Tag Archives: media loons

You Heard That Where?

The attack in South Carolina was the latest in a series of horrors that have occurred in Gun Free Zones. And the roaches have been scurrying out of the woodwork. To no one’s great surprise Hillary said she still hates law abiding citizens and can’t wait to see them dead. Well, sort of, she might have phrased it more like a politician, but that’s the essence of it. Barry of course has been saying that for years. His name IS still barry this week, right?

But to the subject at hand. It has come out that the alleged killer (Lt. Col. Grossman says we do not use mass murders names, the name can fade to oblivion) chose the church because it was a gun free zone and didn’t have security. Like other mass killers, some of them elected politicians, they wants disarmed victims.

But the reporting on the incident is interesting. Actually reporting, chuckle, chuckle, is interesting. When the police HQ in Dallas were attacked a CNN anchor called it “brave”. Why yes, that is the same CNN that has been caught using footage of fully automatic weapons being fired while reporting on a story about semi-automatic weapons. More than once.

Then we have a guest on MSNBC who stated that had anyone there been able to defend themselves it would have been amazing if even three people had been left alive. Seriously. Disarmed, defenseless (now dead) people are safer. I’m sure MSNBC’s 11 viewers nodded along sagely.


So MSNBC and CNN both favor disarmed victims, and CNN thinks that an attack on Police is brave. Well, she is in great company. Hamas recently declared the death and wounding of a disarmed hiker and a friend as a “Heroic Operation”. Apparently Danny Gonen and a friend had been hiking were heading back when a peaceful Arab waved them down asking for help. They stopped and he asked for water. Then shot them.

So where did you hear that? If it was on CNN, or MSNBC (in case of it’s 11 viewers stumbled onto our site) you might mull over the view point with which it’s being reported. CNN thinks it’s brave to attack police and MSNBC thinks if you can defend yourself and have a chance to fight to live you are less safe. Which is probably why I’ve heard talk show host Mark Levin call them MSLSD. At least hamass is more honest in this case. They hate Israel and are happy to see innocent defenseless people slaughtered. What does that say about the mainstream news media. Seriously, if they can’t even report a news story that has already happened, why would you trust them with a weather forecast?

As a side note, the South Carolina shooter had a view on Jews as well.

Unlike many White nationalists, I am of the opinion that the majority of American and European Jews are White. In my opinion the issue with the Jews is not their blood, but their identity.  I think that if we somehow could destroy the Jewish identity, then they wouldnt [sic] cause much of a problem. The problem is that Jews look White, and in many cases are White, yet they see themselves as minorities. Just like niggers [sic], most jews [sic] are always thinking about the fact they are jewish [sic]. The other issue is that they network. If we could somehow turn every jew [sic] blue for 24 hours, I think there would be a mass awakening, because people would be able to see plainly what is going on.

I do not pretend to understand why jews [sic] do what they do. They are enigma [sic].

Yes indeedy. That pesky Jewish identity…..must erase that pesky Jewish identity. Got news you piece of pond scum fish excrement, others have tried, others will try, others are trying now. Abe Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League is not the answer. The old sticks and stones thing. Armed Synagogues, armed Churches now we are talking answers. There is one higher and greater that I believe will have something to say about erasing the Jewish identity.

Thank you Y.B. Love this one!


Block Party in Baltimore

I have watched with horror the carnage taking place in Baltimore. It brings back memories of the riots in the 60s in the area I lived at the time. My Dad drove into the city to get his Mom out and bring her out to our house in the suburbs where she would be safer. Scary stuff for a little kid. I was worried about my Dad and my Grandma.

I watched the breakdown of society in Baltimore. Do black businesses matter? Does black owned homes and property matter? Do human lives matter? Firefighters were fired on like they were in Ferguson, fire hose was cut. At night, when families are presumably asleep in their beds, row homes were set on fire. The police seemed powerless to stop the carnage.

Let’s compare and contrast shall we with the Rodney King riots in 1992?  Now I picked this particular video to illustrate two things. First, there was part of town that was untouched by the riots, and I think why will be very apparent. Two because the news readers are so darn stupid. I mean talk about missing the big picture. If you listen to what they are fixated on it’s mind numbing. A town is burning, one section of town is being left alone, it’s obvious why, and rather than discuss that and perhaps learn something they choose to chase the ideology. Well, they don’t call it the lamestream media for nothing I suppose.

But the government is usually there to protect life and property, right?


One of these things is not like the other. Is it?
