Kyle Rittenhouse Trial Approaches

The trial of the young man who was attacked by three different Antifa/BLM/Democrat storm troopers begins Monday, 1st November.

If you need some background on this, Bear did a great job covering it at the time.



In this day and age when words can be changed to mean whatever the social media giants, mainstream media aka #FakeNews attempt to twist them to mean, I find it a tiny bit encouraging that the judge in charge on the trial has said some very sensible things.

Judge Bruce Schroeder has standards, like actual guidelines that he follows and it doesn’t seem to matter to him what color the people are, what socio-economic level or anything else. They are like these principles that you apply to events. Shocking these days indeed.

Judge Schroeder has ruled that the prosecution is not allowed to call the three men that tried at various times to attack Kyle, or to shoot him “victims”.

Considering that the prosecution (someone that used to be interested in the law, and taking the side of law-abiding citizens) argued that just because one of the storm troopers was trying to burn down a gas station didn’t mean he deserved to be shot by Kyle, because just burning down a gas station doesn’t have anything to do with Kyle. Actually I believe it did. But if that’s the prosecutions approach probably a good thing the judge explained to him why you can’t call them victims.

Judge Schroeder stated the term “victim” is “loaded” because it assumes a degree of guilt by a defendant.

He did say they could call them arsonists, looters or rioters. Presumably because that is acts they were engaged in during the encounter.

He said the prosecution could elevate them to Fauxci level of sainthood if they thought it would help their case. Ok, I made that comparison up. But he did say they could “beatify” them. The judge seems to think the “victimhood” business will be decided by a jury, not the prosecutor who thinks “it’s just arson” or the MSM aka #FakeNews. Shocking eh what?

The trial is to determine did Kyle have reason to believe his life was in danger. I don’t think anyone who saw the video could come to any other conclusion.

This video is still up for the moment. It’s an eleven minute video with a timeline talking about what happened. It’s a good video, I think Lin Wood may have had something to do with the defense at this point. You will have to jump through about three hoops to see it.

I’m saying prayers for this young man.


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