He’s anything but a “well-regulated” writer

It seems that one Adam Gopnik, a distinctly artsy-craftsy type, has himself a long-time sinecure at the New Yorker.

It also seems he now considers himself qualified to sling bombast to the effect that “the second amendment is a gun control amendment.”

Further, it seems is absolutely obvious that he feels free to pontificate without any knowledge of what the words “well-regulated” meant to the 18th century writers of the Bill of Rights. AND he pompously blats his fetid opinions without even having a sufficient grasp of grammar to realize that the words “well-regulated” in the amendment don’t refer to firearms, but to the militia.

Must be nice to get and hold such a plumb job with such a high-status publication without actually having to know anything about your topic, or even about how to read a simple English phrase.


10 thoughts on “He’s anything but a “well-regulated” writer”

  1. I like the example sentence: “A nutritious breakfast, being necessary to good health, the right of the people to keep and eat food shall not be infringed.” It would take some mental gymnastics to consider the sentence to be about breakfast.

    1. True, badanov. Which makes it even worse that he’s so ignorant.

      And he’s been writing for the New Yorker for two decades. Which makes it even worse that he can’t read plain English.

  2. “…a distinctly artsy-craftsy type…”

    I understand what you’re getting at, but there are a few of us “artsy-craftsy types” around who are decidedly fascistic. Despite the fact that I live in the artsy-craftsy city of Toronto, in Canada (need I repeat myself?) I have a goodly number of rifles, shotguns and handguns. I hasten to add that they have all been obtained legally.
    I’ve also been in touch with another such type, one who makes greatly sensible comments in our National Post newspaper (online edition) and thus raises the ire of many of our leftist “superiors”. Like myself, he doesn’t care.
    I must say it’s great being an artsy-craftsy type because it’s always assumed that like most of my fellow artists, I have a natural moral superiority because my views are like their own… EXACTLY like their own. They’re not. And I have no shame in admitting this; in fact I rather enjoy a little “leftist-baiting” when the occasion arises.

    Thank you for your patience as you read all this. I’ll try to make all future comments, short and pithy.

    1. keelie — Salutes to a fellow, well-armed artsy-craftsy type!

      Um, not sure about being “decidedly fascistic,” though. I’m stickin’ with wild-eyed anarchist, myself. 😉

      1. Well Claire… Under the right set of circumstances I often use the word “Fascist” to describe myself, as I’m guaranteed to provoke a reaction that (for me) the words “wild eyed anarchist” will not provoke. I simple don’t have the look of the latter. But admitting that one is a Fascist is that much closer to the bone as it were.
        Mind you, I have to admit that when I use this word, my eyes tend to be full of some sort of humour; call it irony if you like.

    2. Keelie,
      Sorry for being so late to the fair. I just have to ask, how is it that you have the ability to own such firearms as rifles, shotguns, and handguns, legally, in Canada? I know that rifles and shotguns can be owned, somehow, but I never realized that you could own handguns in your country.

      I admit, I am being lazy, and could look up gun law in Canada. However, I would like to know also, your perspective on American’s and our RKBA. And if it is feasible to travel to Canada hunting and fishing while bringing ones own personal firearm with themselves. Perhaps even just traveling through, as in driving to Alaska, while transporting firearms.

      Again, sorry for being lazy, but also want your take on gun law from both sides of the border. And I want to tell you that being from Michigan, I love having you as a neighbor, and feel a bond between our countries like no others.

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