Tag Archives: FEMA

So What Would YOU Do For A Million And A Half?

You know, censorship and persecution of people with unacceptable speech, and even thoughts is all the rage since the Biden junta seized power and is trying their best to turn us into a Banana RepublicTM

It is of course coming out, that the FIB as they were attacking parents at school board meetings also found time to continue to cover up for crackhead Hunter Biden and his laptop. The couple that found Ashley Biden’s diary have been accused of “stealing” it. Bidens seem to do that, leave interesting things laying around, laptops, diaries, and the like. With Joe it probably depends.

And with the discovery of the latest corrupt action of the corrupt FIB there are some agreeing it probably did have an impact on the election, in terms of the Biden laptop. I mean seriously, if people had known they were electing someone who gets paid more from China than U.S. would they still have voted for him? Well, yeah, the people on their 6th non-mandated vaxx would have, but other than them? The FIB’s corruption is so well known and so diverse, that it got more than two joke in the Bee.

Sharpie Scores Huge Endorsement Deal With FBI

“We couldn’t do our job protecting America without the incredible permanent markers made by Sharpie,” said FBI Director Christopher Wray. “From helping us black out coverage of Hunter’s laptop, to hiding how we acted as a tool for Democrats to investigate fabricated ‘Russian collusion’ charges – Sharpie has been there every step of the way.”

And the second one leads to the point of this column.

FBI Instructs Facebook To Censor Posts About The FBI Instructing Facebook To Censor Posts About Hunter’s Laptop

“We cannot have news about us censoring people get out there uncensored,” said FBI director Christopher Wray. “The solution to people being upset about us squashing a damaging story in order to tilt an election is quite simple: we squash that story as well, which will hopefully then tilt the next election. And if people then discover we censored the stories about censorship, we’ll censor that too. This job is actually pretty easy.”

That satirical column was in response to this actual interview by Joe Rogan of Mark Zuckerbucks.

FBI put the Hunter Biden story right in Facebook’s lap

Biden ‘would not be president’ if the FBI didn’t allegedly cover up Hunter Biden laptop scandal: Sen. Johnson

But hey, a scapegoat was found.

Top FBI agent resigns amid claims he shielded Hunter Biden from probe: report

Yes that agency known for it’s corruption is being found out. Hopefully actual conservatives will take control of the house this fall by sweeping elections and dismantle the FIB and keep the 14 whistleblowers that have come forward, sack everyone else as they aren’t honest, and start from the ground up.

But what else has been in the news a lot lately involving free speech, and the lack thereof? The Alex Jones case. And that’s what got me started thinking about this. I listened to a podcast today and the Alex Jones case came up as it related to this particular podcast. But here’s a bit about the persecution of Alex Jones. Like him or hate him, it’s the principle involved.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Speaks Out Against ‘Political Persecution’ of Alex Jones

Jones is on the hook for tens of millions of dollars for sharing conspiracy theories about the Sandy Hook shooting. He was trotted out before a show trial where the leftist operative judge declared his guilt to the jury. Greene believes this is wrong and sets a bad precedent for free speech.

“You wanna know something? Somebody like Alex Jones – who did say some things…” Greene said during a panel at CPAC Texas.

“But yet he is being politically persecuted right now and being forced to pay out millions and millions of dollars.. And no one agrees with what he said, but what we’re tired of is the political persecution,” she continued.

The Persecution of Alex Jones Is a War Against Us All

Amidst all of the fanfare and controversy, it is easy to overlook just how weak the defamation case against Jones really was.

The Sandy Hook parents mentioned above based their defamation claim on a 2017 NBC interview where Heslin said he held his son’s body after he was murdered. In a contemporaneous Infowars segment, reporter Owen Shroyer said that, “according to a timeline of events and a coroner’s testimony, that is not possible,” and Jones responded by calling Heslin to “clarify” his statements.

Otherwise, all of Jones’s “defamatory” behavior is premised on him making wild but vague allegations of a Sandy Hook false flag by unknown forces. Virtually all of the damages, meanwhile, are based on blaming Jones for the actions of people he doesn’t even know.

So I have a question for you, what if Alex wasn’t wrong? And that was the point of the podcast. I like data, I like information, don’t you? I think without good information people can’t make intelligent choices, or have informed opinions. So I’m going to give you one little refresher video clip of Eric Holder, who defied a congressional subpoena with absolutely no consequences, telling a bunch of Demoncrats that people need to be brainwashed about gun control.

That clip will be referred to in the podcast. Jeremy Nell is a cartoonist and podcaster from South Africa. Thus the name Jerm Warfare for his podcast, the warfare part refers to the information war. The war on information, as it is. He’s kind of like Joe Rogan in that he has interesting conversations with interesting people. His guest for this episode is James Fetzer. There are some points of this episode I vehemently disagree with. I’m sure you’ll figure out what, but before you dismiss the topic, Sandy Hook, I listened to the podcast, but this is the video version so all the evidence he presents, the photos and the like you can see for yourself. It’s about an hour and a half. There is some pretty compelling stuff. Either the school was open or it wasn’t. That’s covered.

But what if Alex was right? Obama signed something like 23? 27? New gun control laws right after Sandy Hook.

But what would you and your family do for a million and a half dollars? Yeah, that’s covered as well.

I’m not telling anyone what to think, I’m presenting you with a podcast with information and a question, what if Alex was right? Either way persecution for free speech is not ok and is having disastrous effects on this country. Grab a cup of coffee.

Direct link https://odysee.com/@jermwarfare:2/James-Fetzer-sandy-hook:2
