Tag Archives: false flag

Waving the (false) flag

First and foremost, I don’t know I wasn’t there.

You know, there have been massive Trump rallies going on all around the country, all year. Actually all around the world. I never realized how many people around the world loved President Trump till I watched the latest episode of Intellectual Froglegs. I think the part where he shows clips from all around the world is towards the beginning.

Intellectual Froglegs

What did all these have in common? Well, President Trump supporters never started any violence at any of them. Now local police departments stood down and allowed them to be attacked. And as I mentioned in this column DC police have forced President Trump supporters to walk through blm/antifa gauntlets before. Not exactly Officer Friendly, eh? But if there was violence, it wasn’t President Trump supporters that were starting it. And goodness knows it wasn’t police departments that were stopping it either. In fact, it seems blm were hiding behind the police. Apparently some foolish Trump supporters attempted to go to what is now called blm plaza. They didn’t realize only blm and antifa are allowed to go there and so police stopped them. They had to maintain law & order you see.

The Nationalist Review reports, “A Black Lives Matter supporter attacked an elderly Trump supporter this evening in Washington, leaving her face bruised and bloody. When other Trump supporters demonstrating for the president’s reelection struggle stepped in to protect the victim and request that the police arrest her assailant, the police responded by pepper spraying the entire group.”

Unsurprisingly, the resulted in a clear diminishing of support for “Back the Blue” amongst those sprayed by the police as they protected antifa/blm who are the only ones allowed to be in blm plaza (a previously public area known as Lafayette Square, part of President’s park).

A pro-Trump Marine went off on the DC Police after officers maced Stop the Steal protesters the night before Wednesday’s big rally.

Police have been using a very heavy hand with Trump supporters to protect the Antifa and Black Lives Matter militants who are gathered in BLM Plaza.

“You lost both sides of support. We had your f***ing back, but we ain’t got your back no more!” Trump supporters yell at police after they block access to BLM Plaza and make arrests of some of the group tonight #DC #WashingtonDC #January6th pic.twitter.com/M2syNacscv

— Brendan Gutenschwager (@BGOnTheScene) January 6, 2021

Which makes what happened at the capitol somewhat less surprising. According to one report, the DC police let a busload of antifa in.

According to a former FBI agent on the ground at the US Capitol, at least one bus load of Antifa goons infiltrated the Trump rally as part of a false flag operation.

Chaos erupted at the US Capitol building on Wednesday after Vice President Mike Pence announced he would not block Biden’s electors.

Trump supporters are being blamed for all of the violence and chaos but according to a former FBI agent, Antifa has infiltrated the Trump rally.

At some point things at the rally began to go south and some people started trying to break windows. Some questions are raised if they really were Trump supporters as Trump supporters tried to stop them.

President @realDonaldTrump supporters pulling Antifa terrorists away from building. There’s plenty of these videos. Why isn’t the #mainstreammedia reporting? pic.twitter.com/ItzN2YWETL

— Bernard B. Kerik (@BernardKerik) January 7, 2021

One would think Bernie Kerik would know a bit about law and order.

Yes! Trump supporters tried to stop breaking of windows more than once —even ended fighting with them. I was there watching n taping! pic.twitter.com/Ah0klHv4Fw

— Emma Right (@emmbeliever) January 7, 2021

Trump Supporters Stop ‘Antifa’ From Breaking Windows at Capitol

Videos taken of Trump supporters gathered at the West Front of the Capitol during Wednesday’s protest show that they stopped a person whom they believed to be an Antifa thug who was trying to break windows in the Capitol. In one of the videos, Trump supporters can be heard calling out, “Don’t break the window!” “No Antifa! No Antifa!” as several Trump supporters intervened and stopped the attack by someone dressed and acting like Antifa but with a Trump sticker on the back of their helmet.


Violence by Antifa on the south side where Trump supporters were told to March to. Supporters stopped the breakage but he started again later. MSM keeps saying it’s Trump https://t.co/0EIewoCwxb’s not. pic.twitter.com/eYLD3FlKiG

— Emma Right (@emmbeliever) January 7, 2021

Then there was that storming of the capitol business.

It didn’t look all that violent.

Nor did this part after they were inside. ONE officer? Really? I want to know who was filming.

Some of the pictures from inside raised questions for me. The guy in the “viking” hat for one. I’ve read he was at a blm rally in Arizona wearing the same outfit, and on the Chris Salcedo show he said someone told him the guy really is a Trump supporter. Seems odd to me, usually it’s antifa you see running around missing part of their wardrobe.

Then there is this picture

A false flag?

Some of these people in the photo look like antifa that someone plunked a MAGA hat down on their heads. The photo just looks off to me.

Then we have a wider angle shot, in which the guy on the viking’s right has a communist tattoo.

Journalist Tayler Hansen who was attacked by antifa earlier this year recognized some of the people there as antifa.

