If This Was America…

Democrats would ban high capacity stadiums.

Stampede at Indonesian Soccer Match Leaves 129 Dead and 180 Injured (VIDEOS)
A stampede at an Indonesian soccer match left 129 people dead on Saturday evening.
The deadly incident took place at the Kanjuruhan Stadium in the city of Malang in East Java province.

Of course, making attendees fill out 4473s and undergo background checks would probably trigger a riot in itself.

No one needs to attend a sporting event.


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One thought on “If This Was America…”

  1. No, they would just have to take off their shoes before entering. It get an excuse from their Doctor, saying why it is medically necessary for them to have proper footwear at all times. And in America, of course we would need a dept. with a budget and a staff to oversee the whole thing, ensuring compliance with all federal anti bias regulations.
    It would be called the American Cobbler Hazard Occupational Organization, or, ACHOO.
    No, I am not drinking, just amused at the things that we allow our government to get away with, in cooperation with media.

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