Any man who still has a residue of honor will be very careful not to become a journalist”. That’s pretty rich coming from a one time journalist.

When hitler came to power in 1933, Germany had a very well developed communications system. There were 4,700 daily and weekly newspapers, a total circulation of 25 million. Of these 81%  were locally owned, although there were some national ones that had even attained international recognition. When the nazis came to power in 1933, they owned less than 3% of the 4,700 papers. Through the elimination of the multi-party system the nazis gained control of the newspapers that had been run by those parties. The nazis used the press and radio to create fears of a communist uprising and then the populace was willing enough to accept limits and the curtailing of their liberties.

The nazis had a great ally in Julius Streicher who produced Der Strumer, a virulently antisemitic “newspaper” and I use that term loosely here. Mostly it ran articles on how the Jews were to blame for everything wrong, and they wanted to start a war while the rest of the world wanted peace. They ran horrible cartoons by “Fips” designed to isolate and dehumanize Jews. It ran from 1923 to 1945 and during the Weimer Republic was the receipient of many lawsuits by politicians and Jewish groups. It did not stop them though, and when hitler came along, it thrived.  The nazi regeime also embraced the new technology of radio and television. They already had a thriving movie culture. With the creation of the people’s radio, hitler’s speeches could be broadcast everywhere, factories, homes and even the streets, and they were. The cheap mass produced radios had very few stations available on the dial, quite the shocker that, eh?

The German propaganda machine was also at work in the US and Britain believe it or not. In many news stories of the time the writing was done in such a was as to create fear among Americans and the British and leave them wanting to just get it over with and give in. Interestingly to me anyway, most of these stores came from the AP. Germany also forbid it’s citizens from getting any news from sources outside of Germany. But with the great radio shows on, why would they want to? I mean who could turn down hitler speeches and home making tips all in one broadcast?  Besides, listening to the BBC was considered very treasonous, and punishable by prison time.

Propaganda was used to sell the majority who hadn’t voted for hitler (was it racist back then to demand voter ID?) that there would be this national community, it’s just that a few people wouldn’t be part of it. Germans by in large it seems, ate that National Community Hope & Change stuff up. It was necessary to convince them not to intervene when they saw their neighbors of many years being hauled off and their belongings taken away. The ghettos were posted with signs warning of health dangers, that was meant to discourage non-Jews from entering and seeing conditions for themselves. With the lack of sanitation, people starving and lack of medical care, that was somewhat true, but not why the nazis posted the ghettos. Films were staged in the ghettos to show the German people that the Jews bred and carried diseases. The goal with that would be to decrease any sympathy the Christians might have felt and any desire to help the Jews. The Jews were also portrayed as not caring about anyone but themselves. Films were also staged to convince the world that the Jews were being treated very humanely, and just in the camps for “re-education” to the nazi way of the thinking and life. Nothing to see here folks, move along.

Part of the goal of the propaganda was not so much to enlist ordinary Germans in killing the Jews, but to convince them not to intervene on the Jews behalf. After all, they weren’t REALLY human were they?

So, why is this relevant today? People would recognize the dangerous conditions and do something about it before it ever got this far again, right?  No set of Americans would sit idly by while one segment of the population was marginalized and attacked by leadership would they?

How about people who believe the Constitution should remain the law of the land, and not ruling by pen and cell phone?

Would the government ever paint such people as “the enemy”?

Would the government ever single out those people and use the force of the government to go after them?

Remember all the antisemitic cartoons? Some of these appeared in newspapers, some were made up by readers.

The Media Research Center put together a lovely list of some of the worst attacks by the mainstream “media” on ordinary American Citizen. Curiously, the “media” was very supportive of Occupy Wallstreet.

What happens when a reporter actually tries to do the job, and report on Government and investigate stories? Um, doesn’t turn out well.

So, while in Germany many of the newspapers MAY have been forced to regurgitate the party poop, in America it seems we see this kind of reporting, not because of being forced into it, but because the media itself is on board with the ideology of the current regime.

Anyone remember Candy Crowley from CNN a “moderator” (chuckle, chuckle, snort) helping the President out during the debate against Mitt Romney? Or who can forget the classic of CNN making it appear a semi-automatic rifle is a automatic by the way they talked during the “report”.
Speaking of ideology, when the media constantly calls a semi-automatic rifle an “assault rifle” and report on someone shot breaking into a house as a “gun shot victim” because the home owner shot him? Does that not seem to be allowing their ideology to drive the story, to influence people that haven’t a clue about guns? To convince people that the ability to defend themselves and their families from any kind of a threat is not something they should want.

Nice blog post about CNN and guns.

And a great video to show anyone who doesn’t understand about a semi-automatic and fully automatic.

If you want to compare how the obama infatuated press handles a story think about what you are hearing now that there was a Republican landslide on Tuesday. The media is marginalizing that, saying the people want Republicans to work with obama. The British press presented the story a bit differently.

As did the Candadian

I discovered the first time I went to Ireland and listened to the news on the radio as I was driving that the way I heard stories on the radio in Ireland was vastly different than the way they were presented at home.

Why would the media do this? Lie to citizens, target certain individuals (think Sarah Palin or Phil Robertson) certain businesses (Chik-fil-A or Hobby Lobby) try to isolate them, polarize and demonize them?

Some pretty good answers can be found in the film Grinding Down America. You can watch it on YouTube, but you have to find the different sections. Or, if you don’t mind the Spanish subtitles, the movie is in English, and it is well worth watching.

So, my first villain in “How could this happen”, is the media. And unlike Germany, the mainstream media in America is part of the problem, not the watchdog.

