At least he wasn’t beheaded…

Or had his family slaughtered in their beds.

A Chabad rabbi in Los Angeles has launched a mitzvah campaign called “Fighting Fire With Fire” after his car was torched in an arson attack that took place outside his home while the family was asleep during the night.


“We were awakened by the blaring of a car alarm and what sounded like gunfire, explosions and fireworks. It was 2 a.m. My wife and I ran out to see what was going on,” recounts the rabbi. “To our shock and disbelief, we saw our car engulfed in a blazing inferno of fire. There were explosions coming out of it every few seconds.

“We immediately woke up the children from their beds and we ran with them outside, far down the street, fearful that the fire would spread to the house.”

Rodal Arson

People always say that America is different, and thus immune to Jew Hatred.  Really?


Give it time.

It’s getting closer.



7 thoughts on “At least he wasn’t beheaded…”

  1. Dang, and I thought was going to lead to a Chabad pistol training class. Yes, trying to answer hate with reason is a good response. If reason doesn’t work, you need a backup to protect yourself and your loved ones. within easy reach. Perhaps now more than ever.

  2. With no intent to diminish the fine work of Chabad shluchim and their families the world over, DMLIII, you have provided the punchline I sought by the posting.

    My question to the good rabbi is this:

    “When you and the rebbetzin ran outside to see what the noise was about, were you armed? If not, you were fortunate fools. What better way for some evil people to lure you out into the open and have their way with you?”

  3. I live in a safe part of America. I don’t carry house-keys because we so rarely lock the house when we leave. There is nothing in there but things that make up a lifestyle – flatscreen TV’s, a few laptops, and the like (except for a safe for weapons). That’s what insurance is for. The doors are locked when we are home.

    Today, a slow, rainy Sunday afternoon, my 3 year old daughter is napping next to me and I have my carry pistol strapped on me. My home defense rifle sits in the corner of the room out of view but within easy reach (for the summer months, it’s a Saiga 12, winter it’s an AR 15 to penetrate heavy winter clothing – it gets COLD). I have 2 lives in my charge right now. When my wife comes home, that makes 3, another son makes 4.

    I now understand why Jews did so little as Hitler came to power. The good rabbi doesn’t want to think scary thoughts, and perhaps feel a need to act on them. He doesn’t want to be thought an alarmist. I don’t know how to say “It will be better soon.” in Yiddish, but I am sure those words were spoken far too often and far too late in the 1930’s and 1940’s.

    Within the Talmud, there are tracts promoting self-defense. I am not one for studying the Torah nor the Talmud, at times to my shame. I am the guy with a 45 and an extra mag under my tallis and suit, trying to remember how to bench at schul on the rare occasions I’m part of a minyan.

    I hope Jew-hatred retreats, but I have a back-up plan if it tries to visit me and mine.

    1. Exactly. They are not mutually exclusive. Mitzvot may be inspired sometimes by the dead, but are DONE by the living.

    2. And I am the guy sitting in the congregation (a little bit uncomfortably, with a G19 appendix carry) who will have your back should the SHTF.

  4. Good to know, GC and and YB.

    The first time adherents to the religion of peace meet a hail of lead attempting to murder Jews in a synagogue, will be the last time a synagogue is targeted.

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