Because they love their ideology more than they love children

Yours, theirs, doesn’t matter. Progressives are all in for the ideology of control. Be it whether or not you can have a 32 ounce soda pop or an AR-15. And yes, Mikey Bloomberg financier of the astro-turf Everytown for gun safety, is gearing up to run for President. It’s about control because without control they don’t have the power they are striving for.

Soda Bans

They are trying so desperately to peddle the bill of goods known as “It’s for the children”. But it really isn’t you see.

All those “Red Flag” or Preemptive prove your innocence or extreme risk orders of protection? No matter what you choose to call it by, it stinks. It is gun confiscation without due process from someone who has done nothing. In most cases they are engaging in mind reading. Or in some cases, just vindictive behavior.

In the case of the Bucket O’Chum school terrorist at Marjory Stoneman Douglas, he had given a wealth of signs, but due to a policy put in place during obama’s term there had been no consequences for his previous criminal behavior. The same with Trayvon Martin. Recently there was a juvenile in Baker County in Fl. who had made threats against his classmates and teachers. He had a plan all written out. He showed it to another student who told authorities. He was taken into custody by authorities before he could carry out any of his heinous plan. But I found this interesting.

“MAKE SURE THE TEACHERS ARE DEAD,” he ranted in a notebook. “Then rinse repeat.”….

The boy’s plan described killing teachers and fellow students in chilling detail. To maximize the carnage, he’d deploy an arsenal of knives and guns at a pep rally or some other high-traffic venue. He calculated he’d have nine minutes before squad cars and medics could reach the scene. He wouldn’t be acting alone, he hoped, having recruited at least three schoolmates who, like him, were “100% down that they might die that day.”

Emphasis mine. So what happened to the juvenile? Oh, the wise judge turned him loose back into the community he threatened. Truly.

They try to hoodwink us, telling us there is no time to spare to ensure someone’s rights are upheld, Baker act won’t do. Must have confiscation without due process, without facing your accuser in court.

So about those nine minutes.

At the recent attack at Saugus High School, the Bucket O’Chum began firing and his pistol jammed. Although according to the Daily Mail he used a .45 caliber semi-automatic rifle, which he removed from his backpack. Heck of a backpack. But they are British, and MSM, so #FakeNews. What do they know about firearms? But it was a regular semi-automatic pistol. And it jammed. He cleared the jam and safely continued on firing secure in the knowledge he had plenty of time. He counted his shots saving the last one for himself. Help was only moments away,

Three off-duty police officers, who had just dropped off relatives at the school, were the first responders on the scene: a detective with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department and police officers from Inglewood and Los Angeles.They were joined within a minute by uniformed deputies on duty from the sheriff’s station in Santa Clarita, as well as a sheriff’s deputy who works at the school as the school resource officer.

But the help was needed within seconds.

This being Kalifornia, I wonder if the off-duty police officers will be reprimanded for carrying their weapons into the school? The school resource officer was one of the last to arrive. I’m not criticizing him. He is one man, he can’t be everywhere. He’s not like Scott Peterson, the “Coward of Broward” who stood by outside the building, or former Sheriff Steve Israel who supported him. He was just the last to arrive. When seconds count the police are only moments away. If it saves just one child, right Mad Mommies? Right harridans of The View? Well, yeah, as long as it doesn’t involve anyone but the bad guy having the gun. How much quicker could the response have been had there been an armed teacher near by?

Laurens County, Georgia doesn’t intend to ever have to look back and wonder. They have began arming and training their teachers. They intend to do everything, politically correct or not, to protect the children from harm. I like the sign outside the school.

Outside every school building in the county is a yellow sign that reads, in part: “Warning. Staff members are armed and trained. Any attempt to harm children will be met with deadly force.”

Seem straightforward to me.

Like the shooting in a Duncan Oklahoma Walmart parking lot recently. The first two victims died, then a good guy with a gun put a stop to further carnage. But, there was a good guy, a regular citizen there, with his gun. Or as the Daily Mail would call it, his semi-automatic rifle.

But to progressives, it’s not really about protecting children, if it saves just one life is a bunch of schiff. What is the message taught at schools? Violence is always wrong, if there is a fight and you defend yourself, you get in trouble (and suspended) same as the person who started it. Don’t fight back, just tell a teacher. Since Jews are being attacked all over the world now, some just for wearing a Kippah and the charges are often ignored, or even dropped. This is not working out well. I recently heard an interview with Schmuel Hacohen “Super Jew”, on the Tamar Yonah show. He relates a story about his father decking a man when he was young. His dad was a scientist, but he still knew how to fight. Afterwards when young Schmuel was bubbling over about it, he father told him he was not proud of what he did. “Violence is not a good thing, it is not always a bad thing, sometimes it is a necessary thing.” We now have generations of children who only use violence to bully and intimidate, those that would stand up for themselves against it are vilified. And just in case someone would be inclined to fight back, or step in, they must have you disarmed and deprived of your most effective defense weapons. Only criminals are allowed to have those.

