Tag Archives: VCDL

Virginia: Trading One Right for Another

January 20, 2020 will be the VCDL‘s Lobby Day, and thousands opposed to the massive gun people control push by the Democrats are expected to turn out. Governor Coonman is so fearful of his constituents that he has declared a state of emergency and will make Capitol Square a “gun-free” zone. He’s doing that citing some “threats” which look suspiciously like false flags designed to give him that very excuse. But I’m cynical. Or realistic; you decide.

Capitol Square will be fenced off, with a single pedestrian entrance where everyone will have to go through a metal detector. Those who wish to enter for the purpose of exercising their First Amendment right to petition the government must surrender their Second Amendment rights.

It may be a little late to coordinate this, but I have a suggestion.

First, the rally will happen. It’s time for naysayers to be quiet; adults are talking.

VCDL has arranged for organizers for specific legislators. Attendees are already being asked to make contact with them. Good; do that. But those organizers should have sign-in sheets so they document exactly how many people are there to petition their legislator. Those sheets should be given to lobbyists who are actually entering the Capitol building to speak to legislators.

Those lobbyists are the only people who should go through the metal detector. They go in, wave their sign-in sheets, and tell legislators, “Look. I’m here representing these [insert count] people who oppose your unconstitutional proposals.”

All other attendees should refuse to enter Capitol Square, and simply surround the perimeter outside of the fence. Peacefully. Your presence will still be visible, making whatever point you wanted. And you’ll be making the additional point that you won’t be disarmed.

I would have preferred that this be a Virginian operation, with out-of-staters staying away. As is, the media will highlight non-Virginians to claim that VCDL had to import protestors because not enough real Virginians oppose these bills.

They have asked that people avoid a militant appearance, because for VCDL’s intent it’s bad optics. That’s good. I hope folks go along. Tactical gear, ARs and AKs, and scary militant slogans aren’t going to suddenly persuade the Democrat delegates, Democrat senators, and Democrat governor that, “Well, gosh. We were wrong; these are just peaceable, reasonable, nonviolent people who make an excellent point.” Militant appearance and behavior at a lobbying event reinforces their belief that mere citizens are too dangerous to be trusted with arms.

If I’d been planning this, I’d have set up the rally as a silent protest outside, with everyone dressed as neatly as possible in their everyday work attire, to drive home the real point that we are just ordinary citizens, not nutjobs.

And that would make the few actual nutjobs — and the inevitable false flag types — stand out so they could be disowned and dealt with properly.

I wish Virginia the best of luck on Monday. As is, they’re going to need it.

[Permission to republish this article is granted so long as it is not edited, and the author and The Zelman Partisans are credited.]

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