The Big Purge and Consequences

It began with the permament banning of the President of the United States of America by Twits and Fascistbook.

By Sunday morning Google and Apple were purging Parler from their app stores, and Amazon mooted even that move by booting Parler from its server cloud. Twit users — why are you still there? — report seeing their followers disappearing by the tens of thousands just through dinner. Youtube is deleting every video documenting (keep that word in mind) election fraud, and banning channels. The list goes on.

Mainstream social and “news” media tell us this is because those terribly violent Trump supporters used said social media outlets to plot and plan their violent attack on the Capitol.

Even Simon & Schuster is reneging on a book contract.

Democrats are even working on legislation to make Trump rallies domestic terrorism, just in case you thought you could, at least, still speak the truth on the street, if not online.

Even better, they want to “cleanse the people from the real world.

“Trump will be an ex-president in 13 days. The fact is that getting rid of Trump is the easy part. Cleansing the movement he commands is going to be something else.


It isn’t about planning violence. If it were, the Twits and Fascistbook would have purged Antifa and BLM, who really have been plotting on those platforms. It’s just about controlling the message.

The message is:

  • There was no election fraud.
  • Conservatives are violent terrorists.
  • Trumpsters rioted and attacked the Capitol.

Go read the mainstream headlines, and that’s all you’ll see.

The purge is really a purge on information they don’t want you to see. Individuals uploading photos and videos that show that Pantifa/BLM were not “peacefully protesting,” but were attacking people, setting fires, throwing bombs. Imagery showing that the Capitol riot instigators were Pantifa, followed by a few real Trump supporters caught up in the excitement started by Pantifa. Sworn affidavits proving the election fraud that “never happened.” Surveillance video showing that ballot counters really were running stacks of ballots through the scanners multiple times without “discarding” bad batches between runs. Or videos that show that no, Trump did not say whatever lie they dreamed up, and that yes, Trump did denounce the actual rioting white supremicists.

They can’t have people telling — documenting — the truth, or someone might start noticing, believing, and doing something about it.

But the powers-that-would-be have been living in their own controlled-media world for too long. It didn’t occur to them to wonder, “Hmm. If we don’t let these people — whom we’ve been telling everyone are dangerously violent — any outlet, what will they be forced to resort to? Will they decide that if they’re going to be smeared as violent insurrectionists without a chance to defend themselves, that they might as well don that mantle?”

What happens when your neighbor, living in mainstream Media World, believes CNNNBCABCCBSMSNBCXZY that because you saw sufficient evidence of election fraud to question the results then you are a violent, Trump-supporting white supremicist… and treats you that way? (No? It’s already happened to me.)

That you need to be cleansed.

The real censors and instigators are living in Media World, where consequences don’t exist.

But even their Media World depends on the real world where real things move. Or don’t. Like food to cities. Or electricity.

Or bullets.

My own read of the real world strongly indicates that there are people — not a lot, relatively speaking; but it only takes four — on the verge of deciding that it’s time to start doling out some hefty consequences in self defense.

Because they’ve been left with no options.


4 thoughts on “The Big Purge and Consequences”

  1. I can’t decide on the appropriate audio back ground for reading this.
    Nazareth, Now you’re messing with a son of a bitch
    Molly Hatchet, Flirtin’ with disaster. Although I believe the demoncrat party has already passed flirting. They’ve invited it in, mixed it a drink and is cooking it dinner.
    Or, and possibly the best, the part in the movie The Patriot when they come back from their brief time on leave and it’s originally just Mel and his son. Two, two is ok, three would be better. Then the start coming out of the shadows and the mists. I should make that clip. I can’t find it on youtube.

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