I mean seriously, if they can’t even report a story involving a gun correct AFTER it has happened, why do we even listen to them give a weather FORECAST?

Der Sturmer

Just create the indifference
Just create the indifference
Allow none to show sympathy
Allow none to show sympathy



Elections: I got those I wish I didn’t care but I care anyway blues

You know what they say about elections. “No matter who you vote for, the government gets elected.” Or “If voting could change anything, it would be illegal.”

It’s also been said that elections are advance auctions of stolen goods and (unlike the legitimate acts of self defense and justice described by Ilana and by commenter Tahn) that voting is a form of violence because it’s trying to force our will on others.

So true. I try not to think of elections as anything more than a team contest, sort of like the Super Bowl or the World Series, but for people with less talent. This month I care very much, though. Mostly I care in the same way I might care about who wins the SuperBowl. It might be dramatic or suspenseful to see if the R’s beat the D’s for the Senate as most oddsmakers are saying, but life and freedom probably won’t depend on whether Joni Ernst grabs that Senate seat from Iowa (though I like her) or Mary Landrieu has to go into a runoff election in Louisiana (though I’d like to see that political biotch driven back into the bayous, never to be seen again).

The thing I really care about this month has nothing to do with politicians and everything to do with common people and our rights. I’m talking about initiative 594 in Washington state. Even for people who don’t live in or near Washington this is a big one.

Since you’re reading gunblogs I suppose you already know that I-594 is the anti-gunners’ dream this year. Under the pretense of being ‘only’ a universal background check bill (common sense, you know!), it would criminalize nearly all transfers of firearms, including the most helpful, innocent, and momentary. Loan a gun to a friend in need? Felony. Instructor hands a gun to student and student hands it back? TWO felonies. So on so on so on.

Because this is just about the only victim disarmament measure on the ballot anywhere in the U.S. this year, the Billionaire Brigade has poured money into it by the millions. Of course Washington state has quite a few homegrown anti-gun billionaires like Microsofties Bill Gates and Paul Allen, plus Nick Hanauer (a Jew who ought to come here and read some of the posts by Ilana and Y.B. if he thinks leaving people helpless is what Judaism is about), but naturally Bloomberg is in for his million, too.

The pro-gunners are way out spent and, according to every poll, also outnumbered. The NRA came in late with its anti-594 money and Washington’s biggest homegrown (supposedly) pro-gun activist, Alan Gottlieb, proved his true intentions once again by getting another measure on the ballot (I-591) that appears to protect rights but in fact doesn’t “give” anybody anything they don’t already have and sets the stage for later federal UBCs. So another million or so that could have been spent to fight 594 got diverted into supporting 591.

The big reason the fight against 594 matters even to people who live elsewhere is that if Washingtonians can kick 594 to the curb, it’ll be the best sign ever that bigoted billionaires should spend their money on something other than disarming the common people. On the other hand, if 594 wins, it’ll just encourage them to keep hammering at us and our rights.

The polls all say 594 is not only going to win but win big. They may be wrong. They’ve been dead wrong about gun rights in Washington before. (For a blue state, it has decent gun laws.) They’ve been polling registered voters, not likely voters. I’ve also got to wonder how much of the polling covered only the Puget Sound urban area (already leaning anti-gun and the place where the billionaires have been pouring all their ad money). If the pollsters have missed a lot of likely rural and eastside (that is east of the Cascades) votors, they’ll be dead wrong.

So this year I’m watching and caring and I’d even say if you live in Washington state get the heck out and vote against that awful thing.

There’s also the possibility that both 594 and 591 will pass and then the championship game of gun rights, or at least the NW Regionals of gun rights, will go into some long and probably pretty weird overtime.

Free people will keep their rights no matter what. The Billionaire Brigade and their useful idiots can’t vote them away, but we shouldn’t even give them the illusion that they can make a successful try.


UPDATED: Billionaire Bastards (I-594)

“Make sure it doesn’t happen in your state next,” warns Michelle Malkin, in “Rocky Mountain Heist,” a documentary in which the columnist puts her trademark shoe-leather journalistic sleuthing to work in exposing the Democrat-rigged “democracy” of Colorado, where a “group of wealthy liberals overtook Colorado. They used every scheme possible to impose a backward agenda and they transformed the place [she] love[s] into a testing ground for their liberal ideology.”

Malkin, who once resided in our state, might already know that the dice are loaded against decent people in Washington State too. I-594 is, by Rachel Alexander’s telling, “the only gun-control measure on the ballot this fall anywhere across the country.” It “is being bankrolled by billionaires on the left in favor of gun control, including anti-gun activist and former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg, as well as former wealthy Microsoft execs Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer.”

Let us not forget Paul Allen, also a billionaire and also of Microsoft. He and the other bastards—who no doubt have security details guarding their abodes—“have raised more than $6 million” to make it more difficult for ordinary folks to defend life and property.

In 2011, another unfathomably wealthy individual got behind an effort to bilk businessmen and women of modest means. The Service Employees International Union (state and national locals), the National Education Association, and Washington teachers union locals all united to champion a new income tax, the poster boy for which was William H. Gates Sr., father of Microsoft founder Bill Gates.

UPDATE (11/2): Vladka Peltel writes:

Since you’re reading gunblogs I suppose you already know that I-594 is the anti-gunners’ dream this year. Under the pretense of being ‘only’ a universal background check bill (common sense, you know!), it would criminalize nearly all transfers of firearms, including the most helpful, innocent, and momentary. Loan a gun to a friend in need? Felony. Instructor hands a gun to student and student hands it back? TWO felonies. So on so on so on.

