Ballless in Blue Ridge

Georgia state House Speaker David Ralston is a useless, effing coward.

Gun rights legislation fails to get final approval in Georgia House
House Speaker David Ralston (R-Blue Ridge) said after the session ended Wednesday night that the recent mass shootings, including one in metro Atlanta, played a factor in his not calling up House Bill 218 for a vote.

“Frankly, I thought we needed to be very, very sensitive to any gun legislation,’’ he told reporters. “We’re less than two weeks out from two major mass killings. That heightens my level of sensitivity to that.’’

The Catholic Church has an abuse problem. This is a bad time to defend freedom of religion.

Someone said something mean. This is a bad time to defend free speech.

There are crack houses. This is a bad time to defend property rights.

Our Secretary of State violated the hell out of state election laws. This is a bad time to defend voters’ rights.

What pray tell, Mr. Ralston, do the actions of law-breaking murderers have to do with my rights? A mentally ill guy in Atlanta murdered people, so the millions of Georgians who didn’t do it should be blamed? That’s exactly what you’re doing when you decided to abandon us because someone else did something bad.

Ralston caved because he has no balls.


3 thoughts on “Ballless in Blue Ridge”

  1. It is always going to be a “bad time” to bring up this sort of gun owners protection, if you have this attitude. The media can always drum up some shooting or murder if they need to. They can even resort to counting the number of shootings in Chicago, if necessary, even though it is mostly black on black, and that doesn’t fit the normal story.
    This reminds me of Trump’s first two years in office, when there was a chance to pass CCW reciprocity, and the Republicans, under the leadership of Paul Ryan, didn’t even let it come to a vote, I suppose because they were afraid that it would pass, and the Republicans are not much different than the Democrats, they just are better at hiding their distain for the freedom of American’s citizens.

  2. Hmm, sensitive because guns were used. Well, they were used because a young man said he has issues with sex, an addiction. So perhaps in addition to nuticles, Mr Ralston should consider chemical castration? It’s VERY popular in some circles these days. I mean, if he’s going to look at the potential crime an object could be used to commit, well then it seems to me that Mr. Ralston should step up and do his part in this matter as well. Otherwise isn’t it just hypocrisy? A gun could be used to commit a crime, but the crime was committed because of a different, er, tool. Mr. Ralston should be consistent.

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