Media Responsibility Or Gun Responsibility?

Devarrick Turner, a Gannett “Multimedia Entertainment Journalist” deigns to lecture more knowledgeable Americans on the alleged difference between “gun responsibility” vs. “gun control.”

Mass shootings spark debate over ‘gun responsibility’ vs. ‘gun control.’ Here’s the difference
Opponents believe strict gun laws infringe upon their Second Amendment right to bear arms. Some Second Amendment supporters — like actor Matthew McConaughey, whose hometown is Uvalde — are now using the term gun responsibility instead of gun control.

responsibility: 1: the quality or state of being responsible: such as
a: moral, legal, or mental accountability

Since individuals are already legally responsible for the criminal misuse of firearms, however obtained or possessed, I can only assume that Turner wants to legislate morality. That rarely turns out well, since three people can barely agree on what is moral all the time.

Mandatory background checks for gun purchases, including at private sales and gun shows, which current federal law does not require.

Private sales, no matter the location, do not require background checks, and never have. Why, after 246 years is this suddenly a problem?

Commercial sales at gun shows have required background checks for more than two decades. How did the oh-so-knowledgeable Turner miss this minor fact?

“Red flag” laws that temporarily seize firearms from individuals who have been may be a danger to themselves or others. These must be court-ordered and due process must be applied to assess the individual and the alleged threat.

5 CFR § 732.301; TRUAX, 1921; and GOLDBERG v. KELLY, 1970 require due process that allows the accused a hearing before an action against the accused to be taken. Can Mr. Turner specify which enacted “red flag” law gives the accused a hearing before firearms are seized?

Implement a national waiting period for assault rifles purchases.

According to the ATF, it currently takes five months to process an application for an assault rifle. How much longer does Turner propose that buyer wait?

I suspect that Turner’s apparent confusion is based in ignorance of what an assault rifle is.

Raise the age limit to buy AR-15 rifles (gun often used in mass shootings) from 18 to 21.

How does Turner define “often used”? I can only find one mass shooting in which Colt AR-15s were used: Mandalay Bay, in Las Vegas, Nevada.

It’s true that I found many other claims of AR-15s being used, but like the Orlando nightclub shooting (SIG MCX), those usually prove to be some other weapon. Handguns are used in most mass shootings. Federal law already requires one to be 21yo to purchase those from a dealer.

But if the minimum age to purchases rifles in raised to 21, how will Turner reconcile that with MILLER, 1939 and 10 U.S. Code § 246 which require those 17 to 45 to possess arms in common military use.

Laws that require safe storing protocols and safety training to increase responsible gun ownership.

Outside of urban areas, Georgia residents, for instance, commonly keep firearms ready to deal with snakes and other wildlife. In urban environments they are kept to deal with criminal wildlife. How will you compensate those people for their loss of safety? We encounter one of those “legislating morality” issues here: I do not consider it moral to force honest folks to lock up their defensive tools. “Safe storage” kills.

There is also the matter of ensuring compliance with “safe storage” laws. How is that to be done? Does Turner propose door to door searches of homes for firearms, and charges for those found not to be stored in compliance with whatever arbitrary rules he wants?

Or will Turner require owners to admit, when reporting a lost or stolen firearm, that gun was not “safely stored?” I think that would run afoul of HAYNES restrictions on self-incrimination.

Before pushing to regulate morality, Turner would do well to educate himself on current laws, and what exactly firearms are. To do otherwise might seem… irresponsible.

[Turner was asked to comment before publication. He did not respond.]


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2 thoughts on “Media Responsibility Or Gun Responsibility?”

  1. Private sales, no matter the location, do not require background checks, and never have. Why, after 246 years is this suddenly a problem?

    Depends on the state. Mine requires background checks on all transfers outside immediate family members.

    But your point stands: private transfers are not a problem. Never have been.

    Looking at facts:
    – Uvalde killer: bought his guns retail, passing a background check.
    – Buffalo killer: bought his gun retail, passing a background check.
    – Guy arrested outside Justice Kavanaugh’d house: bought his Glock retail, passing a background check.
    – Parkland killer: bought his gun retail, passing a background check.
    – Pulse nightclub killer: bought his gun retail, passing a background check.

    I’m not a “professional” investigative journalist, but I’m sensing a pattern here….

    The Newtown killer is an exception, but no amount of “gun reform” could make that particular “private transfer” — using the “shoot your mom in the face and steal her guns” “loophole” — “more illegaller” than it already is.

    Fact is, the overwhelming majority of mass killers acquire their guns legally, at retail, passing a background check. How does requiring non-retail transfers to undergo a background check help anything?

    (I know, I know. The purpose isn’t to help. It’s to make gun ownership harder, more onerous, and more expensive, to discourage people from exercising their 2A rights.)

  2. Some Second Amendment supporters — like actor Matthew McConaughey, whose hometown is Uvalde — are now using the term gun responsibility instead of gun control

    Second Amendment supporter? Oh, that’s what they’re calling people like him now?

    And why the Xiden crime junta thinks it would be wise to trot some actor probably trying to revive his career out to talk about infringing on the rights of law abiding citizens in connection to what a criminal did defies logic. But we’re talking about the Xiden crime junta where your son can lie on a 4473, dispose of the gun near a school with zero consequences.

    Was Alec Baldwin unavailable for the Xiden junta?

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