To Keep Them Safe

On 16 July 2015 a observant member of the religion of peace shot up military recruiting center in a strip mall, and then proceeded on to a Naval reserve center. The price tag for this particular member of the religion on peace having a rampage is one dead sailor and four dead marines. I suppose the correct way to put it is “having a rampage”, perhaps “pitching a hissy fit”? Well, if the government initially said it had it may have had no connection to terror, it can lead to confusion. To paraphrase a couple of things I read on FaceBook that may account for this confusion perhaps it was “Fluffy’s” yells of “Jesus loves you and died for your sins” as he killed the service members that confused the trained government investigators. “Fluffy” is the name I’m choosing to use as I also chose not to give slime the fame it desires. These attacks follow attacks in Little Rock, Fort Hood, The Naval Shipyard. I’m not sure why the government had such a hard time determining that the attacks were related to Islam “The Religion of Peace” considering that ISIS had been sending out tweets as warnings according to Pam Geller who posted some nice screen shots. Of course poor little Andrea over at MSLSD tried to lead her 4 viewers down the garden path by attempting to persuade them that “Fluffy”was just your typical rural Tennessee woodsman, what with hunting, fishing and all. The fact that “Fluffy” worked at a nuclear power plant for 10 days didn’t seem to distress little Andrea nearly as much. Those MSLSD news readers are as confused as BHO about things. It could be because The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria doesn’t actually have anything to do with Islam according to BHO’s Orwellian speech. In fact, after the terrorist attack by “Fluffy” the only comments made by BHO were regarding Ramadan.

“Michelle and I would like to extend our warmest wishes to Muslims in the United States and around the world celebrating Eid-ul-Fitr,” a statement from the president read.“As Muslims mark the end of the month, they are reminded that Ramadan is a time to reflect spiritually, build communally, and aid those in need. While Eid marks the end of Ramadan, it marks a new beginning for each individual — a reason to celebrate and express gratitude on this holiday.”

Perhaps no one had told him about the yells involving something about Allah and the snackbar. Yes, I got that one off FaceBook too.

Why is this important? Because BHO does not yet realize who the enemies of America are. Now, I will admit that perhaps he doesn’t consider the enemies of America as his enemies. Perhaps they aren’t, since he just gave them nuclear weapons and a pile of money and the technology to defeat any attack Israel might wage against the reactor. But they are in fact, enemies of the country of America.

There was an interesting opinion piece in Slate, that points these attacks on our military personnel state side are not considered terrorist attacks, but valid targets. Why? Because how many times BHO has bragged about taking out their training centers. They are paying back in kind. They don’t much care that while the people in their training bases are armed to the teeth, our recruiting stations and military bases were made toothless by the rabid Clinton regime. Yes, the Clinton regime decided military bases would be safer if everyone was a victim waiting to happen. Liberals do not love our military I do not believe. BHO, as the Clinton regime, has been no supporter of the military. It’s almost as though he sees them as the enemy.

Ordinary everyday Americans have a much different view of our military than this though. Around the country ordinary, everyday American Sheepdogs have been showing up armed to protect THEIR military recruiting stations. I believe quite a few of those showing up are veterans of the military themselves. This is happening in different places around the country, not just in Chattanooga.

Interestingly, this comes about the same time BHO has decided to apply the same techniques used by the disgrace known as The Veteran’s Administration. The Veteran’s Administration under the Clinton regime began to use the force of the V.A. and the Department of inJustice against veterans. The BHO regime is just following along the Alinsky path of disarmament, this time using the Social Security Administration.

If Social Security, which has never participated in the background check system, uses the same standard as the VA, millions of its beneficiaries would be affected. About 4.2 million adults receive monthly benefits that are managed by “representative payees.”

So now the Clintons have disarmed a group of people that were willing to give their lives to protect this country and BHO is disarming a group of people made vulnerable by age, probably a good portion of them Veterans as well.

Popular Communist opinion on guns.
Popular Communist opinion on guns.

These people are not the enemies of America. These are not the people that are shooting up military bases and recruiting stations.

If you can not identify and name your enemy, you can not win the fight. It is as though BHO has identified his enemy, and we have met this enemy. It is US. ~~Pogo.


4 thoughts on “To Keep Them Safe”

  1. Just this past weekend I am flying across country and there is a “member of the religion of peace” (dresses in religious clothing) going thru security at the same time as I and who do you think was getting the twice over by TSA, NOT HIM!!! but a little old lady in a wheel chair!!!

    We are screwed up in this country and it ain’t just under Obama but it was also under W. We need to profile all “members of the religion of peace” until “the members of the religion of peace” at least starts cleaning up their own house and if they don’t they are just as guilty as the terrorist themselves!

  2. The Obamarhoid knows perfectly well who the enemies of our country are……………because he is one!

    Along with every elected “official” that violates his or her oath of office.


  3. [I’m not sure why the government had such a hard time determining that the attacks were related to Islam]

    Well, this is much the same as saying the Civil War was fought over slavery. Yeah, slavery was a factor, but not in the way the Ministry of Propaganda says it was.

    This attack was blowback, plain and simple. It would have happened no matter what the dominant religion in the Middle East was. Imperialist meddling in other countries? Don’t be surprised when they bite back once in a while.

    As to enemies, I know who my real enemies are. They all live in and around Washington, DC.

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