CNN (communist news network) did interview someone that was there. CNN #FakeNews like to stick with who they are comfortable with though. Activist Interviewed by CNN Who Stormed Capitol Building Is Radical Leftist from Utah Who Threatened on Video to “Rip Trump from White House”

Meet BLM criminal John Sullivan was arrested for threats and violence against conservatives in Utah!

John was interviewed on CNN about the film he took inside the CAPITOL of Ashli Babbit lying in a pool of blood dying – WHY was he there?

Listen to John threaten Trump & Violence pic.twitter.com/uAVM6y1NxT

— Amy Mek (@AmyMek) January 7, 2021

Utah citizens are so terrified of Antifa/BLM John Sullivan they begged authorities to protect them from him!

Wonder why this left-wing criminal who was arrested for rioting in the past was at the capitol? https://t.co/CXFs0Rv6vf

— Amy Mek (@AmyMek) January 7, 2021

Another thing that causes me to question this is that the police did attack some of the protesters, without provocation. “We had No Weapons. We Were Peaceful. They Started Shooting At Us.” Police Attacked Protesters With Pepper Spray, Tear Gas and Clubs.

We had no weapons. We were peaceful. They started shooting at us.” Protesters at today’s event in DC. Another protester saw the police fire tear gas on the protesters for no reason. They also beat people with their sticks:

Which makes it all the odder that the ones that originally entered the capitol met with almost no resistance initially, well, till the capitol police started shooting unarmed Trump supporters.

According to The Blaze, two conservative journalists very familiar with antifa say it wasn’t antifa behind it.

I think there is good reason to think they absolutely had a hand in it. Conservatives don’t destroy statues, antifa/blm do. Conservatives don’t damage buildings, antifa/blm does.

If you know the nature of a critter, you are less surprised by what it does. That’s true with animals four legged and two legged.

The result? Only a handful of senators stood firm against vote fraud. Only a few of our elected politicians felt the American people were worth standing up for. We weren’t asking for the results to be overturned, we were asking for an investigation. The proposal was five senators, five representatives and five supreme court justices to investigate the massive amount of voter “irregularities”. Free and fair elections are a thing of the past. I hear talk show hosts talking about yeah, it’s going to be a rough couple of year, but boy in two years! Fools. The steal succeeded. No one has been called to account, and it doesn’t seem anyone will be. When crime is allowed to succeed, it grows.

Perhaps it’s who gets to determine what is crime. ABC is calling for Trump supporters to be cleansed from America. That’s not a crime. The violence of the last four years by blm/antifa has not been considered a crime by the the MSM #FakeNews, or democratic politicians. The FIB, the courts, the #FakeNews and the DOJ have seen no evidence of voting irregularities. Well, one would have to open their eyes for that to happen. So apparently crime is now a subjective, not objective term. The disgraced FIB has decided what they consider “crime” FBI Has Already Put Together a List of “MAGA Most Wanted” From Yesterday – Considering Adding President Trump so working for the country and American citizens apparently doesn’t concern them much. I don’t believe I heard of them putting together a list of antifa/blm that were torching cities, beating and killing people and attack police, but hey, if you’re the protected class, all that was “mostly peaceful”.

Meanwhile Mike Pence is pulling out his shiny new 30 pieces of silver and holding them up to the light and admiring how they sparkle. He contemplated his selling out of the American Republic and Israel to the Communists that hate them both. He was heard to mutter “I can’t believe they gave me this much for the American people and the Republic! I never thought they were worth this much!”


I’d like to know more about the MO Walmart clown

When I heard about the idiot who went “shopping” at the Springfield, MO Walmart in body armor and carrying two AR-pattern rifles, I was immediately suspicious. It didn’t sound like the usual open-carry activist simply slinging a rifle as he went about his business.

My guess was that he’d turn out to be a left-winger trying to make a statement about how the ready availability of “assault weapons” is dangerous, so we need more gun control.

Today, I saw this report identifying him: Dmitriy Nickolayvich Andreychenko, with two interesting data points.

The first is that he’s charged with “making a terroristic threat in the first degree.”

Open carry is lawful in Missouri. Previous witness reports said he wasn’t doing anything overtly threatening, but was just going through the store with a shopping cart and phone. That doesn’t warrant the charge. If he was an OC demonstrator, I’d expect nothing but a disorderly conduct charge of some sort, and a stern lecture about judgement.

But… if he told cops he was doing as I surmised above — scaring people to make an anti-gun political point — that supports the terroristic threat charge.

The next data point comes at the tail end of the report. He’s from Portland, OR, home of the more virulent Pantifa types.

Heavy.com‘s report of his social media accounts (everything seems to have been scrubbed by the time I looked), does make him sound more like an RKBA type, but I wonder…

A 20 year-old from Portland deliberately doing something that makes honest gun owners look bad, at the worst possible time, charge with 1st degree threatening. Who likes to go masked.

Who do we know who like to do that?

[Permission to republish this article is granted so long as it is not edited, and the author and The Zelman Partisans are credited.]

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