Assassinating evil

This week marks the 73rd anniversary of the death of one of the most evil men who ever lived. He was also the only high Nazi official ever assassinated.

He was Reinhard Heydrich. Hitler called him the man with the iron heart.

He had an iron fist, too. Immediately after being installed as “protector” of two eastern European regions, he ordered 400 people slaughtered just so he could enjoy some quiet space. Four hundred was nothing to him, though. “Disappearing” political opponents was one of his jobs. He was the architect of Krystallnacht and a planner of the Holocaust. He chaired the infamous Wannsee Conference.

British-trained Czech and Slovak assassins hit him on May 27, 1942. It took him eight well-deserved days of misery to die.

Of course, the Nazis retaliated. First there was Lidice. Then Operation Reinhard, the code name for the truly final part of the Final Solution. (That would have happened anyhow; but it was named in grotesque “honor” of Heydrich.)

One of the favorite libertarian mental games is “would you go back in time and assassinate Hitler if you knew it would save millions of lives and prevent a war?” Of course even if you could travel backwards, you couldn’t know what the outcome would be. With Heydrich, we do know the outcome. At least we know the outcome of assassinating him after he had grown to full monsterhood and woven himself deep within the deadly fabric of Nazi officialdom.

There’s a man who should have been strangled in his cradle. Or if not that, been given the death penalty by his first intended victim.


ETA: Be sure to watch the video Y.B. posted below! It brings the brave story of the resisters to life.


5 thoughts on “Assassinating evil”

  1. And reading this column and watching the video from a rooftop in Tel Aviv at daybreak is a pretty profound experience. Well done Vladka & Y.B. Well done.

  2. Extraordinary video, Y.B. I hope everyone watches it.

    That really brings home the courage of the heroes who dared attack one of Hitler’s favorites and the courage (and tragedy) of those who dared help them.

    I pray we have such guts when our day comes.

  3. With the 2016 presidential race already underway, and the possibility of eliminating a bad, even horrible president at absolute zero, consider VERY carefully before you cast your next vote. You may have to live with it for 8 years.

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