The episode of the Tamar Yonah show that followed was an interview with Eitan Fischberger, Israel Campus Coordinator for CAMERA on Campus and Aviva Rosenschein, CAMERA’s International Campus Director. They told of what it’s like on college campuses for Jewish students and those that would stand up for Israel against the lies being told, and against the bullying. Sometimes by their professors. They address the false information being put out by Jewish Voices for Peace, Peace Now, the BDS BS movement, J-Street, If Not Now and others. Far too many Jews have become disconnected an apathetic about Israel. There is one Jewish Nation, if you allow it to be destroyed, where are you planning on going as antisemitism increases? France? England? Have at it.

But some young Jews are defying the herd. And doing it brilliantly. The fact that he needs to write under a pseudonym is too bad. But I understand why he feels he must. The lad is a student of the late Rabbi Meir Kahane, HY’’D. Rabbi Meir’s father was close friends with Zev Jabotinsky. My Shimshon’s middle name is Zev. Many many of Rabbi Meir’s predictions have sadly come to pass. He believed Jews should be living in Israel, and that Jews should be able and willing to defend themselves. The writer laments that Betar is no longer around. I do as well. I’m an American Jewish teen and believe we need to teach self defense. It’s a good column.

My one and only (so far) multimedia column for The Zelman Partisans is a reading of a letter by Rabbi Meir Kahane, Dear World

Progressives see the same events we do, but they are determined to double down on their policies of leaving the innocent helpless and at the mercy of someone else showing up to help them. It doesn’t matter if it is there children, your children or parents, or you. No one must be allowed to defend them. They continually attempt to force law-abiding gun owners who have committed no crime to pay the consequences of people who have already committed several. It gets in the way of their ideology, and they love that way more than anything or anyone else. Why are they willing to sacrifice innocent souls on the alter of their ideology? Power.

Dictators Prefer

7 thoughts on “Because they love their ideology more than they love children”

  1. To paraphrase John Stuart Mill: Violence is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of honorable and valorous feeling which teaches that nothing is worth violence is much worse. Those who have nothing for which they are willing to fight, nothing they care about more than their own craven apathy, are miserable creatures who have no chance of being safe, unless made and kept so by the heroism of those better than themselves.

  2. Rule #1. Governments can pass any Law they want even if it is obviously unconstitutional.
    Rule #2. It will remain the Law unless somebody sues in Court.
    Rule #3. The Court may issue an injunction, rule it unconstitutional or uphold the Law.
    Rule #4. Repeat all the way to the SCOTUS.

  3. Rule #5: Good patriotic people shoot jack-booted government thugs who try to confiscate our firearms and we are off to the “ACW2” races.

    We edge closer every day. Removing PDJT is one YUGE red line. Voter fraud and stealing elections is another. The Red Flag abuses are others. Antifa who are terrorists are more provocations.

  4. I agree with you all. I watched a video link a few days ago. It was only about 5 minutes long. It was all pictures from around 20-70 or so years ago. Watching it was profoundly sad. Yes styles have changed, hair has changed, TV sets have changed. That’s not it. It is how much our country has changed. We were a better people then. In that span of time we have gone from 20 year olds who defeated nazi Germany to 20 year olds who need a safe space if they see a name they don’t like written in chalk on a college campus. From college being open exchange of ideas to shutting down a point of view if you don’t agree with it. A time when we stood up for the underdog however we needed to to a country who wears a safety pin on a lapel. A media that lies daily, and to be honest, probably has for a long time. Walter Cronkite anyone? But we are more aware of it now. Our country has an amazing history, and I have no desire to see it re-written.

    1. I was born in 1960, finished high school, and immediately went to work in a steel foundry. I took a few classes at college over the years, mostly as a way to improve myself, not to get any degree. I spent the next 35 plus years as a laborer, finally retiring a couple of years ago.
      I remember the days of the Vietnam war, with what so many of my fellow baby boomers call the unbiased Walter Cronkite who read the news each night, with the number of American troops killed plus the number of North Vietnamese killed that previous day. I don’t check them on it, but Walter Cronkite was not the unbiased newsman who just read the news and let you make up your own mind about it. In fact, had it not been for him, the war might have gone a different way. For sure, it would have gone on for a lot longer.
      The Tet offensive, a decided American victory, was reported by Sir Walter as a huge victory for the North Vietnamese, and gave the people back home in America more reason to protest the war, and to demand that Nixon get us out of it.
      I am not saying that the war was a good thing, or that we even should have gone in there in the first place. In fact, I seem to recall that the war was a Democrat war, just like a fairly high percentage of our wars have been, if you care to trace them back. But I am saying that while it appears that things have changed, they have of course changed on the outside, but on the inside, where the power of the government and those who share that power with them, namely the insanely rich, and the media conglomerates, have not really changed at all.
      We see that newspapers are folding, with the internet giving many, many people their news. So what happens, but the federal government is moving to make it so that they have control the internet, so that they can control the flow of information. Because they know, just like China and the other communist and socialist countries know, whoever controls the flow of information, controls the people. But first, they must get the guns out of the peoples hands.
      Can you imagine if Hong Kong people had guns? I mean guns like we have here in the U.S., as a guaranteed freedom. A free people must hang onto their weapons, and never let them go. And when they see that the government starts to take them away, that is the time when you start to shoot the bastards. I think it is getting close. I never wanted it to come, but now that I see it drawing near, I won’t allow my freedom that our ancestors pledged their lives and their fortunes on be taken away cheaply.

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