Tag Archives: Kanye West

Ye Yay or Nay?

A girlfriend sent me some very interesting material today, that I see as tying in together. This is a movie kind of column so I’ll wait while you get popcorn and a cup of coffee.

It seems a singer called Kanye West made some statements that are being called “antisemitic”. Well, that’s a bad thing in my world. She sent links to a couple of news stories so I checked them out.

‘I can say anti-Semitic things, and Adidas can’t drop me. Now what?’ As Kanye West taunts Adidas, calls grow for German sportswear giant to cut ties

“I can say anti-Semitic things, and Adidas can’t drop me. Now what? Now what?” Kanye is seen asking in a short video clip from the Oct. 16 episode of Drink Champs, a hip-hop community podcast hosted by N.O.R.E. and DJ EFN, which has since been taken down.

And ‘Kanye is right’ banner hung over 405 Freeway in LA adds to rising antisemitism fears

“So this group is very well known to ADL and to law enforcement. It’s a group that peddles their hate in this community throughout Southern California and across this nation. They use various tactics like you see with the leaflets, the banner that was dropped on the 405. Just earlier this year, they drove a bus through Beverly Hills. These propagandists, their goal is to provoke a response, to terrorize the communities they’re in. This time, particularly with the banner drop on the 405, however, it’s different,” explained Jeffrey Abrams, Anti-Defamation League Regional Director. “These hate groups are now leveraging the anti-Semitic tropes that Kanye West has been peddling on social media, on interviews, broadcast interviews. And so these groups that peddle in this hate are now leveraging Kanye, not just Kanye’s imprimatur, but that as well, his millions of followers and his business partners, companies like The Gap and like Adidas.”

The second article comes complete with a picture of about 4 activists on a bridge doing the Heil Hooter thingy straight arm salute. Geez, how very FIB… although I’m perfectly willing to admit in CA there could be at least 4 idiots as in the recall election Newsome rather than Larry Elder won the spot of Governor.

But what really made me start thinking “Wait a minute….what’s up with this?” was when I noticed one of the tweets urging Adidas to dump West was made by the disgraced Alexander Vindman who was part of the botched impeachment. Another thing that makes me skeptical is the ADL is involved. The ADL is far more a progressive political machine than an actual “Anti-defamation league”. You may have noticed this especially during President Trump’s term.

The ADL’s mea culpa must be followed by action

Since the Anti-Defamation League’s founding in 1913, its declared mission has been “to stop the defamation of the Jewish people.” Thus, many were concerned when Jonathan Greenblatt took over as CEO of the esteemed organization in 2015: While his resume was long on efforts for social good, including a stint in former President Barack Obama’s Office of Social Innovation, it conspicuously lacked positions combating antisemitism or serving a Jewish cause. Most of all, they worried that Greenblatt would fail to check his well-established liberal political leanings at the door of the nonpartisan organization and, in turn, inadequately address the new wave of Jew-hatred growing on the Left.

It took little time for Greenblatt to prove his skeptics correct; it took much longer for the crisis to reach the point at which his silence was no longer tenable. Writing in Newsweek earlier this month, Greenblatt finally conceded what should have been among his first priorities, saying that it’s “time to admit” that the Left has an antisemitism problem. His real admission was that he had been reluctant, and thus inexcusably tardy, to recognize what was already obvious to everyone not compromised by ideological blinders.

The ADL’s Islamophobia hypocrisy

The blame for this poisonous atmosphere can be put on the unorthodox behavior of U.S. President Donald Trump, as well as the “resistance” to his administration. But it was particularly discouraging to see the ADL dive into an argument largely driven by the impulse of the liberal opposition to oppose anything Trump does or wants. The stand of a group that has its primary brief—monitoring and opposing anti-Semitism and supporting Israel—provided nonpartisan cover to the Democrats.

The excuse for the ADL’s position was their claim that Pompeo was an anti-Muslim bigot. As the leading Jewish civil-rights group, it would be on firm ground in opposing the elevation of any individual to high office on those grounds. The only problem was that the accusation was not merely false, but exposed the ADL to charges of hypocrisy.

Then there is this PayPal’s Unholy Alliance With ADL Opens the Door to a Massive Security Breach. It makes me nervous when a group with a clear bias toward the communist left is the one calling the balls and strikes on what is hate, and then when it affects my finances? What the heck! Thanks for the article Y.B. Ben Avraham 😉

The other thing that makes me suspicious of this outrage is the timing. See Kanye or Ye as he wants to be called now just did an interview with….Tucker Carlson! Gasp! And worse, he said things like men should be responsible parents, they should raise their kids with values and aborting babies is a bad thing. Very right-wing racist stuff! If he doesn’t watch himself he like Larry Elder, will end up being the “black face of white supremacy”. Yeah, Larry Elder got called that. And worse, worse I say, is he openly supported President Trump! According to Beijing Biden that means he’s not even black! Here’s the whole terrifying interview.

Well, that didn’t take long, the original video disappeared, so here is another link from another site. This is one of those where someone reacts but they do show the whole interview I think. So.

Now, do I think he could have said some things a bit better? Oh HECK yes! There is no doubt. Do I think he’s thinking is a bit messed up? Oh HECK yes. It seems to me, that since large sectors of the entertainment industry is controlled by Jews, that means the whole thing is. And some of what he says is too close to the old “The Jews rule the world and control everything and they are out to screw you” canard. Ironic since I sent this message to my beloved Zehut group today in response to a message sent that Australia is moving/has moved their embassy from Jerusalem to Tel Aviv.

You know for a people that control the world, we’re doing something wrong. If we rule the world why are we apologizing and having to explain every time an Israeli citizen or soldier defends their life or the lives of others? Why is our acknowledgment of Jerusalem as our Capitol not just accepted? Why do we care what the world says when we take measures to deal with a group within our country that seeks it’s destruction?

We have just got to get a better grip on this ruling the world business!


But this kind of thinking just absolutely sets my teeth on edge. I get where he’s coming from, he’s looking at the concerts he’s losing, his new line of “White lives matter” t-shirts are going to need a new manufacture and he sees it all as coming from one group of people. Whether or not those people are actually practicing Judaism I have no clue. But it seems as though he is saying all these people are out to ruin me and they are all Jewish, so.

I don’t recall this kind of outrage from any of those people when Ilhan Omar said “It’s all about the Benjamins baby” when referring to Jewish interests. Or basically a bunch of what Rashida Tliar says, or what…. You get the idea. And worse, no one has replaced Omar in politics or Tliar. And presumably they have more influence on what happens that Kanye West.

But here’s another West interview on something called Drink Champs where he talks about the offending tweet, spelling matters Kanye, DEFCON, not Death Con, but I suspect he’s very aware of that now. I know it’s long, but it seems the relevant part is right at the front. Like I said, some of what he says I have real problems with, but I’m suspicious that some of the vitriol and attempts to cancel his platform may just well be related to some of the other messaging he’s sending out. Messaging that should be heard, and is righteous and that the left will most assuredly hate. It probably doesn’t help that he wants to buy Parler. Because free speech is something the left is trying to shut down at all costs.

And, as if to prove my point, that video is now available. So I’ve found you another link. They really are trying to shut this debate down.

So, Ye, Yay or nay, I’ll let you decide.
